Draft Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council held on 3rd March 2016 at the Council Chambers, East Linton Present Ms A Cosgrove Mr M Strachan, Mr J Robson Mr R Russel, Mr B Craighead Mr J Swift, Ms L Shaw-Stewart Mr E Martin, Mrs A Jolly Mr G Gray WARD PRIORITIES
Other issue discussed relating to Dunpender area included: -Dog fouling in East Linton park (Community Warden to be made aware) 4.1 Short presentation by Holder Planning, agent for Stewart Milne Homes Planning Application Notice submitted to ELC to develop at site identified in Local Plan at Orchardfield - 120 homes = 1 to 5 bed. Holder Planning/Stewart Milne Homes had held an exhibition during the afternoon Thurs 3/3 - where approx. 60-70 people attended. SMH have been undertaking traffic surveys and would intend to make part of Pencraig Hill entrance to East Linton, 40mph. HP/SMH now intend to work on detailed planning application to submit to ELC in April 2016. 4.2 Short presentation by Alex Orr, agent for Barratt/David Wilson Homes and Barratt/David Wilson Homes No Planning Application Notice submitted yet. Currently undertaking preliminary studies round site at identified at Preston Mains Farm ñ next to The Dean. Up to 150 houses planned. 4.3 Roads/pavements Kenneth and Philip Gray from Preston Mains Farm noted an issue regarding a concrete wall under Preston Road being undermined by River Tyne ñ Cllr Veitch to follow up with Calum Redpath, ELC. Pothole at Bridgend temporary fix has now been permanently fixed satisfactorily. Cllr Veitch reported that a TRO must be submitted regarding proposed changes to Lauder Place. Existing height warning signs have been reviewed and found to be appropriate however DCC reiterated request for signage at the top of the road and the removal of 2 x pillars. Cllr Veitch to follow up at ELC. Road department at ELC had undertaken surveys and found that the road was lightly trafficked. Cllr Veitch reported that a defect notice has been served on the utility company who undertook the work on the pavement outside Co-op. Cllr Veitch reported that ELC will soon start work on new school restriction zones throughout ELC ñ East Linton is one of top 4 so expected to be near the top of the list. Cllr Veitch and Mr Craighead attended a recent Monks Muir meeting - may be able to use some DELAP money ñ interested in purchasing lighting at a cost of around £20k. No request has yet been made to DELAP. Monks Muir residents still have speeding concerns regarding A199 past Monks Muir entrance - Cllr Veitch has explained to residents that a speed restriction is not possible at the moment (currently 60mph, national speed limit) and discussions are ongoing. Cllr Veitch received a response to letter sent to Network Rail re. painting railway bridge - NR will get back in touch with Cllr Veitch when investigated. 4.4 ELDA Mr Russel will write ELDA article for April. 4.5 Area Partnerships DELAP - £1,000 is available to each area to help celebrate the Queens 90th birthday - coming from Scottish Government via ELC. Dunpender to receive £250 as one of 4 x community councils. DCC members discussed ideas for use of this money:- - installing a public drinking fountain suggestion ñ however this will entail ongoing costs to maintain -commemorative medal to school children - a party for children in the Community hall? DCC members will think about above suggestions and any other ideas and discuss at next meeting. No report from NBAP. 4.6 Meetings Attended Mr Craighead attended the CAPP meeting on Thursday 24 February 2016. Mr Craighead attended the recent Monks Muir meeting. Ms Cosgrove attended an ELC meeting re. local Plan/Plans for Cockenzie Power Station Site /City Deal for Edinburgh. Ms Cosgrove to attend a Fisheries Local Action Group meeting on Tuesday 9th March - £1m has been allocated for Borders/Fife/ East Lothian. Mr Robson attending next Tarmac meeting. Mr Craighead asked if they would sponsor new chairs for Community Hall - Mr Robson to bring up at meeting. Ms Cosgrove asked if he would find out if the Small Grants Scheme which LaFarge had promoted was still ongoing. Mr Strachan suggested Mr Craighead and Mr Robson register to receive grants funding information available from ELC. 4.7 Paths Regarding the fence at Andrew Meikle Grove pond, SUDs pond not adopted as expected by Scottish Water. Now assumed to be developer responsibility or residents'. Mrs Priest and Cllr Veitch to meet with residents. There is also an Andrew Meikle Grove Tenants and Residents Association meeting next week - Cllr Veitch to come along if he can. Hacking & Paterson Property Factor deals with residents ñ regarding maintenance of playpark, common grounds etc. Mr Martin asked how to get ELC to adopt a road re. privately owned road in Whitekirk? Cllr Veitch advised. 5.0 Treasurer's Report/LP budget Current Account £818.10 Grants Account £1,184.45. The Local Priorities spreadsheet, previously circulated to DCC Members, showing 2/3rds of budget spent, leaving nearly 1/3rd to "carry-over" to 2016/2017 (£5,784.74 committed /£3,915.17 spent/£1,869.57 carry over). Figures agreed with Mrs Lilian Pryde (ELC). 6.0 Traprain and Whittingehame At the DCC meeting in January, Mrs Shaw-Stewart reported deep flooding on Stenton Road, coming from Stenton towards Whittinghame. Unsure if any progress has been made with this ñ Cllr Hampshire was to follow up. 7.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk and Markle issues Mrs Jolly reported that Scottish Ambulance Service Training was held in Tyninghame on 26th February. DCC were hoping to put Tyninghame's defibrillator in the bus shelter where there is already electricity and light. Electrician has advised that wiring from cafe to bus shelter is not suitable. Alternative suggestion discussed - at the back of the village hall with lights and signs. Quote provided - £294/£245 without VAT - possible if ask to invoice ELC. Mrs Jolly thanked for all her hard work in promoting this in Tyninghame. The Community Warden has visited Tyninghame re. dog fouling Mrs Jolly has remonstrated with 2 dog owners who didn't pick up after their dogs - warned them they will be reported to Community Warden next time and that the fine is £60. Unsure if law/fine enforceable on Tyninghame Estate land. Mr Swift noted that at last LAF, LAF Chair, Jim Wylie, Chair mentioned that NFU are attempting to criminalise dog fouling in fields. There was a death recently at Markle crossing. The metal highways sign saying Whitekirk, on the west side, is battered and twisted - this will be replaced by ELC Roads department †this financial year, funded by NBAP. The electrics and base plate fixing for a speed indicator sign at Whitekirk is part of the approved improvements list at ELC and will be done next financial year. The location will be discussed with DCC before fixing - the intention was on the Merrylaws Road approach to the Whitekirk. Mr Martin also reported that the AGM of the Whitekirk Community Company is on 26th February, where broadband provision for the area was discussed. 8.0 Planning See presentations at 4.1 and 4.2. Whitekirk Golf Club has closed its doors. Cllr Goodfellow has advised that planning permission is still valid and that it is possible to sell the land/buildings with planning permission DCC shall keep in mind re. other potential developments ñ 42 houses planned at Whitekirk/120 possible at Pencraig/up to 150 possible at Preston Mains Farm. Preston Mains was not in Local Plan. Local Plan not yet finalised and adopted - currently in draft stage. The issue of staged payments for planning gain for education for the Whitekirk housing application was considered, and Cllr Veitch thought Cllr Berry or Cllr Goodfellow would be in a position to advise. No update regarding the biodigester. 9.0 Public transport/RAGES Local Rail Group meeting was held 2 weeks ago - MSPs, RAGES members, Cllrs attended. Leaders of ELC and SBC have requested a meeting with the Transport Minister, to look at how funding for stations at East Linton and Reston can be met. Hopefully meeting would be this side of the Holyrood election. East Linton train station plans are at an important stage. Next bus forum meeting on 27th April. 10.0 Tourism initiatives/ongoing projects Application for planning permission for Miller Homes Artwork has been made according to ELC Arts Officer, however no planning application has been seen by DCC members. Plan to put in Memorial Park. Artists awaiting further instruction. Mr Robson to send round photo of artwork as reminder. Ms Cosgrove and Mrs Priest have been moving forward with Noble centenary plans - has talked to ELC staff and visited John Gray Centre ñ plans being put into place. Mr Strachan reported that Dave Rutherford, ELC had been in touch requesting work for community payback team. Mr Strachan suggested St Baldred's Well, Stories Park bench, Rennie Place path and River Tyne path. Hailes path also discussed, however this is a big job. £100 to be allocated from Local Priorities for supporting this work. Mr Craighead, Mr Robson and Mr Russel to liaise with Dave Rutherford, ELC. 11.0 Correspondence & consultations |