Present Mrs J Priest Ms A Cosgrove, Mr J Robson, Mr B Craighead, Mr E Martin, Ms L Shaw-Stewart, Mr J Swift, Mr G Gray, Mr R Russel
In attendance Cllr N Hampshire, Cllr J Goodfellow, Mrs D Tsang, Ms S Boyle, Ms K Smith, Mrs Jill Taylor (Minutes)
1.0 Apologies Cllr M Veitch, Mr M Strachan, Ms A Jolly, Ms A Pearson
2.0 Minutes of previous meeting held on 3rd December 2015
Amendments as follows:-
5.0 Planning Matters
Application finalised ELCís Draft Local Plan has been finalised. ELC to approve plan, currently in draft form, reported Cllr Hampshire.
6.0 Treasurerís Report
Council Grants Account - £484 £404.84 to Dunbar Garden Centre
10.0 Public transport/RAGES
Cllr Veitch Mrs Cosgrove has met with Harry Barker, Chair of Community Rail Partnership.
3.0 Police Report
Submitted by email by PC Gavin Ross and read by Mrs Priest:-
Since the last police report of 3rd December 2015 there have been some incidents of note in the Dunpender Community Council area. There may be more incidents but due to the nature of these or ongoing investigations I cannot give full details.
Road Safety
th December 2015 and three van drivers were warned and moved.
Antisocial Behaviour
On the evening of the 4th December whilst checking for fallen trees police saw a car parked in the car park for Newbyth Woods. Concerned for the occupants safety regarding falling trees officers approached the car. The stench of cannabis was obvious so the occupants were searched and one male has been charged for possession of cannabis.
On the evening of 27th December a number of calls were received about a drunken male in the square causing a disturbance. He was traced and sent on his way.
Continued patrols by Community Warden Jimmy Wilson.
Overnight 4th to 5th December, a garage at Tyninghame House was entered and searched. Items were moved but nothing stolen.
Other incidents
On the evening of 4th December a number of trees came down on the East Linton to North Berwick Road as well as between Newbyth and Binning Woods. ELC were very prompt to attend and remove the obstructions.
In general the last few months have been extremely quiet in East Linton compared to other areas; long may it continue. To assist this trend please spread the message to make sure vehicles, out buildings and properties are secure overnight.
CAPP priorities:
The Dunbar CAPP took place on Wednesday 25th November 2015.
Priorities:- dog fouling
- parking issues
th January 2016
4.0 Matters Arising
4.1 Paths
Mrs Priest suggested asking Jon Champion to re-gravel round St Baldredís Well at a cost of £60 ñ agreed.
Reg Drysdale, resident in Andrew Meikle Grove, has been in contact about sustainable urban drainage system in AMG. There has been no word of a better fence and there is a levelling pipe there. SUDs are approved by Scottish Water and there is no requirement to fence these in so this may remain an unresolved issue. Mrs Priest to contact Miller Homes to request fence as a gesture of goodwill. Fence could keep children out. Discussion around playpark in same location ñ should this be fenced off from dogs? Cllr Hampshire explained that there has been a decision by ELC to ask each developer, in future, to pay into a pot then create one large playpark or improve existing playparks rather than each development having smaller playparks.
At last monthís meeting, Ms Pearson reported a query from Kippielaw resident, Mr Elder, who was concerned about charge being enforced for coastal car park at Tyninghame, however no facilities were provided i.e. litter bins. DCC have now received a response from Neil Clark, ELC, Countryside Ranger. ELC want people will pick up their own litter and take it home and have no plans to put a bin there. Cllr Hampshire suggested using funds from NBAP to buy a compactor, which sends a radio signal to Council when it needs emptying. Mr Swift asked why ELC donít have a blanket policy ñ why are there bins some places in East Lothian? That we should get something back if paying for parking. Suggestion of sturdy sign asking people to take rubbish home. Mr Russel to follow up with Neil Clark.
Mrs Priest had forwarded information provided by ELC to Lauder Place residents, explaining also that Cllr Veitch was researching if a possible height (top of road) and width (top and bottom of road) was possible.
Twentys Plenty pilot proposal for East Linton will be coming to ELC Committee soon. This does not include some parts of East Linton requested ñ such as Drylaw Terrace. Decision made to wait for pilot then ask for roads that have been excluded to be included if pilot shows this to be necessary.
East Lintonís School Road is on the list for a trial under the Safer Streets initiative.
4.3 ELDA
Mrs Priest to write ELDA article.
The bus shelter has been moved as requested and trees were cut. Residents have requested lighting in bus shelter after the bus failed to stop in time for people waiting in the dark. Residents to be advised to contact ELC Transportation department.
5.0 Planning Matters
2 approaches from agents representing Barratt David Wilson Homes and Stewart Milne regarding developing on Pencraig side of East Linton ñ identified in MIR response as ëleast worstí area for East Linton. Holder Planning, agent for Stewart Milne Homes are holding a public meeting in Community Hall on 23/2. Discussion around renewable energy ñ would it be a condition for planners? There are Scottish Government building regulations change next year, developers rushing through plans to get them through before the change. Mrs Tsang, Ms Smith and Ms Boyle raised their concerns on behalf of some East Linton Primary school parents ñ concerned about impact to primary and secondary schools and also impact on traffic & parking in whole village and specifically East Linton High Street. Cllr Hampshire stated that impact to schools would be considered and that there was to be a planned extension to Dunbar Grammar in summer 2016. Concerned parents asked to take concerns to MSP and list MSP ask them what are they going to do to try and ensure that local feelings are taken into account in terms of planning policy.
Cllr Hampshire noted the concerns of the community ñ however noted again that East Lothian Council had no option but to follow Scottish Governmentís directive to find land for 10,000 houses ñ the majority planned to be in the west of the county. In DCCís response to local plan, suggested that 150 houses in Dunpender area (42 of these at Whitekirk) would be acceptable over next 10 years. 25% of houses must be affordable ñ Council or HA, shared or low cost ownership. Parents also noted concerns around architechtural style in comparison to rest of East Linton.
DCC also received correspondence from Belhaven Bikes re. Sustaining Dunbar/Auction Mart being in competition with existing business. Members did not think this would be a problem.
6.0 Treasurer’s Report
Current Account £784.10, including ELC refund (from Local Priorities Budget) of £588.26
Council Grants Account £1,184.09
Local Priorities spreadsheet previously circulated showed balance of £234 uncommitted funds.† All cheques covering over £800 of donations had been processed, thank you received from both RAGES and Senior Citizens Club.† A £50 start-up donation was agreed for Andrew Meikle Grove Residents Association, leaving £184 uncommitted in the Local Priorities budget for 2015/2016.
7.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk and Markle issues
There has recently been flooding at Markle ñ across road.
Mrs Jolly reported by email that she had not yet spoken to all residents as was intended, however, the residents she has spoken to were keen on training and the defibrillator and she will be progressing this in the next week.
8.0 Traprain & Whittingehame issues
Mrs Shaw-Stewart reported deep flooding on Stenton Road, coming from Stenton towards Whittinghame. Cllr Hampshire to follow up.
9.0 Tourism initiatives/ongoing projects.
Discussion around Christmas lights. Some issues with lights on tree in Square. Decided to concentrate on trees opposite Hall next year. Members would like more outside lights (mentioned West Barns as example) but agreed that this was only possible with a committee committed to year-round fundraising.
Noble centenary May 2017. Mrs Cosgrove presented research and discussed ideas around centenary in May 2017. £600 available from LP budget 2015/16. Possibility to get funding from Tarmac ñ next meeting in March 2016 ñ Mr Robson to attend.
10.0 Public transport/RAGES
Cllr Veitch has written to Network Rail to ask about proposed colour of railway bridge when painted in 2017.
There was a recent meeting at Dunbar Station with representatives from Dunbar Community Council and Head of PR Abellio Scotrail to discuss the difficulties since change over to Abellio.
East Linton/Reston stations ñ Cllr Veitch is attempting to arrange a meeting with Local Rail Group around end of January ñ when report is to be issued. Ongoing discussions ñ with Scottish Government, Scotrail and East Lothian Council.
11. Correspondence & consultations
1. Alison Smith. ELC. The agenda and papers for ELC Cabinet held on 8 December 2015 are available on the Councilís website at cabinet.
2. Emma Cooper Scottish Rural Action. AGM and call for Directors. The second Annual General Meeting of Scottish Rural Action takes place this March, on Friday 4th March 2016, at The New County Hotel in Perth.
ï 6/1/16 ELC Cabinet Papers 12/1/16 meeting
ï R Drysdale re Andrew Meikle Grove Residentís Association and other matters
ï 14/12/15 Orbit Communications agent for Barrett David Wilson Homes re. Orchardfield Development.
ï 4/12/15 Holder Planning agent for Stewart Milne Homes re Orchardfield Development, meeting 23rd Feb
ï 22/12 Belhaven Bikes re Sustaining Dunbar
ï ELC N Clark re Tyninghame bins and dog fouling
ï Abbeyfield re closure
ï ELC Licensing Board questionnaire
1. Rent Level Consultation 2016-2017 ñ 8 January 2016
2. Strategic Plan for Health and Social Care ñ A Second Draft ñ 26 January 2016
7. Join the East Lothian Citizens' Panel ñ 30 April 2016
8. Join East Lothian Youth E-Panel ñ 30 June 2017
12.0 Any Other Competent Business
AELCC have an informal meeting on Thursday 28/1 in Haddington Townhouse, Opportunity to meet Hilary Smith, Chair (from NBCC)
Next DELAP meeting on 11/1 7pm, Dunbar Grammar School
Illegal snare setting along this side of railway line - to be reported to Wildlife Crime Officer.
NBAP meet on Tues 12/1 ñ discuss aforementioned sign at Tyninghame beach.
Thursday 4th February 2016