Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council held on 5th November 2015 at the Council Chambers, East Linton
Present: Ms A Cosgrove, Mr M Strachan, Ms A Jolly, Mr E Martin, Mr J Swift , Ms A Pearson, Mr B Craighead, Mr R Russel , Ms L Shaw-Stewart, Mr G Gray
In attendance: Mrs Jill Taylor (Minutes)
Mrs Sandra Kemp (Representative from Lauder Place, East Linton)
Mrs Gill Donn (Representative from Lauder Place, East Linton)
1. Apologies Mrs J Priest, Mr J Robson, Ms A Pearson, Cllr M Veitch
2. Minutes of previous meeting held on 1st October 2015
Accepted as a correct record of the meeting.
Notes on actions from previous minutes:-
- Speed cameras funding has been allocated for a speed camera socket at Tyninghame.
- Socket for speed camera at Whitekirk Mr Martin noted that Whitekirk residents are interested GG to take request to NBAP meeting to ask for funding for socket.
- North Berwick GP Practice area Mr Martin circulated notes to Whitekirk residents no-one from Whitekirk noted any issue and East Linton Surgery do not seem to have any issues with this proposed change.
- It is understood that there needs to be a formal consultation regarding Whitekirk changing Community Council this is a long process.
- Mrs Cosgrove noted thanks for successful publication of Dunpender News to Mr Russel and Ms Pearson. Mr Russel noted that the library article was omitted from Dunpender News, possibly request to put this into next edition of ELDA. Mrs Shaw-Stewart noted that Whittinghame haven’t got any delivery of ELDA.
- East Linton public toilets in the park these are checked twice a day but there are often break-ins and vandalism. Now don’t lock toilets and there has been no vandalism.
3.0 Police Report
Since the last police report of 3rd September there have been some incidents of note in the Dunpender Community Council area. There may be more incidents but due to the nature of these or ongoing investigations I cannot give full details.
Road Safety
You told us that were issues with speeding motorists in rural areas and inconsiderate parking, especially near schools:
A number of reports have been received regarding illegal or obstructive parking and speeding at the north end of the East Linton. A day of action was carried out on Monday 2nd November and further action paying particular attention to these issues will be carried out in the near future.
Antisocial Behaviour
You told us there were problems with violent conduct, young people causing
disturbance, antisocial behaviour and rowdy drunken behaviour.
Two reports received of males smoking cannabis in the park by the primary school. Patrols being conducted.
You told us that a particular issue was littering and people’s lack of concern for the area.
Continued patrols by Community Warden Jimmy Wilson.
You told us you were worried about security and the theft of personal possessions such as power tools, bicycles and money.
Between 2100 and 0600 on the 6th September two cars parked in the High Street and Widows Row were entered and items stolen including a sat nav, clothing, CD’s and vinyl records. Both cars had been left unlocked overnight.
Between 14.30 and 15.00 on the 6th September during the craft fair at Tyninghame Village Hall two pieces of pottery worth £250 were stolen.
A number of reports of poaching on the Tyne at Knowes.
Other incidents
In general the last few months have been extremely quiet in East Linton compared to other areas; long may it continue. To assist this trend please spread the message to make sure vehicles, out buildings and properties are secure overnight.
CAPP priorities
The Dunbar CAPP took place on 14th October 2015.
- dog fouling
- visibility of cyclists
- speeding
DATE OF NEXT CAAP MEETING: Wednesday 25th November 2015.
4. Matters Arising
4.1 Area Partnerships
DELAP Ms Cosgrove attended the recent DELAP meeting Pippa Swan from Dunbar Harbour Trust is Chair. Allison Cosgrove and Jacquie Bell are both Vice Chairs with specific areas of responsibility. There was a recent meeting regarding roads and pavements with Peter Forsyth from ELC where lots of East Linton priorities were discussed. DELAP agreed £29,000 spend to repair pavements on West Side of High Street, and an additional £5,000 has also been allocated. Speed cameras and sockets discussed. AP decided not to own speed cameras as would have to pay for maintenance. Sockets to be placed at Stenton and Innerwick. Mrs Cosgrove provided copies of DELAP action plan.
NBAP Mr Gray attended the recent NBAP meeting which is still in early stages of being set up. People and organizations have thrown in bids, NBAP are now deciding what to spend money on. Ideas include seagull proof bins, puffy tyres for beach, lighting for speed cameras at Gullane Primary School. Last meeting wasn’t quora. Next meeting Tuesday 10th November 2015 Aberlady. Good representation from NBHS.
4.2 Meetings attended
Mr Swift attended and reported on Local Access Forum. Presentation from consultant regarding segregated access travel corridor. Link in with East Lothian on the Move. Keith Burns spoke to represent cyclists majority of cyclists against segregated cycle ways due to rubbish, these are often poorly maintained, difficult to cycle properly and cyclists, in general, don’t want to give up right to cycle on the road. Gullane to Drem walk proposed core path. Gullane residents calling for compulsory purchase order. Huge legal implications and fees. Landowner has agreed to resiting path. New path created between Monks Muir and Pencraig 1km.
Mr Russel reported on a recent 20s plenty meeting with ELC Transportation terminology 20s plenty out-of-date now 20mph limits or 20mph zones, Dunbar heading for permanent order. East Linton survey was praised experimental 20mph in hand will cover High Street. Mr Martin noted Whitekirk interested, Mr Russel explained process East Linton went through to progress to this stage.
Mr Craighead attended recent CAPP. See Police report 3.0. There has been inncreased dog fouling in High Street and park due to dark nights. Re-marked pavement with anti dog fouling message.
4.3 Paths
See Mr Swift LAF report.
Mr Strachan asked lighting by underpass this has been upgraded and underpass is now fully lit.
Ms Pearson was not present so unable to report on progress with grant application from the Paths for All Fund for paths maintenance funding to upgrade the Knowes to Tyninghame path.
4.4 Roads/pavements
There was a query regarding a possible 40mph limit through Tyninghame as Ballencrieff has 40mph limit and no street lights. Allan Stubbs, Road Manager, ELC reponsded. This is a classified road ELC as roads authority apply national guidelines for reducing speed limits road through Tyninghame does not meet guidelines or ELC’s speed limit policy. ELC would not recommend members progress this - Ballencrieff is outwith guidelines and therefore speed limit is not enforceable. ELC suggest that street lighting should be considered in comparison with other speed reducing measures. Other CCs have approached with similar requests ELC have to apply a consistent approach if roads do not meet criteria. Ms Cosgrove to ask Allan Stubbs, ELC, for a copy of the guidelines.
Representatives, Mrs Donn and Mrs Kemp, from Lauder Place, East Linton spoke amount of traffic on Lauder Place noting that the road was constantly used for farm traffic and as a rat run to get from the East side of East Linton to the A199. The speed of traffic using this road is also a concern. Mrs Donn’s car damaged this was not mentioned in the polic report Mrs Donn requested that this was noted. Lauder Place has no passing places and nowhere for cars to get past. Mrs Donn was in touch with ELC in summer everyone in total agreement, need something done. DCC attempted to look at this issue 10 years ago but nothing happened. Regular traffic includes combine harvesters and tractor trailers as well as articulate lorries, which have to reverse up street. Farm traffic starts very early. Lauder Place residents, as a rule, only drive down Lauder Place, do not right turn onto A199. Residents would like it to be made one way with a width and height restriction. One way down the way requested with no access from East Linton. ELC have told residents that DCC has to suggest it, that this request cannot come directly from residents. ELC laid a cable for 10 days end August, start of September can DCC find out these numbers - up/down and weight and size then put all points to Cllr ask him to take it forward. DCC requested a document signed by Lauder Place residents and business noting request. Dropped kerbs at Community Hall bus stop Cllr Veitch taking forward with Allan Stubbs, ELC.
Post meeting note Mrs Priest advised that residents were consulted 10 years ago about Lauder Place being one way, but had refused this option.
Peter Forsyth, ELC, taking forward prohibition order for school.
Disabled bay at Co-op, no consultation. If we strongly object write to Peter Forsyth, ELC. Cllr Veitch looking into this. How did it get there and is it in the wrong place. DCC decided to object and will write a letter, who is the space for?
Preston Road’s lights out from High Street to Smeaton Road entrance.
Water in drain at chemist road. Reported to ELC on 3 occassions. Water at sill levels of cars. Drains blocked.
4.5 ELDA
November article Mr Russel to write and submit.
Dunpender News has been completed (see 2.0). David Evans from ELDA usually charges £20 per page for layout, but agreed to halve it due to nature of publication (£80) Mr Russel suggested we paid him £100 for layout, given nature of publication. DCC members agreed.
4.6 PADs
Defibrilator from Scottish Ambulance Service - for Monks Muir. Monks Muir have done requested fundraising. Mr Strachan to take forward. If one is provided at Monks Muir maintained by Monks Muir. Requires outdoor cabinet 13amp socket.
5.0 Planning Matters
Discussion around plans for anaeorbic digester at Ballencrieff, it is felt that this will have an enormous impact on local traffic farms to and from Ballencrieff. There will be HGVs visiting the site from 9am-4pm. There will be no storage on site. It is understood that we have fragile traffic system and there is no way to stop large vehicles coming into East Linton as they are directed to do so via satnav. It is thought that this digester would be better to be built off the A199, outside Dunbar or Macmerry, in semi industrialised areas. This application is going through planning process now DCC decided to object on basis of impact to traffic.
Mrs Shaw-Stewart to write a response on behalf of DCC copy to Cllr Veitch re. traffic impact.
6.0 Treasurer’s Report
No report submitted as Treasurer on holiday
£1,799 uncommitted in Local Priorities. Members felt that some of the money should be allocated.
- Dunpender News additional £100 for Dunpender News layout (see 4.5).
- Christmas lights erection don’t need this money as just using ladders. Therefore can spend this money on new replacements. £278 to spend. David Warren working on East Linton’s Christmas lights this coming weekend. Christmas trees and stars to traders Lynn from James Sandies distributing to traders. Will there will be lights on trees opposite Community Hall? Mr Warren is working on protecting cable for tree in Square, in order for it to meet requirements.
- Allocated a further £180 to be spent on 6 more sparkly Christmas trees for traders or residents’ windows.
- £150 donation for RAGES for postcards to provide a donation towards campaign, donation subject to clarification from Lilian Pryde. .
- £500 total - £100 each for local groups’ Christmas activities (Pensioners’ lunch £100, Scouts £100, Guiding £100, Playgroup £100, Day Centre £100.
7.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk & Markle issues
Whitekirk footpath contractor to be organised - from Orlitts houses to village don’t want to walk on road. Mr Martin to send email to Mrs Cosgrove and plans to use. Council’s approved list of contractors.
Mrs Jolly to further work on defibrillator for Tyninghame.
8.0 Traprain & Whittingehame issues
Nothing to report.
9.0 Tourism initiatives/ongoing projects.
Artwork Lesley Smith, ELC has sent email to Cllr Veitch planning permission is in hand however unlikelyit will be installed until next Spring.
East Linton Christmas market will be going ahead this year, on Sunday 6th Decmeber 2015.
Robert Noble centenary - £600 allocated in Local Priorities towards booklet. Mrs Cosgrove to liase with ELC.
10. Public transport/RAGES
RAGES raised issue of rail paths being allocated to long distance services from Edinburgh to London and MSPs for South of Scotland wrote joint detailed six page letter to Office of Rail Regulation regarding proposed Edinburgh to Berwick local trains. RAGES pursuing this issue.
Picture not clear regarding East Linton’s train station. Network Rail been looking at site. The Scottish stations fund would provide 50% of the cost. A report will be provided by January 2016. Cllr Veitch on case. Train sets not ordered so there may be a station but no trains.
The RELBUS AGM will be held on 24 November 2015.
The East Lothian bus forum will be held on 2 December 2015, chaired by Cllr Veitch.
11, Correspondence & consultations
1. 8 Oct. J Priest/A Hogarth ELC. Request to replace white fence at park with bollards.
2. 9 Oct. A Pearson. September minutes for Joint Laws Advisory Group. Circulated. 3. 10 Oct. A Pearson. September minutes for Friends of R Tyne. Circulated.
4. 16 Oct. E Martin. Whitekirk News from DCC.
5. 16 Oct. W Laird. Various notification of BT roadworks in East Linton.
6. 22 Oct. J Priest/M Veitch/P Forsyth. East Linton Traffic Options. Delays to implementation and dropped kerbs etc.
7. 28 Oct. H Smith. Assoc of East Lothian Councils. Update and notification of next meeting on Jan 28 2016 in Haddington Town House. 7-8.30pm. Circulated.
8. ??Oct. L Smith/M Veitch. Explanation of delay to Artwork. Installation Spring 2016.
1. Thank you letter from from the EL Arts Crafts and Flower Show Soc for our donation.
2. Brochure from Boxcraft. Rubbish, recycling, dog waste, salt, etc bin suppliers.
3. ELC Xmas Tree order forms- not required.
DCC will send 4 members to Provost reception Thursday 10th December 2015
1. Parking Enforcement closes 20 November 2015
2. Gambling Act 2005 - Consultation on Statement of Principles closes 24 November 2015
3. Road Traffic Orders various 4 December 2015
4. Car Club and Electric Vehicle Parking Places Order 11 December 2015
5. Road Traffic Order Victoria Park, Haddington 11 December 2015
6. Planning Customer Feedback Form closes 31 December 2015
7. Join the East Lothian Citizens' Panel closes 30 April 2016
8. Join East Lothian Youth E-Panel closes 30 June 2017
12.0 Any Other Competent Business
A new law regarding trader registration means that the monthly antique fair is under threat and this may mean potential threat to survival of Community Hall. This was reported in Dunpender News. No traders have written to ELC to date, although Ms Cosgrove wrote to the Council a few months ago.
Mr Craighead to represent DCC and lay Remembrance Day wreath at memorial. Cllr Veitch to represent ELC.
Thursday 3rd December 2015