Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council held on 1st October 2015 at the Council Chambers, East Linton
Present: Mrs J Priest, Mr J Robson, Mr M Strachan, Mr E Martin, Mr J Swift, Ms A Pearson, Mr B Craighead, Mr R Russel
In attendance: Cllr M Veitch, Mrs Jill Taylor (Minutes)
Apologies: Ms A Cosgrove, Ms A Jolly, Mr G Gray, Ms L Shaw-Stewart
2.0 Minutes of previous meeting held on 3rd September 2015
Accepted as a correct record of the meeting.
3.0 Police Report
No police report submitted to meeting.
Mr Craighead noted that he would be attending the next CAPP meeting on Wednesday 14 October 2015. Also noted were the new signs re. speeding at Monks Muir and the forthcoming speed patrols there.
4.0 Matters Arising
4.1 Area Partnerships
DELAP ñ Ms Cosgrove attended the recent DELAP meeting. Ms Cosgrove is planning to meet Peter Forsyth, ELC on Tuesday 13 October 2015 to discuss using AP funding. Placement of future speed reactive sign/s discussed, possibly put one at Monks Muir. East Linton would also like another speed reactive sign in addition to the one we already have. Mrs Priest to contact Mrs Cosgrove to update her prior to her meeting with ELC.
NBAP ñ Mr Gray attended the recent NBAP meeting where two members have been
appointed to act as †joint chair (at meeting in June). The ELC funding allocation has been discussed and prioritised - none are for or from Whitekirk. Mr Martin agreed to be alternate attendee for DCC on NBAP.
Whitekirk Community Company meeting to discuss Whitekirkís placement in the Dunpender CC area. Whitekirk missed out of community broadband initiative.
DCC members keen to prevent HGVs through East Linton ñ is this legal, reasonable
or practical?
Cllr Veitch has arranged a meeting with Eve Coaches to discuss a late night bus service and the reinstatement of the Edinburgh College bus.
4.2 Meetings attended
Mr Robson attended the inaugural meeting in 10 months of the Dunbar Cement Works, now owned by Cement Roadstone Holdings (CRH) ñ the plant has 134 employees.
Ms Pearson attended the Friends of River Tyne meeting in September in Haddington. Nothing related to the East Linton stretch of the Tyne was discussed. Hogweed spraying and 2 x new benches for Haddington were discussed. The next meeting is on Wednesday 14 October 2015.
4.3 Paths
As previously discussed, Ms Pearson is working on a grant application from the Paths for All Fund for paths maintenance funding to upgrade the Knowes to Tyninghame path.
4.4 Roads/pavements
Mrs Priest to meet Andrew Hogarth, ELC to discuss the Bank Road fence ñ all agreed just need bollards to prevent vehicles entering park.
DCC are awaiting costings and drawings from Alan Stubbs, ELC regarding the Preston Road pavement extension/lights.
The pavement blisters at the Co-op have been built ñ these were initiated from the Traffic Options paper. Cllr Veitch to meet Peter Forsyth, ELC to follow up work outstanding from the Traffic Options paper.
There has been a large disabled parking bay painted outside the Co-op with no apparent consultation. This is understood to be official but not enforceable under parking laws. Cllr Veitch to follow up within ELC.
The Preston Road/Browns Place street sign is leaning against the wall ñ Cllr Veitch to report this within ELC.
There are some street lights out on Haddington Road, Mr Russel to report via ELC website.
4.5 ELDA/Dunpender News
Mr Russel to write ELDA article.
Mr Russel and Ms Pearson are collecting articles for Dunpender News and Mr Russel now has the layout software ñ David Evans from ELDA to help with the layout. Dunpender News will be issued in November or December. Mrs Taylor to contact ELC PS to ask if they have a better photo of Judy Murray with P5 at East Linton tennis courts.
4.6 PADs
DCC decided not to adopt East Linton High Streetís telephone box for any purpose, including to locate a PAD or have an information booth. It is thought that this would just be too costly as it is frequently vandalised. Mr Martin to check if Whitekirk Community Company wish to adopt the telephone box in Whitekirk .
Mrs Jolly to take forward the Tyninghame PAD ñ Mr Strachan to discuss this with Mrs Jolly. Training to be held in Tyninghame village hall by Scottish Ambulance Service.
Discussion around private donation for defibrillator at North side of village ñ not possible to mount this on Scottish Power substation ñ possibly mount on lamppost or wall of garage. There are now PADs located:-
1 x Co-operative store ñ maintained by DCC
1 x surgery ñ maintained by DCC
1 x EL fire station ñ not maintained by DCC
1 x Tyninghame (to come) ñ maintained by DCC
possibly 1 x North side of village ñ funded by private donation, maintained by DCC
Do Monks Muir require a defibrillator? Mr Strachan to liaise with Mrs Richards.
5.0 Planning Matters
None tabled.
6.0 Treasurerís Report
Account balances tbc at next meeting.
The Local Priorities budget uncommitted totaled £1,799. £150 was agreed to help East Lintonís annual flower show. Mr Craighead will help Ms Shaw-Stewart with the Christmas lights. Mr Craighead to organise an electrician regarding an outdoor socket for the lights at St Andrews Church, cost of this will be covered by DCC LP budget. Mr Martin asked to test the Christmas lights at Whitekirk to see if any bulbs need replaced.
7.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk & Markle issues
There had been a suggestion that the speed limit could be reduced to 40mph at Tyninghame, like Tyningehame ñ Ballencrieff is 40mph with no street lights. Cllr Veitch to take forward.
Residents still concerned that Whitekirk has been missed from fibre optic broadband plans.
8.0 Traprain & Whittingehame issues
Nothing to report.
9.0 Tourism initiatives/ongoing projects.
As per 6.0, Mrs Shaw-Stewart and Mr Craighead to liaise regarding East Lintonís Christmas lights.
Outstanding enquiry regarding 3x standing stone ñ artwork using Miller Homesartwork funding. There is a delay with the planning permission. However Ms Smith, ELC has picked this up with the planners and she will contact DCC to advise of therevised timescales for the project. Cllr Veitch to further chase up this issue. Mr Robson to circulate photographs of the completed structure.
10.0 Public transport/RAGES
The East Lothian bus forum will be held on 2 December 2015, chaired by Cllr Vetich.
The RELBUS AGM will be held on 24 November 2015.
Mr Martin attended the recent RAGES AGM
Cllr Veitch gave an update on the proposed re-opening of East Lintonís train station.
11.0 Correspondence & consultations
1. East Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership,Area Partnership Open Meetings, Sustainable Travel consultation Fairer Scotland Planning Event, 'People making a difference in communities' - Conference, CAPS Autumn Newsletter 2015.
2. THE BIG CONVERSATION ñ 30th October 2015. Integration of health and social care in East Lothian. Event at Brunton Theatre.
Mrs Priest to ask Mr Gray to attend The Big Conversation on 30 October 2015 on behalf of DCC. Also Mr Strachan to possibly attend.
3. Living Streets Scotland Walkable Communities Workshops.
4. Event on 'Self-Management' for people with long term conditions. 1 October 2015.
5. Draft Minutes of EGM of Association of East Lothian Community Councils.
6. Various and responses to/from G Skirving about aircraft noise.
DCC discussed new trial flight path over East Linton ñ halting on 28 October 2015 ñ DCC to take no action as this does not appear to be disruptive.
7. Minutes of August Meeting of FRIENDS OF THE RIVER TYNE. 24th October.
8. Community Resilience Workshop. Bleachingfield Centre Dunbar. DCC attendance.
9. RELBUS AGM on 24th November 2015.
10. Government AED/PAD for Tyninghame. Scottish Ambulance require to providetraining before delivery. East Linton donation offer solely to provide PAD north ofEast Linton.
11. Online Community consultation survey regarding United Nations Climate Change Conference at http://www.keepscotlandbeautiful.org/yourvoiceatparis.
12. East Lothian Foodbank Open day and AGM 18th November 2015.
13. Letter about the 'Big Conversation'. See Item 2 above.
14. Letter from NHS Primary Care Contractor Organisation about a proposed reduction in the North Berwick Group Practice Area (76137) which impacts on the East Linton Group Practice Area.
Mr Strachan spoke to East Linton surgeryís Practice Manager regarding proposed changes to North Berwick Practice area. Responses to be received by NHS by 23 October 2015. East Linton surgery are not concerned and do not have any objection to this. Mr Strachan to pass information regarding this proposed change to Mr Martin to disseminate to Whitekirk residents.
15. Request for funds from East Linton Horticultural Society to purchase display items.
1. Parking Enforcement ñ closes 20 November 2015
2. Gambling Act 2005 - Consultation on Statement of Principles ñ closes 24 November 2015
3. Planning Customer Feedback Form ñ closes 31 December 2015
4. Join the East Lothian Citizens' Panel ñ closes 30 April 2016
5. Join East Lothian Youth E-Panel ñ closes 30 June 2017
12.0 Any Other Competent Business
Mr Craighead to represent DCC and lay Remembrance Day wreath at memorial. Cllr Veitch to represent ELC.
Lighting and signage has improved at Monks Muir as well as red ëslow downí paint ñ after lobbying by residents.
It is understood that East Lintonís Christmas Market will be going ahead this year on Sunday 6th December 2015 ñ Mrs Taylor to put Ms Pearson in touch with local people planning this event so that they can write an article for the forthcoming edition of Dunpender News.
Thursday 5th November 2015