Dunpender Community Council
Draft Minutes - September 2015

Draft Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council held on 3rd September 2015 at the Council Chambers, East Linton

Present: Ms A Cosgrove Mr J Robson Mr J Swift Ms A Pearson Mr B Craighead Mr R Russel Ms A Jolly

In attendance: Cllr J Goodfellow Mrs Jill Taylor (Minutes)

Apologies Mrs J Priest Mr M Strachan Mr G Gray Mr E Martin Ms L Shaw-Stewart Cllr N Hampshire Cllr M Veitch PC Deborah Gray

Minutes of AGM and previous meeting held on 4th June 2015
Amendment proposed by Mr Strachan to 5.0 Planning Matters:-
Mr Strachan advised the Riverside Cottage had submitted planning application for proposed ancillary domestic including a bedroom, lounge &shower close to path adjacent to river. Councillors raised concerns over pedestrian access and flood risk as this building would be closer to river than house. Unsure if this would be a temporary or permanent structure. Mr Strachan to register concerns from DCC.

3.0 Police Report
Police report by email to PC Deborah Gray:
Road Safety
Over the next few weeks, Police attention will be given to streets in East Linton in relation to illegal parking and safety around the local primary school.
Antisocial Behaviour
No incidents to report.
Continued patrols by Community Warden Jimmy Wilson.
No incidents to report.
Other incidents
On 1st July 2015, 4 vehicles were damaged whilst parked at Tyninghame Links car park during the day. No culprits have been traced to date.
On 14th August 2015, an illegal net was discovered spanning the River Tyne at the Knowes Ford and was retained by Water Bailiffs.
CAPP priorities:
1. Speeding - Conduct speed checks throughout ward area on main arterial routes into towns and in vicinity of schools.
Parking - Issue parking tickets for parking offences in Dunbar and East Linton town centres.
Dunbar High Street and Harbour Anti Social Behaviour - Deal with issues of anti social behaviour. Complaints received regarding evening youth disorder and noise and damage when pubs disperse. At harbour encourage harbour users to contact police to report incidents of anti social or dangerous behaviour.
Next CAPP meeting – Wednesday 14th October 2015, Mr Craighead to attend on behalf of DCC.

4.0 Matters Arising
4.1 Welcome to new members for Whitekirk and Tyninghame
Mr Eric Martin from Whitekirk Community Company and Ms Anne Jolly from Tyninghame will be joining DCC.

4.2 Area Partnerships
DELAP has decided on its priorities . Allison Cosgrove was appointed Vice Chair with responsibility for transportation, and connecting communities. Jacquie Bell was appointed Vice Chair with responsibility for, health & social care and children’s events. Mrs Cosgrove mentioned the speed reactive signs , which will come under management of area partnerships. It was agreed to discuss this at the next DCC meeting.
NBAP – no update provided.
East Lothian Council, in association with the county's 6 Area Partnerships, is running a series of consultation and action planning events as part of its wider 'East Lothian on the Move' active and sustainable transport initiative. These events were held for NBAP on 27/8/15 and for DELAP on 2/9/15. The online survey is open until 1st October 2015.

4.3 Meetings attended
Mr Russel attended the John Muir Futures meeting in Linlithgow on 1st September 2015. At this meeting, it was discussed how the JMW is to be developed as a flagship way in the future. 50+ people attended including representatives from all the Councils represented along the Way There weren’t any significant outcomes/actions for East Lothian as this part of the Way is already well developed and maintained.
There is a proposal that the Southern Upland Way may be extended from Cockburnspath to Dunbar – Angela Leitch, ELC Chief Executive to discuss with Keith Geddes, Chair of Central Scotland Green Network on 4th September 2015.
Mr Swift attended the Local Access Forum meeting in July where active and sustainable travel was discussed to feed into the ‘East Lothian on the Move’ local events. Rerouting a core path through Newhailes, Musselburgh was discussed. Also discussed were dogs on lead zones and coastal car parking charges.
DCC discussed coastal car parking charges in detail – Mr Craighead raised concerns that high vehicles were being discriminated against – a small car park is provided before the barrier at JMCP, Yellowcraigs and Gullane – where vehicles still have to pay but can park before the barrier, but other locations do not have a small car park before the barrier. DCC wonders why no motor caravans are permitted at Tyningehame? The White Sands meter has been vandalised. Cllr Goodfellow to take these issues back to ELC. The East Lothian Courier article was discussed, where it was intimated that income from coastal car parking would be used to fund traffic wardens throughout the county – Cllr Goodfellow clarified this issue – the plan is to use ½ of the extra income generated to pay for improvements to coastal experience – rangers, toilets, adventure playgrounds etc and then use the other ½ for wardens to enforce car parking. At the moment, only approximately 50% of people are paying as there is no enforcement. Mr Swift asked Cllr Goodfellow if the increase in income from coastal car parking would mean that budgets to look after the coast would be cut, Cllr Goodfellow replied to say that the only Council budgets that are ring fenced are Education and Social Work, all other budgets are at risk of being cut. The main users of beach car parks are from Edinburgh and dog walkers from East Lothian. Cllr Goodfellow also stated that it was possible, if income generated is more than expected, that the amount East Lothian residents pay for an annual pass (£40), could be cut in future.
Mr Swift gave an update on the unauthorised closure of the Longstone Right of Way - there was meeting held in response to a letter sent to Miller Homes from Mr Swift and Nick Morgan, Paths Officer, ELC. Miller Homes admitted at this meeting, that they had not followed the correct procedures and would adhere to these in future developments. Miller Homes have been warned, that, if this unauthorised closure happens again, further action may be taken against them.
Mr Craighead attend the recent CAPP meeting where a resident from Monks Muir attended to state their case re. pedestrians crossing a main road – A199 East Linton to Haddington. There have recently been notices put up on the A199 highlighting the possibility of pedestrians crossing. The police also plan to do speed checks here. Monks Muir is to have mains gas installed. Mr Craighead will attend next CAPP meeting, which is on 14/10/15.
Ms Cosgrove attended Leader meeting, which Midlothian Council are taking a lead in running. Leader fund has £3.4 million available and allocation will take place in early 2016. Community Councils will not have money to distribute as they did before through the Small Grants fund.
Ms Cosgrove attended recent SEStrans meeting re. ELC’s Main Issues report. She felt that Dunpender’s response had been misrepresented in the ELC Main Issues Report.. Ms Cosgrove to write response due 30 September 2015.
There is a forthcoming MIR2 briefing in North Berwick Hope Rooms – Paul Zochowski and Ian MacFarlane will represent ELC with Gullane and Aberlady Community Councils represented. There will also be a briefing in Dunbar or Haddington – date to be announced.

4.4 Paths
As previously discussed, Ms Pearson is working on a grant application from the Paths for All Fund for paths maintenance funding to upgrade the Knowes to Tyninghame path. Future idea may be to apply for money to upgrade the muddy track at Drylaw Hill. There is some generic local paths maintenance needed near white bridge near Houston Mill. The Preston Mill Lade to white bridge has been repaired by Mr Craighead with a stout wooden fence. Mr Craighead now has all the equipment and will commence painting the white bridge soon, with support from other DCC members.

4.5 Roads/pavements
Due to illegal parking around the Square in East Linton –Cllr Veitch requested bollards been put on grass – these have been placed, but possibly in the wrong place meaning that illegal parking is continuing. Mr Robson to take a photo and follow up with ELC. Mrs Priest suggested that possibly car parking spaces in East Linton’s Square could be marked out.
Cllr Veitch to be asked to write to residents in East Linton’s Square regarding the residents of Manor House leaving their bins out front when they have space at the back of the house to do this.
Cllr Veitch thanked for following up the issue of extending the pavement at the Co-op and on the other side of High Street/School Road junction.
DCC are awaiting costings and drawings from Alan Stubbs, ELC regarding the Preston Road pavement extension/lights.
ELC have built a collecting area and soakaway to sort out the issue of flooding under the railway bridge.
East Linton’s toilets have been vandalised – gents toilet remains out of action and a repair is due on 11th September 2015. There have been complaints re. the closure of the toilet. Mrs Cosgrove to ask in ELC if peripatetic toilet attendants could visit East Linton’s toilets during the day.

4.6 Donation of £1,000 towards a PAD to be located in the Dunpender/Rennie/Longstone area
Ms Richards has offered to project manage this. DCC members discussed offer and noted the fact that there are now 2 PADs in East Linton for public access and 1 defibrillator in the fire station. The local fire brigade are now tasked with delivering emergency first aid to suspected heart attacks. There is a worry that if the £1,000 is donated for the cost of the defibrillator, DCC will then have to pay for the cabinet and the planning permission as well as the ongoing maintenance. There was a general feeling that East Linton is already well serviced for PADs. Possibly the priority for new defibrillators should be outlying areas or areas such a Monks Muir will a high concentration of elderly residents. Suggestion that this could be suggested to Monks Muir with DCC offering half the cost as a grant then suggesting that they raise the rest of the funding then take on the maintenance and planning permission of the defibrillator. Mrs Priest and Mrs Cosgrove to visit the couple who have offered the donation to discuss possibly using it outwith the suggested area.

4.6 ELDA article for June/Dunpender News
Ms Pearson to write ELDA article.
Dunpender News is to become annual, edition scheduled for autumn and compiled by Mr Russel and Ms Pearson with layout, printing and distribution by David Evans of ELDA – unsure of exact cost of this. Ms Pearson gave short update on next issue – aiming to get this out in November/December 2015. Mr Robson to ask Ms Richards for software.

5.0 Planning Matters
Whitekirk houses were tabled for discussion at recent ELC planning meeting. Cllr Goodfellow reported that Whitekirk Community Company spoke to Planning Committee stating that it wasn’t housing enabling the hotel, but the hotel enabling housing. Objection was lodged by DCC. The Planning Committee granted planning for housing with a small amendment – 3 local Cllrs voted against proposal.

6.0 Treasurer’s Report
The Current Account stood at £773.36, including refunds from East Lothian Council covering Resilience leaflet design and distribution, and Fountain maintenance.  The Council Grants Account stood at £1,710.93, allowing for a £168 cheque not yet presented to the bank.
The Local Priorities budget was discussed and a suggestion of a donation to the Gala Day First Aid was agreed at £90 plus VAT, leaving an uncommitted sum of £1,949.00.  Further projects to be suggested to clear that balance.
Mr Robson to contact Mrs Shaw Stewart for an update on East Linton’s Christmas lights.

7.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk & Markle issues
There had been a suggestion that the speed limit could be reduced to 30mph at Tyninghame, however there needs to be street lights for 30mph zones – Ballencrieff is 40mph with no street lights, so this 40mph limit might be possible if residents are not keen on street lights. Mrs Cosgrove to approach Cllr Veitch to take forward.
Mr Martin concerned that Whitekirk has been missed from fibre optic broadband plans. Ms Cosgrove to clarify with Stuart Gibb, ELC.

8.0 Traprain & Whittingehame issues
Nothing to report.

9.0 Tourism initiatives/ongoing projects
Mrs Priest has recommended that DCC do not progress with plans to adopt the phone box on East Linton’s High Street as, although this is cheap to adopt at a cost of £1, it is often vandalised, and maintenance costs will be high – DCC members agreed.
Outstanding enquiry regarding 3x standing stone – artwork using Miller Homes artwork funding. DCC unsure how this is progressing – Ms Cosgrove to check progress with Lesley Smith, ELC Principal Arts Officer, ELC.
East Linton Park now has a full size football pitch – DCC aware that the football teams need a pavilion to replace the tin shed so that they can host SFA matches and join local leagues. Possibly look at LEADER funding. Mr Robson to check what facilities we have in current pavilion near tennis courts.
Mrs Cosgrove to ask Cllr Veitch re. progress in replacing the gate and fence in East Linton’s park.

10.0 Public transport/RAGES
It is increasingly looking like the new station will not be in operation from December 2016, more likely December 2018. It is a priced option in the new franchise. ELC and SBC have money budgeted for stations. All parties concerned that need to keep moving issue forward or it drops off agendas. Ms Cosgrove handed out RAGES postcards for members of public to send to Scottish Government to encourage them to progress the stations proposal – Cllr Goodfellow to hand these postcards out at North Berwick, Drem and Longniddry stations.
Mrs Cosgrove was unable to attend RELBUS AGM.

11.0 Correspondence & consultations
None tabled as DCC Secretary unable to collate – correspondence will be tabled at next meeting – Thursday 1st October 2015.
Mrs Cosgrove to email Mr Swift details of the AELCC meeting on Wednesday 16th September 2015.

12.0 Any Other Competent Business
Houston Mill/Weir objected to National Trust for Scotland people on land – NTS are attempting to preserve Preston Mill wheel, removing islands and creating a fish ladder - work ongoing. This work is expected to cost £150,000 and has now been restarted.
Cllr Goodfellow reported re. local chat in Whitekirk – there appears to be local feeling that Whitekirk may want to join NBCC and leave DCC. This would affect LP budgets. There will be a restructuring of wards at some point in the near future anyway.
Cllr Goodfellow also reported that the recent Boundary Commission report proposed East Lothian having one less Councillor. Ms Cosgrove advised that DCC’s response to the earlier consultation was that more Councilors were needed, not less. Ms Cosgrove will respond to this round of consultation. .
Monks Muir residents will now get a postbox, after intervention by George Kerevan, MP.

Thursday 1st October