1.0 Present Mrs J Priest, Mr M Strachan, Mr J Robson, Mr J Swift, Mr G Gray, Ms A Pearson, Mr B Craighead, Mr R Russel
In attendance Cllr N Hampshire, Cllr M Veitch, Mr E Martin, PC Deborah Gray, Mrs Jill Taylor (Minutes)
Apologies, Ms A Cosgrove, Ms L Shaw-Stewart
2.0 Minutes of previous meeting
Amendment to 12.0, should read Preston Mill lade instead of Preston Road lade.
3.0 Police Report
Police report by PC Deborah Gray:
Road Safety
Following a report of a vehicle having driven over the footpath in High Street, East Linton around 1730hours on 1st June 2015, knocking over several plant pots, a female driver has been charged with Road Traffic offences in relation to this.
Antisocial Behaviour
Continued patrols by Community Warden Jimmy Wilson.
Overnight from 26th May to 27th May approximately £150 worth of electric cable was stolen from the garden at Kamehill Cottage, East Linton.
Other incidents
Over the past month there has been an ongoing joint agency initiative between Police Scotland and Forth Fisheries around The River Tyne in relation to illegal fishing. Two nets have been recovered so far and several fishing permits checked.
Summer Drink Drive Campaign
Police Scotland launched its ‘Summer drink/drug Drive Campaign’ on Friday 29th May and we would encourage members of the public to report any driver they suspect of this type of behaviour to Police Scotland on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 11.
CAPP priorities:
1. John Muir Country Park Anti-Social behaviour and related littering. Link in with youths and Dunbar Grammar, try to ascertain if and when any groups will be attending JMCP. Conduct patrols.
2. Anti-Social behaviour on Dunbar High Street.
3. Issue parking tickets for parking offences in Dunbar and East Linton town centres.
PC Gray advised reporting illegal parking in East Linton by emailing photos to Dunbar Community Police team. Mr Robson advised PC Gray re. a car abandoned in the entrance of Drylaw Gardens. Mr Swift asked PC Gray the name of the new bailiff PC Gray will check and get back to Mr Swift. PC Gray advised that speed checks in East Linton had not yet begun as police officers were still being trained on the equipment.
4.0 Matters Arising
4.1 New members for Whitekirk and Tyninghame
Mr Eric Martin from Whitekirk Community Company attended meeting and will later advise if he’d like to join DCC.
4.2 Area Partnerships
There is a meeting planned for end June to elect Chairperson for DELAP. There are currently 2 candidates for Chairperson. Mr Strachan advised he will be standing down as DCC’s main representative for DELAP Ms Cosgrove will become main representative and Mr Strachan will remain as substitute.
Mr Gray reported that NBAP met last week. NBAP still to arrange election of Chair. Mr Gray and other NBAP members took part in workshops on managing older people and how to delay discharges.
4.3 Meetings attended
Mr Craighead will attend next CAPP meeting, which is either on 18/6 or 8/6 PC Gray to confirm date.
Ms Cosgrove attended Leader meeting, which Midlothian Council are taking a lead in running. There will be consultation events held one is planned for East Linton, Ms Cosgove will let DCC members know date. Leader fund has £3.4 million available.
4.4 Paths
The issue with the unauthorised closure of the Longstone Right of Way is still ongoing a site meeting is to be organised in response to a letter sent to Miller Homes by Mr Swift and Nick Morgan, Paths Officer, ELC. Mr Craighead would like to be present at meeting to discuss remaining work that needs to be done in the park due to work done by Miller Homes.
As discussed last month, Ms Pearson is working on a grant application from the Paths for All Fund for paths maintenance funding.
4.5 Roads/pavements
Illegal parking continues around the Square in East Linton suggestion that bollards or similar be placed on grass Cllr Veitch has requested this within ELC but has had no response so will follow up again.
Lights not yet been fixed on the fountain. Potholes have not been filled satisfactorily. Agreed at last DCC meeting pavements on East Linton High Street between Crown to Co-op issue raised again with Cllr Veitch. Possibly apply for Area Partnership funding to repair. Linton Bridge parapet will be done this year request for this to be repointed with lime mortar. Preston Road pavement costings and drawings will be produced by Alan Stubbs, ELC. Thanks to Mrs Anne Stewart for all her work in gathering support for this initiative.
Flooding under railway bridge. Possible blocked drain. Cllr Veitch and Cllr Hampshire to report within ELC. Mr Craighead plans to repaint white bridge again and requested ELC supply tins of primer and gloss, brushes, wire brushes and sandpaper.
Speed reactive sign has been mended but not yet moved to Preston Road. Colin Baird, ELC will move it.
4.6 ELDA article for June/Dunpender News
Mr Russel to write ELDA article.
DCC discussed future editions of Dunpender News this will become annual, edition scheduled for autumn and compiled by Mr Russel and Ms Pearson with layout done by David Evans of ELDA. DCC members to provide ideas and contributions to Ms Pearson and Mr Russel.
5.0 Planning Matters
Whitekirk houses have still not come up for discussion at ELC planning meeting. Cllr Hampshire advised he is unsure of timeframe. There will need to be an environmental impact assessment. Mr Martin advised that the Whitekirk Community Company have surveyed village 93% of those surveyed are against housing. Cllrs will have a site visit before application is tabled planning meeting papers are made public a week before each planning meeting.
Mr Strachan advised the Riverside Cottage had submitted planning application for proposed ancillary domestic including a bedroom, lounge & kitchen close to path adjacent to river. Concerns over pedestrian access + flood risk as this building would be closer to river than house. Unsure if this would be a temporary or permanent structure. Mr Strachan to register concerns from DCC.
Cllr Veitch asked for DCC members views regarding the East Lothian Development Plan (ELDP) over next 10 years. Cllr Hampshire noted that, with station proposed, there will be demand for more development if we don’t note a site, then one may be picked. DCC preference is the same as response to MIR 150 maximum within next 10 years. Nothing further to add to MIR response. Discussion around MIR/ELDP where to put new houses in EL DCC would prefer houses developed along railway line, not up Pencraig Hill. Cllr Hampshire confirmed that it was likely that East Linton would be developed within the bowl and not travelling up the hill.
6.0 Treasurer’s Report/Local Priorities budget
Mr Robson informed Members, that with the receipt of our annual Administration Grant of £568.00, from East Lothian Council, the Current Account stood at £738.36. The balance in the Grants Account was £1,710.75, unchanged from last month.
Prior to the meeting, Mr Robson had contacted Mrs Pryde for an update on the spend against our Local Priorities budget, and was awaiting a reply. No other projects had been added since last month, and the uncommitted balance remained at £2,069.00. Ms Cosgrove was investigating East Lothian Council's involvement in any Robert Nobel Centenary celebrations.
7.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk & Markle issues
A wall has been knocked down at Monks Muir to build a parking area for road maintenance vehicles. Cllr Hampshire advised this needs planning consent. Residents to be advised to complain to Planning Officer if they have concerns.
A resident has contact DCC with a complaint regarding slurry spreading at Waughton/Kaimehill at weekends/evenings to avoid detection. Resident has been advised to contact environmental health.
ELC signs relating to proper disposal of dog dirt at Tyninghame appear to have been taken down. Jimmy Wilson, Community Warden to investigate and see if another bin is needed.
8.0 Traprain & Whittingehame issues
Nothing to report.
9.0 Tourism initiatives/ongoing projects
Ms Cosgrove looking into celebrating Robert Noble centenary.
Recently walkers coming to village reported that toilets were shut. DCC members to investigate as this facility is vital over the summer months.
East Linton Tennis courts have been resurfaced. There is a Tennis Club Open Day this weekend.
Cllr Hampshire to enquire regarding replacing white fence at Bank Road entrance to Memorial Park.
10.0 Public transport/RAGES
There will be a bus forum meeting in August. Cllr Veitch gave short report on potential timescale for East Linton train station. This is unlikely to be up and running by December 2016 as previously reported by the Minister. It is possible that new timetabled trains will start running on the line before East Linton train station is ready to open. Possible issue with operator having enough trains to run service. There will be a meeting of local rail steering group next Friday 12/6.
11.0 Correspondence & consultations
1. 5 May. S Gibb.ELC. East Lothian Community Hospital - Public Engagement Events. Dates and venues. Circulated DCC.
• 5 May. K McLeod ELC. Fwd: Community Council Events insurance Cover and Risk Assessment Requirements. Circulated DCC.
• 15 May. P Forsyth ELC to R. Morgan. Fwd: Ref No. Roa55156 - Parking at east Linton Co-op. Confirmation construction of parking constraints begins July.
• 26 May. J Priest. Contact details for Eric Martin new Whitekirk rep.
• 26 May. J Priest. A Stubbs ELC Transport. M Vietch ELC. Re petition for widening of Preston Rd pavement. Provisional coatings and drawings for traffic lights to be prepared.
• 27 May. Marine Conservation Soc. The Good Beach Guide - a fresh look for a new era in water quality. Circulated DCC.
• 27 May. W Laird ELC Roads. DUNBAR CIVIC WEEK AND EAST LINTON GALA - 13TH JUNE 2015. Confirmation barriers and traffic restrictions to be in place.
• 27 May. S Baptie ELC. HELP WANTED: Volunteers/Evacuees Thursday 8th October 2015. Emergency training exercise. Circulated DCC. Ms Pearson to attend.
• 27 May. Ms Jolly Tyninghame about dog dirt on the cricket pitch - also reported by a Mr Jacobsen. Request ELC erects signs as per East Linton and warden attends.
• 27 May. A Forsyth at Waughton about stinking slurry spreading on adjacent fields.
• 27 May. A Davidson about potholes and fountain in East Linton.
• 27 May. S Baptie ELC to J Priest DCC. Future of ELC Counter Terrorism Contest WG: Meeting Friday 29th May 2015.
• 27 May. S Baptie ELC to J Priest. Education Community Resilience Networking Event - 5 June 2015 in the Menzies Hotel, Glasgow.
• 27 May. S Baptie ELC to J Priest. Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 (Risk of Being Drawn into Terrorism) (Amendment and Guidance) Regulations 2015.
• 27 May. S Baptie ELC to J Priest. Draft Guidance on the Prevent Duty in the Counter Terrorism and Security Bill.
• 27 May. P Zochowski Gala Committee. Request for a Community Council. representative on Gala Day Sat 13 June 1230 Roses to help judge floats etc. Mr Russel to attend on behalf of DCC.
• 27 May. SESplan Main Issues Report. Consultation round July to September 2015. Circulated to DCC.
Parents Survey Closing date 15th June 2015
Revitalise Your Rural Community Closing date 26th June 2015
12.0 Any Other Competent Business
Mr Craighead reported from recent Hall Committee meeting some regular users are not paying invoices issued for use of Halls.
Enquiry regarding 3x standing stone artwork using Miller Homes artwork funding. No- one from DCC is sure how this is progressing Mr Strachan to check progress with Lesley Smith, ELC Principal Arts Officer, ELC.
Thursday 3rd September 2015