Present Mrs J Priest, Mr M Strachan, Mr J Robson Mr J Swift, Mr G Gray, Ms L Shaw-Stewart, Mr B Craighead, Ms A Pearson
In attendance Mrs Jill Taylor (Minutes)
Cllr M Veitch, Cllr N Hampshire, Ms A Cosgrove, Mr R Russel, PC Gavin Ross
Accepted as correct record of the meeting.
No police report.
Mr Craighead reported from CAPP meeting, police are issuing parking tickets and taking note of heavy vehicles speeding through East Linton village. General feeling that parking is getting worse in East Linton.
4.1 Area Partnerships
In February 2015 East Lothian Council devolved £1,250,000 to Area Partnerships to deliver on priorities identified in their Area Plans. This is broken down into money for general service priorities, capital roads budget and services provided by the Council’s amenity budget.
NBAP have £250,000 to spend. Mr Gray went to meeting in April regarding spending budget. North Berwick members keen to spend money on coastal defences. Mr Gray put a note on Whitekirk noticeboard, so far there has been no local interest in ideas on where to spend AP money. Mr Gray will be attending the NBAP older people session. Next meeting of NBAP is Monday 2nd June 2015.
DELAP have £250,000 to spend. Mrs Priest suggested spending some money on Stories Park path by riverside. There was also a suggestion to re-pave or fix the west side High Street pavement from the Crown to the Co-op. Next meeting of DELAP is Monday 11th May 2015.
4.2 New members needed for Whitekirk & Tyninghame
There is a notice regarding joining DCC at Whitekirk noticeboard. Whitekirk Community Company might be interested in sending someone to DCC to be confirmed.
No interest from Tyninghame community.
4.3 PAD
Mrs Priest has started process to adopt BT red phone boxes in East Linton High Street and Tyninghame.
Defibrillator at surgery was found to be open. Ian Yeaman is in charge of looking after defibrillators in East Linton. Mr Swift suggested dummy CCTV camera he can donate 2 spare cameras and sign.
4.4 Meetings attended
Area Partnerships meetings were attended (see 4.1)
Mr Swift attended the Local Access Forum where the unofficial closure of Rights of Way (re. Longstone path, East Linton) was tabled by Mr Swift and discussed. Discussed how it should be dealt with before legal action is necessary. Nick Morgan and Mr Swift writing letter from LAF to copy letter to Mrs Priest. If Miller Homes close ROW again without consultation, work will need to stop and MH could be fined. Letter also needs to state that full size football pitch needs to be reinstated. Football clubs are concerned as there is no sign of grass seeds/turf (see also 4.5 Paths re. Longstone ROW). Also discussed at LAF regarding rights of way - Monks Muir to Pencraig upgrade looking to improve path.
Pavement alongside A199 to Haddington to be upgraded as bike/pedestrian path.
Mr Craighead attended CAPP. Unsure who will be chairing in future.
Next Lafarge meeting is in September. Lafarge Tarmac is for sale - the new company will probably be called Lafarge Holcim, sometime in 2015.
4.5 Paths
Miller Homes have again closed the underpass/vennel through from Andrew Meikle Grove to the park. As this is a Right of Way, Under the Land Reform Act, 2003 they are duty bound to apply to ELC, in writing, 8 weeks in advance of any proposed closure. Mrs Priest reported that Cllr Veitch contacted Nick Morgan regarding concerns re. closure of this ROW. All East Lothian Council departments agreed that work would be delayed if Miller Homes were asked to stop work so far into the project, however Nick Morgan, Paths Officer, ELC has told Miller Homes that East Lothian Council won't be so lenient in future. Transportation staff attended site and told representatives from Miller Homes that if they do it again then Planning would get involved. Miller Homes have promised to comply with the law in future and Nick Morgan is regularly checking signs are posted regarding detours etc. Planning are aware of the work being done as Network Rail insisted the underpass was used rather than the crossing originally planned. Also a soakaway is being made in that corner of the Park. Sewage from the houses is currently being taken away from a holding tank by tanker. There has been poor communication between ELC depts and Nick Morgan plans to bring this up in relation to future developments.
Possible issue with path collapsed at the top of Langside entrance to park. Suspect Miller Homes have driven heavy plant over it. Ask Cllr Veitch to look at this and follow up.
A new bin at end East Linton end of Markle path has been put in place.
Giant hogweed: Volunteers to remove giant hogweed at white bridge and iron bridge, meet at Preston Mill, Friday 8/5 10am-12noon.
Ms Pearson will be applying for a Paths for All grant to upgrade the Knowes to Tyninghame path.
4.6 Roads/pavements
The potholes in East Linton Square have been fixed
A petition has been launched locally regarding the Preston Road pavement in order to make a local case for improving this section of road/safety of pedestrians. Mrs Priest will collect petitions this month and submit to ELC.
The speed reactive sign is fixed and is to be moved to Preston Road.
Erosion of the parapet on Linton Bridge and their gable end has been reported to Cllr Veitch by Mr & Mrs Skinner at Bridgend House.
A meeting is to be held regarding Stories Park parking on 26th May at 10am at East Linton Council Chambers Cllrs, Police, ELHA, DCC members to attend not a public meeting.
Markle Road end to Beanston is eroding. ELC have been to survey it and are looking at road.
Jessie the clock is behind and needs fixing ELC have been informed.
4.7 ELDA article
The ELDA article for this month will be written by Mrs Priest.
5.0 Planning matters
Torness motors site has applied for planning to be turned into business units. No objection from DCC.
Property on East Linton High Street has applied for planning for shed, hardstanding area and fence on top of wall. No objection from DCC.
6.0 Treasurer's Report/LP budget
Mr Robson advised Members that the 2014/2015 accounts had been audited, certified as correct and signed copies passed to ELC Internal Audit, Mrs Priest, and electronically to Members.
The Current Account stood at £206.36, with the £500 odd Administration Grant awaited from East Lothian Council. The Grants Account's balance was £1,710.75.
The Local Priorities budget for 2015/2016 had been updated to include a provisional £600 towards a Robert Noble Centenary booklet, suggested by Ms Cosgrove. The `committed` amount of £3,715.74 now left £2,069.00 `uncommitted`. Letter from Arts, Crafts and Flower Show society requesting money towards hall rent for Flower show on 29th August 2015. Declined as DCC can only offer crisis funding to groups or occasionally, one-off purchases. Local groups to be made aware of general service priorities DELAP funding.
7.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk & Markle issues
New member needed for Whitekirk - see 4.2
8.0 Traprain & Whittingehame issues
Rock Rose now doing landscaping being done by Mrs Shaw-Stewart. Floodlights are somewhat invasive Mrs Shaw-Stewart will speak to owner.
9.0 Tourism initiatives/ongoing projects
Mrs Shaw-Stewart and Ms Cosgrove have produced a Community Resilience leaflet, going out with ELDA in June - £131 printing. Well done to everyone involved.
10.0 Public transport/RAGES
Bus forum meeting Wednesday 13/5, 10am, Haddington Council Chamber Ms Cosgrove to attend?
11.0 Correspondence and Consultations
1. Rural Broadband Survey. Haddington and Lammermuir Area Partnership. 7 April. Circulated.
2. Original DTZ and Golf Business Reports wrt Whitekirk. J Priest. 10 April. Circulated.
3. Blachere Illumination Christmas Lighting Brochure web details from L Pryde. 11April. Sent to Ms Shaw-Stewart for info/action as required.
4. East Lothian Community Hospital - Public Engagement Event Dates. S Gibb. 14 April. Circulated.
5. Report on the extent of Budgets devolved to Area Partnerships. A Cosgrove. 24 April. Circulated.
6. Understanding Scottish Places Website. S Gibb. 30April. Circulated.
7. Join Community Energy Scotland as a Community Member.
8. Volunteer Request. Giant Hogweed Clearance. Phantassie Bridge at 10am 8 May. Ms Pearson.
9. Sustaining Dunbar AGM 2 June 7-9pm at The Rocks.
Haddington Area views about learning 11 May
Planning for Tranent town centre 17 May
East Lothian Community Hospital 21 May
Road Traffic Regulations Various May 2015 22 May
Road Traffic Order Off Street Coastal Parking 22 May
12.0 Any Other Competent Business
ELPS May Fair Saturday 9th May 2015, 11am-2pm.
Insurance DCC are now insured under ELC insurance. Events require risk assessment.
Preston Road lade between double sluice and pond has had rubbish dumped old window frames with glass.
13.0 DATE OF NEXT MEETING and AGM - Thursday 4th June 2015