Dunpender Community Council
Draft Minutes - April 2015

Draft Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council held
on 2 April 2015 at the Council Chambers, East Linton

Present Mrs J Priest, Ms A Cosgrove, Mr J Robson, Mr J Swift, Mr G Gray, Ms L Shaw-Stewart

In attendance Cllr N Hampshire, Mr Stuart Gibb, Mrs Jill Taylor (Minutes)

1.0 APOLOGIES Cllr M Veitch, Mr M Strachan, Mr B Craighead, Mr R Russel, Ms A Pearson, PC Gavin Ross

Martin Strachan noted correction at 4.1. Should read - Streetlights unserviceable have been reported to ELC.
Mr Swift noted correction at 4.4. Should read – Mr Swift attended public meeting regarding Auction Mart.
Mr Swift noted correction at 4.4. Should read – A local resident’s complaint to Geddes re. noise from quarry turned out to be noise from bird scarers in nearby fields.
Otherwise accepted as a correct record of the meeting.

Road Safety - No related incidents
Antisocial Behaviour
- On the night of Saturday 15th March a disturbance took place in the Crown and
Kitchen. One male has subsequently been detained regarding related events and further enquiries are ongoing.
- Continued patrols by Community Warden Jimmy Wilson.
Theft - No related incidents.
Other incidents
There have been rumours of persons in a white van in East Linton trying to steal dogs. No complaints of thefts or attempted thefts of dogs have been made to police in East Linton or the wider area. Persons have been knocking doors looking for gardening work but no offences have been committed. There appears to be an element of “urban myth” about these reports.
A poacher’s net has been recovered from the banks of the River Tyne at Knowes. We request that persons remain vigilant as we enter the season when sea trout return in to the river and report suspicious activity to the police.

CAPP priorities
1. Carry out speed checks in 20 and 30mph areas throughout the ward area
2. Youth related Antisocial behaviour in the Letham Park area of Dunbar before and after
3. Issue parking tickets for parking offences in Dunbar and East Linton town centres.

Next CAPP meeting: Monday 27th April 2015, 7.30pm, Dunbar Police Station.
Monday 8th June 2015, 7.30pm, Dunbar Police Station

Dunbar PS has PC Ross and 4 other PCs and 2 Community Wardens based there. Find out who chairs CAPP meetings now after changes to local policing.


4.1 Area Partnerships
Mr Gibb, Dunbar and East Linton Area Manager spoke regarding the set up and planned delivery of the area plan by the local Area Partnerships. Ms Sandra King will be the Area Manager for the North Berwick Coastal Area Partnership.
On Tuesday 21st April, the next meeting of the North Berwick Coastal Area Partnership will be held in Port Seton – Mr Gray to attend on behalf of DCC. On Wednesday 22nd April the next meeting will be held of the Dunbar and East Linton Area Partnership will be held in Haddington Townhouse – Ms Cosgrove and Mr Strachan to attend on behalf of DCC. At these meetings, it will be decided how the budgets are spent. Existing expenditure by ELC is not being replaced, this is extra money for each area. Suggestion that DCC representatives go with a ‘shopping list’ of things they would like for their area – to be discussed by email.

4.2 2 new DCC members needed for Whitekirk/Tyninghame
Ms Richards who represented Whitekirk has resigned from DCC – many thanks to her for her time working with DCC and for all she did.

4.3 PAD
Ms Richards has secured another defibrillator for Tyninghame from the Scottish Ambulance Service. Possibly inside bus shelter has power or is there a phone box that could be utilised. Planning permission will also be required.
Mrs Priest to check re. defibrillator installed in Co-op – should we reconsider adopting BT red telephone kiosk at cost of £1 from BT? Mrs Priest to follow up.

4.4 Meetings attended
Ms Cosgrove attended the recent LEADER meeting, where Midlothian are now the lead authority. Ms Cosgrove will continue her involvement with LEADER.
Mr Gray attended the recent NBAP meeting where the new hospital was discussed.

4.5 Paths
Miller Homes have again closed the underpass/vennel through from Andrew Meikle Grove to the park. As this is a Right of Way, Under the Land Reform Act, 2003 they are duty bound to apply to ELC, in writing, 8 weeks in advance of any proposed closure. Did Cllr Veitch to follow this up on behalf of East Lothian Council and ask Miller Homes to submit application in retrospect – Mr Swift to contact Nick Morgan, Paths Officer to find out. Mr Swift to discuss at next Land Access Forum. Also unsure if it was in original plans re. sewage pipe placement and to level football field – Mrs Cosgrove to contact Cllr Veitch.

4.6 Roads/pavements
A local resident previously contacted DCC re. potholes in East Linton’s Square and people parking cars over the recently renovated grass area – possibly bollards or something similar to stop people parking here could be looked at. Contact Cllr Hampshire to check progress with this matter.
Streetlights around East Linton Square and the fountain are not working, these have been reported to ELC.
A meeting was held on 1st April with Alan Stubbs and Peter Forsyth, both ELC, Cllr Veitch, Mrs Priest and local residents regarding the Preston Road pavement issue. To put traffic lights in this area will cost approx. £75,000. Advised that need to make local case. Petition to be started by Mrs Priest and Mr Russel and to be displayed locally and taken to Prestonkirk, Parent Council and to other local groups who may support.
East Linton’s Traffic Options paper is on East Lothian Council’s consultation hub – encourage as many residents as possible to submit responses, DCC members to also respond. Responses must be submitted by 10 April 2015. Recent local petition concerning 20mph limit was for main streets in East Linton - Cllr Veitch has made clear within ELC that 20mph proposal must apply through centre of village if accepted.

4.7 ELDA article
The ELDA article for this month will be written by Mrs Priest and include information regarding Preston Road pavement petition.
5.0 Planning matters
Ms Shaw-Stewart will take on reviewing local planning proposals on behalf of DCC. Mrs Priest has objected on behalf of DCC to recent Whitekirk development plans.

6.0  Treasurer's Report
Mr Robson informed Members that had all cheques been presented before the end March deadline, the balance for the 2014/2015 financial year would have been £389.36 in the Current Account, and £1,710.75 in the Grants Account.  Papers were being collected for presentation to the Accountant, for audit next week.
On Local Priorities, nearly 78% of the total 2014/2015 budget had been spent, leaving £2,004.74 for `carry-over` to 2015/2016.  A new spreadsheet for the new financial year had previously been circulated. 
Mr Robson had added to the committed Activity funds from last year, website renewal, East Linton Horticultural Society, and costs for Christmas lights erection in 2015, which totalled £2,870.74.  After discussion, £270 was added to cover costs of printing and delivery of the Community Resilience leaflet, bringing the committed figure to £3,140.74, out of a 2015/2016 total budget of £5,784.74.  Further allocations for uncommitted funds to follow.

7.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk & Markle issues
Mr Swift to investigate possible potholes in road from Markle road end to Beanston.

8.0 Traprain & Whittingehame issues
Cllr Veitch to report back at next meeting if he followed up pothole report on road next to Luggate burn at the top of the hill.

9.0 Tourism initiatives/ongoing projects
Mrs Shaw-Stewart and Ms Cosgrove have produced a draft Community Resilience leaflet, this will be printed and possibly included in next ELDA, cost to be met from Local Priorities budget.

10.0 Public transport/RAGES
Mrs Cosgrove cannot attend the next RELBUS meeting on 28 April 2015.
Abellio has been awarded contract to run next Scotrail franchise but some confusion around if they will have enough trains to run it. Cllr Veitch involved in negotiations.
Ms Shaw-Stewart to contact Network Rail regarding painting of bridge.

11.0 Correspondence and Consultations
1. 6 March. S Richards. Planning applications inc Whitekirk.
2. 6 March. A Pearson. Friends of the River Tyne minutes for February.
3. 10 March. L Pryde. Community Council Budgets 2015/16.
4. 12 March. L Pryde. Xmas Lights Funding. Circulated.
5. 12 March. K MacLeod. Insurance and Personal Liability for Community Councillors. Circulated.
6. 13 March. M Veitch. Re Whitekirk development..
7. 16 March. J Priest. Re Whitekirk Development.
8. 17 March. M Veitch. Improper closure of Right of Way issue of precedent.
9. 23 March. J Priest. DCC response to East Linton Traffic Options Paper.
10. 23 March Joanne Armstrong MELDAP newsletter
11. 24 March. L Pryde. RELBUS meeting on 28 April at 7pm,Town House Haddington.
12. 24 March Friends of R Tyne mins of March 11th meeting
13. 26 March. Dr D Walker. War and Disability: An Oral History. Request for
individuals to participate in research project. Circulated.

Correspondence Tabled
- Letter dated Feb 2015 publicising the availability of BT Phoneboxes to communities for £1.
- Spring 2015 edition of NHS Lothian 'HealthLink' publication.
East Linton Road safety improvements 10 April
East Lothian Crisis Service Survey 24 April
Join East Lothian Citizens’ Panel 30 April
Haddington Area – views about learning 11 May

12.0 Any Other Competent Business
DCC to submit a team to the Playgroup quiz night on 17 April 2015 – Mr Robson to pay table at Post Office.

13.0 DATE OF NEXT MEETING : Thursday 7th May 2015