Dunpender Community Council
Draft Minutes - February 2015

Draft Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council held on 5 February 2015 at the Council Chambers, East Linton

Present Mrs J Priest, Ms A Cosgrove, Mr J Robson, Mr B Craighead, Mr J Swift, Ms L Shaw-Stewart

In attendance PC G Ross


Cllr M Veitch, Ms A Pearson, Mr M Strachan, Ms S Richards


Accepted as a correct record of the meeting


Road Safety: a male was arrested on 11th December for allegedly drunk driving on the High Street, another male has been charged with careless driving after pulling out from a junction N of East Linton on 21st December, on 16th January 4 fixed penalty tickets were issued for parking in contravention of the Traffic Restriction Order for Bridge Street, and on 22nd January a female was ticketed for driving while using a mobile phone.
Antisocial behaviour: There were no related issues to report
Litter: No reports of problems, but Community Warden Jimmy Wilson is working on dog fouling throughout the ward.
Theft: A garage in East Linton was entered over New Year and power tools valued at £2000 stolen.
During early hours on 12th January a spate of thefts in and around Luggate, Whittinghame, Garvald and Morham occurred. Insecure dwellings and vehicles were entered, and high value items including vehicles stolen. The vehicles are known to have subsequently travelled into Northumberland.
Other incidents
On 15th December airgun pellets struck a front door in McCall Gardens but no persons have been charged, or further incidents reported. On 10th January a house at Langside suffered a window breakage when a log was thrown at it. On 26th January a bag of paint was thrown onto the driveway of a house at Orchard Court.

Following the above thefts, where thieves have come into the area for easy pickings, residents are urged to protect their property from theft by;
-Securing vehicles and property
-Keeping valuables and keys out of sight
-Locking garages and outbuildings
-Checking locks are effective
-Restricting access to back gardens
-Remember garages may contain valuable property, and allow access to a home.
-Keep tools and garden equipment locked away

CAPP Priorities;

- Tackle Dog Fouling Issues - patrols to trace offenders and educate owners
- Road Safety - speed checks, parking issues and driving restrictions on Countess Crescent
-Youth Shelters - consult with young persons about demand, location and design
Next meeting; 7.30 pm Thurs. 26th Feb., Dunbar Police Station.

NB. PC Ross e-mailed on Friday 6th that a car (left with keys inside) had been stolen from the Whittinghame area the previous night, and seen in the Durham area a couple of hours later. He stressed that we should bear in mind the security measures given above.


4.1 The Traffic Options paper is imminent. As regards action on the narrow part of Preston Road beside the church, this may well involve traffic lights, and ELC would need to consult residents. A meeting with the Gas Board and Transportation is to be held on Friday 13th at noon in the Council Chambers, following the upheaval caused by road works. Comments were made to take to the meeting, to be attended by DCC members including the Chair. The new pavement at the Square has been completed, and the dropped kerb which may encourage pavement parking is actually for disabled access and has double-yellow lines. ELC is to be contacted about the volume of muddy surface water coming off fields west of Tyninghame, and along the road. The speed reactive sign is to be repaired and then sited in Preston Road. Cllr. Veitch is to be contacted by Mr. Russel about the encroachment of the verge at a bend in Preston Road.

4.2 ELDA article for March issue - to be written by Mr. Russel

4.3 PAD - nothing further to report from Ms. Richards

2 DCC members will attend a meeting about the new waste recycling plan on Feb 10th. Mr. Swift attended the Local Access Forum meeting; at Dalkeith Palace the public entering from Midlothian pay access, whereas from the East Lothian side access is free. This is being discussed between the parties involved. The Gullane to Drem path is still under discussion. An App for East Lothian paths is being considered. Mr. Swift is to reply on behalf of DCC to the Land Reform Act consultation.
4.5 Paths; the vennel under the railway has once more been blocked off, for 15 weeks. The football club are not happy about this; Mr. Swift will contact the ELC paths officer Nick Morgan about this closure.
Ms. Cosgrove went to the Area Partnership Meeting and to the Scottish Parliament presentation from Abellio; there was no mention of disability issues at Drem.


Main Issues Report (MIR) Ms Cosgrove had prepared thorough responses to points 1 - 26, based on discussion of these at the last DCC meeting. These responses were refined by further discussion before submission on Sunday 8th. Final comments were to be made to Ms Cosgrove by Sunday noon.

Planning (continued); There had been a query by a local resident about lighting at the Rockrose Equestrian Centre. The Planning Enforcement Officer will visit the site. There were no objections to a proposed biomass boiler at Smeaton Farm/ Garden Centre.


Mr. Robson reported that there was £431.36 in the Current Account and £1531.75 in the Council Grants Account. The itemised Local Priorities Budget for 2014/2015 was handed out. £8,618.32 was committed, £6,721.72 spent and there was £1,896.60 remaining. Of this £453.74 was uncommitted. After discussion, Ms. Shaw-Stewart is to go ahead with new Christmas lights for 2015 it being agreed that about £900 could be spent on them. Mrs. Priest had received one letter about spending money on Christmas lights from a person who felt the money could be better used on more permanent improvements.


The verges at Markle have suffered damage due to the increased volume of traffic diverted during road works. This will be raised at the meeting mentioned above, on Feb. 13th. Potholes on the Markle and Beanston Road are to be reported.


None were reported.


The Community Resilience leaflet is to be produced in the near future.


The rail bridge at the pharmacy is due to be painted in 2016/17.
Public Transport; the 120 bus service is out to tender, and news awaited in April.
The X6 bus service is operating on a new timetable, copies of which have not yet been issued.


11.1. 14 Jan. etc. etc. Bridge Street, East Linton. Closure programme and updates. M Hymers. SGN. W Laird. ELC.
11.2. 15 Jan. Special Places Consultation. Circulated.
11.3. 18 Jan. Scottish Rural Parliament/Rural Action Newsletter. Do we wish to participate?
11.4. 17 Jan. MI R session Prestonpans invitation. Circulated.
11.5. 21 Jan. M Deans ELC. An opportunity to influence Draft plans for Integrated Health & Care - Invitation to Health Network event 10.2.14 in Haddington, Feedback on Stronger Voices Events, Lothian Unscheduled Care (LUCS) Review. L Pryde. ELC. Circulated.
11.6.21 Jan. Scottish Rural Action membership application form. See 3 above.
11.7.21 Jan. Invitation to demonstration of new waste bins at Kinwegar tip on 10th or 17th Feb. Circulated. J Priest and A Pearson to attend
11.8.21 Jan. Colin Stewart Meeting with P Forsyth re Bank Road traffic.
11.9. 22 Jan. Notice of a meeting with Cllr Veitch/SGN in Council Chambers East Linton on Fri 13 Feb at 12 noon to discuss roads layout and recent closures. J Priest, JRobson, B Craighead and R Russel to attend
11.10. 30 Jan. Complaint from Belhaven Bikes alleging unfair competition from Sustaining Dunbar. J Priest to respond. Possible relevance to proposed Auction Mart development. To be monitored.
11.11. 2 Feb. Winter newsletter from the Climate Challenge Fund. Circulated.
11.12. 2 Feb. Recent Planning Applications. Circulated.
11.13.2 Feb. Request to raise poor drainage on road in Tyninghame with Highways Dept.

Zero Waste, Dunbar, have been asked to speak at the next meeting.

LDP Main Issues Report - Interim Environmental Report ends 8 Feb 2015
Special Landscape Area suggestion box ends 8 Feb 2015
Local Development Plan Main Issues Report ends 8 Feb 2015
Housing Options ends 9 Feb 2015
20mph Speed Limit, Hallhill Area, Dunbar ends 15 Feb 2015


The Community Hall Committee, through Mr. Craighead, passed thanks to DCC for their contribution to the acoustic panels now fitted.


Thursday 5th March