Present Mrs J Priest, Ms A Cosgrove, Mr M Strachan, Ms S Richards, Mr J Robson, Ms L Shaw-Stewart, Mr B Craighead Ms A Pearson, Mr J Swift, Mr G Gray
In attendance Cllr M Veitch, PC Gavin Ross, Mrs Jill Taylor (Minutes)
Suggestion by Mr Strachan that Area Partnership discussion should be abbreviated to
DELAP (Dunbar and East Linton Area Partnership) and NBAP (North Berwick Area Partnership) to allow for differentiation.
Read by PC Gavin Ross:-
During the period since the last police report dated 6th November 2014 there have been very few incidents of note in the Dunpender Community Council area. There may be more incidents but due to the nature of these or ongoing investigations I cannot give full details.
Road Safety
A larger poster has been put up in the Co-op window, it is hoped this will have an effect on the ongoing illegal parking issue.
Antisocial behavior
No related issues
No reports of problems but work is ongoing between Police and Community Warden Jimmy Wilson throughout the ward regarding dog fouling.
-At 03.40 on 11th November 4 hooded males forced entry to the Co-op and stole cigarettes before making off in a previously stolen car.
-Overnight 13th to 14th November a van parked in Hardie Terrace was broken in to and £2000 of power and hand tools were stolen.
-Overnight between 26th and 27th November a van parked in Drylaw Gardens was broken in to and searched but nothing was stolen. The owner wisely removes all valuable tools overnight.
- Overnight between 26th and 27th November a Landrover parked unlocked in Walker Terrace was entered and a Stihl saw was stolen.
CAPP priorities
-Parking issues
Patrol Dunbar and East Linton town centres and issue tickets for offences.
-Anti-Social Behaviour in vennels off Dunbar High Street
Patrol High Street and vennels to prevent anti social behaviour and check for any lighting faults or common stair security issues.
-Youth Shelters
Conduct a feasibility study for consideration of sitting youth shelters in the Dunbar area.
Other incidents
Youths have been observed acting suspiciously probably smoking drugs by the Tennis Courts changing rooms during daylight hours. Increased patrols by police and community wardens taking place and enquiry ongoing to identify those involved.
DCC briefly discussed the new rules on paying for road tax. DCC members were informed by PC Ross that the car tax database is open information, any member of the public can look up a car by registration number to check if it has valid road tax.
Drinking bylaw
PC Ross spoke regarding his request for Dunpender CC to adopt a drinking bylaw for East Linton & answered concerns. The enforcement would be intended to be reactive not proactive. PC Ross then left the meeting. DCC members discussed PC Ross’ request. There is some concern about the adoption of the bylaw and DCC members understand that to repeal a bylaw is very difficult once adopted. Members did not feel in a position to make an informed decision. Mrs Priest to request 5 years of figures on alcohol-related crimefrom PC Ross. Ms Cosgrove to check with other similar sized Community Councils to see if they have adopted the bylaw. Mr Gray to take a photo of the bylaw wording in Dunbar for reference. DCC to revisit issue in 6 months and possibly to consult via website and ELDA before coming to a decision.
4.1 Roads and Pavements
Cllr Veitch recently met Peter Forsyth ELC to finalise East Linton Traffic Options paper. Cllr Veitch will email round the final version of the East Linton Traffic Options paper, after this has been done this paper will be available in the Library and from East Linton’s website for comment by and consultation with local residents.
Cllr Veitch to forward request for ELC to repair road from East Fortune to Merry Hatton.
Cllr Veitch to forward concerns to ELC to look at ways of encouraging motorists not to park on the patch of grass at the Square in East Linton bollards/stones or a No Parking sign are all possibilities.
Cllr Veitch still working on resolving issues regarding parking spaces in Stories Park.
Cllr Veitch working with Monks Muir residents regarding the A199. He asked for DCC support to introduce a 50mph limit at the stretch of road where the residents need to cross to/from the bus stop DCC gave this matter their support Cllr Veitch to take this forward within ELC also to consider an ‘Elderly People’ road sign and street lights at this stretch of road.
Some concerns were raised about a lot of mud on the road from Markle to East Linton, farmer does not appear to be cleaning the road after use. DCC members advised to ring 101 if they come across this issue.
There are new dotted white lines, DCC assume these denote cycle lanes on Dunbar Road in East Linton.
4.2 ELDA article
The ELDA article for this month will be written by Mrs Priest.
4.3 PAD
Congratulations and well done to Ms Richards who has managed to secure 3 PADs. One PAD is being installed in the Co-op store this week. There is still Co-operative funding of £1500 to arrive and The Craig Hodgkinson PAD to be delivered, so DCC funds previously allocated should allow us to buy an external cabinet and for any necessary planning permission.
DCC members had discussion around where to place another PAD in East Linton BT phone box as discussed last month, on Community Council building or at doctors’ surgery. If on outside of a building within conservation area, DCC will need to fund a cabinet at a cost of £636 approx. and apply for planning permission. Ms Richards to approach Practice Manager of doctor’s surgery with a view to next PAD being placed there.
Dunbar First Responders have agreed to provide Dunpender community with training early next year, a training course will be arranged in January/February.
Meetings attended
Mr Craighead thanked Mr Russel for standing in for him on behalf of DCC at the Remembrance Sunday memorial service.
Mrs Priest attended the Main Issues Report workshop.
Ms Cosgrove and Ms Shaw-Stewart to produce local community resilience information after attending recent workshop in October 2014 Mrs Priest to send information to them about where snow shovels etc are kept.
MS attended the DELAP meeting on 1st December where integrated health & adult & social care and engagement with young people were discussed. GG attended the NBAP meeting on 25th November where similar issues were discussed no actions from either meeting. Next month at both meetings, the Main Issues Report will be discussed.
Ms Pearson continuing to work on applying for Paths for All grants. DCC members to send path priorities to Ms Pearson.
4.6 Drinking bylaw
See 3.0 Police report.
5.0 Planning matters
The Main Issues Report of the Local Development Plan was published on the 17th November and regarding Dunpender area, states that, although only listed as ‘other options’, there is potential to develop further in East Linton in the field beyond Andrew Meikle Grove and other sites. There is a reluctance in ELC to build more in East Linton, but they are subject to national political targets and pressure. DCC need to formulate and submit a response to the report at January 2015 DCC meeting. Ms Cosgrove to pick out and circulate pages in report members should take note of.
6.0 Treasurer's Report
Mr Robson announced that since ELC had refunded the £1,430 and other Local Priorities related expenditure, the Current Account stood at £594.09. With the transfer of that £1,430 - back to the correct account that incurred the charge originally - the Council Grants Account had a balance of £1,653.25. Mrs Pryde had recently supplied her version of the Local Priorities spreadsheet, and although a few figures did not tally with the Treasurer's, the total budget (£9,072.06) and spend of £5,881.33, were agreed. To date, allowing for the donations towards the Hall's acoustic panels, Tennis Club, and Primary 7 Camp, DCC had spent nearly 65% of that budget - a good record, with only just over 3 months of the financial year to go. A revised spreadsheet would be circulated before January's meeting.
DCC received a letter looking for support for an individual to help fund a Project Trust year DCC made a decision a few months ago to cease funding for individuals so will not be supporting this. Mrs Priest to write to inform.
7.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk & Markle issues
New member needed.
Mud on road discussed at 4.1
8.0 Traprain & Whittingehame issues
None tabled.
9.0 Tourism initiatives/ongoing projects
Mrs Shaw-Stewart and Mr David Warren are working on Christmas lights erection and switch on this weekend 6/7 December 2014.
10.0 Public transport/RAGES:
At the inaugural East Lothian Community Rail Partnership meeting, chaired by Cllr Veitch, it transpired that Network Rail want £400k in advance from each local authority, East Lothian and Scottish Borders, in respect of advance signalling work, before the application to the Scottish Stations Fund can be finalised. ELC will consider it at the Cabinet meeting in December. There was a parliamentary debate on the Edinburgh Berwick Rail Line in the Scottish Parliament last Thursday, when MSPs from all parties were very positive about the proposed stations and development of the line.
Nothing relevant to report from East Lothian Bus Group meeting.
11.00 Correspondence and Consultations
1. 091114 NFU acknowledgement of improvement in tractor driving through East Linton.
2. 101114 L Pryde. Intimation of Radio Scotland Big Debate.
3. 101114 G Norrie Changes to Street naming practice.
DCC members to submit suggestions for future East Linton street names to Mr Strachan who will collate and send to Mr Norrie.
4. 111114 L Pryde update on Tell Me Scotland portal.
5. 181114 Various. Confirmation of PAD grants from Co-op.
6. 241114 L Pryde. Updated funding database - HYPERLINK ""
7. 241114 L Pryde. Consultation on ELC draft Autism Strategy.
8. 241114 L Pryde. Intimation of community and local paths training.
9. 251114 A Cosgrove. Request for substitute at East Lothian Bus Group meeting.
10. 011214 J Priest/P Zochowski. Request for attendance at MIR Workshop and Consultation.
11. 271114 A McGregor. Dunbar Grammar overseas visit. Request for funding.
Undated November 2014 ELC Main Issues Report for the Local Development Plan. ( 9 ) Documents Hard Copy available at DCC Meeting 041114.
Open Consultations:-
East Lothian Budget Consultation 15th Dec
East Lothian Autism Strategy 17th Dec
East Lothian Citizens Panel 31st Dec
Planning customer feedback 31st Dec
Rent Level Consultation 2015-16 9th Jan
12.0 Any Other Competent Business
DCC have 2 tickets to the Lord Provost’s Christmas reception on 16th December 2014. Mrs Cosgrove also has 2 tickets. Mr Craighead, Mr Robson, Mrs Cosgove and Ms Pearson to attend on behalf of DCC.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all Dunpender Community Councillors and all Dunpender community.
13.0 DATE OF NEXT MEETING : Thursday 8th January 2015