Dunpender Community Council
Draft Minutes - November 2014

Draft Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
held on 6 November 2014 at the Council Chambers, East Linton

Present Mrs J Priest, Mr M Strachan, Mr J Robson, Ms L Shaw-Stewart, Mr R Russel

In attendance Cllr M Veitch, PC Gavin Ross, Mrs Jill Taylor (Minutes)

APOLOGIES Mr B Craighead, Ms A Pearson, Mr J Swift, Mr G Gray, Ms S Richards, Ms A Cosgrove

Amendment by Ms Pearson to 4.4 to say she had attended the Joint Laws Advisory Group recent meeting (not John Muir CP).
Read on behalf of PC Gavin Ross:-
Road Safety
-Due to ongoing issues with persons illegally parking in front of the Co-op a poster has been placed in the shop window, it has had some effect however a larger poster has been ordered.
-On 7th October at Pencraig a male was charged with driving with an expired driving licence and his vehicle was seized.
Antisocial Behaviour
-At 5am on the 2nd November at Browns Place a house window was smashed.
-At 5.30am on the 2nd November at Rennie Place a garden bench was taken from a garden and placed across the road and Halloween decorations were smashed.
-No reports of problems
-At 12.50 on the 9th October a resident at The Glebe heard noises from a neighbouring
property and on enquiring observed three males wearing balaclavas breaking in, she phoned police and passed the registration number of their vehicle. Police attended the locus and the registered keepers home address where four males were traced, arrested, charged and held in custody.
-Overnight between 15th and 16th October at Browns Place a vehicle was entered by smashing a window and a handbag and contents were stolen.
-On the evening of the 31st October two males stole a number of bottles of spirits from the Co-op. They also stole on a number of occasions from the Co-op in Dunbar. On the 3rd November two males were arrested in Dunbar, 26 bottles of spirits were recovered from their car. They appeared at court on the 4th and one was sentenced to 8 months imprisonment.
Other incidents
In early October there were three incidents of suspected poaching at the Linn Falls by “ripping” (repeatedly pulling a hook through the water hoping to snag a fish).
Drinking bylaw
PC Ross submitted thoughts regarding the adoption of a drinking bylaw for East Linton – which were tabled. The issue was discussed by DCC members, but decision deferred until more members were present.
Mrs Taylor to contact PC Ross re. emailing poster re. parking on yellow lines outside
Co-op to EL Primary school email distribution list.


4.1 Roads and Pavements
Referring to email already distributed giving options for next placement of speed reactive sign, DCC decided on Preston Road – Mrs Priest to email Colin Baird, ELC with decision. DCC unsure if police speed checks have been done.
Cllr Veitch to forward request for repainting white lines on East Fortune – Dirleton road.
Cllr Veitch will email round the final version of the East Linton Traffic Options paper, after this has been done this paper will be available in the Library and from East Linton’s website for comment by and consultation with local residents.
Mr Russel received a letter from Peter Forsyth, ELC stating that he has no budget this year, but will look at Preston Road pavement for next financial year DCC to discuss at a future meeting if the Local Priorities budget could help with the state of the pavement at the fountain. The bus shelter next to the Community Hall has been damaged, Cllr Veitch to report to ELC. There are now notices in the bus shelters near Community Hall stating direction of travel and up-to-date timetables.
Tractors recently seen travelling through East Linton appear to have been travelling slower – noticeable improvement in speed.

4.2 ELDA article
The ELDA article for this month will be written by Mrs Priest.

4.3 PAD
The Craig Hodgkinson Trust has donated an AED device to us via Scottish Ambulance (who will provide the AED and the training - date tbc). Mrs Richards will publicise the project, all DCC members to inform people about the project and encourage people to attend the training.
Mrs Richards has submitted funding applications with Lafarge and Scottish Ambulance for another PAD at a more remote location like Tyninghame and Whitekirk – awaiting decision.
There was a discussion on the possible location for the East Linton PAD. The East Linton red BT telephone box is available for adoption from BT for a cost of £1. If it is used to house a defibrillator BT will also provide the paint for maintenance of the box free of charge and supply electricity.  If it is placed here, then the box will not require planning permission. DCC requests that Mrs Richards asks for more information from BT – are there any pitfalls we should be aware of?

Meetings attended
Mr Robson attended the Lafarge Tarmac Liaison Meeting on 6 October.  At that date, 499 Lost Time Incident free days were reported.  On 3 October a small fire occurred in the kiln house (in the firing pipe area), and although a dozen fire appliances attended, nobody was injured - an investigation was under-way.  A discussion document had been produced of the old limestone mines - covering some 120,000 square metres (parts under the A1 trunk road) - and a local group formed to move proceedings forward.
The feasibility study regarding the East Linton Auction Mart and saleground has been completed and this was reviewed at a meeting on 5th November. The next step is a meeting with the Scottish Land Fund on Friday 7th November where they will be finalising the funding application for submission on 14th November.
DCC members attended the Community Resilience seminar held by ELC in late October 2014. The aims and objectives of the day were to ensure the public were prepared to deal with any emergency, to make communities more resilient, highlight the different agencies involved, provide communities with advice and information and to gather lessons learned for future planning. DCC members undertook workshops and information sessions and also met representatives from agencies who could help. One notable such meeting was with Paul Hendy of the Scottish Flood Forum – who DCC propose to invite to talk to local residents – along with West Barns and East Lammermuir CCs. Also found out about Lothian 4x4. DCC members who attended have suggested meeting representatives from agencies who can assist in emergency situations as well as writing some preparation for winter material for the East Linton website and collating a community asset register. Mrs Cosgrove and Mrs Shaw-Stewart to take this forward.
Mr Strachan attended the recent Area Partnership meeting where many local issues were discussed – notably community broadband. Area Partnership priorities include transport and opportunities for children and young people. DCC will continue to attend these meetings.
Ms Pearson has been to a meeting regarding the Smeaton National Tree Collection.

Ms Pearson/DCC have been asked for local input into the Local People: Local Paths consultation. Suggested Monks Muir to Pencraig be looked at among others.
New ‘Walks Around East Linton’ leaflet has been delivered and is being circulated. Congratulations to all involved in its production, looks fantastic.
Bob Rolph has cleared some of Kingsburgh path, still more to be done. Cllr Veitch and Cllr Hampshire are looking into how this path can be managed in the future.

4.6 Drinking bylaw
See 3.0 Police report.

5.0 Planning matters
7 houses are being planned at Tyninghame links.
Ms Pearson reported on the Rock Rose development at Sunnyside – looks like it will be a great asset to the area.
The developers at Whitekirk hotel have requested an extension of their planning permission for 21 holiday lodges and 42 houses. There will be further planning notices submitted in January 2015.
The Main Issues Report of the Local Development Plan is published on the 17th November and will show that there is potential to develop further in East Linton in the field beyond Andrew Meikle Grove and other sites. There is a reluctance in ELC to build more in East Linton, but they are subject to national political targets and pressure. DCC felt that there should possibly be a separate further public meeting to discuss this – discuss more at December DCC meeting. Mrs Shaw-Stewart mentioned that HADAS would be interested in a meeting. All DCC members to be familiar with Local Development Plan.

6.0  Treasurer's Report
Mr Robson informed Members that the Current Account's balance was £529.65, including payment for Remembrance Day wreath and reimbursement of Messrs Craighead & Russel costs on the Whitekirk noticeboard (£19.44).  The Council Grants Account stood at £223.25, due to the recent payment of £1,430 for the new Walks Leaflet - cost to be recovered from the Local Priorities budget.  Mr Robson advised that a BACS Remittance Advice had been received from ELC, confirming these reimbursements.
The previously circulated Local Priorities Budget spreadsheet was scrutinised - all available spend had been entered - showing a current spend of £3,432.83 (38% of budget), but application forms for donations totalling £1,200 had been issued, bringing a potential spend of 51% of budget, by Christmas.

7.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk & Markle issues
New member needed.

8.0 Traprain & Whittingehame issues
None tabled.

9.0 Tourism initiatives/ongoing projects
Mrs Shaw-Stewart to contact David Warren re. Christmas lights erection and switch on.
Walks leaflet discussed at 4.5

10.0 Public transport/RAGES:
The Transport Minister has written saying he has agreed in the franchise contract to provide a 2 hourly service Edinburgh-Berwick on Tweed calling at East Linton and he hopes to confirm funding for the station with services operating from Dec 2016 at the earliest.

11.00 Correspondence and Consultations
1. 031014 Emailed Community Police Officer regarding drinking bylaw statistics
2. 041014 Email A Greenan. Analysis disputing ELC interpretation of right to roam legislation.
3. 071114 Copy of DELAP minutes for 290914 Available on ELC website.
4. 101014 Email to DCC requesting input to Scottish Libraries consultation. 1 response received.
5. 141014 Email to DCC inviting input on proposal to create an Energy Park at Cockenzie. No responses.
6. 141014 Flyer for East Lothian Food Bank open day on 121114 in Tranent.
7. 151014 Email from ELC Library Service announcing cut in opening hour at East Linton and introduction of new services.
8. 211014 Circulated email flyer to DCC about Sustaining Dunbar Fertile Ground event on 251014.
9. 311014 Flyer about the Smeaton Hepburn Tree Heritage Trust Meeting held 271014
10. 031114 Request from Centre for Youth and Criminal Justice to complete a Survey on Youth Justice.?
11. 041114 Copy of a Letter from Scottish Transport Minister regarding possible reopening of Reston and East Linton Stations and associated comments. Further information required before confirmation.
12. 041114 Hall Accoustics. Email thanking DCC for financial contribution.
13. 041114 Minutes of the Friends of the River Tyne and a discussion on our on the local benefit and our continued participation and financial support.
14. ??1114 Letter from ELC advertising cost of Xmas Trees available through the Council.
15. 271114 Letter and Document from ELC describing ELC Anti Social Behaviour Strategy 2014-2016.
Open Consultations:-
Community Empowerment Bill 7th Nov
Age of Taxi vehicles 15th Nov
Views on Scottish Public Libraries 2nd Dec
East Lothian Citizens Panel 31st Dec
Planning customer feedback 31st Dec

12.0 Any Other Competent Business
Mr Russel to lay wreath on behalf of DCC, also on behalf of ELC at Remembrance day service on 9th Nov. Mr Craighead has fixed the wire around the memorial and also the gate.

13.0 DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Thursday 4th December 2014