Dunpender Community Council
Draft Minutes - September 2014

Draft Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
held on 4 September 2014 at the Council Chambers, East Linton

Present Mrs J Priest, Ms A Cosgrove, Mr J Robson, Mr M Strachan, Mr B Craighead, Mr R Russel, Mr J Swift

In attendance Cllr M Veitch, Cllr N Hampshire, PC Karen Hamilton, Mrs Jill Taylor (Minutes), Mrs Anne Stewart (resident)

1.0 APOLOGIES Ms A Pearson, Mr G Gray, Ms S Richards, Ms L Shaw-Stewart

Accepted as a correct record of the meeting.

PC Karen Hamilton:-
During the period since the last police report there have been very few incidents of note in the Dunpender Community Council area. There may be more incidents but due to the nature of these or ongoing investigations I cannot give full details.
Road Safety
-There have been further complaints regarding illegal parking on the High Street. Officers will give ongoing attention.
-A number of complaints were received regarding speeding on the A199, this information has been passed on to Roads Policing requesting speed checks on this stretch.
-On 30th August a male was arrested for drink driving on Haddington Road.
Antisocial Behaviour
-Only one call was received all summer regarding youths swimming at Linn Rocks, a member of the public approached a group of noisy youths and one youth made an indecent gesture towards her. A marked improvement on the situation last year.
-Over the summer youths moved a picnic table from by the skate park across to a small wooded area on the other side of the football pitch where they were hidden from view, the area was used as a drinking den during afternoons. Jimmy Wilson has arranged for the bench to be removed and has cut back the undergrowth that was providing cover.
-Constable Ross and Community Warden Jimmy Wilson are actively conducting dog fouling patrols and will continue as we get dark mornings and evenings.
-Over the last few nights a number of sackfuls of potatoes have been dug up and stolen from field by Knowes and Lawhead belonging to Smeaton Farm.
-Between 11th and 15th July the honesty box for the tennis club was forced and the contents stolen, at the same time the adjacent notice board was damaged.
Other Incidents
On 26th June a male was arrested for vandalism and Breach of the Peace following an incident in Station Road.
Between 2nd and 3rd July a small child’s bike left overnight at East Linton Primary was vandalised.
Between 2nd and 3rd July persons have entered Prestonkirk Church and caused extensive damage to the church organ. Despite extensive enquiry and forensic analysis of recovered items this remains unsolved.
East Linton Gala Day and Hill Race passed without incident.
We are planning joint speed checks with our Roads Policing colleagues later this month and we will be targeting the areas around the primary schools at drop off and pick up times.

CAPP priorities:
1.Patrol residential areas regarding inconsiderate parking of vehicles.
2.Patrol rural fringes of Dunbar and East Linton to prevent underage drinking.
CAPP meeting - Thursday 11th September 2014, 7.30pm, Dunbar Police Station.

PC Ross requested that DCC discuss the drinking bylaw. This will be discussed at a future meeting.
Request by DCC for police to do speed checks on Preston Road, around entrance to The Dean – early acceleration out of/late decelaration into village is an issue – PC Hamilton to pass this request to Traffic Police. Complaint from resident from Orchard Court, East Linton regarding speeding motorbikes along A199 – this also to be passed onto Traffic Police.
The reactive speed sign currently placed on Drylaw Hill is out of service – Cllr Veitch to follow up within ELC. High St speed monitoring results from July discussed.
Mr Strachan to write to Secretary of National Farmers’ Union re. drivers of tractors and farm machinery using mobiles while driving and speed of tractors going through village.


4.1 Roads and Pavements:
Mrs Stewart raised concerns about the pavement on Preston Road round Preston Kirk. It is too narrow for a mobility scooter/wheelchair/buggy/pram. Mr Russel added that this is part of the John Muir Way to Dunbar. Cllr Veitch to follow up within ELC.
The Traffic Options paper produced will be taken forward to ELC by Cllr Veitch and Cllr Hampshire. A public meeting was discussed, but decided against as it would slow down the actions requested. Residents will be able to view the paper in the Library and on the East Linton website and submit comments. The paper will be mentioned in next ELDA article (October). Cllr Veitch to rework paper and will let DCC members know when it is ready to be publicised. Thank you to Peter Forsyth and Colin Baird, ELC for their work on this.
Mr Russel reported that the Phantassie roundabout sign is broken and the signpost towards North Berwick on the A199 (heading East) was also broken – both have been reported to ELC.

4.2 ELDA article for September
Mr Strachan to write this.

4.3 Community First Responders/PAD
A CFR group has not managed to become established in East Linton due to lack of available volunteers. However a Public Access Defibrilator (PAD) has been sourced from the Scottish Ambulance Service. Discussed where to put it in village and perhaps it will require planning permission. Ms Richards to continue working on this, well done to her for the work done to date.

4.4 Meetings attended
Mr Craighead carried the Commonwealth baton on behalf of Dunpender Community Council through Dirleton (route did not go through Dunpender) – thank you.
Mrs Priest attended the Zero Waste Dunbar meeting
Ms Richards and Ms Pearson attended the Community Broadband meeting – report to follow.
Ms Pearson attended the bus consultation on 15 August – only person present.
Ms Cosgrove attended the RELBUS AGM
Mr Strachan went to the first Area Partnership meeting on 25 August. Mr Strachan to circulate Minutes when they are available.
Mr Russel attended a 20s Plenty meeting on 3 September. 20mph speed limits are to be trialed in 3 more local areas – East Linton is on the Safer Streets popular list requesting a trial.
Mr Swift attended the Local Access Forum in July. The Drem>Gullane path will not be pursued any further. The LAF are working on getting the public more involved & interested in their work. Mr Swift is now the Vice Chair of this Forum.
The next Friends of John Muir County Park meeting is on Thursday 11 September 2014 – apologies sent by Mr Russel, however possibly Ms Pearson can go.

4.5 Mrs Priest reported irate ramblers in the village, angry at public toilets not being open. Cllt Veitch to action.
Rennie Place/Kingsburgh Gardens path has been cleared for now but future maintenance has to be considered. The underpass to the new Miller Homes is open but drainage has not been done – ELC’s Nick Morgan to be informed. Will there be a path to link up to other path going through park and will underpass be lit for schoolchildren on winter days? Cllr Hampshire to check and report back to DCC.
The Hailes path is still closed (since June). It will cost a lot of money to fix erosion – possibly LEADER funds could be applied for to help with this cost.
Thank you to local volunteer path wardens managed by Nick Morgan, Paths Officer, who have kept many of our paths clear this summer.
Mr Hamilton, local farmer, had agreed to move fallen trees in river when crops were out of field – which is now the case. Also Knowes Weir is blocked up – Cllr Hampshire to ACTION.

4.6 Saleground proposal
This is progressing well. DCC have submitted a letter of support for the project, however DCC do not wish to see other local businesses (eg Stewart Stenhouse plants) pushed out of business to make way for this project.
Mr Swift wondered if soil had been tested for animal remains? Mr Swift to highlight issue to Saleground team.
Open meeting to show plans on 31st August 2014 was a success.

5.0 Treasurer’s Report
Mr Robson advised Members, that with the bank charge refund - not DCC's fault in the first place - the Council Grants Account stood at £1,653.25.  £1,430 of which, would be paid for the new Walks Leaflet and recovered from the Local Priorities Budget.  The Current Account stood at £904.09, allowing for the £350 recovery of Fountain maintenance costs, from East Lothian Council.
The Local Priorities spreadsheet, previously circulated to Members, was discussed.  It was agreed to increase the Horticultural Society's allocation by £200, transfer the balance from the Park Project to other activities, increase the Public Access Defibrillator commitment to £1,000, allocate £500 each towards the Community Hall acoustic panels & East Linton Tennis Club for the new courts project. A donation to a replacement picnic bench for Preston Mill, was suggested, but a formal request would be needed from the National Trust for Scotland - Mr Robson to pursue.  A revised spreadsheet, taking all the amendments into account, would be presented for the next meeting.

6.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk & Markle issues
The Whitekirk noticeboard is now in situ. The Tyninghame noticeboard is ongoing (being actioned by Tyninghame Hall Committee with support from DCC).
The Markle drainage issue has been fixed, perhaps temporarily so.

7.0 Traprain & Whittingehame issues
The repaired noticeboard at Whittingehame is in situ.

8.0 Tourism initiatives/ongoing projects
The Walks leaflet has been finished and is being printed.
20s Plenty discussed in 4.4
The Miller Homes artwork is due to be erected soon, this may require planning permission.

9.0 Public transport/RAGES
Ms Cosgrove will attend the RAGES AGM on 9 September 2014. She also attended the recent RELBUS AGM.
Notices have not yet been placed in bus shelters along High Street noting direction of travel & bus operators have to put up their timetables – Cllr Veitch to follow up.
School children travelling to Dunbar Grammar from East Linton have had a lot of problems with First Bus – including on first day of school for new First years. Cllr Veitch to follow up within ELC.
No update on proposed East Linton station yet.

10.0 Planning Matters: nothing to discuss. Cllr Hampshire warned of the upcoming ELC Major Issues report [housing needs] which will need a swift response.

11.0 Correspondence and Consultations

11.1 27/6 Scottish Govt LGR Committee Call for evidence - Community Empowerment (Scotland) Bill - See also 13/8 email.
11.2 30/6 Scottish govt National Planning Framework
11.3 30/6 Climate Challenge fund summer update/ applications. See also 12/8 email.
11.4 30/6 Design a logo for Scotland's Community Councils competition - circulated to DCC Councillors.
11.5 1/7 A Turner Saleground meeting minutes
11.6 10/7 ELC Bill Wilson invitation to visit John Gray Centre
11.7 24/7 RELBUS AGM 27th Aug
11.8 24/7 Nick Morgan: volunteer Path wardens’ work on JMW and Monksmuir path
11.9 31/7 SSmith ELC Community BBand meeting 14th Aug
11.10 1/8 LBP Insp Ian Mackay: New Police Inspector Alan Hogarth
11.11 7/8 Andew Turner Saleground press release
11.12 8/8 Steph Scott: Funds requested for Hall accoustics
11.13 12/8 Sesplan Housing Needs and Demand Assessment consultation update
11.14 13/8 Scottish Govt: Policy Memorandum for the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Bill
11.15 12/8 Lord Lieutenant: Queens Voluntary Service award nominations
11.16 12/8. Climate Challenge Fund.
11.17 13/8. Easy Read Version of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Policy Memorandum - Published 13 August 2014
11.18 25/8 Invitation to a joint meeting of East Lothian/Berwickshire Community Councils about Wind Farm Funds on 17/9 at 1930 in Cranshaws Village Hall.
11.19 27/8 Scottish Rural Parliament Newsletter August 2014 emailed to DCC Councillors
11.20 1/9. VBrown, ELTennis Club: Successful appln to Viridor for tennis courts
11.21 2/9 F Lenaghan, Tyninghame Hall re progress on noticeboard
11.22 3/9 ELC, N Clark: Meeting and annual tour of JMCP Advisory Group 11th Sept

12.0 Any Other Competent Business
Ms Cosgrove responded to recent Consultation on Boundary Commission.
The park sub-committee did not represent for co-option – Mrs Priest to contact them to find out their intentions. There has been recent vandalism in the park – to the silver birch trees and Myra’s Field planting needs to be regularly maintained – Cllr Hampshire to follow up with ELC.
East Linton website has had 30,000 hits – well done Mr Seagroatt.
Mr Robson will provide funding for members’ printer ink supplies next month.

13.0 DATE OF NEXT MEETING : Thursday 2 October 2014