Dunpender Community Council
Draft Minutes - May 2014

Draft Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council held on 1st May 2014 at the Council Chambers, East Linton

Present Mrs J Priest Ms A Cosgrove, Mr M Strachan, Mr J Robso, Mr B Craighead Ms S Richards, Mr R Russel, Ms L Shaw-Stewart, Mr J Swift , Ms A Pearson, Mr G Gray

In attendance PC D Waugh, PC K Hamilton, Mr A Turner (local resident), Mrs L Fergus (local resident), Mrs J Taylor (Minutes)

1.0 APOLOGIES Cllr N Hampshire, Cllr M Veitch, Mr J Wilson, ELC

Accepted as a correct record of the meeting.

On 9th April, PC Gavin Ross gave a presentation to members at East Linton day centre in relation to a ‘bogus caller’ initiative. This was well received by those in attendance.
On 14th April a member of the public reported seeing a white transit pickup type vehicle in the area looking for scrap metal. Unfortunately, only part of the registration number was obtained and despite being circulated the vehicle was not traced. No other reports were received in relation to this vehicle.
On 15th April a member of the public phoned in regarding a found dog and the dog was quickly re-united with its owner.
On 29th April an anonymous call was received regarding a male and female having sexual intercourse at Linn Rocks, Police attended from nearby but there were no persons traced. This was possibly a hoax call.
If anyone has any information they wish to pass on regarding any of the above incidents, or any information relating to crime or concerns in their community can they please contact:-
Dunbar Police Station on 101
or email - HYPERLINK "mailto:DunbarEastLintoncpt@scotland.pnn.police.uk" DunbarEastLintoncpt@scotland.pnn.police.uk
CAPP agreed priorities from 14th April meeting included parking issues in Dunbar and East Linton High Streets regarding yellow line, disabled bay, bus stop and time limitation offences.
Mr Craighead informed police about poaching happening again on the River Tyne – PC Waugh will inform PC Ross (Wildlife Officer) and they will monitor.
Mrs Priest asked police about reporting a driver for using a mobile phone. 2 police officers need to see the driver using the mobile phone for charges to be brought, two lay people corroborating evidence is not sufficient.

Mr Turner and Mrs Fergus (local residents) gave a short presentation on their plans for East Linton sale ground and auction mart. Mr Turner and Mrs Fergus are exploring the possibility of purchasing the local site for community development and creating a local area for business development, employment, leisure and community activities. There has been some interest and support locally and the next step is to apply to the Big Lottery Fund’s Investing Ideas fund for funding to commission a feasibility study. If the project is deemed to be feasible, then the next stage of the process would be to apply to the Scottish Land Fund for up to 95% of the valuation of the site and for Sustaining Dunbar to hold the land in trust for the community until the funding was in place to develop the site (via alternative funding). The project received general support from Dunpender Community Council and Ms Richards is to join the working group and report back regularly to DCC.


5.1 ELDA article for May
Mr Gray to write and submit ELDA article in May for ELDA’s June issue and to send to Mr Seagroatt for inclusion on Dunpender website.

5.2 John Muir Day event
DCC held and supported a local programme of activities to support John Muir Day on Monday 21 April 2014, which included opening the hall in the afternoon for walkers’/cyclists’ refreshments and Mr Russel leading a local nature walk for families. Mr Russel and Mrs Cosgrove to respond to this week’s East Lothian Courier letter from North Berwick Ramblers complaining that East Linton hall was not open at lunchtime for refreshments – this was because JM Way was officially opened after 12 noon by First Minister and this group had set off in the morning. East Linton Playgroup was thanked for providing refreshments and Playgroup thanked DCC for the opportunity to fundraise. The event had a positive report from the Land Access Forum. Thanks to Mr Russel, Mr Craighead and Mrs Cosgrove for all their work on this project.

5.3 Community First Responders
Ms Richards has had a positive response to a further local appeal for people to become Community First Responders – now 12 volunteers. The Scottish Ambulance Service will train the volunteers and a rota system will be set up. Funding for a defibrillator for the CFRs to use will be applied for.

5.4 Meetings attended
Mr Robson attended the Lafarge Tarmac Community Liaison Meeting on 8 April, and reported on that day the Cement Works had 318 days Lost Time Incidents (LTI) free.  The company was aiming for a full year LTI free.  Mr Craighead raised the question of flooding within the old mine workings, which ran under the A1.  Mr Robson advised that concern had already been mentioned by West Barnes representatives, since SEPA had stopped the pumps working, and restarting and inspection of the mines was being addressed.
Mr Swift reported on the recent Land Access Forum meeting. The compromise solution for Becky’s Strip has been put to landowners, however some are now not willing to go ahead due to local pressure. The Strip being part of the North Sea cycle route is therefore under threat. The plans for the Gullane to Drem path have also been subject to protest and may not now go ahead. The Chair of the Land Access Forum has changed from Mr Keith Brown to Mr James Wylie. Mr Swift to email Mr Seagroatt with Minutes of Land Access Forum monthly for inclusion on Dunpender community website.
Ms Pearson attended the Friends of John Muir Park Advisory Group. The Friends are happy with ponies and are undertaking a grassland survey to monitor their effect on the Laws.
The Friends of John Muir Country Park and Friends of the River Tyne meetings are coming up.

5.5 Paths
Ms Pearson is applying for a Paths for All grant to help tidy up the paths in East Linton and had a meeting with John Duthie from Paths for All.
The new Walks leaflet is still in production and is to be proof read by Mr Russel prior to printing. Good response by local businesses to advertise in new leaflet.
There is erosion on river walk to Hailes castle, estimated to cost in the region of £80- £100,000 to fix – there is a sign up warning path users about erosion. Mrs Pearson to bring up at next Friends of the River Tyne meeting. Ms Pearson is the paths warden for this path.
The underpass from East Linton park to new Miller Homes development has again been unlawfully closed to relay electricity cabling without the correct permissions from ELC and Land Access Forum. Once alerted to this, ELC’s Nick Morgan contacted Miller Homes who apologised and will supply notice and signs retrospectively. The right of way will need to be closed again at a later date for drainage – Miller Homes have been informed by Mr Swift and Nick Morgan that they need to apply for a formal closure on the next occasion.

5.6 Roads/pavements
The 20s Plenty local campaign for East Linton has collected in 300+ signatures, which is approximately 20% of residents. This petition has been closed and passed to Cllr Veitch.
Alan Stubbs and/or Peter Forsyth will attend next DCC meeting to table local traffic options paper – due to a busy agenda, the paper will be distributed after the meeting for subsequent comment.
Stories Park residents have been give two options with regards to parking – numbering bays or marking them as ‘residents only’.
Ms Shaw-Stewart reported that the slurry spray in fields has been particularly bad recently and more widespread. Advised to call the police and SEPA.
ELC are investigating weeping water at Markle.
The road at Whittingehame crossroads is to be repaired by ELC.

6.0 Treasurer’s Report/LP budget
Mr Robson advised that the 2013/2014 accounts had been audited, and approved. A signed copy passed to Internal Audit at ELC, and Mrs Priest.  Thank you to Mr Robson by DCC.  At the beginning of the new financial year both accounts were in a healthy position.  After discussion on Members' expenses, it was agreed that the printer ink `allowance` would be increased to £15 each, with no further purchasing of postage stamps or printer paper.
Following discussion with Mr Robson, Mr Strachan and Ms Richards, Mrs Priest had circulated a list with committed Local Priorities activities and possible additional ones, for 2014/2015. LP funds have been cut and because of this it was agreed to limit Dunpender News to one edition per year and to only donate funding to organisations in the future, not individuals. Mrs Cosgrove to suggest that school tuck shops funds could be used for P7 yearbook in future and if DCC do support the P7 yearbook, that they could receive a copy.

7.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk & Markle issues
Mr Craighead volunteered to put new surface on noticeboard behind Tyninghame bus shelter. A new member is still required to represent this area.

8.0 Traprain & Whittingehame issues
Whittingehame House issues as previously reported are still ongoing.
Ms Shaw-Stewart to apply to Civic Pride Fund towards funding for new noticeboard for Whittinghame – application to be submitted before the end of May 2014.

9.0 Tourism initiatives/new projects
Ms Pate, local artist, is attending June’s DCC meeting to show plans for Miller Homes artwork project. ELC still looking at location, either in the Park or on green space at new development.     

10.0 Public transport/RAGES      
Cllr Veitch tabled the recent bus forum where the Bus Charter was launched – this was a RELBUS initiative.
Cllr Veitch to hold meetings regarding ELC supported bus routes in autumn 2014.
Cllr Veitch to ask about signage for bus stops in East Linton – showing which bus stop on High Street (near Hall) is towards North Berwick and which is towards Dunbar – confusion for John Muir Way walkers.
Concern over high school children being left in Dunbar on way home from school by First Bus if bus is full. There will be more children come August travelling from East Linton – are bus company aware of this?
Cllr Veitch issued press release recently about progress and funding for East Linton station – bid to Scottish Government’s station fund is imminent.

11.0 Planning Matters
Ms Shaw-Stewart is dealing with issues regarding landscaping and planning conditions for farm buildings and is working with ELC’s David Taylor – Planning and Enforcement Officer.

12.0 Correspondence and consultations
Correspondence -
12.1 e 7/4 - Scottish Government - Streamlining Planning Assessments: Stakeholder Survey.
12.2 16/4 - Letter from Sandie Baptie ELC Resilient Communities Workshop 2014. Saturday 25 October 2014 9am to 1pm (lunch provided).
12.3 e 17/4 - Briefing on East Linton Sale Ground. Purchase and creation of a community business.
12.4 e 23/4 - Confirmation of continued free access to Uk Local Government Knowledge Hub.
12.5 e 24/4 - Scottish Rural Parliament Update. Request for more interest from the Chair of the Scottish Rural Parliament.
12.6 e 30/4 - Effective Community Engagement | 14th May 2-4pm| Glasgow.
Open Consultations -
North Berwick Parking Strategy – closing on 5 May 2014
East Lothian Citizens' Panel – closing on 31 Dec 2014
Planning Customer Feedback Form – closing on 31 Dec 2014
13.0 Any Other Competent Business
Mr Strachan (main representative) and Mrs Cosgrove (sub) to represent DCC at Dunbar and East Linton Area Partnership meetings. Ms Richards (main representative) and Mr Gray (sub) to represent DCC at North Berwick Area Partnership meetings.
Ms Shaw-Stewart is attending Gifford referendum debate as observer. Can DCC also host a debate? DCC decided that there was not enough time to arrange due to summer recess.
Mr Swift asked about progress with coastal car parking charges. Cllr Hampshire informed meeting that the machines to take payment and other equipment had been ordered. Charge will be £2 per visit, but annual pass available for residents. Clarification required from ELC if £2 daily charge covers all beaches or if beach visitors would need to pay again if visiting more than one beach in a day.

14.0 DATE OF NEXT MEETING AND AGM: Thursday 5th June 2014
Mrs Cosgrove volunteered to take Minutes due to Mrs Taylor’s absence.