Dunpender Community Council
Draft Minutes - April 2014

Draft Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council held on 3rd April 2014 at the Council Chambers, East Linton

Present Mrs J Priest, Ms A Cosgrove, Mr M Strachan Mr J Robson, Mr B Craighead, Ms S Richards, Mr R Russel, Ms L Shaw-Stewart, Mr J Swift

In attendance PC G Ross, Cllr M Veitch, Mr S Baptie, ELC, Mrs J Taylor (Minutes)

1.0 APOLOGIES Cllr N Hampshire, Cllr J Goodfellow, Ms A Pearson, Mr G Gray, Mr J Wilson, ELC

Accepted as a correct record of the meeting.
Mr Swift noted that he wished to correct February 2014’s Minutes - 4.3 Paths to read:
Mr Swift attended the Land Access Forum on 29th January. The Forum had received a number of emails both of support and protest re the resurfacing of Becky’s Strip.

Report by PC G Ross:-
Overnight between 8th and 9th March a car in East Linton High street had all four tyres let down.
Between 6th and 10th March a cement mixer was stolen from a field between East Linton and Pencraig.
On 15th March a male was charged with driving a car without insurance on East Linton High Street.
Overnight between 22nd and 23rd March damage was caused to a newly built farm shed at Drylawhill Farm, it appears persons gained entry looking to steal from within but found it empty.
There has been a number of what we call “social engineering bank frauds” in the North Berwick and Dunbar areas. Everyone should be mindful not to necessarily believe the identity of a person who telephones you claiming to be from the bank and should they tell you to phone the bank back use a different phone or attend the bank in person.
We are conducting a “bogus caller” initiative over the next couple of weeks, my involvement will be doing presentations to elderly persons at day centres but there will be numerous other initiatives happening throughout the division.
CAPP local priorities are:-
Dog fouling - Progress initiative to deal with issue, particularly on sports fields.
Parking issues - High visibility foot patrols. Issuing of tickets for inconsiderate or dangerous parking. This will be done by Dunbar Community Police team.
Cycling on pavements – liaising with school and local businesses
There are 2 police officers based at Dunbar Police Station – Sergeant Scott Nicolson and PC Gavin Ross.
Ms Shaw-Stewart asked PC Ross for an update on the ongoing Whittinghame issue regarding livestock and property damage – PC Ross stated that issue was being addressed and ongoing.
Colin Baird, ELC to look at access to Mill Wynd for large vehicles and emergency services, which is sometimes impossible due to parked cars.


4.1 Community Resilience
There was a presentation by Mr Sandy Baptie, ELC’s Emergency Planning and Risk Manager. Mr Baptie is meeting with all local Community Councils to introduce himself and explain what his role at ELC involves – identifying risks and planning for all eventualities as well as training other ELC staff and encouraging local communities to make local emergency community plans. These are used for communities to come together in an emergency to help those who can’t help themselves. There is a workshop regarding localised emergency plans on 25th October 2014 at the Brunton Theatre, Musselburgh. DCC decided that they would send representatives to this meeting, then form a group to write Dunpender’s emergency plan, which Mr Baptie would assist with. Ms Cosgrove, Ms Shaw-Stewart, Ms Richards, Mr Russel and Mr Strachan to possibly attend. There is a useful website, which sets out the process for writing a local emergency plan – Ready Scotland – Mrs Priest to send round the link. Mrs Priest to also contact Sue Guy from Sustaining Dunbar, who may be able to help as she has written some of their local emergency plan already and some areas may be covered by their plan.

4.2 Dunpender News/ELDA article for April
Congratulations to Ms Richards, Mr Russel and Ms Pearson for the latest edition of Dunpender News, which has recently been distributed to households across the Dunpender area.
Mr Russel to write the ELDA article this month.

4.3 Meetings attended
Mr Russel attended the John Muir Advisory Group meeting on 13th March – where visitor numbers and horses using John Muir Park were discussed, among other issues.
Mr Craighead attended the CAPP meeting in March, and will attend the next meeting on 14th April 2014.
Mr Swift will attend the next Land Access Forum at the end of April.
Mr Robson will attend the next LaFarge meeting.
Mr Strachan attended the Accelerating Renewable Connections meeting, organised by Sustaining Dunbar re. renewable energy.

4.4 Paths
Ms Pearson has applied for a Paths for All grant to help tidy up the paths in East Linton.
Community Councillors have received favourable comments regarding the Hailes path from those new to East Linton.

4.5 Roads/pavements
A photo of the broken pavement in the Square has been provided to Cllr Veitch by Mr Russel
Members agreed with ELC suggestion to move the speed reactive sign from Haddington Road to Drylaw Hill for the next 6 months.
The 20s Plenty petition has nearly 200 signatures – the petition will be closed and passed to Cllr Veitch after Easter.
Cllr Veitch is still working on an aspirational plan for traffic improvements in East Linton, plans include introducing the 20mph speed limit, sorting out the Co-op parking and also closing School Road for traffic during school drop-off/pick-up times.
Ms Cosgrove attended the Stories Park parking residents meeting on 27th March. Peter Forsyth, Alan Stubbs and Bill Laird – all from ELC were all in attendance. The off-road spaces in question belong to East Lothian Housing Association, who have no interest in reclaiming the spaces. Various options to secure the parking spaces for the residents were discussed including allocating numbers to spaces or writing ‘Residents’ Parking Only’ on the pavements. Cllr Veitch to take issue forward. This local issue has become charged and involves some ASB by people involved. Mr Craighead to ask that this issue of potential local ASB is added to next CAPP priorities.
Mr Robson reported a call from a Lauder Place resident who mentioned a `near miss` with another vehicle on the Linn Bridge caused by parked cars on the approach. Issue of cars parking on stone bridge has been reported to police and ELC.

4.6 Community First Responders
There has been a disappointing response to this initiative. Only 5 people are seriously interested in undertaking training and becoming Community First Responders, a minimum of 6 people is needed for the project to go ahead. Ms Richards has organised an appeal on East Coast FM and in East Lothian Courier for more volunteers. The Scottish Ambulance Service has agreed to loan equipment after training just in case of volunteer drop out. If project is successful, then will need funding from Dunpender Community Council to buy equipment needed – plan to apply for grant and use Local Priorities.

5.0 Public transport/RAGES
There is a bus forum meeting on 29th April, Ms Cosgrove to attend.
The Community Rail Partnership restarted meeting on 31st March – this covers the whole of East Lothian.
At the Network Rail briefing meeting, informed of theatre group that will be informing children of dangers of playing on railways.

6.0 Traprain & Whittingehame issues
None tabled

7.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk & Markle issues
The planning permission for the erection of the Whitekirk noticeboard has been registered and is showing as pending on the East Lothian Council website. Mr Craighead and Mr Russel to liaise once permission is granted to erect the noticeboard.
There has been no recent official update about the hotel complex at Whitekirk, however locally it is understood that the project has been given the go-ahead by the hotel group and that building work is to begin this month.
A new member is still required to represent Whitekirk.

8.0 Treasurer’s Report
Mr Robson advised that closing balances for 2013/2014 were £426.09 and £1,553.08 for Current, and Council Grants Account, respectively.  Two unpresented cheques had been included.
The present 2014/2015 balances stood at £392.09 & £1,553.08 for Current and Grants Account, respectively.  He also reported that the accounts were being prepared for submission to the auditor.
Mr Robson had previously circulated copies of the Local Priorities budget, for the new financial year. He explained that the committed, but unspent, balance from 2013/14 was £5,112.06.  When added to DCC's budget for 2014/15, the total stood at £9,072.06, with £3,960 uncommitted. These figures had been agreed with Mrs Pryde at ELC.  He asked that Members suggest suitable projects to which funds could be allocated – to be added to the May agenda.

9.0 Tourism initiatives/new projects
Ms Pearson is preparing a new Walks leaflet to coincide with John Muir event.
Posters about Mr Russel’s local walk will be placed around the village. The Playgroup Committee will be providing refreshments and DCC will pay for hire of hall contribute to cost of refreshments. There will be notices placed on the white bridge informing walkers that East Linton hall is open and refreshments are available.
Mrs Priest tabled a draft plan by the local artists for the Miller Homes artwork. ELC looking at location, either in the Park or on green space at new development.           

10.0 Planning Matters
Cllr Veitch will investigate progress on former Ark House.

11.0 Correspondence and consultations
11.1 e 6/3 JMCP Advisory Group minutes and agenda
11.2 e 4/3 ELC: Invitation to Bus Forum 29th April 3pm ELC Council Chamber
11.3 e 14/3 Scottish Govt: Towards a Litter-Free Scotland: Consultation response
11.4 e 17/3 Friends of R Tyne: next meeting 9th April  7pm at Waterloo Bistro –
Ms Pearson planning to attend
11.5 e 18/3 Sustaining Dunbar Household Canny newsletter
11.6 e 19/3 AELCC: meeting 26th March
11.7 e 19/3 Sustaining Dunbar: ARC project Stakeholder Workshop 27th March
11.8 e 20/3 SESPlan Bulletin
11.9 e 20/3 LPryde: Hadd Property Repair & Maintenance event 26th March
11.10 e 20/3 FJMCP next meet 29th March/23rd April
11.11 e 2/4 HBOS Community Fund. Sent to DCC. any nominations?
11.12 l 3/4 ELC S Pryde. 2014-15 Civic Pride Fund. Applications close 31/5.
11.13 e 2/4 re Whittingehame issues

12.0 Any Other Competent Business
Congratulations to Mr Craighead who has been chosen to be a Commonwealth baton carrier after a nomination by Dunpender Community Council. Mr Strachan to send this news to East Lothian Courier and to Mr Seagroatt to put on Dunpender website.

Ms Cosgrove brought up issue of RBS branch closing in East Linton. According to RBS, there will be a mobile van to continue to provide a local service and the Post Office will be able to offer an extended banking service to RBS customers

13.0 DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Thursday 1st May 2014