Present Mrs J Pries, Ms A Cosgrove, Mr M Strachan, Ms L Shaw-Stewart, Ms A Pearson, Mr R Russel, Mr G Gray, Mr J Swift
In attendance PC G Ross, Mrs J Taylor (Minutes), Cllr M Veitch, Members of the public, Cllr J Goodfellow
1.0 APOLOGIES: Ms S Richards
Report by PC Gavin Ross:-
Kevin Hughes has now moved on to work in a new role at Musselburgh and I am the Community Officer for Dunbar and East Linton Ward. The role is going to be very busy for me but I am looking forward to the challenge and building on all the links that already exist between the police and the community.
I am contactable either by telephone on 101 (the police non emergency number) and asking for PC4821 Gavin Ross, Dunbar and East Linton Ward Community Beat Officer or emailing
In early February a caravan parked in the garage area of Orchardfield was damaged on a number of occasions by persons standing on the bumper and breaking it. There were also signs of persons smoking cannabis in the shelter of the caravan. Area patrolled and no further incidents.
-On the night of Thursday 6th February a youth has run over a car parked at Langside, no damage caused.
-At 2am on Sunday 2nd March a hit and run incident occurred when an unknown vehicle struck a parked vehicle causing damage then drove off.
-There have been a number of fuel thefts in the area between East Linton and North Berwick in recent days. Be vigilant to suspicious behaviour especially in the hours of darkness. Domestic fuel tanks, industrial machinery and fuel bowsers have all been targeted.
If anyone has any information they wish to pass on regarding any of the above incidents, or any information relating to crime or concerns in their community can they please contact:-
Dunbar Police Station on 101
or email:
CAPP local priorities include
Dog fouling: Contact to be made to local tenants and residents groups along with community councils to remind them of the importance to make sure any intelligence is passed on to the Police. Encourage TRG’S to come up with their own initiatives for their respective areas.
Along with the Local Policing Plan, which sets out the local policing priorities and objectives for East Lothian for 2014-2017, Multi Member Ward Plans will be produced for 2014. MMW plans will show what has been done to respond to the priorities and what will be carried out in the future.
Each ward will have its own MMW plan and local policing priorities have been set following consultation:
Ward 7 - Dunbar and East Linton
Road Safety
You told us that were issues with speeding motorists in rural areas and inconsiderate parking, especially near schools.
Antisocial Behaviour
You told us there were problems with violent conduct, young people causing disturbance, antisocial behaviour and rowdy drunken behaviour.
You told us that a particular issue was littering and people’s lack of concern for the area.
You told us you were worried about security and the theft of personal possessions such as power tools, bicycles and money.
4.1 Roads/pavements
Cllr Veitch, officers from East Lothian Council and DCC members met representatives from East Linton Primary School met on 20th Feb to discuss traffic safety and parking issues in East Linton. Decisions taken forward: temporary closure of School Road other than for residential access around school opening and closing times; consider buildouts to physically prevent parking on the double yellow lines at School Road/ High Street junction; marking-out of parking spaces in Haddington Road.
A signature sheet to gauge support for a local 20s Plenty campaign in East Linton has been placed on the Dunpender website and in the Post Office and in Votadini.
4.2 Meetings attended: RELBUS, see 5.0
4.3 Paths: New gravel spread on St Baldred’s Well path and fence improved. Work on clearing overgrowth on Kingsburgh Gdns/ Rennie Place path to be paid for from funds. ELC staff to uplift cuttings etc.
Ms Pearson to meet with John Duffy (Paths for All) to discuss putting in an application for path maintenance.
4.4 ELDA article/Dunpender News: Mr Strachan to write March ELDA article. Dunpender News is going to the printer on 10th March and due out early April.
4.5 Community First Responders: About 8 people are interested and are meeting on 11th March. If the decision is to go ahead training will be offered by Scottish Ambulance Service. Funding will be needed for a defibrillator.
5.0 Public Transport/RAGES
RELBUS are working on a Bus Users’ charter. Ms Cosgrove and Cllr Veitch reported on the recent local rail meeting hosted by East Lothian Council in Haddington. Topics were the Rail Study, Scotrail Franchise, station investment fund, tenders for ECML franchise. Car parking facilities have been added at Dunbar and are also being looked at for Drem and Longniddry. Full details of the meeting can be seen at ""
8.0 Treasurer’s Report
New Christmas lights have been purchased to expand existing displays in East Linton trees and in Whitekirk. More ambitious plans discussed last year have been shelved.
7.0 Traprain & Whittingehame issues
A number of residents from Whittingehame reported long-running problems with a neighbour’s livestock, including animals escaping and causing damage to their property. ELC and other authorities will be working together to resolve this.
8.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk & Markle issues
Mr Russel has applied for Planning permission for the Whitekirk noticeboard.
New member still needed for this area.
9.0 Tourism initiatives/new projects
Ms Pearson is collecting advertisers to subsidise the reprint of the Walks leaflet. To be printed by 21st April.
Publicity for the JMuir Day event: Mr Russel working on a poster for local display, also a mention in ELDA.
Miller Home Artwork project: no further info yet
David Affleck is working on evidencing a number of WW1 names missing from the East Linton War Memorial.
10.0 Planning: nothing discussed
11.0 Correspondence and consultations
11.1 13 Feb 14 East Lothian Health Network Newsletter February 2014. Circulated to DCC. Should we ask for a presentation to help us we understand the the constituent organisations, their roles and responsibilities?
11.2 18 Feb 14. Training Calendar 2013-14. JR circulated to DCC.
11.3 23 Feb 14. East Lothian/Berwickshire Cty Councils Wind Farm Funding Group. Dunpender CC will longer routinely attend meetings as no funding from renewables.
11.4 25 Feb 14. Fifth Reviews of Local Government Electoral Arrangements.
11.5 17 Feb. Friends of R Tyne next mtg 9th April
11.6 7 Feb. Police Scotland: implementation of Public Counter provision
11.7 28th Feb. LBP: Operational changes to shifts and briefing points
11.8 4th Mar LBP: Local police plan priorities
11.9 3rd Mar ELLP: Capacity building training courses offered in March
11.10. 5 Mar Residents of Whittingehame estate: neighbour problems
Correspondence Tabled
11 Feb 14. new website HYPERLINK "" Gives advice on support for community renewables and community benefit and investment opportunities from commercial renewable energy projects. Advice on loans, grants, funding and support for community councils to implement their own renewable energy projects or join in other commercial ventures.
12.0 Any Other Competent Business
Before the meeting Ms Scott had raised the problem of planting work still outstanding in the Park. She suggested that other contractors could be used if ELC staff had no time to do the extra work when grants had been obtained. Cllr Veitch to take up with dept Head.
13.0 DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Thursday 3rd April 2014