Dunpender Community Council
Draft Minutes - January 2014

Draft Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council held on 9th January 2014 at the Council Chambers, East Linton

Present Mrs J Priest, Ms A Cosgrove, Mr M Strachan Mr J Robson, Mr B Craighead Ms A Pearson, Mr G Gray, Mr R Russel, Mr J Swift

In attendance PC K Hughes, Cllr M Veitch, Mrs J Taylor (Minutes)

1.0 APOLOGIES Ms L Shaw-Stewart, Ms S Richards, Cllr N Hampshire, Cllr J Goodfellow, Mr J Wilson, ELC

Happy New Year to Dunpender Community Council members and residents

Accepted as a correct record of the meeting.

Report by PC K Hughes:-
During the period since the last police report there have been a number of incidents of note. There may be more incidents but due to the nature of these, or the ongoing investigation I cannot give full details.
A hit and run vehicular accident was reported on the 10th of December 2103. This occurred on Lauder Place. A male was subsequently traced and reported for failing to stop and report the accident.
On the 11th of December 2013 a call was received from the countryside ranger regarding deer carcass in black bags to the rear of the public toilets on Pencraig Hill. They were recovered and checked for signs of poaching and anything of evidential value. However they were too badly decomposed.
On the 17th of December 2013 a driver was issued a fixed penalty notice on School Road after he was observed using a mobile phone whilst driving.
In the early hours of the 21st of December 2013 a male was issued a fixed penalty for urinating on the High Street.
Also on the 21st a Silver Mazda motor vehicle was damaged by person/s unknown, scratching the offside, front and rear panels.

Mr Seagroatt who manages the Dunpender website had reported 25,000 hits on the website. Many thanks to Mr Seagroatt for all his work.
The ELC Christmas reception in December was enjoyed by 5 DCC members.

4.1 Roads/pavements
Regarding the 20s Plenty local campaign, an Experimental Traffic Order had recently been issued for certain named roads in Dunbar, to trial the 20mph speed limit. Mr Russel has created a template to gather signatures of support for a local campaign in East Linton, East Linton residents to be consulted on their interest in backing a local campaign – Mr Russel to take forward.– this will be placed on the Dunpender website and in the Post Office. The campaign would ask East Lothian Council to reduce the speed limit to 20mph where it is supported by residents. There are 3 more local areas in East Lothian due to be trialled next.
Members reported the issue of the sloping pavement next to the church, which is slippy when icy – between the lamppost and Smeaton Road entrance. This could be a trip hazard. Cllr Veitch noted this.
Members also asked if it would be possible to put in speed bumps in Bank Road – this road can be particularly busy during school drop off and pick up times – also noted by Cllr Veitch.
There are still a number of cars parking on the yellow lines outside the Co-op – this is a police matter. Mr Craighead to highlight at next CAPP meeting
.4.2 Meetings attended
Mr Strachan will attend the Area Partnership meeting on 29 January 2014. Changes proposed will likely have an impact on Community Councils.
Mr Craighead will attend the CAPP meeting on 15 January 2014.
Ms Pearson attended the Friends of the River Tyne meeting on 8 January 2014 – this was an open meeting. The deer poaching at Pencraig Hill was discussed, as was 9 recent sightings of otters on the River Tyne between Haddington and the Tyninghame bridge. The Friends of the River Tyne are also looking into if SEPA can ask the landowner, Mr Hamilton of Phantassie Farm, to remove the fallen trees in the River Tyne below the Linn sooner than planned [late 2014].
4.3 Paths
The resurfacing of Becky’s Strip will be discussed at a public meeting on 28 January 2014. Mr Gray, Mrs Priest and Ms Pearson to attend.
Nick Morgan has been asked to look into resurfacing the muddy JMWay at Janefield.
Mrs Priest mentioned the deterioration of the path from St Baldred's Well towards Preston Mill - part of the bank has fallen away.  Mr Robson advised that sufficient funds were available in DCC's Council Grants Account, and would contact Jon Champion to fence it.
There is no current information about the date the latest round of Civic Pride grants will be decided. Ms Pearson has submitted a £2,000 funding application to this fund for new Walks leaflet to coincide with 2014’s John Muir day celebrations.
4.4 ELDA article Mrs Priest to write January’s ELDA article.
4.5 Community First Responders
There will be another meeting to progress this issue in late January 2014.
In Ms Richards’ absence, this item to be carried forward to the next DCC meeting agenda.
4.6 Crystal Rigg Community Funding
There is a meeting with East Lammermuir Community Council on 21 January 2014.

5.0 Planning Matters
Farm shed at Drylaw Hill – point made to Cllr Veitch for future landscaping around agricultural buildings.
An application has been submitted to turn the former Drovers pub in East Linton into a house. No objections were raised.

6.0 Treasurer’s Report
Mr Robson advised that after paying the Chairperson's expenses, internet renewal, hire of Council Chambers and Hall for First Responders and "Becky's Strip" respectively, only £103.83 remained in the Current Account.  He was awaiting a refund of £500 from the Local Priorities Budget.
The Council Grants Account stood at £1,343.76, which took into account another payment - this time of £60 - to Ian Govan for Fountain maintenance, in December.  This brought a total refund of £560 from Local Priorities, owed to DCC.
The Local Priorities budget, updated, showed a total spend of £3,350.44 - nearly 38% of the total budget.
The process of having the Whitekirk noticeboard erected, was proceeding.  The £1,000 for additional bench and litter bin for the Park had not been resolved.  The £1,000 for LED Xmas Lights, etc. would not be funded from this year's budget.

7.0 Traprain & Whittingehame issues
None tabled

8.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk & Markle issues
Mr Warren having resigned, another member is needed to represent Whitekirk – possibly attempt to recruit at Becky’s Strip public meeting – put up a poster.

9.0 Tourism initiatives/new projects
See 4.4 – Walks leaflet progress ongoing.
ELC met with the lead artists for the Miller Home Artwork project on 6 January 2014, and a further meeting is to be held later in January.
Mr Robson will contact Ms Shaw Stewart to purchase new Christmas lights for 2014, from this year's budget.
             £250 budget was agreed by DCC members for Hall hire & refreshments for John Muir Day 2014, from the 2014/15 Local Priorities budget.
A workshop will be held in by ELC in Autumn 2014 re. Community Resilience – to cover communities becoming resilient in emergencies/extreme weather events.

10.0 Public transport/RAGES
Franchises are out to tender for both Scotrail and East Coast services. The companies asked to tender for the Scotrail franchise have been asked to include a service to East Linton in their costings which is looking very hopeful for the station re-opening. Funding for the station re-opening has been included in ELC’s capital plan. A vote of thanks for RAGES for 14+ years campaigning work on this issue.
ELC are looking at the possibility of a second platform at Dunbar station.
Ms Cosgrove continues to attend RELBUS meetings.

11.0 Correspondence and consultations
7 Dec 13. Household Canny Update.
9 Dec 13. L Pryde. Intro to Community Rail. Application to CRP - Edin to NBerwick.
9 Dec 13. L Pryde. Customer Forum – Strategic Review of water charges 2015-21.
9 Dec 13. L Pryde. The Scottish Civic Trust My Place Awards 2014
12 Dec 13. L Pryde. Scottish Rural Development Plan 2014-2020 Stage 2 Consultation.
13 Dec 13. L Pryde. COSLA Commission on Strengthening Local Democracy.
13 Dec 13. L Pryde. Scottish Rural Parliament.
17 Dec 13. J Priest/S Baptie. Re: Severe Weather: Proposed Workshop autumn 2014.
18 Dec 13. L Pryde. FW: East Lothian Health Network Newsletter December 2013 & general meeting on 6th February.
20 Dec 13. S Kerr. RE: Area Partnership Briefing Meeting. Bleachingfield Centre Dunbar 7 pm 29 Jan 14. M Strachan and A Cosgrove to attend.
23 Dec 13. I Reid. Public meeting at Whitekirk re Becky's Strip. 28 Jan 14 at 1900hrs.
3 Jan 14. Chair East Lammermuir CC. Wind Farm Funds. Notes of first meeting
6 Jan 14. L Smith. RE: Dunpender artworks. Meeting held with A Pate & K Henderson
7 Jan 14. L MacDonald: Planning and Renewable Energy Forum - 28 Jan, Edinburgh.
7 Jan 14 L Pryde. FW: Cross-Government Strategy to Address Violence Against Women.
7 Jan 14. M Deans. East Lothian Health Network AGM Reminder 6 Feb Saltire Room

Correspondence Tabled at Meeting
4 Dec 13. Recorded Delivery Letter from S Kerr REPSOL on behalf of Inchcape Offshore Ltd: no objection received from Dunpender CC to their application for Consents and Marine Licences to construct Inch Cape Offshore Wind Farm.
4 Dec 13. P Forsyth. Proposed Stopping Up of U223 Oxwellmains to Torness Road.
Consultation closes 17 Jan 14.
Undated. SAC Consulting. J Campbell. Offer of consultancy services for renewable energy generation projects.

Open Consultations and Closing Date
Rent Consultation 2014/15 10 Jan 2014
East Lothian Council, U223 Oxwellmains to Torness Road, Dunbar, Stopping Up Order 2013 17 Jan 2014
Age of Taxi Vehicles - Consultation on Changes to Licensing 29 Jan 2014
East Lothian Local Fire & Rescue Plan 2014-17 Consultation 14 Feb 2014
Planning Customer Feedback Form

12.0 Any Other Competent Business
Cllr Veitch reported on the local graveyard provision – Prestonkirk has a non-urgent short to medium term problem. There is the possibility of purchasing ground near cemetery but this may involve archaeological excavations, which are very expensive. Cllr Veitch currently working on this.

13.0 DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Thursday 6th February 2014

Dunpender Community Council Draft Minutes, 09/01/2014 PAGE 1