To be approved at the next meeting
Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
held on 5th December 2013 at the Council Chambers, East Linton
Present: Mrs J Priest, Ms A Cosgrove, Mr M Strachan, Mr J Robson, Mr B Craighead, Ms A Pearson, Ms S Richards, Ms L Shaw-Stewart, Mr J Swift
In attendance: PC K Hughes, Mr J Wilson, ELC, Mrs J Taylor (Minutes)
1.0 APOLOGIES Mr R Russel, Mr G Gray , Cllr M Veitch, Cllr N Hampshire, Cllr J Goodfellow
Mr D Warren has had to resign from the Community Council due to pressure of work. He was thanked for his work, in particular on the Christmas lights.
Accepted as a correct record of the meeting.
Report by PC K Hughes:-
During the period since the last police report there have been a number of incidents of note. There may be more incidents but due to the nature of these, or the ongoing investigation I cannot give full details.
Can I firstly offer my sincere condolences to the families of those killed in the tragic road traffic collision at Lime Tree walk Tyninghame. As an investigation is currently ongoing I cannot comment further. I can say that trained officers are supporting the families and Community Policing Team officers will be patrolling over this weekend offering support.
There have been few incidents of note during November. But I can report the following.
On the 12th of November a vehicle was seized in the Station Road area after the driver was caught driving without valid insurance. A fixed penalty ticket was also issued.
On the 15th of November officers were made aware of suspicious males parked in a white transit van outside the Post Office. A registration number was passed to Police but unfortunately it returned no result on the Police National Computer. Officers searched the area but no trace of the vehicle could be found.
On the 12th of December a road check was carried out near to Tyninghame in relation to the fatal road traffic collision. This was to trace any possible witnesses.
PC Hughes informed DCC about Operation Tinsel a local initiative being run by police in East Lothian. This will be forwarded to DCC members and put on the Dunpender website.
CAPP agreed priorities include targeting local farmers with a letter drop detailing current legislation regarding clearing of mud on roads. To actively patrol and deal with complaints received.
DCC congratulated Mr J Wilson on being awarded East Lothian Council’s Council Worker of the year award. Mr Wilson reported that the DCC area was quiet at the moment, and that there were no current ASB cases open.
4.1 Roads/pavements
No update from 20s Plenty local campaign.
It was reported that Cllr Veitch had ensured that the road repair under the railway bridge had been completed by ELC.
Various street lamps have been out and have been reported via ELC website and have been duly fixed. Possibly highlight the way to report street lights/potholes in Dunpender News.
4.2 Meetings attended
Mr Strachan attended the Area Partnership meeting and reported on this. Changes will likely have an impact on Community Councils and two reps will have to attend meetings.
Mr Craighead attended the Heritage Forum. Mr Craighead is continuing to work on updating the names on East Linton’s war memorial together with David Affleck.
Mr Swift attended the Land Access Forum and reported on this. Becky’s Strip and John Muir’s birthday were discussed.
4.3 Paths
The resurfacing of Becky’s Strip has been postponed due to objections. Members will meet with Ian Reid on Tuesday 10 December to find out the correct information on this. There will be a public meeting in January.
The path between Rennie Place and Kingsburgh Gardens is very overgrown Cllr Veitch to be asked to see if ELC can cut this back.
Mr Hamilton at Phantassie Farm will cut down trees across down from the Linn but this will not be done until summer/autumn 2014 due to using the field in the meantime. Cllr Veitch has confirmed with Mr Hamilton that this is now his responsibility.
4.4 ELDA article
Mrs Priest to write December’s ELDA article if necessary there may not be another
ELDA until January Mrs Priest to check.
4.5 Community First Responders
It is important to note that this item is solely about the village having a pool of Community First Responders who would be called out by Ambulance Service, not DCC supplying a defibrillator to be placed publicly for anyone to use a matter which can be revisited.
Ms Richards reported that 10 people attended the recent local meeting to find out more about becoming a Community First Responder and 6 people are now interested in being involved. Applicants must be 18+, fit, have good communication skills, resident/working in the area and have a clean driving license. Volunteers would work on a timetabled basis with a commitment to respond and there is also a co-ordinators role.
The scheme would cost around £2,000 to set up locally which would cover a defibrillator for the CFR’s to use and the maintenance of this, bags for equipment, high visibility jackets and a mobile phone. Insurance and training is covered by the Ambulance Service.
DCC can facilitate setting up locally. It is suggested that the local CFR’s would register as a charity and undertake fundraising activities. DCC could part-fund from Local Priorities and there has been a precedent set for this by another local CC. The STRIVE database may also offer suggestions for alternative funding.
Ms Richards to continue working on this on DCC’s behalf.
4.6 Crystal Rigg Community Funding
Item to be carried forward to January’s DCC meeting, due to time constraints.
4.7 Park (added to agenda at meeting)
The bulbs and shrubs which needed to have been planted by now, have not been planted by ELC and also fence at Bank Road is still outstanding ask Cllr Veitch to chase this matter up.
5.0 Planning Matters
There has been an application for solar panels on a property in Whittinghame. No objections.
6.0 Treasurer’s Report
Mr Robson advised that after paying Mr Craighead's, and Mr Russel's travel expenses, and membership for Friends of The River Tyne, £199.38 remained in the Current Account. £150 of that was `earmarked` for Dunbar Rugby Club - which would eventually be recovered from the Local Priorities budget.
The Council Grants Account stood at £1,403.76, allowing for final payment of £440 towards the Pencraig Noticeboard - costing a total of £1,490 - and payment of £115.50, covering Jon Champion's paths maintenance costs.
The Local Priorities budget showed a spend of £3,162.18, against a revised - to account for the additional funding from DCC to cover the total cost for the Pencraig Noticeboard - 2013/14 budget of £8,843.35. Mr Robson had e-mailed Dr Pooley to help facilitate planning & erection of the Whitekirk Noticeboard, and Mr Hogarth regarding the £1,000 allocated for the East Linton Park to cover signage and an additional tree (the bench had already been installed & a litter bin was in place). No reply as yet had been received from Mr Hogarth. It was agreed that the East Linton Primary 7 donation, would be changed to `Together We Count Initiative` for the school - a DCC Application for donation form would be passed on for completion.
7.0 Traprain & Whittingehame issues
None tabled
8.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk & Markle issues
Mr Warren having resigned, another member is needed to represent Whitekirk.
There has been a new committee set up for Tyninghame village hall.
9.0 Tourism initiatives/new projects
Ms Pearson has submitted a £2,000 funding application to Civic Pride fund for new Walks leaflet to coincide with 2014’s John Muir day celebrations, awaiting outcome. If this is turned down, then she will apply for funding to the Communities 2014 fund instead.
Mr Strachan had a response from Lesley Smith, Principal Arts Officer, ELC re. progress on the Miller Homes artwork decision. Ms Smith is meeting with two local artists re. progressing the public art project.
Updating East Linton’s Christmas lights for 2014 will be looked at. The tree also needs a new string of lights at an approximate cost of £400.
DCC will put together ‘Welcome Pack’ for people moving into new Miller Homes development have folders already and the pack will include a copy of ELDA, a Dunpender News, a Walks leaflet etc.
It was suggested that DCC consider distributing a Christmas card in 2014, to Cllrs and people DCC work with year round. No decision taken.
10.0 Public transport/RAGES
Companies asked to tender for the Scotrail franchise have been asked to include a service to East Linton in their costings which is looking very hopeful for our station re-opening.
11.0 Correspondence and consultations
8Nov Lesley Smith. East Linton Artwork.
13 Nov Local Government Knowledge Hub. Website update and option to comment.
13 Nov. Lilian Pryde ELC. Clean up Scotland update and option to organise local clean up event(s).
14 Nov. ELC. ELC Coastal Car Parking Charging Consultation.
19 Nov. J Lamond. ELC You Pay… Have You Say Consultation. Closes 18 Dec. How should ELC make £7M budget cut?
19 Nov. L Pryde. Free training for Community Councillors and other Voluntary Groups.
21 Nov. L Pryde. SCDC Survey and Briefing on Community Empowerment Bill. Closes 24 Jan 2014.
25 Nov. L Pryde. Community Resilience Exercise. Video clip.
26 Nov. P Fraser. ELC Planning response to queries about garage at Station House, East Linton and pending equestrian development at Sunnyside Farm.
27 Nov. L Pryde. Tellmescotland update. New mobile App for iOS and Android.
27 Nov. S Guy. Dunbar Zero Waste Survey.
27 Nov. M Winter. Change of Conditions for Taxi and Private Hire Operators and Vehicles. Consultation closes 29 Jan 2014.
2 Dec. L Pryde. Scottish Civic Trust My Place Awards 2014. Closes 31 January 2014.
Nov. Cllr L Boun-Lindsay. Invitation for DCC members to attend a Christmas Reception in Haddington Town House at 7pm on Wed 11 Dec. Mr Craighead, Ms Cosgrove, Mr Robson, Mr Strachan and Ms Pearson to attend on behalf of DCC.
18 Nov. J Lamond ELC Hd of Resources.You Pay….Have Your Say. See also email 19 Nov. from J Lamond. Consultation on how ELC should spend its money over the next 3 years. Closes 18 December.
27 Nov. T Shearer ELC Hd Communities and Partnerships. Outline of proposed ELC local community planning structures including East Lothian Partnership, its 3 functional partnerships and Area Partnerships.
Open Consultations and Closing Dates
Coastal Car Parking - Consultation on Traffic Regulation Order 6 Dec 2013
You Pay… Now Have Your Say! 18 Dec 2013
SESplan Supplementary Guidance on Housing Land 23 Dec 2013
Rent Consultation 2014/15 10 Jan 2014
Age of Taxi Vehicles - Consultation on Changes to Licensing 29 Jan 2014
Forthcoming Consultations and Start Dates
Oxwellmains to Torness Road, Dunbar, Stopping Up Order 2013 9 Dec 2013
Local Development Plan - Main Issues Report 3 Mar 2014
12.0 Any Other Competent Business
Mrs Priest reminded DCC re. recommended way to deal with the Press.
Mrs Taylor informed DCC that the current East Linton Christmas Market Committee was standing down and a new Committee would need to be found to run the Market next year Mrs Priest to ensure that this is included in next ELDA article, put on the website and DCC members to pass word round.
Mr Craighead proposed a vote of thanks to the Chair, Mrs Priest.
13.0 DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Thursday 9th January 2014