Dunpender Community Council
Minutes - November 2013

Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
held on 7th November 2013 at the Council Chambers, East Linton

Present Mrs J Priest Mr R Russel
Mr M Strachan Mr J Robson
Mr B Craighead Ms A Pearson
Mr G Gray Ms L Shaw-Stewart

In attendance Cllr M Veitch
Cllr N Hampshire
Cllr J Goodfellow
PC K Hughes
Ms S Scott (Park People)
Ms I Robertson (20s Plenty)
Mr J Melvin (20s Plenty)
Mrs J Taylor (Minutes)

1.0 APOLOGIES Ms A Cosgrove
Ms S Richards
Mr J Swift
Mr D Warren
Ms E Dorrian (Park People)
Mr J Armstrong (Park People)

Accepted as a correct record of the meeting.

Report by PC K Hughes:-
During the period since the last police report there have been a number of incidents of note. There may be more incidents but due to the nature of these, or the ongoing investigation I cannot give full details.
There have been few incidents of note during October. But I can report the following:-
Complaints have been received from residents in the Orchardfield area after workers who were working on a nearby house were parking their vehicles on the pavement. The matter was dealt with and no further complaints have been received.
Between 2000 hours on 08/10/13 and 0800 hours on 09/10/13 the secure wooden garage at the rear of Drylaw Gardens had the 9 screws that secured the garage doors removed. This afforded the culprit enough space to view the contents of the garage but not gain entry. Nothing was stolen.
CAPP agreed priorities for November include targeting youth congregating outside East Linton Co-op at times, primarily on Friday afternoons.
Ms Scott asked when the Police traffic warden visited East Linton as there have been issues with lorries parking on the double yellow lines at the Crown. He visits sporadically on Saturdays.
PC Hughes agreed to speak to Co-op regarding encouraging customers to use the customer car park at the back of the shop.


4.1 Roads/pavements
There was a short presentation by Isobel Robertson of East Lothian’s 20s Plenty Campaign. Mr Melvin from East Lothian Residents’ Association also spoke.
The reduced speed limit is being trialled in Tranent, Cockenzie and North Berwick and is due to be trialled in Dunbar – the area south of the East Coast line - from Janaury 2014.
DCC agreed to back campaign and a formal letter will be written to Peter Forsyth, ELC – this was advised by Cllr Veitch -to show local support for the campaign. This letter will note DCC’s support of this campaign and their support for its introduction in East Linton. The evidence for the benefits of a local 20mph speed limit can be found on the 20s Plenty and Living Streets websites. Mr Russel and Mr Craighead agreed to take on this project with support from Ms Robertson.

4.2 Meetings attended
Mr Russel attended the John Muir Advisory Group where they discussed what had nested at the park this year and site maintenance. There is the possibility that prairie dogs have escaped from East Links farm park and may be discovered at John Muir Park – anyone who comes across one should notify the Ranger.
Mr Craighead to attend the CAPP meeting on Monday 11/11/13.
No update from the Land Access forum.

4.3 Paths
The resurfacing of Becky’s Strip has been postponed due to objections. This is now likely to go to a public consultation, for which the DCC website could be utilised. Mr Swift, Ms Pearson, Mrs Priest and Mr Strachan to meet with ELC’s cycle/paths officer, Ian Reid.
Ms Pearson to put in a new application for a Paths for All grant – for a Spring hack of all local paths.
Ms Pearson also to submit funding application to Civic Pride fund for new Walks leaflet to coincide with 2014’s John Muir day celebrations.

4.4 ELDA article
Mr Russel to write this month’s ELDA article.
Mrs Priest to write December’s ELDA article.

4.5 Park
Report by Ms Scott, Park People:-
The bench that DCC have paid for has been installed, but still needs to be cemented in.
Andrew Hogarth, ELC has advised that the shrub and bulb planting will be done soon.
Ms Scott requested £300 - £150 for a sign to note the work done by the £5,000 Civic Pride fund and £150 for a tree. There is money allocated for a new bin, which could perhaps be reallocated for the sign/tree – Mrs Priest to find out progress with installation of new bin from Andrew Hogarth, ELC.
The wildflower area will be replanted each year.
The Park People have finished their agreed work and have no further plans – they were thanked for their hard work by DCC members.
Mr Craighead reported that the war memorial was looking good in time for Remembrance Day and the memorial service. Mr Craighead to look into upgrading the names and adding 4 missing names onto the war memorial via funding from the War Memorial Trust. He will also contact them to add East Linton’s war memorial onto the national database of war memorials.

4.6 Community 1st Responders
There are at least 6 local people interested in becoming a Community 1st Responder. Ms Richards is co-ordinating and will be setting up a meeting with NHS and interested people.

4.7 East Lammermuir Community Council – Crystal Rigg community funding
Mr Strachan and possibly Mr Gray to attend the meeting on the 12th November 2013. Discussed the possibility of doing something for the local elderly with this potential income – independent living in rural areas. Any other ideas should be emailed to Mr Strachan.

5.0 Planning Matters
There were planning applications for Linton Butchers to be repainted and for the house in Station Yard. No objections.
The planning application for the wind turbine at Blackcastle Hill was refused.

6.0 Treasurer’s Report
Mr Robson reported that the full amount paid to the Horticultural Society and a Knox pupil's trip donation, had been recovered from the Local Priorities budget, leaving a balance of £351.98 in the Current Account.  That figure also took into account the cash withdrawal for Members' expenses contribution towards printer ink costs, which was paid to those that attended the meeting. 
The Council Grants Account stood at £1,959.26.
The Local Priorities budget showed a spend of £3,162.18, against a total of budget of £8,403.35.  Mr Robson undertook to investigate the £1,000 allocation for additional `bench & litter bin for the Park`, and the possibility of that funding a replacement tree and signage - a cost of £350.  The planning and erection of the Whitekirk Noticeboard would also be pursued.

7.0 Traprain & Whittingehame issues
The roads are bad around Luggate hill.
Cllr Hampshire reported that ELC have been asked to maintain the Drive Arch road, await outcome of this.
ELC to be congratulated – Hailes Castle road has been repaired.

8.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk & Markle issues
Mr Robson to email Mrs Pooley to ask where Whitekirk noticeboard should be placed.
There has been a recent local meeting regarding the future of Tyninghame Village hall – a further meeting will be held on Tuesday 12th November to discuss options offered by Earl of Haddington. Cllr Veitch hopes to attend.

9.0 Tourism initiatives/new projects
Ms Pearson to submit funding application to Civic Pride fund for new Walks leaflet to coincide with 2014’s John Muir day celebrations. If this is turned down, then she will apply for funding to the Communities 2014 fund instead.
Mr Strachan emailed Lesley Smith, Principal Arts Officer, ELC to find out progress on the Miller Homes artwork decision – no response received so no update available.
The Christmas lights are onsite and will be erected and switched on for East Linton’s Christmas market on Sunday 1 December.
UZ Arts are planning a series of events to celebrate John Muir Day in April 2014, and have been contacted so that our plans can be included in the official programme. Mrs Shaw-Stewart may organise something in WhittingehameThere is money available from East Lothian Council to assist with local celebrations for John Muir Day – contact is Economic Development Department.
As well as teas/coffees/homebaking – it was agreed the Community Hall should have a display of John Muir’s message.

10.0 Public transport/RAGES
RELBUS meeting is on 19th November – possibly Mrs Cosgrove going to this.
The report into the viability of a new station at East Linton has not yet been published, but there is still a lot of support for this project – ELC doing all they can to get report published and push issue forward with Scottish Executive.

11.0 Correspondence and consultations
11 Oct 13 from ELC. Application form for Civic Pride funding.
Undated Oct 13 from War Memorials Trust. Requesting information and inviting East Linton to be added to the national war memorial database.
Undated Oct 13 from Wicksteed Playscapes offering 10% discount on new playground, sports or fitness equipment purchased by Community Councils
1 Nov 13 from Scottish Executive. Directorate of Planning & Environmental Appeals. Blackcastle Hill wind turbine appeal has been refused.
7 Nov from Gill Gardner, Headteacher, East Linton Primary School re. Together We Count initiative. Mr Gray to respond.

7 Oct 13 L Pryde. FW: Tellmescotland Update, October 2013. Mobile App available.
7 Oct 13 L Pryde. FW: East Lothian Diversity Newsletter. Weblink emailed to DCC.
10 Oct 13 A Pearson. Postponement of resurfacing of Becky's Strip due objections.
10 Oct 13. D Pimblett. ClimateXChange Event - Social Assets in Community Renewables. Event and workshop. 8 Nov13 Edinburgh Greenside.
15 Oct 13 L Pryde. Advert for membership of Health & Social Care shadow board. Time expired.
16 Oct 13 ELC. East Lothian Community Care Forum Annual event and AGM on 22 Oct.
16 Oct 13. L Smith. East Linton Percent for Art Summary - Re Meeting 2/10/13.
17 Oct 13 L Pryde. Request from police for assistance in the rural areas of East Lothian.
21 Oct 13 L Pryde. Robert Burns Humanitarian Award 2014. Emailed to all DCC councillors with a request for nominations.
22 Oct 13 L Pryde. East Lothian Health Network Newsletter October 2013. Emailed to DCC Councillors.
24 Oct 13 L Pryde. Commonwealth Baton bearer Judging Panel Invite. Nomination request emailed to DCC councillors. DCC agreed to nominate Mr Craighead for over 50 years of involvement in local athletics and his involvement in disability sports – Mr Strachan to respond with nomination.
30 Oct 13 Radio Saltire Invitation to Open Day Tranent 16 Nov.
30 Oct 13 Minutes of Friends of R Tyne, next meeting 13 Nov.
30 Oct 13 East Coast FM email Correspondence.
31 Oct 13 L Pryde. Capacity Building Training in November Emailed to DCC councillors.
1 Nov 13 L Pryde. Mobile Apps released for Tellmescotland.
Nov 13 I Robertson. East Coast FM letter disassociating East Lothian FM from Saltire Radio.
Undated Nov 13 ELC: Heritage Forum 14 Nov meeting. Mr Craighead to attend.
5 Nov 13 L Pryde. RELBUS meeting 19th November Haddington Town House.

30 Oct 13 Consultation on Tranche 3 of National Planning Framework 3 / Scottish Planning Policy: Update. Consultation Closes 16 Dec. Do we wish to review or comment. If so who?
11 Nov 13 SES Supplementary Guidance on Housing Land Opens.
6 Nov 13 L Pryde. ScotGov Launch of Consultation on Community Empowerment (Scotland) Bill - Opens 6 November 2013. Closes 24 Jan 14. Aimed particularly at Community Councils therefore it is important DCC considers this consultation. DCC members to look at and bring comments to December’s DCC meeting.

12.0 Any Other Competent Business
Cllr Goodfellow asked if DCC received consultation on Local Democracy – no. Cllr Goodfellow to forward, closing date is end of November 2013.
Cllr Goodfellow reported that there was definitely going to be a new community hospital going ahead in Haddington in 2015/16. There is to be a consultation about the impact of the closure of Edington Community Hospital on Tuesday 12th November – Mr Gray to attend.

13.0 DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Thursday 5th December 2013