Dunpender Community Council
Minutes - September 2013

Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
on 5th September 2013 at the Council Chambers, East Linton

Present: Mrs J Priest, Ms A Cosgrove, Mr J Robson, Mr M Strachan, Mr B Craighead, Mr J Swift
In attendance: Cllr M Veitch, Ms S Scott (Park People), Mrs J Taylor (Minutes)
1.0 APOLOGIES: Ms A Pearson, Mr G Gray, Ms S Richards, Mr D Warren, Mr R Russel, Ms L Shaw-Stewart, Cllr J Goodfellow, Cllr P McLennan, Cllr N Hampshire, PC K Hughes,
Ms E Dorrian (Park People), Mr J Armstrong (Park People)

3.0 Police Report - Lynn Rocks, to be amended to Linn Rocks
12.0 Mr Carr to read Ms Carr

During the period since the last police report there have been a number of incidents of note. There may be more incidents but due to the nature of these, or the ongoing investigation I cannot give full details.
On the 15th of June an act of vandalism took place within the grounds of Preston Mill. Roof tiles have been damaged and an outside tap left turned on. There was no lasting damage caused. The area was given attention but no persons have been traced there.
On the 30th of June PC Ross and I carried out Pro Laser speed checks at a number of areas within the village. No speeding offences were detected. However whilst leaving the area a driver was observed driving his vehicle whilst using a mobile phone. He was stopped and issued a fixed penalty ticket.
On the 10th of July Rutherford’s were the target for trailer theft. Two trailers were stolen valued at £2600 and £1680 respectively. The trailers have not been traced to date.
On the 13th of August a theft by housebreaking was reported to officers having taken place at The Lynton Service Station. A small amount of cash was stolen.
On the 16th of August a ticket was issued to a local resident who was driving his vehicle whilst not wearing a seat belt.
On the 28th of August two further drivers were issued with fixed penalty tickets for failing to wear seat belts.
Between the 3rd and the 4th of September a vehicle parked near to Browns Place had one side scratched by a key or similar.
During the hot periods of the summer holidays, numerous calls were received in relation to youths jumping off the Linn rocks and making noise. This was given attention by officers and community wardens, Once the weather changed the issue resolved itself. An action plan needs to be thought of prior to next summer.
PC Ross and I attended a recent meeting with Councillor Veitch, East Linton Head Teacher and members of the Parent Council to discuss ongoing parking issues there. The group came up with actions which will be followed up.

PC Kevin Hughes, September 2013

Ms Scott raised the fact that the residents affected by the noise at Linn Rocks have had a meeting.

Mr Craighead reported on recent CAPP meeting. Police are concentrating on illegal overtaking at Monkmuir on A199 and the illegal parking on East Linton High Street. Illegal farming activity (tractors travelling over 30mph) should be reported to police.

Mr Swift reported that on the previous Saturday (31st August) at 6.30am, an employee of his was seriously assaulted at Markle Fisheries.


4.1 ELDA article for October
Mr Priest to write this month’s ELDA article.
4.2 Dunpender News
Community Councillors asked to please submit lighthearted profiles to Ms Richards by the end of September. Other ideas/contributions for Dunpender News gratefully received.
4.3 Park
Ms Scott gave an update of ongoing work by Park People.
- 2 of 4 birch trees have been lost. One tree that was not staked broke in half and another tree that was staked was vandalised. Park People would like to replace one tree at a cost of around £120-£150 bought and planted (take from £1,000 already budgeted). One tree is vulnerable and will not be replaced.
- The planted wildflowers have been a fantastic success and flowered beautifully.
- A lot of watering has had to have been done as it has been a dry summer. - Planting by the playground (shrubs) will be done soon.
- The bench has been purchased but has not yet been placed.
- Waiting for news from Andrew Hogarth, ELC on when fence and gate at end of Bank Road can be erected.
4.4 Roads/pavements
Mr Craighead and Mr Russel repaired the bench at the top of Preston Road at a cost of £12.44 – thank you. There was a feature and photo re. painting of white bridge in ELC’s Living magazine.
The ivy on Preston Road is due to be cleared in September. A recent complaint re. overgrown tress on Preston Road has been referred to Peter Forsyth, ELC.
Network Rail have cut back ivy on rail bridge.
The no loading marks at the Co-op have been completed.
The speed reactive sign has been moved to Haddington Road.
The toby/water stop cock outside the Crown has been damaged.
The 30mph sign on Dunbar Road has been obscured by trees – Cllr Veitch to pass onto ELC.
There is a large crack in the road next to the manhole underneath railway bridge near Macarthur’s - Cllr Veitch to pass onto ELC.
4.5 Meetings attended
Mr Robson attended the Lafarge Tarmac Community Liaison Meeting on 3rd September, and reported that a new plant manager - Florin Stoiean - had taken over.  He had previously worked at Lafarge Romania, and is committed to make the Dunbar Plant, a safer place to work and visit, and more efficient in producing cement.  Project Officer - Michael Thornton - had been appointed for the RSPB North West quarry initiative, the habit aim being `wetlands, grasslands and scrub`.
Mr Swift attended the Land Access forum at the end of July, where various local issues were discussed, but nothing pertinent to Dunpender area.
Ms Cosgrove attended the RELBUS AGM and the LEADER fund strategic board meeting.
Mr Craighead attended CAPP meetings.
Representatives from Dunpender Community Council attended the June meeting of the Association of East Lothian Community Councils and gave a presentation on Dunpender.
Mr Craighead will continue to represent Dunpender Community Council on the Hall committee.
4.6 Paths
A resident has pointed out that there is a willow tree blocking the path along the Tyne from East Linton to Hailes. There has been some banking damage.

4.7 Defibrillator
DCC have received a leaflet from Community 1st Responders. They are to be invited to give a talk at a public meeting if there is enough interest locally. Posters, ELDA and info on website to publicise – Mrs Priest to action.

5.0 Planning Matters
- Nothing of concern in recent applications.
During 2013 East Lothian Council (ELC) consulted Dunpender Community Council (DCC) on revised policy and guidance for the design and location of wind turbines in East Lothian. DCC endorsed the revised ELC Policy and Guidance for Lowland Wind Turbines (March 2013 revision). This was adopted by East Lothian Council in June 2013.
As a consequence of DCC discussions during 2013 on ELC wind turbine policy and guidance material generally it was determined that DCC would adopt the following policy.
DCC will review planning applications for wind turbines individually but, in general, will not support those which do not comply with the relevant ELC policy and guidance material.
Phantassie Limekilns proposed turbine was discussed which appears on delegated list. This is contrary to ELC and DCC’s policies so DCC asked Cllr Veitch to call it to the Planning Committee.
Some planning applications have short deadlines and cannot wait until the next meeting to be discussed. Dunpender Community Councillors to be sent these via email.

6.0 Treasurer’s Report
Mr Robson reported that the Current Account's balance was £573.65, including the Admin Grant from ELC of £568 (received on 17 June). The balance for the Council Grants Account was £1,959.06, but £440 of that was `ring-fenced` for final payment towards the Pencraig Noticeboard.
The Local Priorities Budget was discussed : £252.18 would be paid shortly to the Horticultural Society; David Warren had been asked to chase the Whitekirk Noticeboard project (£714.68 outstanding); the `Park People` to progress with the additional bench and litter bin for the Park; the revised Walks Leaflet budget increased to £1,000; and a £300 donation to the East Linton Tennis Club confirmed. £518.67 was left uncommitted.

7.0 Traprain & Whittingehame issues

8.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk & Markle issues
Issues with broken utilities and assault (both previously mentioned above) noted.
Whitekirk noticeboard – no update.
Tyninghame noticeboard - no update.

9.0 Tourism initiatives/new projects
Ms Pearson is requesting feedback/changes to Walks leaflet from DCC members.
There have been 24+ ideas submitted for the £15,000 Miller Homes artwork project. A meeting will be arranged with Lesley Smith, Principal Arts Officer to show her all the suggestions received. ELC will make final decision
John Muir Day 20/04/2014 –This is a joint initiative with Scottish National Heritage to coincide with the launch of the John Muir trail. This will be a long weekend event (Easter weekend). Alec Salmond to launch the new part of the John Muir Way to publicise John Muir Day 2014. There is £10,000 available for Community Councils for projects connected with John Muir Day – DCC to apply for some money.
Mr Russel is working on a guided circular walk along the local part of John Muir way. This may end with a picnic or opening the hall and offering tea and cakes or a refreshment stand along the Way. Still hopeful Preston Mill will be open on this day.
John Muir Day to be discussed again in October 2013.

10.0 Public transport/RAGES
RAGES secretary and DCC member Allison Cosgrove has been made a Railfuture Director.
Scotrail have launched a local community fund.

11.0 Correspondence and consultations

11.1 Email 020713 Keep Scotland Beautiful Climate Challenge See HYPERLINK "http://www.keepscotlandbeautiful.org/ccf"http://www.keepscotlandbeautiful.org/ccf. Action. Noted. Secretary to inform East Linton Tennis Club.
11.2 Email 170713 Repeated on 200813 Keep Scotland Beautiful Dog Fouling Fortnight 30th September until 13th October 2013.
Action emailed to DCC councillors on 280713.
11.3 Email 280713 Survey: Adult Health and Social Care- what should public involvement look like?
Action Emailed to DCC councillors for consideration and action as seen fit.
11.4 Email 280713 Towards a Litter-Free Scotland: Consultation on a strategy to tackle and prevent litter HYPERLINK "http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2013/07/6925"http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2013/07/6925.
Written submissions by 27 Sept 2013.
Action. Chairman to investigate/respond.
11.5 Email 010813 www.tellmescotland.gov.uk
Centralised database of Scottish Public Information Notices inc ELC Planning, Licensing, Roads and General notices.
Action. Emailed to all DCC councillors.
11.6 Email 120813 Marine Scotland consultation HYPERLINK "http://www.scotland.gov.uk/marineconsultation"http://www.scotland.gov.uk/marineconsultation.
Action. None
11.7 Letter 150813 and Brochure describing Inch Cape Offshore Wind Farm & Transmission Application For Marine Consents & Sect 36 Licences
Action 11.7 Overview of emailed 160813 to all DCC councillors requesting comments. None received. Does not affect Dunpender directly. Nfa.
11.8 Email 160813 East Lothian Health Network Newsletter
Action 11.8 emailed to DCC Councillors 020913. Nfa.
11.9 Email 220813 SEStran Sustainable and Active Travel Grant 2013-14 HYPERLINK "http://www.sestran.gov.uk/grant-applications/"http://www.sestran.gov.uk/grant-applications/.
Action. Emailed to DCC councillors on 020913. Nfa.
11.10 Email 270813 Dunpender Floral Art Plate Winner
Dorothy Reilly of Athelstaneford, won the Dunpender Plate, at August’s East Linton Arts, Crafts & Flower Show Society.
Action. Noted
11.11 Email 290813 Community Activism Certificated course
Action Emailed poster to all DCC councillors 020913.
11.12 MELDAP: Stakeholders consultation event 27th 11.Sept Musselburgh
Action. None.
11.13 ​Connel Erskine: Request for funding to assist participation on overseas school expedition.
Action. Granted £150 from local priorities funds. Mr Robson to action.
11.14 Letter 120813 and draft Strategy. Antisocial Behaviour Consultation
Request for feedback on the draft strategy by 4 October 2013. See consultation on ELC website.
Action. Ms Cosgrove to investigate and respond.
11.15 Letter 220713 Rail Bridge East Linton.
Iain Gray MSP raised the condition of the bridge with Route MD Scotland Network Rail on 12 June. Bridge scheduled for repair and repainting between 2014 and 2019. Work will include cosmetic and steel work appearance actions but detail and precise not determined.
Action. Noted and letter acknowledged by email. Nfa.
11.16 Email 180813 and letter Attachment from Morag Wallace, Teacher East Linton Primary School. Thanking Barry Craighead for manning the Fairtrade Tuck Shop on Fridays and Dunpender CC for our contribution to their P6/7 Year Book.
Action Noted.
11.17 Poster advertising The Scottish Womens Convention.
Action. Emailed to DCC councillors on 120613.
11.18 Letter 080713 Heritage Lottery Funding - First World War: Then and Now
Letter and info. from Fiona O`Donnell MP advertising up to £10K funding of up to £10K for projects on WW1 and its legacy. 100th Anniversary of start of WW1 is 4 August 2014. Action Barry Craighead to investigate and recommend action.
11.19 Duplicated Antisocial Behaviour Strategy Consultation. Action. See 11.14.
11.20 Consultation on Increased Entitlement to Early Learning and Childcare Across Scotland from August 2014 open until 20 September 2013.
Action. Noted.
11.21 Consultation on Draft Statement of Licensing
Action. Noted.
11.22 Prestongrange Family Activity Day
Action. Noted.
11.23 Museums Visitor Survey
Action. Noted.
11.24 Planning Customer Feedback Form
Action. Noted.
11.25 Housing Allocations Policy Review 2013
Action. Noted.
11.26. Tennis Club request for funds
Action. Granted £300 from local priorities fund. Mr Robson to action.

12.0 Any Other Competent Business
Streetlights in East Linton will be going back on on 6th September 2013.
Headteacher and Parent Council had meeting regarding school traffic.
Lighting going in at bus stop.
Mr Craighead has contacted ELC re. overhanging trees at Monks Muir junction.

13.0 DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Thursday 3rd October 2013