Dunpender Community Council
Minutes - June 2013

Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
on 6th June 2013 at the Council Chambers, East Linton

Present Ms A Cosgrove Mr M Strachan, Mr B Craighead, Ms A Pearson, Ms S Richards, Mr J Swift, Mr G Gray

In attendance Cllr M Veitch, Ms S Scott (Park People), Mr W Carr (East Linton Resident), Mrs J Taylor (Minutes)

1.0 APOLOGIES Mrs J Priest, Mr J Robson, Mr R Russel, Mr D Warren, Ms L Shaw-Stewart, Cllr J Goodfellow,Cllr P McLennan, Cllr N Hampshire, PC K Hughes Ms E Dorrian (Park People), Mr J Armstrong (Park People)

Accepted as a correct record of the meeting.

During the period since the last police report there have been a number of incidents of note. There may be more incidents but due to the nature of these, or the ongoing investigation I cannot give full details.
Overnight on the 8th of May a glass panel was smashed at Rutherford’s and £170 worth of dog food stolen from within. There are no suspects for this crime to date.
On the 16th of May a “No Parking” sign was reported stolen from a lamppost in the Stories Park area. The theft is thought to be in relation to ongoing parking issues in the street but there are no suspects for the theft.
It’s the time of year when anti social behaviour calls are received to the Lynn Rocks area. Due to the warmer weather young people congregate to jump off the rocks and swim in the river there. Unfortunately whilst doing do so they shout and swear, leave litter behind and drink alcohol. Whilst there is no bylaw in the village, drinking alcohol whilst swimming in the river and jumping from the rocks does cause safety concerns. The area is owned privately with a public right of way running through it. Can I ask council members to be vigilant when in the area and please dial 101 to contact Police if there are issues that require to be addressed. Extra patrols will be carried out when possible.
On the 29th of May two insecure vehicles were entered in the Rennie Place area. A “Tom Tom” satellite navigation system was stolen from one of the vehicles.
Road Traffic offences are high on Police local priorities at present. Road checks and patrols with unmarked vehicles have been carried out in the East Linton area which has resulted in over twelve tickets being issued for offences such as, failing to wear a seat belt and using mobile phones whilst driving.
Poaching of fish remains prevalent on the Tyne near to the Knowes. However, in recent weeks because of information received from the public and frequent patrols, four nets have been recovered from the river. Can I ask that walkers remain vigilant when walking near to the fish ladder and weir at the Knowes for nets. They are relatively easy to spot, look for floats, which sit either on the top of the water or just under. The nets may stretch the width of the river or in a semi circle fashion. Sometimes a large log is used to secure the rope for the nets, which may float uncharacteristically in the water. Police should be contacted immediately please do not attempt to retrieve them. A good description of their location should be passed to officers.

After the Police Report was read out, Ms Scott raised the fact that she had called the police three times recently regarding the teenagers around Lynn Rocks. Police and Community Warden are aware. Cllr Veitch to organise meeting with Sergeant Nicolson and residents.


4.1 ELDA article
Mr Strachan to write this month’s ELDA article. DCC will not contribute to following two editions of ELDA due to summer break.

4.2 Paths
The orientation panel at Pencraig was erected today, planning permission was dealt with by ELC. Ms Pearson to get photograph taken with it by Mr Robson - Mr Seagroatt to put photographs on the East Linton website.
Mr Arthur Greenan has had a response from Ray Montgomery. Mr Swift to meet with Mr Greenan.

Ms Scott gave an update of ongoing work by Park People.
- Watering party next week (12th June 2013)
- Wildflowers are coming up if they are kept watered
- Shubbery dug but nothing planted
- When do Park People have until to spend Civic Pride money?
- ELC delay with work that has been requested. Cllr Veitch to chase up Andrew Hogarth re. fence.
- Mike Foy, ELC has been contacted regarding pear trees in Avenue & birch tree to be staked.

Thanks given by Ms Pearson to Ms Scott for work Park People have achieved to date.

Cllr Veitch is organising repairs to lettering on war memorial and railings round it.

4.4 Roads/pavements
Notices that had been put up by ELC in Stories Park regarding residents’ parking on red brick areas have been vandalised. Cllr Veitch emailed Peter Forsyth, ELC about this issue and was informed that ELC placed signs as one-off gesture and advised residents to contact police regarding vandalism. Cllr Veitch to inform Cllr McLennan.
Drive Arch Road to be shored up permanently.
ELC to be chased up again regarding cutting back the ivy on Preston Road, awaiting response.
Cllr Veitch to chase up Network Rail re. cutting back ivy on railway bridge.
Merrylaws closed next week to work on kerbstones and potholes.
There is bad potholing at Beanston cottages – Cllr Veitch to chase up progress with filling these in.

4.5 Meetings attended
Mr Craighead is no longer on Hall Committee and in charge of maintenance of the hall. Thanks to Mr Craighead from all at DCC for all his work.
CAPP meetings continue to focus on East Linton issues as and when required.
Ms Priest and Ms Cosgrove to attend AELCC next week.

4.6 Emergency planning
Sandy Baptie, ELC Emergency & Risk Planning Mgr. addressed the AGM of the Association of Community Councils within Haddington Town House on 16th January 2013 and provided an update on Community Resilience, highlighting the Scottish Government website, Ready Scotland: HYPERLINK "http://www.readyscotland.co.uk/my-community/"http://www.readyscotland.co.uk/my-community/ Offered assistance to each Community Council in developing their own resilience plans, dependent on risks such as severe weather etc.
Discussed and decided to invite Mr Baptie to October 2013 DCC meeting bringing suggestions for smaller communities.
5.0 Planning Matters
There are 4 planning applications currently active:-
- Foxlake
- Extension to property on Rennie Place
- Overhailes farm
- Raising the roof at 13, The Dean
Halflands Barn was pulled from delegated list.
No. 2 The Square, architectural interest group objected.
To be discussed at ELC Planning Cabinet meeting on Tuesday 11th June 2013:-
- Lowland wind farm, guidance and support
- Burial Strategy, Prestonkirk has 5 years left unless wish to extend into greenfield. Should we be looking for another burial site in East Linton. Cllr Veitch to attend ELC Cabinet meeting.

6.0 Treasurer’s Report
No report submitted.
Playgroup requested £200 to help with cashflow. Granted. To suggest to Playgroup that they ask Hall Committee to reduce rent for period of time.

7.0 Traprain & Whittingehame issues
8.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk & Markle issues
Whitekirk noticeboard – no update.
Tyninghame noticeboard - no update.
Ms Richards and Mr Gray to chase up progress with noticeboards.

9.0 Tourism initiatives/new projects
Ms Pearson is still researching grants available for around half the cost of reproducing an updated Walks leaflet ready for distribution in 2014 and is requesting feedback/changes to leaflet from DCC members. DCC members to distribute boxes of remaining leaflets around the Dunpender area – there will be enough leaflets for this year.
Mrs Priest sent round information regarding Miller Homes artwork, Miller Homes is to provide a piece of public art as part of development condition. ELC will commission work. Ms Scott proposed that benches as artwork could be suggested, other suggestions included sculpture in stainless steel of John Rennie/Andrew Meikle. Suggestions to be gathered from community by asking on website and in ELDA. ELPS to be contacted to get local children’s input. Ms Cosgrove and Mr Strachan to collate responses. This consultation highlights the need to be more in touch with community via generic email address and social networking e.g. Facebook, Twitter – issue to be revisited.

Cllr Veitch to contact Mr David Affleck regarding sponsorship at Phantassie roundabout.

John Muir Day 20/04/2014 –This is a joint initiative with Scottish National Heritage to coincide with the launch of the John Muir trail. This will be a long weekend event (Easter weekend). Mr Russel is working on a guided walk circular walk along the local part of John Muir way. This may end with a picnic or opening the hall and offering tea and cakes or a refreshment stand along the Way. Other ideas included a wildlife spotting treasure hunt. It is unlikely Preston Mill will be open on this day. Further ideas about JM Day to be discussed at a future meeting.

10.0 Public transport/RAGES
The MVA2 study into train stations in East Linton and Reston, will be lauched on Tuesday 18th June 2013 at 2pm at Dunbar railway station with MSPs and press invited. The Chief Executives of SBC and ELC will be present as well as the MSP with responsibility for Transport. This is a significant event in the lift of the campaign.
Scotrail have launched a local fund.
Nothing to report on the East Lothian Bus Forum.
Recent changes to the First Bus Service were not well publicised.
First Scotrail – some fares have gone down.

11.0 Correspondence and consultations
11.1 Guidance for Wind Farms over Twelve Megawatts - 16 May 2013
11.2 Tellmescotland - Benefits for Community Councils - 16May 2013
11.3. Midlothian and East Lothian Drugs and Alcohol Partnership (MELDAP) - 22 May 2013
11.4 Community Councils: Resilient Communities - 29 May 2013.
11.5 Town and Country Planning Information for onward transmission to Community Councils - 29 May 2013
11.6. CAPP agreed priorities May 2013 - 29 May 2013
11.7 Bench at Preston Road - 31 May 2013
Written Correspondence
11.8. ELC Website - Community Councils - H Boak ELC - 2 May 2013
11.9 Letters from Ian Patterson, local resident re. painting of 30 High St. - 9 & 23 May 2013
11.10 Marine Conservation Soc: Report on Beachwatch 2012
11.11 I. Gray MSP: Consultation on Regulation of Bus Service – Ms Cosgrove to formulate response.
Forthcoming Consultations
(a) Local Development Plan - Main Issues Report - 30 Sep 2013
Open Consultations with End Date
(b) Your Top 5 Natural Features - 14 June 2013
(c) Care at Home - Service User Questionnaire - 19 July 2013
(d) Re-shaping Our Drugs and Alcohol Services in Midlothian and East Lothian - 9 August 2013
Closed Consultations
(e) Changes to Accessing the Brunton Hall, Musselburgh - 2 June 2013
(f) Coastal Car Parking - Initial Consultation - 2 June 2013
(g) For East Lothian Council Housing tenants - Homefront consultation - 31 May 2013
(h) East Lothian Council website survey - 31 May 2013
(i) Library Service - Customer Survey - 25 May 2013

12.0 Any Other Competent Business
The next edition of Dunpender News is due out in the Autumn. Ms Richards would like to have a stock of DCC members profiles to use so will send out a questionnaire to all members, all to complete and return to Ms Richards for use in a future issue of D unpender News.
Mr Carr (local resident) congratulated DCC on work completed and community engagement. Mr Carr wondered how to get DCC members faces known (over and above what is already being done). Display in butchers? How to get a range of engagement? Decided that Ms Richards would ask lecturer if student could do piece of work examining this issue and DCC options for engagement with community.
Good summer wished to all DCC members.

13.0 DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Thursday 5th September 2013