Present: Mrs J Priest (Chair) Ms A Cosgrove (Vice Chair), Mr M Strachan (Secretary) Mr J Robson (Treasurer), Mr R Russel Mr J Swift, Mr B Craighead, Ms L Shaw-Stewart, Ms S Richards Ms A Pearson
In attendance: Cllr M Veitch, Mr G Gray, Mrs Jill Taylor (Minutes)
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Mr D Warren, Cllr J Goodfellow, Cllr N Hampshire, Cllr P McLennan, PC K Hughes, Mr J Armstrong (Park People), Ms S Scott (Park People), Ms E Dorrian (Park People)
Accepted as a correct record of the meeting.
No police report submitted.
4.1 Vacancy Tyningehame/Whitekirk ward
Mr G Gray from Lawhead present at meeting.
4.2 Paths
Mr Russel has received a reply from SEPA regarding the trees in the River Tyne next to Houston Mill. The responsibility for removing the trees lies with the landowner. He will not be removing the trees, but if someone else does, they are welcome to the wood.
The river walk from Hailes Castle to Haddington has been closed by ELC due to concern about possibility of a section slipping. According to Nick Morgan, ELC, the area requies strengthening but quotes are extortionate so the path is unlikely to open again soon. However, it is passable with care for walkers.
The next Friends of the River Tyne meeting is on 10 April 2013. Ms Pearson possibly to attend on behalf of DCC.
4.3 Park
Update submitted via email:-
Works so far completed:
* Bulbs planted out between School Road and Bank Road gate.
* Fencing in Myra's Field completed. School have planted out saplings.
* Trees planted along path between school wall and football field.
* Replacement 'climbing tree' planted
* Trees planted in area close to toddlers play park.
Andrew Hogarth has asked us to bear with him and his team and noted that he has 'not forgotten us' but we still have the following outstanding:
* Formation and planting of 2no. wildflower areas
* Formation and planting of the shrubbery windbreak around the proposed seating area close to the toddlers play park.
4.4 Roads/pavements
Mrs Cosgrove reported that, since concerns raised at a previous DCC meeting regarding the potential hazards at Highfield crossroads, some remedies have been taken by Keith Scott, ELC. Cats eyes, refreshed white lines and new signage will hopefully lead to fewer accidents at this spot.
ELC’s Peter Forsyth will send an inspector to look at the drainage and damage to verges on Preston and Lawhead Roads.
Potholes reported on Whitekirk Road and McCall Gardens/Hardie Terrace and Bank Road in East Linton as well as a pothole & sunken drain on Haddington Road under railway bridge in East Linton Cllr Veitch to report to ELC but weather has had a severe effect on roads all over the county.
Mr Strachan to follow up planned work to remove ivy on Preston Road with ELC, which has not yet been completed.
4.5 Meetings attended
Mr Robson attended the Lafarge Community Liaison Meeting on 26 March - the main points were :
1. 556 days free of any Lost Time Injuries (LTI)
2. Cement sales were 15% down from the same period last year
3. It was estimated that the Works had another 38 years of limestone deposits to process
4. The 50th Anniversary Celebrations (1963-2013) were progressing well
5. The Joint Venture with Tarmac (owned by Anglo American) signed in January 2013, has required a name change to `Lafarge Tarmac Dunbar Cement Works`.
Mr Russel attended the John Muir Country Park Action Group. New playpark and toilets are open. ELC’s Countryside Service Annual Report will be available on ELC website on 13 June 2013. Tree planting and trimming, together with Friends of John Muir Country Park, will be taking place on 20 April 2013 as part of John Muir Day celebrations.
4.6 ELDA article/Dunpender News
Thank you to Ms Richards, Mr Russel and Ms Pearson who worked together to collate and write the recent edition of Dunpender News. Corrections noted. Next edition of Dunpender News is due out in September 2013 Mrs Cosgrove has spoken to East Linton Library about submitting an article and photo if the Library submit these sooner, they can go on website first.
Mr Strachan to write and submit the ELDA article, to include Cllr Veitch’s surgery times, which were missed out of Dunpender News. Ms Shaw-Stewart to ring ELDA to ask about delivery to Whittingehame.
4.7 Defibrillator
No progress with this issue, ongoing.
5.0 Planning Matters
The Crown Hotel has applied for a variation of the license. DCC have no objections. Mrs Priest wrote a letter of support to ELC regarding this planned change.
Response received from Ian McFarlane, ELC regarding work at Ark House, opposite Drovers, Cllr Veitch to follow up.
There have been plans submitted for 2 wind turbines at Phantassie Farm each 21.5m/70ft high to be placed ¾ mile from centre of village and visible from various points in the village including from High Street. DCC agreed to object to the application as it did not appear to comply with ELC policy and guidance. The proximity of the application to many parts of the village and its visibility could lead to a loss of visual amenity, adverse economic impact and might create a precedent for other high ground immediately surrounding the village.
Mr Strachan to write to ELC to object stating above height guidelines and concern over visual impact.
6.0 Treasurer’s Report
Mr Robson reported the Current Account (at the end of 2012/13) was £77.25 in credit, but since the payment of the Minute Secretary's honorarium, only £47.25 remained - this was due to ELC not refunding the £60 charge for Fountain maintenance in February. [The previous arrangement was DCC paid Mr Govan for his work and subsequently recovered the funds from Alan Forsyth in Macmerry. His sucessor (Richard Jennings) had been e-mailed & an invoice sent on 1st March, but no response had been received - Cllr. Veitch to chase. The £568 Admin Budget for 2013/14 would not be available until 1st June! It was agreed that a payment of £10 per Member, as an allowance to cover printer ink costs, be made this year (along with the usual ream of paper, but forgoing postage stamps, to reduce expenditure).
The Grants Account stood at £2,882.82 for 2012/13, and would be carried-over into the new financial year. Members were reminded that £750 of that balance, was reserved for payment towards the Pencraig Noticeboard.
The Local Priorities Budget ended 2012/13 with a spend of £6,554.33 - agreed with Mrs Pryde - but that omitted the final invoice of £273.50 from the Horticultural Society, received too late for inclusion in her Report to Cabinet. Mr Robson undertook to submit a 2013/14 version of his spreadsheet, indicating projects carried over from last year, for the next meeting. Finally, he reported that the paperwork was being prepared for passing to the Accountant for auditing, as required by ELC Internal Audit.
There was a discussion around the Walks leaflet which requires upgrading Mrs Cosgrove to advise if this is eligible for Co-op Community Funding.
7.0 Traprain & Whittingehame issues
The farmer at Overhailes has stopped development at the Old Clockhouse buildings.
The Pencraig noticeboard is currently being printed Cllr Veitch asked to open it and a photo will be taken for website/press.
A new noticeboard at Whittinghame may be possible from Local Priorities budget for new financial year noted.
8.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk & Markle issues
Whitekirk noticeboard planning application has been submitted but no response received yet Mr Warren to follow up.
Tyninghame noticeboard planning application has now been submitted.
ELC’s Environmental Protection Team ELC were to monitor noise at a recent race meeting at East Fortune due to concerns raised by a resident at Crauchie regarding the forthcoming events, however the race meeting was cancelled due to the weather. ELC are required to monitor noise levels before they can take any enforcement action assume they will be monitoring the next planned race meeting and we can await their advice.
9.0 Tourism initiatives/new projects
Ms Shaw-Stewart took her proposal regarding East Linton’s Christmas lights to ELC Planning Department who were very positive and offered to help in any way they could. There is no planning permission required. Plans continue to take shape and Ms Shaw- Stewart continues to work on this project.
Will Collin of Friends of John Muir emailed requesting that Dunpender CC gives its support to the idea of Marquette County, Wisconsin, and Dunbar and East Linton ward entering into a ‘Sister City’ relationship to commemorate the centenary of the publication of ‘The Story of My Boyhood and Youth’, which links the two areas. There is no financial commitment. DCC will support this.
DCC discussed ideas for a celebration for John Muir Day 2014 100 years since his death. Members asked to come up with ideas for discussion.
10.0 Public transport/RAGES
Cllr Veitch reported that the MVA study will be available any day now and potential dates have been noted for a meeting with Scottish Government.
The ivy on the railway bridge, which Network Rail said they would cut back in early 2013, has not yet been tackled, Cllr Veitch has followed up with Network Rail and is awaiting a return phone call.
The East Lothian Bus Forum is to be held on Tuesday 30th April at 10am in Haddington. The meeting will include presentations (Iain Gray MSP on his proposals for a private member’s bill on buses and Morag Haddow (Sustaining Dunbar) on her ideas for ‘Public Transport Hubs’ in East Lothian.
Discussions are ongoing between Cllr Veitch and local bus companies re a single timetable for East Linton showing all available buses regardless of operator.
11.00 Correspondence
11.1 I Paterson: Ongoing correspondence about Council Chambers paint colour.
11.2 ELC: Community Council Grants.
11.3 ELC: Papers for ELC Audit and Governance Committee Meeting on19 March
11.4 Will Collin [Friends of John Muir] re John Muir celebrations
11.5 ELC: ELC Diversity Newsletter.
11.6 ELLP: Invitation to feedback session from the recent HMIE Inspection of the Dunbar Learning Community at Bleachingfield Centre on 11April.
11.7 ELC: Volunteer Development East Lothian, ELC and EL Learning Partnership re nominations for the INSPIRING VOLUNTEERING AWARDS
11.8 Marine Conservation Society Newsletter.
11.9 Planning Aid for Scotland: Scotland and Offshore Renewable Energy - A Community Workshop - Edinburgh, 10 April.
11.10 ELC: visits to ELC Contact Centre, Penston House, Macmerry 11 &18 April.
11.11 Friends of R Tyne minutes and next mtg 10th April
11.12 ELC: Response to query re wall at former Ark House
11.13 A Greenan re Blocked Tracks & Locked Gates - J Swift will take to next Local Access Forum
12.0 Any Other Competent Business
DCC to nominate themselves for ‘Team of the Year’ in ELC’s annual Star Awards Cllr Veitch to sign nomination form. DCC will also nominate other local volunteers (names discussed).
Further correspondence has been received from Ian Patterson, High Street resident regarding recent external painting of Council Chambers Mr Patterson to be directed to Graham Brotherston, ELC who instructed work to be undertaken.
Mr Craighead and Mr Russel are painting the white bridge at Preston Mill on 27 April 2013, weather permitting volunteers welcome put volunteer request in ELDA. Ms Cosgrove to check out insurance.
Mr Gray will formally join DCC at next meeting to represent Tyninghame/Lawhead/Whitkirk.
13.0 DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Thursday 2nd May 2013