Dunpender Community Council
Minutes - January 2013

Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
held on 10th January 2013 at the Council Chambers, East Linton.

Present: Mrs J Priest (Chair) Mr M Strachan (Secretary), Mr J Robson (Treasurer), Ms S Richards, Mr B Craighead, Ms A Pearson, Ms L Shaw-Stewart

In attendance: PC K Hughes, Mr J Wilson (Community Warden), Mr J Armstrong (Park People), Cllr J Goodfellow, Mrs Jill Taylor (Minutes)


Cllr M Veitch, Cllr N Hampshire, Cllr P McLennan, Ms A Cosgrove (Vice Chair), Mr R Russel, Mr J Swift, Mr D Warren, Ms S Scott (Park People), Ms E Dorrian (Park People)

Accepted as a correct record of the meeting.

Ms Leitch thanked DCC for the invitation to speak to members. She is currently going round all local Community Councils to meet Councillors and hear about their issues. Ms Leitch spoke to DCC and ELC’s strong relationship and asked DCC members how their engagement with ELC could be more fruitful and how ELC could change to help CCs. Mr Strachan asked for a telephone/email directory to be available to CCs to help them reach the correct person. Ms Leitch agreed to look into this.
Ms Leitch informed DCC re. potential changes to ELC re. Heads of Service potentially responsible for a geographic (school cluster) area – the relevant Head of Service would therefore become a point of contact for each CC. ELC are also working on upgrading their website and how to use the internet more effectively to reach their customers.
Ms Leitch spoke about how encouraged she was by local commitment to CC membership and CCs who were a good cross section of population, engaged and passionate about local area.
ELC will also be undertaking a piece of work regarding citizen led evaluation/assessment, looking at Council performance and identifying areas for efficiencies and improvements.

During the period since the last police report there have been a number of incidents of note. There may be more incidents but due to the nature of these, or the ongoing investigation I cannot give full details.

On the 7th of December a dwelling in the Walker Terrace area had the exterior gas box deliberately damaged causing a gas leak. This was made safe by Scottish gas with the Fire Service on standby. Enquiry is continuing into this.

About one in the afternoon on the 8th of December a fire was discovered in an implement shed at Phantassie Farm Steading. It again was started deliberately after rubbish there was set alight. This caused damage to the roof beams and roof itself. Which may result in the shed being demolished. It is not linked to the previously mentioned incident. On the 23rd of December an Audit A4 which was parked in the Orchardfield area had paint poured on its bonnet. The owner of the vehicle is not from this area and has no idea why the vehicle was targeted. Diesel has been again stolen from private tanks and vehicles in the East Lothian area over the last month. Any persons acting suspiciously please report to Police as soon as possible. The amount of complaints regarding mud on the roads has fallen dramatically. Checks have been made throughout the area and the roads have been found to be in a satisfactory condition.

CAPP priorities (next meeting Thursday 17 January 2013)

1. Tackle parking issues in the Countess area of Dunbar.
2. Address mud on the road in rural areas
3. Focus on items being stolen from insecure vehicles and properties.

Mr J Wilson distributed a hard copy of his presentation on Dogwatch. Due to time constraints, he did not present this and it was decided that he should do his presentation at February’s DCC meeting. Stickers, leaflets and posters have been distributed in the village and there has been some press coverage. The Community Wardens have been undertaking early morning patrols and talking to dog owners. One of the main issues appears to be dogs being let off the lead in the park in the dark, owners to be aware of this, most owners in East Linton appear to be responsible and no fines have recently been issued. East Linton park will soon be getting stencils on the paths, which will last 6-8 weeks. Mr Wilson is asking the community to report the culprits and the publicity gives clear instructions on how this should be reported – online or via a phone number (01875) 824305. Fines can be issued using information from members of public.
DCC agreed to help by offering space on website and an article in Dunpender News as well as highlighting issue in next ELDA (Feb).
Mr Strachan asked if kennel clubs/dog training places were being targeted, Mr Wilson stated that they were doing this.
Ms Pearson reported bags of dog mess piled up at Tyninghame beach, advised to report this to ELC Landscape & Countryside. DCC would be in favour of a bin here, but need to check with ELC the cost of emptying this.
Ms Shaw-Stewart to email Mr Wilson regarding a dog control notice re. a stray dog in Dunbar. Mr Wilson will pass this information to the dog warden.


4.1 Vacancy – Tyningehame/Whitekirk ward
Ms Shaw-Stewart has 2 contacts from that area she is pursuing to encourage interest in joining DCC. Ms Richards has put up posters in Tyninghame/Whitekirk.

4.2 Paths
Mr Swift contributed DCC’s response to the Land Reform Review Group, supporting Mr Greenan’s views and evidence.
4.3 Park
Mr Armstrong gave a short talk about plans for the park. Plans were displayed in East Linton butcher’s window in December. The Park People shall soon be starting work using the Civic Pride funding. DCC have already committed to pay for one picnic bench (£500) and possibly another from next year’s budget. The new fence/gate at Bank Road end will soon be started work on. The plan is to complete all work by the end of March 2013.
4.4 Roads/pavements
Whitekirk to North Berwick road – on bend, have to drive in the middle of the road to avoid potholes (or go on back road). Cllr Goodfellow to pass on this info to Cllr Veitch.
Hailes Road is bad with potholes and doesn’t look like a public road. This is a cycle route. Ms Shaw-Stewart to report to Mr Peter Forsyth, ELC.

4.5 Meetings attended
Mr Craighead to attend next CAPP, 17/1/13.

4.6 ELDA
Mrs Priest to write this month’s ELDA article.

Blackcastle/Cocklaw community wind turbine: Mrs Priest to send link round re plans for this and for disbursing profits within the community. All members to review and discuss at next DCC meeting. Application no. 12/00874/P
Sir Hugh Dalrymple has made application for 2 wind turbines behind Leuchie, not in DCC area, but will be able to be seen from Dunpender.
Mrs Richards is registered to receive info re. local planning applications, will review and bring relevant info to each DCC meeting.

Mr Robson reported that the Current Account stood at £337.63, which allowed for expenditure covering Chairperson's December expenses, fee to Minute Secretary for January, and recovery of £100 (donations to Food Bank and RELBUS) from Local Priorities.  The Council Grants Account balance was £2,882.31 - no change since last month.  The LOCAL PRIORITIES budget was discussed with certain activities to be scrutinised and reallocation of funds made.  Agreement was reached to increase our contribution to the Park Picnic Bench to £500, and authorise Mrs Richards to purchase a publishing software download for £120, to enable her to replace an outdated package for the Dunpender News.  New replacement Christmas lights costing £500 were authorised for purchase this financial year - in the `sales` - and a major upgrade for future years costing some £2,000, was `earmarked`.  [Ms Shaw-Stewart made a full presentation later at the meeting].  A sum of £400 was mentioned as a donation towards upgrading The Stables next year - no official request had been received, as yet.
Mr Robson undertook to update his spreadsheet and circulate it at the next meeting - copying it to Mrs Pryde at ELC.

None tabled.

The Whitekirk noticeboard is still with Ms Pooley. Concrete, posts and labour costs for erection have still to be paid, but have been budgeted for. Mr Warren to complete the planning application for noticeboard erection. Bill Laird, ELC is contact. No planning issues anticipated.
Ms Richards submitted a Civic Pride application for a noticeboard outside Tyninghame hall, a decision will be made on the success of this application by the end of January 2013.

A presentation about erecting real small lit Christmas trees to light up East Linton High Street was made by Ms Shaw-Stewart. Mr Warren and Ms Shaw-Stewart have looked at High Street provision of electricity and have a suggested plan of where trees should go. This would involve attaching permanent brackets to High Street properties, some of these are businesses and some are privately owned. This would be a relatively inexpensive way of lighting up East Linton at Christmas time for many years to come without the need to store artificial trees. Ms Shaw-Stewart has had a quote from Smeaton for £4.15 per tree, and will endeavour to get a quote from Stewart Stenhouse. Ms Shaw-Stewart has researched the lights, and hopes to be able to buy these for £9.37 each excluding VAT (soon during January sales). Most of the LED lights would be powered by ELC, some by private owners/businesses.
Ms Shaw-Stewart accepts that this would cost DCC considerably this year, but that once the infrastructure was completed and lights were purchased, only expense each year would be the mini trees. James Sandie & Son have offered in principal to financially support the project.
There is still work to be done on this project, suggestion that this could be funded partly by Civic Pride.
There would be a task force required to erect the brackets and trees in late November 2013.
Ms Shaw-Stewart and Mr Warren to present about this issue prior to next meeting, Thursday 7 February 2013, 6.30pm, East Linton Council Chambers.
Cllr Veitch has written to Network Rail regarding Bridge 66, planned painting in 2015, to ask if we can have some input on the colour. Ms Cosgrove noticed a portrait of John Rennie in a corridor at Musselburgh ELC offices. This picture and the Rennie bust, currently outside the Marriage Room in Haddington, are soon to be moved to East Linton Library to join other local artworks. A Collections Officer is due to visit East Linton Council Chambers on Monday 14 January 2013 to look at the bust of Andrew Meikle with a view to moving it to the Library as well.

East Linton Council Chambers are due to be painted – outside and inside and window repairs are due to be completed soon.

A plan to celebrate John Muir’s life should be added to a future agenda.

None discussed


11.1 AELCC first meeting 16th Jan 2013
11.2 FJMCP 26th Jan 2013 Ms Pearson to attend on behalf of DCC.


It was suggested that in future only one presentation is planned for each DCC meeting.
No further information at present on the residents leaving Prestonkirk House.

13.0 DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Thursday 7th February 2013