Dunpender Community Council
Minutes - December 2012

Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
held on 6th December 2012 at the Council Chambers, East Linton.

Present: Mrs J Priest (Chair) Ms A Cosgrove (Vice Chair)
Mr J Robson (Treasurer) Mr M Strachan (Secretary)
Mr R Russel Mr J Swift
Mr B Craighead Mr D Warren
Ms L Shaw-Stewart Ms S Richards
Ms A Pearson

In attendance: Cllr McLennan
Cllr Veitch
Mr J Wilson (Community Warden)
Mr J McPhee (Community Warden)
Mr A Greenan
Mrs Jill Taylor (Minutes)


Cllr J Goodfellow
Cllr Norman Hampshire
PC K Hughes
Ms S Scott
Ms E Dorrian
Mr J Armstrong

This was agreed to be a correct record of the meeting.

During the period since the last police report there have been a number of incidents of note. There may be more incidents but due to the nature of these, or the ongoing investigation I cannot give full details.
On the 9th of November red diesel was stolen from a generator in the Drylaw Hill area. A sat nav, was also stolen form an insecure lorry in the same location.
Overnight on the 7th of November a Husquvana chain saw was stolen from Stonelaws farm.
Overnight on the 13th of November £20 in cash was stolen from an insecure vehicle in Longstone Avenue.
On the 16th of November a two car vehicular accident occurred on the High Street. Both vehicles sustained damage and an elderly male was conveyed to the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary to be treated.
Also overnight on the 16th a Blue Peugeot motorcar had the rear windscreen smashed by unknown means.
On the 26th the Dunbar traffic warden along with roads Policing officers carried out an initiative at East Linton Primary School. No issues were identified.
The Traffic Warden has also given the village attention during this month. There have been no issues in relation to parking on the double yellow lines when he has been on patrol. He will continue to give the area attention.
There have also been thefts from the Orchardfield area.
Can I ask everyone to be extremely vigilant over the coming weeks. Keep vehicles and property locked at all times, as it’s the time of year when higher value property are purchased foe Christmas presents and are stored at home. Please do not leave parcels where they can be seen from the outside.
Any persons acting suspiciously please report to Police as soon as possible.
Foot patrols are being carried out in the area during the hours of darkness.
Dunbar CAPP
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Thursday 17th January
This month’s priorities:-
1: Tackle parking issues in the Countess area of Dunbar.
2: Address mud on the roads in rural areas
3: Focus on items being stolen from insecure vehicles and properties.

The Mr Wilson and Mr McPhee, the Community Wardens, gave a short report regarding their dog fouling campaign in East Linton park – Dog Watch. They are speaking to dog owners and putting up notices designed by Primary School children in the village. The aim of the campaign is to cut down on dog mess in the village, find out who is responsible and issue penalties where appropriate. The Community Wardens will do a short presentation on Dog Watch at the DCC January 2013 meeting. Mr Wilson and Mr McPhee also reported that Prestonkirk House had been quiet and that the Lynton Centre had reported that things had improved regarding noise and disturbance.


4.1 Vacancy Tyninghame/Whitekirk ward
There is a vacancy in the above ward. Mr Warren and Ms Richards to advertise this vacancy locally, including on Tyninghame noticeboard and in the café.

4.2 Paths
Mr Greenan of East Linton attended the meeting to raise the issue of public access to rural land, the Right to Roam legislation enacted in 2003. The Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003 is now under review including the Right to Roam. The deadline for comments to the Scottish Government on current legislation is 11th January 2013, Mr Greenan handed out a report to members to show the 22 current obstructions. Mr Greenan is currently asking a number of Community Councils to bring this issue to the attention of local residents. Mr Greenan is supported by The British (Carriage) Driving Society, The British Horse Society and The Clydesdale Horse Society. Mr Swift to respond to consultation on behalf of DCC.
The second draft of the Pencraig panel has been completed and ? of the money has been received by DCC. The Local Priorities budget has also allocated £300. East Lothian Council have agreed to erect the board when it is completed.
Mr Russel is writing another local walks book and invites contributions – walk ideas for locals and visitors.
Mr Craighead noted thanks to ELC for work done to clear the pavement between Haddington and Monks Muir. East Linton to Dunbar has still to be completed by ELC.
4.3 Park
The Park sub-committee sent an update email.

4.4 Meetings Attended
Mr Robson attended the Lafarge community Liaison Meeting on 7 November 2012, and reported apart from the continued downturn in cement sales for 2012, the company were close to ratify a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the RSPB, regarding the North West Quarry and its proposed future access.
Mr Swift continues to attend the Local Access Forum on behalf of DCC.

4.5 Roads/pavements
A resident in The Glebe sent a thank you email to DCC regarding the recent work done to clear the ivy on Preston Road. There is still some work to be done to clear this ivy, and this will be chased by Mr Strachan in January 2013.
Cllr Veitch reported on a letter he had received from Community Relations Advisor at Network Rail regarding the ivy on East Linton’s railway bridge. The request is now in the Minor Works Request Bank and will be reviewed in early 2013. Cllr Veitch will be informed of progress in this issue and will liaise with Ms Shaw-Stewart of DCC.
Keith Scott, the signs and lines inspector of ELC continues to supervise refreshment of white lines throughout East Linton, however the work is very weather dependent.  Members concerned re. safety of Smeaton entrance.
Drain cleaning is planned between Haddington and East Linton at Amisfield.
Cllr Veitch to follow up report from members of a problem with a passing place on the road up to Traprain and an issue with the top road at Whitekirk where the road has been resurfaced.
. There is no update on Drive Arch Road in Whittinghame which is still closed.
Cllrs were asked at the previous meeting if they knew of a plan to extend the quarry as residents at Monks Muir are concerned. Cllrs reported back that there are no plans to extend quarry.

4.6 ELDA article
Mr Russel to write article for December/January ELDA. Mrs Priest to write article for February ELDA .

Ms Richards agreed take responsibility for informing DCC about local planning issues. Cllrs to find out what is happening with houses proposed for Whitekirk and report back to DCC.

Mr Robson advised that the War Memorial repairs had been completed and £42.66 paid. Donations of £50 each had been paid towards the East Lothian Foodbank and RELBUS - both to be recovered from Local Priorities - leaving a balance of £286.50 in the Current Account.
The Grants Account stood at £2,882.31, which accounted for payment of £122 to Jon Champion for paths maintenance, and a RECEIPT of a grant of £750.00 from "Paths For All Partnership" towards the Pencraig Noticeboard (£300 already committed from Local Priorities).
The Local Priorities Budget spend stood at £5,621.34, leaving a balance of £8,696.84 committed.  Members agreed to allocate £200 towards a noticeboard for Tyninghame, and £547 for printing & distribution of another Dunpender News for 2012/2013.  The UNCOMMITTED balance would therefore stand at £976, leaving enough funds for purchase of replacement Christmas lights for next year.

None tabled.

The Whitekirk noticeboard is still with Ms Pooley. Concrete, posts and labour costs for erection have still to be paid, but have been budgeted for. Mr Warren to complete the planning application for noticeboard erection. Bill Laird, ELC is contact. No planning issues anticipated.
Mrs Priest submitted a Civic Pride application for a noticeboard outside Tyninghame hall, a decision will be made on the success of this application by the end of January 2013.
No issues arising from Markle.

East Linton Christmas lights are on. Mr Warren to do library lights at weekend.
North Berwick Community Council has offered DCC some spare Christmas lights, Ms Shaw-Stewart to follow up with Chair of NBCC.
Thank you to Mr Warren and Ms Shaw-Stewart for their work on Dunpender’s Christmas lights 2012.
Christmas lights for 2013, will be looked at in January, as would like to buy more small lit Christmas trees for High Street and also more lights for tree at fountain, either from Local Priorities or by applying to Civic Pride Fund.

The recent East Lothian bus forum on 7th November 2012, was well attended by bus companies and Community Councils. The forum plans to work with RELBUS and meet three times a year.
There is a new website for RAGES ( HYPERLINK "http://www.rages.org.uk" www.rages.org.uk) .
Drem station parking discussed, agreed this was Scotrail’s responsibility.
The preliminary findings study of the STAG2 appraisal by Scott Leitham will be published towards the end of the year.

11.1     Scottish govt: Consultation on Natl Planning Framework & Scottish Planning Policy
11.2    AELCC first meeting 16th Jan 2013
There will be a new set of office bearers elected. Ms Cosgrove Emergency Planning Resilience Officer and Secretary.
11.3    Scottish Water: consultation on future changes
Mrs Priest to send round link to consultation
11.4    ELTRPanel: consultation on ELC Rent proposals 10th Dec
11.5    NHS Lothian: leaflet on minor injuries units
This will be put in next issue of Dunpender News
11.6    A Greenan: Scottish Govt consultation on Right to Roam legislation

There are two invitations (one sent directly to Mrs Cosgrove) to ELC’s Provost’s Christmas reception on 12th December 2012, representatives from DCC to attend.
The recent deal to buy the Crown Hotel has fallen through.
Mr Russel to re-look at getting a grant for a defibrillator and defibrillator training. Possibly place debrillator at East Linton fire station, but location still to be discussed. 1st Responders from other local areas to be invited to a future meeting of DCC.

13.0 DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Thursday 10th January 2013