Present: Mrs J Priest (Chair) Ms A Cosgrove (Vice Chair), Mr R Russel, Mr J Swift, Mr J Robson, Ms A Pearson, Mr B Craighead Mr M Strachan, Ms L Shaw-Stewart
In attendance: Cllr Norman Hampshire, Cllr Dave Berry, Ms S Scott, Mr J Wilson, Mrs Jill Taylor (Minutes)
Roll call of members and election of office-bearers:
Cllr Hampshire read out the roll call of elected community cllrs: J Priest, A Cosgrove, J Robson, R Russel, P Stephen, B Craighead, S Richards, J Swift, M Strachan and L Shaw- Stewart. Nominations for the post of Chairman etc were asked for and the following members were elected to these posts:
Chairwoman: Mrs J Priest, proposed by J Robson, seconded by R Russel. Mrs Priest then took the chair from Cllr Hampshire.
Vice-chairwoman: Ms Allison Cosgrove, proposed by J Priest, seconded by M Strachan.
Treasurer: Mr John Robson, proposed by A Cosgrove, seconded by R Russel
Secretary: Mr Martin Strachan, proposed by J Priest, seconded by A Pearson
Ms Anne Pearson was re-elected to DCC by unanimous vote.
Ms Shaw-Stewart was welcomed to the meeting and members introduced themselves.
The three members of the Park sub-committee, L Dorrian, S Scott and J Armstrong were all co-opted again.
Ms S Richards
Ms P Stephen
Ms E Dorrian
Mr J Armstrong
Cllr Michael Veitch
PC K Hughes
Agreed to be a correct record of meeting.
I have the following items of note to report.
At the start of September a drugs warrant was executed in the village. This resulted in an amount of cash being seized under the Proceeds of Crimes Act along with personal amounts of controlled substances. A male has been reported to the procurator fiscal.
On the 9th of September a female was arrested for failing a roadside breath test in the Bank Road area of the village a report has been submitted.
On the 16th a fire call was received to the old Ark Housing building. The fire service attended and extinguished the fire. It is being treated at suspicious at this time. Can I ask if anyone is observed in the grounds at all please contact Police straight away.
On the 19th A vehicle accident was reported to Police in the early hours of the morning. Officers attended and arrested a male for failing a roadside breath test. A report has been submitted in respect of him.
PC Ross and I have also carried out Pro Laser speed checks on Drylaw Terrace. Two warnings were given to drivers no tickets issued on this occasion.
A major problem at present is poaching again in the area. The number of calls have increased due to the main poacher in the area increasing his activities massively in the last month. We are very keen for the public to contact us on each occasion suspicious activity is observed either at the Lynn Falls. Which may well be persons carrying out an activity called “Ripping” this is when the person repeatedly casts in with a three pronged hook on the line, with the hope that the hook snags a passing fish. The other area of concern is the Knowes weir where nets are being placed on a very regular basis. This well-known individual was recently caught and charged by bailiffs in the Borders area poaching fish.
Please do not attempt to remove any nets yourself. Any information in relation to poaching fish can be passed to PC Gavin Ross the wildlife officer or myself.
The next Dunbar CAPP will be held at 730pm at Dunbar Police Station on Wednesday 24 October 2012.
Other issues:
-Slow moving agricultural vehicles travelling on A1.
Have consulted Roads Policing. Legal, would require consultation with Transport Scotland to prohibit such vehicles, problem would just be moved to other roads where passing is more difficult.
Community Warden Jim Wilson told the meeting that he was planning a ‘dog watch’ for East Linton following an increase in dog-fouling. A talk has been given at school and the children are making posters for display locally, plus there will be extra warning signs in the Park. Complaints should go direct to Jim and his number will be publicised [07800 631678].
North Berwick CAPP have been discussing speeding through steadings, ELC Transportation are looking into issue. Tyninghame may be reassessed, currently has National Speed Limit.
4.1 Dunpender News/ ELDA article
Ms Richards, Mr Russel and all else involved, congratulated on recent edition of Dunpender News which has now been received by all households in the area. Contributions for the Spring edition of Dunpender News are now welcome.
Mr Russel will write this month’s contribution for ELDA.
4.2 Paths
Ms Pearson is working on the information panels for Pencraig funded by Paths for All funding. Ms Pearson has been in touch with Duncan Priddle, Countryside Ranger, ELC for his input. Ms Pearson will send round the draft graphics for comment. Expected to be completed for December 2012 and Paths for All will be provided with an update. ELC to be notified that the sign needs to be fixed in place.
4.3 Park
Mrs. Scott gave a report from the Park sub-committee. 12 residents attended a recent meeting, and discussions with ELC reveal that certain trees planned for planting are not invasive in the U.K, more natural species will be planted, along with wild flowers, bulbs and flower beds. Trees planted may be one of 3 possibilities Rowan, Birch, Wild Cherry. Mr. Grant of the football club had spoken at the meeting and his views received with enthusiasm. The meeting’s decision about not replacing avenue trees will be publicised in Anderson’s window. Trees will be planted this winter, and ELC will plant the wildflower areas. £5,000 is still available from funding to cover all planned actions. ELC plan to fix the gateway onto the private road leading onto Bank Road and have fixed the picnic bench. Some discussion around language used at football matches, but no easy solution to this.
4.4 Meetings Attended
Local Access Forum nothing to report. Mr Swift attending next meeting
RAGES AGM Ms Cosgrove to attend
East Linton Parent Council Ms Cosgrove to attend and sit as link person between school and DCC.
CAPP 24/10/12 Mr Craighead to attend
John Muir County Park 18/10/12 Mr Russel to attend
Friends of John Muir County Park 27/10/12 Mr Russel to attend
LEADER money, new applications being accepted for new funding round in February 2013.
4.5 Roads/pavements
The hedge and trees at the Monksmuir bus stop are to be trimmed by ELC Cllr Hampshire to follow up. The drain/grid overflowing with dirty water at the entrance to Monks Muir should be dealt with by the Monks Muir estate ELC Transportation department are aware. The ivy on Preston Road is still encroaching Mr Strachan to contact Peter Forsyth, ELC to find out cost for removing this. Cyclists are having difficulty on the cycle route from East Linton to Dunbar due to overhanging vegetation, and ELC will deal with this. White lining has been done on Drylawhill, but is greatly needed or missing in Dunpender, Road, the Glebe, Smeaton Nursery entrance, the Dean, and Lawhead Road, amongst other places Cllr Hampshire to follow up.
4.6 Prestonkirk House Meeting
Due to local concern, Cllr. Veitch recently chaired a meeting of interested parties including members of East Lothian Council’s Homelessness Team and representatives from the Day Centre concerning Prestonkirk House, and it is planned that the Homelessness Team will cease to use this building after March 2013. The 9 flats in the building will still be rented out by Homes4Life Housing Assocation after this date, but they will not be used as homeless accommodation.
Mr Robson advised that the requests for funding, reported at the last meeting, had been taken into account and incorporated in his spreadsheets. The Current Account stood at £544.69, which allowed for the £800 paid to ELC as part of our contribution towards the Surgery Path upgrade. Council Grants Account balance was £2,254.01, and this accounted for the remaining £1,040.69 paid to ELC, again for the Surgery Path upgrade.
On the Local Priorities spreadsheet - copies circulated - to `balance the books`, DCC's total contribution of £1,840.69 towards the Surgery Path upgrade, had been added to the BUDGET making the total available spend to £16,041.18 for 2012/13. Recent invoices, received and passed to Lilian Pryde for payment, included £92 for ELDA distribution of Dunpender News and £152.11 for plants/seeds/compost etc. covering last year's Beautiful Scotland entry. The total cost of the Surgery Path upgrade was £2,240.69, excluding VAT. Additions to that budget included funding for East Linton Community Choir, RELBUS & East Lothian Food Bank donations. As the solar panels for the Community Hall had been `put on hold`, the donation towards their Acoustic Curtains was increased to £700 - COMMITTED stood at £13,302.18, leaving an uncommitted balance of just £2,739. Further `tweeking` of the Spent & Remaining figures was required, which the Treasurer undertook to do.
Mr Craighead to research costs for bench and fixings for entrance to Preston Road.
Committee agreed to contribute £75 towards the market license for East Linton Christmas Market. Ms Cosgrove to sort out transfer of monies and will hand in license application.
None tabled.
The Whitekirk noticeboard is being dealt with by Ms Richards.
There are plans to paint Tyningehame pump.
Progress with Tyningehame noticeboard to be chased.
Ms Shaw-Stewart to co-ordinate Christmas lights with Dave Warren. Christmas market
Committee have requested switch-on at 4pm on Sunday 2nd December 2012 to co- ordinate with opening of Christmas market. Does tree need pruned before lights go on? Ms Shaw Stewart to deal with this. In January 2013, to discuss buying new lit mini Christmas trees for display outside shops on High Street.
Ms Cosgrove is being kept up-to-date by Barry Turner re. Bus Users’ group meeting.
Mr Craighead has complained to Network Rail re. ivy from Bridge 66 encroaching on trackside.
Cllr Hampshire is attending Network Rail meeting 12th October 2012.
11.1 Christmas Mkt Committee, request for funding and lights switch-on
11.2 Scottish Govt: Report from Community Council Short Life Working Group
The Remembrance Service takes place on 11th November and Mr. Craighead will lay wreaths on behalf of DCC and Cllr Veitch will lay on behalf of ELC. Before this date, Mr Craighead will look at the current state of wire round the monument, and contact ELC if necessary.
13.0 DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Thursday 1st November 2012