Dunpender Community Council
Minutes - June 2012
Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
held on 7th June 2012 at the Council Chambers, East Linton.

Present Ms A Cosgrove Mr J Robson, Mr R Russel Mr B Craighead, Ms S Richards Mr J Swift, Ms P Stephen Ms A Pearson

In attendance Cllr P McLennan Cllr M Veitch, Cllr N Hampshire Mr B Ayre, Mrs J Taylor (Minutes)

1.0 APOLOGIES Mrs J Priest Mr M Strachan, Ms K Moulin Ms E Dorrian, Mr J Armstrong Ms S Scott , PC K Hughes Cllr J Goodfellow

None tabled.

I have the following to report:

A shoplifting from the Co-op occurred on the 8th of May. Officers attended and arrested a female who has since been reported to the procurator fiscal.

In the early hours of the 9th May a male was caught within a vehicle in the Stories Park area. He was cautioned and charged with a number of vehicle crime related offences and reported to the procurator fiscal.

I reported at a previous meeting, the house breaking to Stewart Stenhouse Plants. Enquiry has resulted in the arrest of a local male for the crime.

On the 12th May officers responded to complaints about consuming alcohol after hours within the Bowling Club. The Club was subsequently issued with a formal warning.

On the 15th of May, three men were arrested by officers after being caught at Luggate Farm area, attempting to steal scrap metal. All have since been reported.

PC Ross has recently been trained in the use of the Pro Laser speed gun. This has enabled us to check previously mentioned areas of concern. No offences have been detected in the East Linton area to date, however one male driver was issued a £60 fixed penalty ticket and three points for travelling at 49 in a 30 MPH area near to West Barns.

The next CAPP meeting will be held at Dunbar Police Station at half past seven on Monday 9th July, Mr Craighead to attend on behalf of DCC.

This month’s priorities are:

- Environmental issues – youths drinking and littering in John Muir Country Park.
- Road Traffic – use of mobile phones while driving (East Linton area).
- Continue with Pro Laser checks at Queens Road, Spott Road, Belhaven Road Dunbar; Edinburgh Road West Barns; Preston Road, Haddington Road East Linton.
- Monitor Zebra Crossings at Westport and High Street, Dunbar in response to complaints received.

Representatives from Monks Muir wished to thank Dunpender Community Council and the police for taking action on the matter of cars overtaking and driving fast past their community. Mr Craighead expressed concerns regarding the email from Mr Baird, ELC with reference to not erecting overtaking signs at this point of the A199. It is believed that PC Hughes is monitoring junction. Mr Craighead will ask about bus bay at CAPP meeting in July.


4.1 New member for Tyninghame
Mr Ayre attending meeting, would like to represent Tyninghame. Members agreed.

4.2 Jubilee lunch report
The Big Jubilee lunch , a presentation of photographs depicting 60 years of life in East Linton together with the opportunity to share lunch with neighbours, was a great success. Thank you to Mrs Priest, Ms Richards and Mr Swift for their hard work on this project.
4.3 Park
No members of park committee present at meeting.
Mr Craighead expressed frustration at grass being cut with small grass cutter leaving excess cut grass in park in advance of East Linton Gala being held this Saturday 9 June 2012. Cllr Hampshire to request ELC remove cut grass before Saturday’s Gala.
ELC have been tidying up flower beds opposite Community Hall.

4.4 Paths
Ms Pearson reported that she had met with countryside officers and rangers to discuss the Pencraig sign. Suggestion that smart phone technology is used at the bottom of the
Footbridge path. Mr Russel and Mr Craighead have been given the equipment and paint to paint one side of the white bridge at Preston Mill.

Meetings attended
Mr Robson to attend the LaFarge meeting next week.
Ms Cosgrove attended the AELCC meeting last week. Most of discussion was around buses and local services, Ian Dalgleish from ELC was present. There has been a meeting organised regarding the future of LaFarge lake, no final decision has been reached.

ELDA articles over summer
Decision made not to contribute ELDA article for July’s issue. Mr Russel will write article for August’s issue.

Dropped kerbs for wheelchairs and pushchairs have been completed.
Drain has been repaired at the bottom of School Road (beside Co-op).

Appeals have been refused for wind turbines at Cockielaw and Whittinghame Mains.
There has been a meeting set up with Planning Committee and farmers to discuss ‘green’
alternatives – local vegetable growers have to supply ‘green’ credentials to supermarkets.

The Treasurer reported that the Current Account stood at £899.47 and the Council Grants Account at £3,294.37.  A total of £4,100 was uncommitted in the Local Priorities Budget and Mr Robson asked for suggestions for possible projects.  
The Whitekirk noticeboard had been delivered, and the invoice for £1,062.38 passed to Lilian Pryde for payment.  It was reported that the Surgery path had been completed and the contractor asked to pass the bill directto ELC.  Both had been allocated funds from that budget.Members made decision to allocate £250-£300 for new picnic bench for East Linton park.
Emma Martindale from Tyninghame, emailed requesting funding for a Tyninghame noticeboard. Mr Ayre to take forward and bring information to next meeting – will contact Mrs Pooley regarding cost of Whitekirk noticeboard and speak to Ms Martindale for more information about plans.
Ms Cosgrove provided more information about the Northlight festival, Dunbar. Northlight are requesting funding as part of specialist environmental festival. Members discussed if this contribution would benefit Dunpender and wished to find out if Dunbar Community Council has made a contribution – Ms Cosgrove to find out and email Members. Ms Stephen would prefer to support open studios, something Dunpender Community Council has supported in the past. Decision on funding Northlight festival will be made after Dunbar Community Council’s contribution is known and decision on funding to be made via email.
Pencraig noticeboard may be more than Paths grant, discuss this at next meeting. Does East Linton Council Chambers need a new noticeboard? Brief discussion.
Ms Richards wondered if we could sponsor local football team. Discussion around distribution of Local Priorites funding, Ms Stephen to send Policy to Members.

Kippielaw/Luggate/Whitekirk held street party for Diamond Jubilee.
Ms Moulin asked to report back on Drive Arch road consultation at next meeting.

None tabled

David Affleck is investigating putting up info board in surgery grounds.
Advertising billboards – not discussed.

The next RAGES meeting will be held on Tuesday 3 July at 10am – expected to discuss potential station and a local rail service. DCC has renewed annual membership of RAGES.
Concerns raised regarding Drem car park capacity constraint. A shuttle bus has been suggested, going between Haddington to North Berwick via Drem. Cllr McLennan reported a draft agreement with local landowner regarding more land for parking – will keep DCC informed.
A new late night train service to Dunbar has been introduced, leaving Edinburgh at 10.06pm – use of this will monitored over the summer.

11.1     Emma Martindale: Tyninghame noticeboard
11.2     Police/ELC emails: Monksmuir ‘no overtaking’ sign
11.3     ELC Transportation Dept: Communication with local groups/TellMeScotland

Mr Craighead has not made progress yet with defibrillator training.
Mr Craighead advised members of 2 major planned projected in Community Hall – fitting of acoustic curtains and a PASS entry system for building. Solar panels are still in discussion (£714 of last year’s Local Priorities budget is still allocated towards this) – advised that as this project would be grant aided, feed-in tariff would not be paid back to Hall.
Mr Ayre offered to speak to Mike on Tyninghame Estate regarding the repainting of pump.
Members advised to look at Tell Me Scotland website ( HYPERLINK "http://www.tellmescotland.gov.uk/" http://www.tellmescotland.gov.uk/), which has public information notices from throughout Scotland.

13.0 DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Thursday 6th September 2012