Present: Mrs J Priest (Chair, Mr R Russel, Mr M Strachan Mr B Craighead, Ms K Moulin, Mr J Swift, Mr J Armstrong, Ms E Dorrian
In attendance: Mrs Jill Taylor (Minutes)
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Ms A Cosgrove (Vice Chair), Mr J Robson, Ms P Stephen, Ms A Pearson, Ms S Richards, Ms S Scott, PC K Hughes
None tabled.
I have the following to report:
Overnight on the 4th of April two garden ornaments were smashed within a garden at Hardie Terrace.
Further hoax bomb calls have been received from a male, which have originated from the phone box on the High Street. Enquiry revealed a local male as being responsible. He has since been traced and cautioned and charged and is being reported to the Procurator Fiscal.
The issue raised at the previous meeting, relating to the signage and problems crossing the A199 at Monksmuir has been passed on to the Force Traffic Management section who have attended at the locus and assessed the road lay out and signage etc. A report has been compiled and will be sent to ELC for their information.
The next CAPP meeting will be held at Dunbar Police Station on at half past seven on Monday the 4th of June .
This month’s priorities are:
-Environmental issues: potential problems related to youths drinking and littering in rural areas especially John Muir Country Park
-Dog Fouling
-Road Traffic: Cyclists on pavements and speeding on arterial routes in to DB Queens Rd, Spott Rd and Belhaven/Edinburgh Rd.
Brief report given from the CAPP meeting on Monday 30 April 2012. Dog fouling was reported as an ongoing issue but it has eased a bit due to the light nights. The school are running a campaign about cycling without lights and had a successful ‘tidy East Linton; campaign. The traffic warden will be making more frequent visits to East Linton.
4.1 Paths
Ms Pearson was successful in getting the grant from Paths for All for the Pencraig Hill board Ms Pearson to take this forward.
Mr Strachan reports that the contractor for the Footbridge path starts on 7 May 2012.
The missing handrail on the white bridge crossing the railway line and the repairs that need done to the steps have been reported to Nick Morgan, East Lothian Council.
4.2 ELDA article.
To be written and submitted by Mrs Priest.
4.3 Park
Questionnaire responses have been collated by park sub-committee, see appendix. Results will be posted on Dunpender’s website, around village and on info boards at the Gala in June. Possibly then there will be an open meeting to discuss next steps taking results of questionnaire into consideration. The park sub-committee have had a local offer to replace the trees in the Avenue with local indigenous trees. Ms Dorrian to check if the pear trees are invasive.
Trees have been planted by ELC on path from Langside to the railway underpass.
DCC Park Group was successful in getting Civic Pride grant - £5,000 for tree planting in Myra’s Field, but not for furniture. Put cost of picnic bench into Local Priorities budget (£500) contact Andrew Hogarth to order this.
Discussion around learning wood at East Linton Primary School and possibility of applying for LEADER grant on behalf of school to do this and plant trees along railway line. Need to be aware of potential development of football pitch in park and railway station/platform. Park sub-committee had hoped to meet with Andy Grant [Football Club], this meeting now to take place next week to look at how it all fits together. Park fence damaged by Scottish Water this repair needs to be followed up.
Poppy wreath wire holder to be repaired by Mr Craighead and Mr Armstrong.
Members wish to record their grateful thanks to the park sub-committee.
4.4 Roads/pavements
Meeting held with Colin Baird and Peter Forsyth, East Lothian Council. A number of actions were agreed on:-
- Yellow lines opposite Community Hall to be removed [will take some time to happen]
- Red texture flex on Drylaw Hill
- Ivy on Preston Road, trimmed back, remove mud police also to take action here due to
recent near accident
- Library signs, no action to be taken here library signs already there
- Gulley outside Co-op to be fixed
- Repair section slabs outside 47 High Street
- White lines throughout village, conservation area.
Help to be given with Village Statement.
20mph speed limits being trialled in Dunbar and Edinburgh.
Meetings attended
Mr Swift and Mrs Priest attended the Coastal Communities Fund workshop. This workshop was looking at Dunbar (and surrounding areas) Expression of Interest proposal for the Coastal Communities Fund. This fund has £2.3m available for Scotland. As a result of the meeting, it is likely a bid will be submitted which will mainly benefit Dunbar possibly a Project Officer. If funding continues, possibly DCC should look at putting in their own application next year.
Mr Craighead to send apologies for the next Belhaven Hospital meeting.
Mr Swift attended the Local Access Forum on 25 April 2012. Main issues discussed included irresponsible dog walking/dog litter, problems with carriage driving, signage and a request to walk round Muirfield golf course not across it. There will be a gas beacon lit on the top of Traprain Law for the Diamond Jubilee on 3 June 2012, The next Local Access Forum is in July.
Appeals have been submitted for wind turbines at Cockielaw and Whittinghame Mains. Unsure when judgement will be made.
2011/12 accounts were audited, DCC were first to present their accounts to ELC for audit.
Picnic bench (as noted in 4.3) to be put into Local Priorities budget.
New bin has been placed at Phantassie layby and possibly needs painting Mr Craighead to check.
Request for funding from North Light (Dunbar), for summer festival all to look at website HYPERLINK "" before next meeting funding request to be discussed at next meeting.
Consultation on Drive Arch road running to end July. Ms Moulin to find out more about this and report back to DCC.
The parish pump needs painting again, however this is not DCC’s responsibility.
A potential new member has contacted Mrs Priest, Barry Ayre from Tyningehame. Mrs Priest to meet Mr Ayre and invite him along to next meeting.
Queen’s Diamond Jubilee/Big Lunch on 3 June 2012 plans coming on well. The event will run from 11am-4pm. Ms Moulin, Mr Craighead, Mr Russel and Mrs Priest to help decorate hall and put up photo display at 9.30am on 3 June 2012. Event will be publicised this month in ELDA and with flyers/posters.
Kevin McCarthy, Gala Committee has contacted DCC re. the possibility of permanent advertising billboards on entrance to village. Mr Swift reported that Dunbar were doing something similar near Kellie Road/Asda entrance to Dunbar. Would need planning permission. Mr Swift to look into exactly what is happening in Dunbar and report back.
After the First Bus announcement that they are cutting a lot of services in East Lothian. Perrymans have announced 2 extra buses running on Mondays and Fridays. In Dunpender area, the First Bus service remains unchanged, but will be renumbered.
11.1 AELCC: Meeting 16th May on Transportation/Buses
11.2 Northlight: summer festival, request for funding
11.3 ELComm Planning: meeting 24th May
11.4 ELComm Planning: Forum 13th June 6-9pm
11.5 B Ayre: re member for Tyninghame
11.6 Rural Direct Roadshow posters/fliers
11.7 e K McCarthy: advertising billboards
Mr Russel to represent DCC to judge Gala floats with School.
Defibrillator Mr Craighead to (again) look into getting a defibrillator and defibrillator
training for East Linton.
The Local Authority elections are taking place today Mrs Priest to write letter of appreciation & thanks to former Cllr Jacquie Bell.
13.0 DATE OF NEXT MEETING: AGM - Thursday 7th June 2012