Present: Mrs J Priest (Chair), Ms A Cosgrove, Dr J Pooley, Mr B Craighead, Ms A Pearson, Mr W Alder, Ms P Stephen
In attendance: Cllr N Hampshire, Cllr P McLennan, Cllr J Bell, Mr W Middlemass, Mrs Jill Taylor (Minutes)
Mr R Russel, Mr J Robson, Ms K Moulin, PC K Hughes
Ms Stephen to be added to Apologies for Absence and at 5.1 ‘Ms Anne Pearson was co-opted to Community Council, this was voted and seconded by members’.
At 6.0 ‘Mrs Moulin had a copy of the Landscape Capacity Study and had met with Garvald and Morham representatives that evening. A draft response would be circulated for comments as responses were required by 24 October and a copy forwarded to G & M’. (Mrs Moulin added this by email)
Otherwise this was agreed to be a correct record of the meeting.
No police report submitted.
4.1 Retirements/new members/minutes secretary
Mrs J. Taylor has volunteered to do monthly Minutes and is attending tonight on mutual trial.
Dr Pooley intimated her retirement from the Community Council, this will be her last meeting Dr Pooley has been on the Committee for 8 years but has increasing demands in her personal life. The Committee thanked Dr Pooley for her work and wished her luck.
Mr Martin Strachan has intimated his interest in the vacant East Linton seat.
4.2 Local Resilience Action Plan
Members have not had the chance to read and formulate comments on this, asked to do so
and send comments to Ms A. Cosgrove who will formulate reply and send to Sue Guy. Ms Stephen may possibly be involved in this project and attended the last BeGreen meeting.
4.3 Article for ELDA/Dunpender News
There will be no Dunpender News this Christmas. Priority in New Year to find someone to help Mr Russel for future issues, Ms Stephen happy to mentor.
David Evans from The Dean has taken over ELDA and happy for Council to continue submitting a page Mrs Priest to write the next one.
Ms Stephen wondered if Dunpender News best way to contact people, should consider social media blog/twitter etc? To be discussed at future meeting.
4.4 Roads/pavements
4 new salt bins have arrived 4 new/2 replacements.
A Conservation Area Management Plan such as Dunbar and Inveresk have in place is to be investigated. This may help future pavement repairs to be of a better standard than at present.
4.5 Park trees meeting
The public meeting to discuss park trees will be on 24 November 2011 at 7pm. Agreed that since no other local venue available, this should take place in Council Chambers. Cllr Hampshire will convene the meeting.
4.6 Belhaven Hospital forum
Mr Craighead went to meeting. Current facilities are out-of-date but care excellent, particularly for elderly who can’t get to RIE. It has been made clear that nothing will be closed until new provision on or near the current site is ready and open. Next meeting 16 November 2011, Mr Craighead to attend.
5.0 Planning matters
ELC Wind Turbine Capacity Study response is due to go to cabinet 13 December 2011. Ms Moulin has sent in DCC’s response.
Notice of Review received from ELC (11.4) re Planning application at Brownrigg Farm. Congalton for 37m wind turbine.
Draft East Lothian Housing Strategy Mrs Priest has responded on behalf of Council.
Work has begun at Orchardfield, East Linton - however Bronze Age barrows have been found and at present this is likely to delay project by 3-4 weeks to allow for archaeological digging.
6.0 Treasurer’s report/LP budget
No Treasurer’s Report. Local Priorities budget: 2011/12 allocation £300 bin for Phantassie layby has been added, agreed last year.
7.0 Traprain & Whittingehame issues
None tabled
8.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk & Markle issues
Dr J. Pooley noted that noticeboard planning application for Whitekirk is ready to go in.
Mr Craighead has contacted a resident named Linda and she has undertaken to paint Tyninghame pump.
9.0 Tourism initiatives/new projects
Where to place East Linton tourist info panel discussed. Panel was designed 8 years ago to match similar panels in Tyninghame, Whitekirk and Preston Mill. East Linton Square is not possible as there is no disabled access to Square. Ms Stephen offered her wall at Phantassie, near to Rennie Memorial Mrs Priest to suggest this to East Lothian Council.
Local Environment Action Project filled in and submitted form to get £500 worth of trees in a line from bike path in park to tunnel. Trees will be a native species and offer a wind break for the football pitch.
Orchardfield development Percent for Art. Money for artwork is available and suggestions are welcome brief discussion on this can we put something in new station or ramp? Conclusion reached that this was way in the future and plenty of time to decide.
Flowerbed opposite Community Hall ELC ideas for landscaping this discussed. Cobbled area to be moved to under beech tree. Mackintosh memorial to go near to Firemans memorial in this area.
Applications invited to ELC Civic Pride Fund by end November (11.1)
10.0 Public transport/RAGES
Mrs A. Cosgrove has been attending meeting on the ‘Improvement of Haymarket Station’s passenger experience’ She will attend the next meeting on 29 November 2011 on behalf of DCC.
Mrs Priest and Ms Pearson had attended a site meeting at Orchardfield on 1st Nov with staff from First Bus, ELC Transportation and Cllr Bell. It was demonstrated that the only safe route on to A199 was via Orchardfield rather than Haddington Rd exit. First Bus and ELC will write joint letter to the resident who is objecting to buses using this route asking for her understanding and co-operation.
11.0 Correspondence
11.1 ELC: Civic Pride Fund application form
11.2 ELC: Friends of John Muir CP work day on 19 November. Ms Pearson to attend.
11.3 ELC: Winter Contingency Plan and support for local residents. Mrs Priest had discussed with Lynton Centre - they would like more support for clearing snow, Cllr P. McLennan to follow this up with ELC.
11.4 ELC: Notice of Review Brownrigg Farm Planning Application
11.5 ELC: Draft Consultation and Engagement Strategy Mrs Priest to respond.
12.0 Any Other Competent Business
Mr Craighead to take our wreath to war memorial and represent DCC. Mr R. Russell has put new chips round memorial and weeded.
Ms Cosgrove reported that there was £100,000 European fisheries money available she will find out more information this week and report back to DCC.
Ms Pearson will take Mrs Ferguson’s place on East Lothian Access Forum on behalf of AELCC.
Mr Alder is to ask Nick Morgan about the status of the path to Traprain Law.
13.0 Date of next meeting: 1st December 2011