Present: Mrs J Priest, Mr J Robson, Ms A Cosgrove, Mr B Craighead, Mr W Alder, Mrs K Moulin, Ms P Stephen, Mr R Russel
In attendance: Cllr N Hampshire Cllr J Bell, Cllr P McLennan, Mr & Mrs I Patterson, Mr W Middlemass, Mr & Mrs R Morgan, Mrs L Gatens, Mrs G Dignan, Ms A Pearson
Mrs J Ferguson, Mrs A Lindsay, Dr J Pooley
Mrs Liz Kilpatrick has retired from the Community Council due to family commitments. She was thanked for her significant contribution to DCC since she joined in 2005. A new member will be recruited for this area.
Ms Pearson attended as she has expressed interest in joining DCC as member for Traprain.
This was agreed to be a correct record of the meeting.
3.0 POLICE REPORT [PC Kevin Hughes]
On the 21st of September diesel was siphoned from the tank of a council lorry which was parked and unattended within the compound on Station Road.
On the 24th September a drugs search was carried out in a property in the village. Personal amounts of Cannabis was discovered, a male has been reported to the Procurator Fiscal.
On the 26th September a complaint was made about a tractor driver near to Lauder Place. This was in relation to his driving near a cyclist. Enquiry has been made and the tractor traced, further enquiry is being carried out.
On the subject of tractors John Robson emailed me while I was away regarding a tractor driving with the forks or prongs down at the front. I have tried checking out the registration number provided and the amended number. Unfortunately all variations come back as Vauxhall motorcars! I have had better luck with the trailer registration and I now have a farm to visit out with the East Linton area. Tractors should fold back the forks or prongs if possible or remove them for travel on a road. This is different for forklift type vehicles who are advised to travel with the forks lowered as if they drive with them elevated this can cause them to become imbalanced and topple.
Constable Aitchison and I have also carried out speed checks in the village with the pro laser speed gun. No offences have been detected although one male was warned regarding his driving. We have also checked the speed of a number of tractors, they have all registered twenty miles an hour.
We are currently carrying out regular parking patrols in a round the schools in the area to educate parents and detect parking offences and tickets have been issued for yellow line offences in the village.
The Build a Bike project has started well although it had to be put on hold whilst I was on leave and down south assisting with the riots. I will be starting this up again over the next week or so.
Every Friday for the next six weeks racket ball is on at 6 pm within Hallhill, Dunbar. PC’s Aitchison and Tait are involved and are inviting young people to attend.
4.1 Article for ELDA
Mrs Priest will write the article for June.
4.2 Dunpender News
Mr Russel is considering taking on production of the News with help from Dr Pooley.
4.3 Paths
Trees need trimming on the Markle path: [Action: BC]
We agreed to write to SEPA to report the speed of erosion at the riverbank between the Linn and Stories Park and the muddy path at the surgery: ELC to be contacted again. [Action: JP]
4.4 Roads and Pavements
The field wall at Pencraig Hill is falling down. Cllr Bell to continue to investigate. Suggestions for names for the Orchardfield development have been requested, ideas to be collated and sent to ELC.
4.5 Trees at the Park
Following a letter from residents [11.9] a public meeting is to be held to discuss any further tree- planting at the park. The date will be advertised by posters and on the website.
4.6 Christmas market
Mrs Patterson requested DCC sponsorship of the Christmas market. It was pointed out that the Community Council does not normally subsidise groups and local activities on a regular basis but offers money for new projects or in a crisis. Absent members to be contacted to reach a decision on this.
Mr Middlemas informed the meeting that Mrs Ferguson had written to ELC stating that Dunpender CC wished to formally object to his application for a wind turbine at Markle when the minutes of the June meeting stated that Mrs Ferguson would draft a response to the Council stating the level of objections notified to her whichis not the same as a formal objection. This was noted, Mr Middlemas received an apology and it was agreed that Mrs Ferguson should write to ELC amending her statement
A sub-committee will discuss turbines in future and report back. This will consist of Ms Moulin, Ms Cosgrove and two members of Garvald & Morham CC. The recent Landscape Capacity Study commissioned by ELC will be examined.
Our Current Account stands at £838.56 (including the £573 Admin Grant received from ELC 15 June) & our Council Grants A/c was £2,741.69 (down from £4,765.35 at the start of the FY - Walks and Rennie leaflets accounting for this).
Lilian had provided the LOCAL PRIORITIES out-turn for 2010/2011 : from our total Budget of £5,425.06 we had spent £3,777.79, leaving £1,640.00 as the carry-over to 2011/2012. This year's LP budget stands at £7,179.00, including £1,640 carry-over, Budget of £4,340 and £1,199 Civic Pride funds for Whitekirk notice board.
ASCC insurance to be investigated by Ms Cosgrove.
The closure of Drive Arch Rd was discussed. Dunpender Community Council will be informed when the permanent stopping order is published for consultation in about 6 months time and will make this consultation opportunity known as widely as possible. We shall summarise responses to ELC, as well as encouraging individuals to respond.
No report from this area.
Proposed changes to the flowerbed and trees opposite the Community Hall will be discussed at the public meeting about trees.
ELC’s LEAP initiative was discussed [11.5] and an environmental project costing £500 to either start or complete, using ELC staff to do the work, is to be identified.
Serious problems were reported with the First Bus service for pupils at Dunbar Grammar not enough room and children being left behind. A meeting [6th Sept] has been arranged by Cllr Bell to discuss these and other issues with First Bus managers.
RAGES AGM will be on 14th Sept at West Barns Hall.
11.1 ELC: Local Development Plan
11.2 NHS Lothian: Belhaven Hospital Forum meeting 21st September
11.3 ELC: Names for Miller Homes Devt
11.4 SESplan: Development Plan Scheme No. 3
11.5 ELC: Local Environment Action Plan
11.6 Planning Aid Scotland: Training for Zero-Waste Plan
11.7 Keep Scotland Beautiful: Flytipping clear-up grants
11.8 Clint Estates: Drive Arch Road Closure
11.9 H.Patterson & others: Trees at the Park
11.10 ELC: Heritage Forum notes
The Annual Art Show in the Community Hall on 11th September will be part of ELC’s Doors Open Day for the first time this year.
The next meeting will be on Thursday, 6th October 2011 at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton.