Present: Dr J Pooley, Mr J Robson Ms P Stephen Mr B Craighead
Mr W Alder Mrs K Moulin
In attendance Mr J Clark
Mrs J Priest, Mrs J Ferguson, Mrs L Kilpatrick, Mrs E Martindale, Ms A Cosgrove, Cllr P MacLennan, Cllr N Hampshire, Cllr J Bell, PC K Hughes
Ms Stephen noted that in the last sentence of section 5.0, she and Cllr Hampshire attended a Public Exhibition and not a Planning meeting.
In paragraph 5.0, after "but Mrs Priest stated that they were unwilling to support this application", Ms Moulin would like to add,
“Mr Clark also noted that the idea of planning gain was widely used to provide useful benefits to the community following new developments and suggested that this could be considered in relation to wind turbines. Mr Clark said that the Community Council would be consulted and could participate in discussions on detail of any such planning condition.”
It was otherwise agreed to be a correct record of the meeting.
There were a number of items to report.
Enquiry is continuing into the theft of the Historical Society sign. A number of areas have been searched for it but to date it has not been discovered. PC Hughes has spoken to numerous youths about the theft and no new information has come up. He requests that everyone spread the word in order to gain some information as to who was responsible or at least find out where the sign is.
Jim Wilson (Dog Warden) and PC Hughes have been out on patrol since the last meeting, all dog walkers picked up and no tickets have been issued. Jim also carried out patrols on Monday morning and again no tickets were issued.
A garden hut in the Langside area has had an amount of roofing felt ripped from it. It is thought that youths are responsible. Enquiry is being made.
There have been a number of reports about a moped being driven around the village by a male wearing no helmet. PC Hughes asks people to ring in as soon as possible if they see this, with as much information as possible e.g. direction of travel, registration number, colour, description of rider.
Diesel has again been stolen in the area, this time at Kamehill Farm. PC Hughes asks people to be vigilant when out during the evening/night.
There have been problems with youths in recent weeks, causing annoyance by running through gardens, throwing stones etc. Most of the youths involved have been spoken to and things appear to have stopped at present. PC Hughes would like to be informed if this starts up again.
The date for the next CAPP is 17th May at 7:30 pm at Dunbar Police Station.
The current priorities are road traffic issues, dog fouling and underage drinking
4.1 Article for ELDA
Mr Alder will write the article for May.
4.2 Dunpender News
The summer edition of Dunpender News will contain articles on John Rennie, the Gala, the John Muir Country Park, wind farms and an interview with the new minister.
4.3 Paths leaflet
The new Paths Leaflet has been paid for and Mrs Ferguson, Mr Robson and Mr Russel have taken some boxes for distribution. Leaflets have also been given to Tyninghame coffee shop.
4.4 Depth Gauge
Mr Russel did the preparation work and with the help of Mr Craighead has now installed the new depth gauge by the white bridge. The cost of this was within budget and has been paid by Mr Robson out of the current account and will be recovered from Lillian Pryde. Dr Pooley thanked Mr Russel and Mr Craighead for their efforts.
4.5 Roads and Pavements
Parking on pavements is a problem in the High Street as it causes the pavements to break up. The telegraph pole in Drylaw Terrace will be fixed when ELC have installed the light. Such poles can no longer be located on the pavement and a suitable site needs to be found.
Ms Moulin handed out a briefing paper regarding Wind Turbine Proposals in the Whittingehame area to advise councillors of a new proposal by the owners, occupiers and farming partners in Standingstone, Luggate, West Mains, Eastfield and Whittingehame Mains. There are currently 5 turbines proposed in this area as well as other applications that have been accepted and not taken forward, refused or withdrawn. The new proposal places one turbine with maximum height of 74 metres at either West Mains or Crosshallgate with an agreement not to take forward additional turbine developments within this area. The developers are also proposing community planning gain. This proposal responds to concerns about the cumulative impact of multiple turbine applications, impact on the landscape and concerns about the efficiency of smaller turbines. In addition, Mr Clark said that this proposal would take up grid capacity for that area, ensuring that further turbines could not be approved.
Dr Pooley stated that Dunpender Community Council is interested in the new proposal because it provides the opportunity to address many of the concerns that have been raised. Ms Moulin will provide a paper for the next meeting which looks at the proposal in greater detail including issues of planning gain, maximising appropriate and constructive discussion to support the planning process and the role of the Community Council.
Ms Stephen noted that this proposal did not limit further large turbines outwith the development area. The community could then face the possibility of additional turbines close to this new larger windmill.
Ms Stephen informed the Council that another application has been submitted to turn the old Ark house in East Linton into 4 dwellings.
Dr Pooley noted that there had been a consultation on a proposed development of 500 houses at Mains Farm and Gillsland at North Berwick. Ms Stephen will look at this as concerns were raised regarding parking at nearby train stations and increases in traffic generally.
Mr Robson reported that the accounts had been audited and found to be correct.
The balances stood at Grants Account £2741.35 taking into account payment for the walks leaflet and the John Rennie leaflet, most of which will be reclaimed.
The Current account stood at £214.37.
Mr Robson has emailed Karen McLeod regarding insurance and is awaiting a reply.
Mr Robson informed the council that the VAT rules are changing. If invoices are not addressed to ELC, they cannot recover the VAT. He will send a circular round to remind everyone.
Mr Alder has raised concerns regarding the gully at the side of the road to Whittingehame. Apparently it is the responsibility of the contractor who made the road.
The Braehead road to Hailes Castle is breaking up and is in a bad state.
The Hailes Path needs maintenance. Mrs Priest has emailed Nick Morgan. Bobby Anderson the Ranger is planning to do work with volunteers along this path.
Dr Pooley has contacted BT regarding the purchasing of the phone box at Whitekirk. She has yet to hear about the application for funding for the Whitekirk notice board. Dr Pooley is still waiting to hear about the new street name.
The John Rennie 250th anniversary leaflet is now out.
A wedding took place at Preston Mill and was reported in the Courier. The BBC will be filming a drama at the Mill in June.
Ms Stephen mentioned the East Lothian Food and Drink Hamper, which is widely available. She will see about getting a picture on the website.
Mr Craighead reported that First Buses are running a service from Edinburgh to Berwick.
Eve’s Coaches are buying 4 new coaches.
People continue to be outraged about the bus service from East Linton.
11.1 EL Heritage Forum: meeting 26th May re Battlefields of East Lothian
11.2 Dunbar Volunteers Hall of Fame: looking for helpers
11.3 Maree Johnston ELC: Community Environmental Fund applications to be in by 22nd May. Ms Stephen will consider this and will discuss with Mrs Priest.
Mr Robson reported that a new pavement is in place between Drylaw Gardens and Preston Road. Some residents have asked for a No Cycling sign for either end of the path.
. Mr Craighead reported that the flagpole has now been removed from the Community Hall as it was becoming dangerous.
Repainting the Council Chambers was suggested as the walls are discoloured where the paintings used to be. Photo montages of local scenes were suggested for the walls. Dunpender Community Council expressed sadness at the death of Ian Peacock the postmaster.
The next meeting will be on Thursday, 2nd June 2011 at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton.