Present: Mrs J Priest, Ms A Cosgrove, Dr J Pooley, Mr R Russel, Mr J Robson, Ms P Stephen, Mr B Craighead, Mrs E Martindale, Mrs A Suggett
In attendance: Cllr J Bell, Cllr D Berry, Cllr N Hampshire, PC C Tait, Mr R Morgan, Mrs C Morgan, Ms H Patterson, Mr I Patterson, Mr J Clark
Mrs J Ferguson, Mr W Alder, Mrs L Kilpatrick, Ms K Moulin, Cllr P MacLennan.
At this point, Mrs Martindale and Mrs Suggett were welcomed to the meeting. It was agreed that they should be co-opted onto the Community Council to represent Tyninghame.
Mr Robson noted that in section 4.6, “Drylaw Terrace” should read “Drylaw Gardens”. It was otherwise agreed to be a correct record of the meeting.
PC Cameron Tait reported that police have been tackling parking issues and have issued 6 tickets in East Linton in recent weeks.
In the last month, a vehicle was stolen from Orchardfield.
Diesel was stolen from two tractors at Phantassie.
Operation Equate took place on 19th of March.
The bike initiative is going well. It is hoped to be run in Dunbar and East Linton, helping youths to restore unclaimed bikes in an attempt to divert them away from crime. Funding is being sought. Belhaven Bikes are helping the initiative.
Mr Russel reported the theft of the Historical Society notice board at Station Road.
Mrs Patterson mentioned the spate of low level vandalism, particularly to plants and window boxes in the village. PC Tait emphasised the importance of reporting all such incidents by phoning Dunbar Police Station and asking for the Community Police Officer.
Mrs Suggett reported that parking at Tyninghame is a problem when the coffee shop is busy, with some people even parking on the grass.
4.1 Trees at Park/ how we communicate information
Mr Morgan voiced concerns that trees in the park had been cut down without people knowing about it. A meeting was held in the park on 15th March and it was agreed that no further trees would be cut down. Some of those present also felt that native species are preferable to exotics for replanting. Mr and Mrs Morgan and Mr and Mrs Patterson were concerned that people had not been informed of the tree felling and planting. New trees had been planted that day and people were not aware that this would happen. Mrs Priest stated that ELC consults with the community via the Community Council. Matters are then communicated through the monthly article in ELDA, the website and the minutes which are available on the website and in the library. The proposed changes to the trees had been reported in the minutes and mentioned in the ELDA article.
Cllr McLennan suggested at the meeting on 15th March that a Friends of the Park group be formed as a properly constituted group which would then be fully consulted in matters relating to the park. The Community Council supported this idea.
4.2 New member for Tyninghame/Whitekirk
Mrs Martindale and Mrs Suggett were present at the meeting having been co-opted onto the Community Council.
4.3 Paths leaflet
The new Paths Leaflet has been printed. John Robson has them at present.
(See 11.1) Councillors have been invited to the Countryside Forum.
4.4 Article for ELDA
Mrs Priest will write the article for May.
4.5 Repairs etc
Mr Russel informed the council that the new depth gauge for the river by the white bridge should be in place by next month.
4.6 Roads and Pavements
Mrs Priest had a meeting with Peter Forsyth to find suitable locations for more salt bins. Residents near suitable sites need to be consulted - Dr Pooley will write to Whitekirk residents.
Mr Russel reported that BT has asked Mr Kenneth Gray of Preston Cottages if they can erect a telegraph pole in his garden. Mr Gray would like the cable to go underground as it is a conservation area and would like the support of the Community Council. It was agreed to support Mr Gray in this matter.
(See 11.2 & 11.8) Letters have been received from High St residents regarding parking in Stories Park. Ms Cosgrove was able to confirm that the bricked areas in Stories Park are not maintained by ELC and are intended for the use of the residents. There is a great shortage of spaces in the High Street for residents. It was agreed to place a diagram of the Stories Park area on the Council Chambers notice board and on the website to let people know that the bricked areas in Stories Park are not in public ownership, to help clarify this issue.
The High Street sub-group (Mrs Priest, Mr Russel and Mr Robson) are trying to arrange a meeting with Brian Cooper.
Ms Moulin has submitted responses to the applications for Cockielaw and Congleton and is working on responses to other applications.
Dr Pooley has emailed Whitekirk residents regarding the Congleton and Stonelaws turbines. Generally, people are not bothered by one or two turbines, but feel that greater numbers would be a problem. Those living close to the turbines are more concerned.
Mr Clark reported that ELC had deposited a quantity of tree bark for the Traprain Law path on his field. He has met with Landscape and Countryside and is prepared to maintain the path to the South side of Traprain Law conditional to granting of planning permission of his turbine. He would like the support of the Community Council, but Mrs Priest stated that they were unwilling to support this application. Ms Moulin will contact Mr Clark.
Ms Stephen and Cllr Hampshire attended the planning meeting of the proposed outdoor sport facility at Fox Lake.
Mr Robson presented two sets of figures. The end of the financial year 2010/11at 31st March, the Council Grants account balance was £4765.35 and the Current account stood at £480.42. All documentation was now ready for presentation to the auditor.
The balances for 7th April stood at Grants Account £3426.35 taking into account £1339 paid to Numedia for the new walks leaflet. The Current account stood at £444.17.
The Local Priorities budget for 2010/11 expenditure was £3777 and the current year funding was confirmed at £10 more at £4340.
Mr Robson presented outturn figures (2010/11) and a new spread sheet for discussion, covering 2011/12.
Mr Robson has emailed the ASCC regarding insurance and is awaiting a reply and he will check with Karen McLeod if the Community Council is already covered by ELC public liability insurance.
Mr Craighead asked for guidance regarding the cost of replacing the heating elements in the Community Hall. He was advised that should the Hall income be unable to cover this cost there were various grant options available.
Carers of East Lothian are looking for money. This will be discussed when the council has more idea how the new budget will be spent.
Mr Clark asked what is being done to consult the community at Whittingehame about their views on wind turbines. Mrs Priest will speak to Ms Moulin.
Dr Pooley reported that people are delighted with the newly repaired road to Stonelaws.
She has applied to the Civic Pride fund for a new notice board for Whitekirk.
More flowering bulbs were requested for Whitekirk.
There is no progress to report on the phone box, but the question of liability had been raised. Ms Cosgrove will investigate the situation of liability for adopted phone boxes.
There is no progress to report with the renaming of the street in Whitekirk.
It was noted that there is a large number of bags of dog dirt left in the car park at Tyninghame beach and a new bin was proposed. Landscape and Countryside to be contacted regarding this.
The pump at Tyninghame needs a coat of paint. This has to be approved by the estate. Mrs Suggett and Mrs Martindale will see to this by asking Mike Thomson at Galbraith.
Mr Russell attended the John Muir Country Park meeting. The rangers reported 342 disposable barbeques being left in the park last year. There has also been illegal shooting of shell duck.
Mr Russel and Mr Craighead put up the new information board up at Pencraig Hill, using locking screws.
A new batch of postcards has been produced.
The programme is in place for the John Rennie anniversary.
Jessie is now striking again and feedback has been very positive.
Ms Stephen reported that with the consent of the owners of St Andrew’s Kirk, white lights have been put in the willow tree. Scottish Power is digging a trench for power to Jessie the clock and Ms Stephen hopes to get the cable for the lights put in as well. This has been done on last year’s budget, as well as more lights for the Stories Park tree.
Mr Craighead attended the RELBUS meeting. People are generally unhappy with the bus service. The main issues were the price felt to be too expensive. The fares were revised on 3rd April. The weekly pass to Edinburgh costs the same from East Linton as from Dunbar, which is felt to be unfair. Many people can’t get on to the coach style bus disabled, elderly and people with buggies. Bus drivers are not allowed to disembark to give assistance. Cllr Hampshire suggested that people write to the papers.
Ms Cosgrove reported that RAGES is quiet just now.
11.1 ELC: invitation to Countryside Forum
11.2 R Anderson: Parking in Stories Park
11.3 M Morrison: First bus coaches
11.4 Fire Brigades Union: Response to consultation
11.5 First Bus: fares revision
11.6 email Nick Morgan/Keith Burns: Traprain access
11.7 Carers of East Lothian: request for funding
11.8 A Low: Parking in Stories Park
Ms Cosgrove agreed to represent the Community Council at the Fair Trade Group in Dunbar.
Mrs Patterson reported that the Christmas Market, despite the weather, was a huge success. £850 was raised. £300 will be used to start the 2011 market, and after a public meeting, it was agreed to give £50 to the fire fighters charity, £100 to East Linton Juniors Football Club, £100 to Leuchie House, £100 to the Day Centre and £200 to the Horticultural Society for Beautiful Scotland.
The footpath to the surgery is very muddy. Whin dust has been requested to rectify this.
The next meeting will be on Thursday, 5th May 2011 at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton.