Present: Mrs J Priest, Ms A Cosgrove, Dr J Pooley, Mr R Russel, Ms K Moulin, Mr J Robson, Mr B Craighead
In attendance Cllr P MacLennan, PC K Hughes, PC C Tait, Mr C Colquhoun, Mrs L Shaw-Stewart and Mr D Mitchell, Mr A Dale and Mr James Barbour
Cllr J Bell, Ms P Stephen, Mrs J Ferguson, Mr W Alder, Mrs L Kilpatrick
In section 5.0, an amendment to the first paragraph should read, “Ms Moulin was thanked for organising the meeting and she is to look at the various planning application for turbines now in. It was agreed that when drafting responses to local applications, consideration would be given to the impact on the landscape; whether efforts had been made to minimise the visual impact and whether the application under consideration would have a negative cumulative effect when considered in relation to existing turbines. Draft responses for current applications would be provided at the next community council meeting.”
Mr Robson noted that in section 6.0, £230 would go towards the John Rennie event, not £210.
It was also noted that the owners of St Andrew’s church were not aware that Christmas lights were being planned for their tree. Ms Stephen has now spoken with them.
In section 4.2, Dr Pooley noted that there had been mixed feelings about the idea of community owned snow shovels, as opposed to people being generally not keen on the idea.
PC Hughes introduced PC Cameron Tait, the new Community Police Officer.
There are a number of items to report.
On the 20th of February a vehicle struck a telegraph pole on Browns Place. Officers attended and subsequently arrested the driver after a roadside breath test was failed. The driver has since been reported for drunk driving.
A complaint has been received from staff at East Linton Primary in relation to youths within the compound which has been erected whilst work is being carried out there. No damage has been caused and patrols are being made.
In recent weeks local Community Officers have been cracking down on drivers using either mobile phones or mobile devices in the area. This has resulted in 16 tickets being issued. The area will be continually monitored.
Operation Equate will be running again this year and will be visiting East Linton on the 19th of March between half past one and half past two. Police will be available to provide crime prevention advice. Personal attack alarms and DNA property marking kits will be available.
Traffic wardens will be visiting East Linton in the near future regarding speeding and double parking in the High Street.
There will be a police presence with the Dog Warden in the near future regarding dog fouling in the High Street as well as the park. PC Hughes again urged people to report anyone seen not picking up dog waste. The dog warden number will be available on the website.
The next CAPP meeting is on 23rd March at 7.30pm at Dunbar Police Station.
4.1 Presentation- James Barbour re Foxlake at Hedderwick Hill
Mr Alec Dale, owner of Hedderwick Hill farm, introduced Mr James Barbour of North Berwick, who gave a pre- planning presentation of a proposed Adventure Park on the land as part of a three month consultation before lodging a Planning Application. The park would consist of 6 different zones, including a Y-shaped wakeboarding lake, a high ropes course, a high skilled pump track, an educational area, a pole course, a camping area with hook-ups and a visitor centre with cafe.
Funding has already been secured for Stage 1 of the project.
Mr Dale and Mr Barbour have been in consultation with ELC and are having a Public Exhibition at Hallhill on 7th April. It was suggested that an exhibition might also be held in East Linton. The question of the noise and smell of the neighbouring sewage plant was raised. This issue will be addressed in due course.
4.2 New member for Tyninghame/Whitekirk
Dr Pooley reported that there are two potential representatives from Tyninghame coming to the next meeting.
4.3 Paths
The new Paths Leaflet is being printed
Keith Burns and Nick Morgan have been consulted about the access path south of Traprain Law.
4.4 Article for ELDA
Mr Russel will write the article for April.
4.5 Repairs etc
Repairs to the War Memorial will be paid for out of the Local Priorities budget. Mr Russel informed the council that a new depth gauge for the river by the white bridge has been ordered at a cost of £150.
4.6 Roads and Pavements
Mrs Priest is trying to organise a meeting with Transportation to look at things needing attention in the High Street.
Mr Russel reported that The Dean adoption is progressing slowly and that unless it is officially adopted, a salt bin cannot be acquired.
Mr Robson observed that ELC are working on pavements in Drylaw Terrace at present, lifting slabs, tarring and redoing dropped kerbs.
The Housing Association has indicated that it is not prepared to meet the costs of residents’ parking signs for Stories Park. Two letters from residents of the High Street (see 11.1 and 11.2) feel that the allocation of residents’ parking spaces in Stories Park is unreasonable. Ms Cosgrove will find out who owns the bricked parking areas in Stories Park.
Mr Craighead noted that one container has been removed from Prestonkirk Gardens and one remains.
It was also noted at this point that Jessie is still not chiming.
4.7 Community Warden
Mr Colquhoun reported that he will be working on the issue of dog fouling in the next couple of weeks. Mr Craighead asked for extra dog waste bins. Mrs Priest has asked Stuart Pryde to move the bin from the Langside end of the park as residents are complaining about the smell. It was suggested to move the black bin from the bowling green end of the park to this area. Mrs Priest will ask Stuart Pryde.
The toilets in the park are not working.
Mr Colquhoun has started an amateur boxing club in Haddington, with the aim of getting as many young people as possible into sport.
Mrs Shaw-Stewart and Mr Mitchell wanted to bring to peoples’ attention a new application for a 67m wind turbine at Crossgate Hall in addition to another at Standing Stone, 100m away. This will take the total around Traprain to 6. Mrs Shaw-Stewart and Mr Mitchell are representing residents of that area in voicing concerns regarding the number of turbines in an important area with an iconic view. They are also voicing concerns in a SABEL capacity. The applications are considered on an individual basis, but the cumulative effect of turbines in an area must also be taken into account.
Ms Moulin on behalf of the Community Council, has objected to the wind turbine at Standing Stone, is drafting a response to the applications for Congleton and Stonelaws (very close to the John Muir Way) and will respond to the application for Crossgate Hall. Ms Moulin stated that care must be taken to ensure that the Community Council’s responses to planning applications reflect the views of the entire community, not just those making objections.
Mrs Shaw-Stewart will produce a map of wind turbines in the area.
Mr Robson reported a balance of £1435.46 in the Current Account. There is £4014.97 in the Grants Account. An invoice for £1339 leaves in effect a balance of £2675.97. It was agreed to transfer £750 from the Current Account to the Grants Account.
It was agreed to give £50 from the Local Priorities Budget towards the P7 Film and Media project.
It was agreed to take out insurance for Dunpender Community Council through ELC.
Cllr MacLennan reported that despite the current cutbacks, the Community Councils’ budget has not been affected.
There was nothing to report tonight.
Dr Pooley reported that Tyninghame Hall Committee are interested in adopting the kiosk in Tyninghame and will have a meeting to discuss this.
Cllr MacLennan said that the residents of the houses in question need to write ELC a formal letter asking to change the name of the street named ‘Council Houses’.
Plans for the Rennie anniversary are progressing. Mrs Priest is working on a promotional leaflet. The Parent Council will serve the birthday tea in the Community Hall on Friday 3rd June.
Andrew Hogarth has drawn a plan for redesigning the flower bed opposite the Community hall. Mrs Priest will apply for a Civic Pride grant to pay for this.
The land at the east entrance to the village by Phantassie needs attention. Spraying green goodness and planting wildflowers has been a previous suggestion, but as the land is for sale, it is unclear whose responsibility it is. The verge needs strimmed and this is thought to be the responsibility of ELC.
Mr Craighead will represent the Community Council at RELBUS meetings.
He reported an instance of two elderly people who were unable to embark the coach style buses being left at the bus stop in East Linton.
Dunbar Grammar School pupils have been left at the bus stop to wait 1 hour for the next bus, when trying to get home from school when the bus has been full.
From April, the train from Dunbar will stop at Queen Margaret’s University.
Cllr MacLennan that the Rail Survey has been delayed and the report is now due in April. A technical study is to be done regarding the feasibility of a Haddington rail link.
11.1 Mrs A Cowan re Residents Parking in Stories Park
11.2 Mr & Mrs G Leslie re Residents Parking in Stories Park
11.3 R Richards re logging activity at Drylawhill/ Janefield
Mr Craighead reported that the Hall Committee plans to remove the flagpole as it is dangerous.
Dr Pooley reported that the ELDA article can now go on the website.
Ms Cosgrove will attend the ASCC meeting.
Mr Russel will attend the John Muir Country Park meeting.
The next meeting will be on Thursday, 7th April 2011 at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton.