Present Dr J Pooley Mr J Robson
Mr R Russel Mr B Craighead
Mrs J Ferguson Ms K Moulin Mr W Alder Ms L Kilpatrick
In attendance Cllr J Bell Cllr N Hampshire
Members of the public
Mr J Gray Mr T Brand
1.0 APOLOGIES Mrs J Priest Cllr P MacLennan Ms A Cosgrove PC K Hughes
It was agreed that the minutes of the last AGM were a correct record of the meeting.
Chairman’s report 2009/10 presented to the Annual General Meeting 3rd June 2010
This year we have
organised two successful Homecoming events at the Gala
organised a Community Fair where 25 local organisations came together to ‘sell’ their group
designed and installed a tourist information panel on the John Muir Way at Preston Road and began work on another for Pencraig lay-by.
we again supported the Horticultural Society in entering the Scotland in Bloom competition and winning a Silver Gilt award.
extended the Christmas lights including those in Whitekirk and Tyninghame and installed an electrical outlet in the Square for lights at the Christmas market
seen successful sales of our postcard
the speed reactive sign has proved to be a success but discussions with ELC about further measures to slow traffic in East Linton have had no result so far.
supported the Juniors Football, junior coaching at the Bowling Club and Phantassie Skate park
continued to lobby for repairs to stop flooding at Markle
looked at and rejected the idea of adopting rural phone boxes
consulted on the proposed ban on drinking in public and decided to reject it
helped to resolve difficulties over core path network and got a member on to the Local Access forum to represent Community Councils.
one of our members has written a guidebook for the John Muir Way
£7750-worth of funding has been obtained: ELC Capital Development Fund £5100, ELC Community Environmental Fund £900 Leader £1750. We used this for the lay-by wall, the information panel, visualisers for the Primary School and redecorating the Community Hall.
We did our best to spot damage locally and report it to ELC streetlights, pavements, potholes, damage to paths and bridges - otherwise these may go unreported for a long time.
Members represented DCC as usual at a number of consultations and meetings this year including BeGreen Dunbar, ELC Community Planning, CAPP, Assn of East Lothian CC’s, RAGES, Lafarge, John Muir CP and Joint Laws Advisory Group.
We have produced two editions of Dunpender News and included a short report each month in the East Linton Advertiser, for which we are very grateful to Tony Howard.
Thanks go once again to Alastair Seagroatt who looks after our website, "", to Mrs MacDougall who takes the minutes for our meetings and to all members for their hard work throughout the year.
The 2009/2010 Accounts were audited, and a certified copy passed to Internal Audit at East Lothian Council. The Income of £5,661.07 was more than the previous year, but most included refunds from ELC covering the Phantassie Wall repair and "Jessie"/Fountain Maintenance. Expenditure at £5,921.97 was slightly less than the previous year, and although this included £345.95 for the "Homecoming", that sum was eventually refunded. The final cash balance for 2009/2010 was £4,287.77, comprising £563.42 in our Current Account (BUSINESS) and £3,724.35 in our Council Grants Account (TREASURERS). Copies of the Abstract & Notes to the Accounts, can be obtained from the Treasurer.
Meeting 3 June 2010............Treasurer's Report
Our Current Account stood at a healthy £584.17, after reimbursement of £500.00 from the Local Priorities Budget. Our Community Council Grant (Admin Budget) of £570.00 for 2010/2011, was still awaited. The Grants Account stood at £3,599.35.
The Local Priorities Budget for 2010/2011 was still provisional as final Outturn figures for the previous year had not been provided by East Lothian Council. Action - Mr Robson to remind Mrs Pryde.
Mr Robson presented the audited accounts for 2008/09, which showed a balance at the end of the year of £695.74 in the current account and £3852.93 in the Grants account. Income came from East Lothian Council in the form of grants comprising £565 (Admin); £280, £150 & £420, covering refunds for Dunpender News printing, Christmas market donation and maintenance costs of the fountain and “Jessie” respectively. Other income came from advertising space in the Newsletter, Bank interest, and a donation from the East Linton Horticultural Society.
Expenditure of £6396.15 for the year included donations to the school (Eco garden), EL&B Police (bicycle), and funding of various paths projects, minute secretary’s fees, subscriptions (ASCC, Scotways & RAGES), a contribution towards the republishing of the East Linton walks leaflet, website costs and numerous recurring expenses.
The audited accounts did not include funding or expenditure relating to DCC’s Local Priorities budget, as that budget was not controlled or audited by the Community Council, which were the responsibility of East Lothian Council.
All the office-bearers were re-elected. Chair Mrs Priest. Vice-Chair Dr Pooley. Secretary Mr Alder. Treasurer Mr Robson.
There being no other business, the AGM was closed and followed by an ordinary meeting of Dunpender Community Council.