Present: Mrs J Priest, Ms A Cosgrove, Mr W Alder, Mr R Russel, Ms K Moulin, Ms P Stephen, Mr B Craighead, Mr J Robson, Mrs J Ferguson
In attendance: Cllr N Hampshire, PC K Hughes
Members of the public: Mr J Clark from Cockielaw, Mrs & Mrs Patterson from East Linton
1.0 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Dr J Pooley, Ms L Kilpatrick
Mr Robson noted in the Treasurer’s Report, that membership of the ASSCC costs £15 instead of £10. Otherwise this was agreed to be a correct record of the meeting.
PC Hughes reported the following;
On 9th of October the alarm was activated at the Co-Op stores. A witness observed two males wearing dark clothing and carrying dustbins running away from the property. Officers attended quickly and discovered that entry had been forced and a quantity of cigarettes stolen. A search of the area and roadblocks were implemented but no persons traced.
Overnight on the 10th of October two windows were broken at the Linton Service Station. It is thought that this was an attempt to gain entry to the premises, however entry was not gained.
Between the 15th and 18th of October the building next to the secure yard behind the doctor’s surgery was broken into and a number of power tools stolen from within. There are no suspects.
These incidents are thought to be carried out by criminals travelling into the area. Officers are patrolling premises such as the Co-ops in the areas on a regular basis. Anyone seeing people acting in a suspicious manner near to areas such as the Co-op late at night are asked to ring in as soon as possible to enable officers to attend and ascertain their intentions. On Friday the 5th November between 7:30 and 8:30 pm Councillor Bell and I will be holding a “Cuppa with a Copper” at Hallhill. We are keen to meet as many members of the public as possible. This is an opportunity for the public to raise concerns or issues that are affecting them in the community.
The next CAPP will be held at Dunbar Police Station on Thursday 18th November at 7.30.
Regarding speeding tractors, PC Hughes reported that so far, all tractors checked by laser have been travelling at under 30mph.
Mrs Ferguson reported that she was warned about fox snares whilst riding at Newbyth.
4.1 New member for Tyninghame/Whitekirk
An advert for the vacancy was put on the website. There have been no applications for the position so far.
4.2 Roads/Pavements/Christmas Market
The speed reactive sign has not yet been moved to Preston Road.
Mrs Patterson voiced concerns about the quality of the repairs done to the east pavement on the High Street. Delivery lorries park on the pavement and break up the cement, which has been laid without mesh. Mr and Mrs Patterson feel that the quality of the pavements is essential to the character of a conservation village. Mrs Priest agreed to form a sub-committee to discuss the possibility of redesigning pavements and look for funding.
Mrs Patterson was also concerned that last month’s minutes reported from the Parent Council meeting that the Christmas Market Committee did not allow charities or fundraisers. She emphasised that it was not the wish of the Committee to exclude anyone. The Christmas Market will be held on 9th December.
4.3 ELDA article for October
Mrs Priest will write this.
4.4 Dunpender News
Dr Pooley now needs articles to be handed in immediately. Ms Stephen will produce an article about Hilary Cochrane and her Community Nest Eggs Scheme.
4.5 Community Planning
Ms Cosgrove attended the meeting of the AELCC on 27th October when Community Planning was discussed. The next Community Planning Forum is on 27th November.
4.6 Paths
It was agreed to pay for whindust for the bit of path between the white bridge and the tarmac path to the doocot as it is very muddy. Mrs Ferguson will ask Jon Champion to do this.
Mrs Ferguson attended the Local Access Forum. A member to represent golfing interests is needed.
Nick Morgan has Leader Funding for the River Tyne path from East Linton to Haddington, which will finally extend to Pencaitland.
There are leaflets and free bags available at the library as part of the Dog Watch campaign.
Amounts of up to £1000 are available from Small Groups Funding. Mrs Ferguson will apply for money towards the reprinting of the Paths Leaflet.
Residents of Rennie Place have approached Mr Craighead regarding trees at the side of the entrance to the Markle Path which have grown very tall and are now leaning into the swing park. Mrs Ferguson will ask Nick Morgan if they can be trimmed.
Mr Clark from Cockielaw attended the meeting with regard to his applications for wind turbines in the Whittingehame area and is concerned that they are being viewed in a bad light. He explained that he has lived in the area for 50 years and has always tried to make a positive contribution. He has monitored wind at Cockielaw for 6 months to ensure the turbines will work effectively and intends to use the bulk of power he produces on his farm. He also feels that there is considerable pressure from wind turbine sales people and that as a result some turbines may not be very effective.
Ms Moulin assured him that her article would give a balanced view of both sides of the situation and would not be biased against his, or any other particular application.
Ms Moulin and Ms Cosgrove are organising an open meeting to raise understanding of wind turbines. Mr Clark said he would be happy to contribute to this and was thanked by Mrs Priest for his contribution.
A planning application for a water sports facility at Hedderwick Hill is in the offing and a date will be set soon to show the plans to the Community Council. (see 12.4).
A consultation document was received regarding proposals for 750 new houses at Letham Mains in Haddington.
Mr Robson reported a balance of £3614.60 in the Grants Account and £1690.37 in the Current Account. This includes refunds for the Gala Shed and the Rennie memorial repairs, and £750 from AELCC for the Preston Road notice board.
Dunpender Community Council is now a member of the Association of Scottish Community Councils and Ms Cosgrove is to be nominated to represent East Lothian on this body.
There is about £2300 in the Local Priorities budget.
The Horticultural Society spent a lot less than budgeted this year on plants. It was agreed that Mrs Priest would ask Mr Affleck if the Bloom project would like something else instead, e.g. new planters.
The road at Whittingehame is currently being repaired.
Monksmuir residents have lodged their petition for improved road markings. There will be an open meeting to discuss the issue on 12th January 2011.
It was observed that the beech trees at the car park for Tyninghame beach have been cut down. Mr Alder said that a branch fell onto a parked car, crushing it, so the rest were also deemed to be unsafe.
Christmas lights which were purchased last year will be put up in Tyninghame, Whitekirk and the trees at Stories Park and St Andrew’s Church in the Square. The plan is to have them lit for the Christmas Market.
A second print run of the postcard will be ordered at a cost of around £300.
Ms Cosgrove reported that plans are underway for events to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the birth of John Rennie on 7th June 2011. This will be a joint venture by the Antiquarians, the Horticultural Society, DCC and ELC.
10.0 BROADBAND Rural Broadband Challenge Fund
The application has been submitted and will be decided on 22nd November.
Ms Cosgrove attended the meeting at Hallhill.
Mr Alder will attend a meeting at the Town House regarding First Buses transport service.
12.1 ELC: Consultation on Letham mains Development
12.2 ASCC’s Annual National Conference 20 Nov
12.3 Haddington Twinning Associations AGM 17th November
12.4 D Barbour: Proposed development at Hedderwick Hill
12.5 ELC: Evidence for installation of street decorations
12.6 ELC: 2010/11 Civic Pride Fund
12.7 ELC: Invitation to Multi-Faith Blessing 24th November
12.8 ELLP: Training programme 2010/11
12.9 EL Public Partnership Forum General Meeting 11th November
Mr Craighead will represent Dunpender Community Council at the Remembrance Day service at Prestonkirk. The wreath has been ordered.
Mr Craighead mentioned the containers which have been in the car park at the library since February. They belong to Homes for Life, who are working in East Lothian and will be there until December. Ms Cosgrove will write a letter of complaint as they have caused a loss of 7 much needed parking spaces, including one which is allocated to one of the houses.
Mr Russel queried the need for the paper recycling container at the Surgery but it is still used despite the kerbside collections.
Mr Russel noted that a lot of gravestones at Prestonkirk have fallen over and look unsightly. This is the responsibility of ELC.
Mr Robson attended the Lafarge Liaison Meeting and reported that this year no time has been lost due to accidents, sales have increased and there have been no redundancies.
Mrs Ferguson observed that according to an article in The Courier, the green burial site in Binning Wood is up and running.
The next meeting will be on Thursday, 2nd December 2010 at 7.30 pm
in the Council Chambers, East Linton.