Minutes of meeting held on 6th May 2010
at the Council Chambers, East Linton.
Present: Mrs J Priest, Mrs J Ferguson, Mr B Craighead, Mr R Russel, Ms P Stephen, Mr J Robson, Ms E Kilpatrick
Mr E Hill, Ms K Moulin, Ms A Cosgrove, Dr J Pooley, Mr W Alder, Cllr J Bell, Cllr P McLennan, PC K Hughes
Mr Robson requested a few amendments.
In the Treasurer’s Report, the balance in the Grants Account should be £3724.98
In section 2.0, item a) should read, ‘Mr Russel has sourced a mirror at a maximum cost of £200’.
In section 2.0, item c) should read ‘Mr Russel and Mr Craighead would attend, joined by Mr Robson’.
It was otherwise agreed to be a correct record of the meeting.
PC Hughes was unable to attend because of election duties.
Two cars were damaged at Brown’s Place by youths running over and kicking them. Officers are following a positive line of enquiry.
A male who has been known to sleep rough in the area was arrested after breaching his ASBO at the surgery this week.
There have been a few reports of youths throwing stones. If anyone sees this happening, it would be useful to identify the youths in question and inform Police, so that PC Hughes can have a word with them.
4.1 Paths
Mrs Ferguson was not formally invited to the Access Forum and therefore did not attend.
It is her intention to attend in the future.
Mrs Ferguson reported that the Markle path has been patched up by the railway contractors, and the ruts have been filled with massive hard core which is very difficult for bikes and horses. She will suggest to Nick Morgan that he should chase up the contractors to restore the path more appropriately.
Nick Morgan will get the path from Phantassie to Tyninghame repaired as it has been badly damaged by the floods.
McArthur’s will repair the white bridge again as it also was damaged in the floods. Ms Stephen suggested that as the bridge has been damaged twice in a short space of time, flood protection measures could be considered.
The launch of Mr Russel’s book about the John Muir Way took place on 21st April at John Muir’s Birthplace. The book is available to buy from Knowes Farm Shop, Tyninghame Smithy, Smeaton Garden Centre, the Post Office and the Library at a price of £3.50, or from John Muir’s Birthplace at a cost of £4.00 including p&p. All proceeds of the book will go to the Friends of John Muir’s Birthplace.
4.2 Roads/Pavements
Two areas of road at Lochhouses and Dam Bridge at Tyninghame are scheduled for surface dressing in late June/early July this year.
At Lochhouses single chevrons will be installed around the bend together with bend warning and ‘reduce speed now’ advice. The direction sign will also be replaced and brought forward.
At Dam Bridge ‘Narrow Bridge, Reduce Speed Now’ signage together with two new ‘Give Way’ signs to reinforce the existing priority measures will be installed. Road markings will be improved with additional Slow and Give Way markings. A red surface and yellow markings will be applied to emphasise the narrow bridge. It is also intended to trial a variable message sign which, if successful, could be made permanent in the future.
No progress to report on the High Street.
The lines at the Day Centre are due to be painted soon.
Mr Craighead expressed reservations regarding the proposed mirror at the entrance to Smeaton.
4.3 ELDA article for May
Mrs Priest will write this.
4.4 Dunpender News
Ms Kilpatrick intends to feature Howard Haslett who has recently retired, Mr Russel’s book launch, the repair of the football shed, Phantassie Sound and the new information board at the corner of Preston Road in the summer edition.
4.5 Fairtrade East Linton
Ms Kilpatrick attended the meeting.
4.6 Sustaining Dunbar
The last meeting was very poorly attended. Ms Moulin will attend the next BeGreen meeting on 10th May.
4.7 Community Based Schools Conference
Ms Cosgrove attended this.
Mr Robson explained that the Current Account balance stood at only £26.17. This was due to the fact that payment for donations, which should have been made from the Local Priorities Budget, was made from that account. Due to unavailability of the Local Priorities budget holder and the fact that ELC had NOT credited Dunpender Community Council with the 2010/11 grant allocation (received last year on 29th April) our funds had to be utilised.
The Grants Account stood at a healthy £3599.35.
Mr Robson advised that a copy of the certified audited accounts for 2009/10 has been passed to Internal Audit at ELC and also copied to Mrs Priest. A report would be presented at the AGM.
Ms Moulin had noted that the meeting with Transportation promised by Cllr McLennan regarding the flooding at Luggate Burn has not yet happened.
Mrs Ferguson reported that the road at Markle has been redone. Although a huge improvement, the work needs to be finished - a cover is still needed for the concrete conduit. QTS still need to clear up after the work done on the railway.
There is no progress to report on the notice board at Whitekirk.
Mrs Ferguson has received a DVD outlining the Newbyth Forest Plan from the Forestry Commission. Biodiversity and tree planting are the main features.
It was noted that the log cabin at Tyninghame beach has a new roof.
(See 11.14) Jessie is still not working as a power socket from ELC is still required. Mrs Priest will chase this up.
Ms Stephen is trying to contact Andrew Hogarth, but feels that this year has missed the time slot.
Hailes leaflet
Dr Pooley was absent from the meeting.
Ms Kilpatrick has 700 postcards left. It was agreed not to print any more this summer. Preston Mill opens on 3rd June and will need a supply. Ms Kilpatrick will check which other outlets need stock.
Depth Gauge
There is no progress to report.
Pencraig Info Panel
Mr Russel and Mrs Priest will meet to discuss what should go on this panel. It will be installed on the outside wall of the toilets at Pencraig Hill.
The Community Association would like to put a notice board on the outside wall of the Community Hall. The Community Council will apply for Planning Permission for this.
ELC Community Planning Meeting is on June 5th. Mrs Priest, Mr Robson and Mr Craighead will attend.
Ms Stephen advised that an application for Planning Permission has been submitted for a builder’s yard with a shed on the land opposite East Linton surgery. There were concerns that this may not be the best use of the land. Ms Stephen will contact Cllr McLennan to find out if the surgery is to be extended after the new development at Orchardfield.
The Community Council has been asked to find out public views on future provision of public bus services. A poster on the bus stop was suggested and previous surveys conducted by the Community Council will be looked at.
Email BeGreen Steering Group meeting 10thMay
Email M Farmer re litter in East Linton
ELC: Future Provision of Bus Services in East Lothian
ELC: Tidy Dunbar Day 20th June
ELC: Community Planning Day 20th June
EL Tenants & Residents Panel meetings
ELC: Community Environmental Fund
Scottish Flag Trust competition
Scottish Health Council newsletter
ELC: EL Heritage Forum Wednesday 16th June
Marine Conservation Society: Strandline
SEPA View Spring 2010-05-13
ELC: Reception to meet candidates for Head of Adult Social Care
J Steele re Jessie still not working
No further business to report.
The next meeting and AGM will be on Thursday, 3rd June 2010 at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton.