Dunpender Community Council
Minutes 02-2010

Minutes of meeting held on 4th February 2010
at the Council Chambers, East Linton.

Present: Mrs J Priest, Ms A Cosgrove, Mr E Hill, Mr R Russel, Dr J Pooley, Ms P Stephen, Ms K Moulin, Mr W Alder, Mr J Robson

In attendance: Cllr J Bell, Cllr P MacLennan, Cllr N Hampshire, Mr J Wilson (Community Warden), Inspector, I McKay, PC K Hughes, Mr Ian Govan

APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Mrs J Ferguson, Mr B Craighead Ms L Kilpatrick

This was agreed to be a correct record of the meeting.

PC Hughes reported that a 10 year old male has been charged with vandalism to the intercom at the Nursery entrance of East Linton Primary School. This took place at the end of last summer. The boy has been reported to the Juvenile Liaison Officer.

On 14th December a complaint was received from East Linton Primary School after the janitor discovered numerous broken alcohol bottles in the nursery playground area and at the front of the school. CCTV footage was obtained and a number of local males and females traced and warned.

Police have received many complaints about the state of country roads. This has been largely due to the bad weather and local farmers are being approached regarding the problem.

Theft of red diesel is prevalent in the area with a specific problem local to East Linton. Councillors were asked to be vigilant, especially at night, and to report anything suspicious.

Regarding the bye-law to prohibit drinking in public places, PC Hughes and Inspector McKay pointed out that if the bye-law had been in place in the area, tickets could have been issued to the people caught on CCTV drinking alcohol at the school.
Mrs Priest stated that the Community Council has given considerable time to discussing whether or not this bye-law should be introduced locally. It has done its best to obtain public views, with posters placed in strategic spots and the question put on the website and in the monthly bulletin in ELDA. What little feedback has been received showed 7 people were against the introduction and 5 in favour, not including Community Council members, the majority of whom are against the bye-law.
Mrs Priest stated on behalf of all Dunpender Community Council members with the exception of Mr Craighead that,
“We have been told that ‘discretion’ would be used in enforcing the ban. This may be true now but could change in future and bye-laws are hard to undo once in place. Also, we consider that laws should be applied fairly to everyone so would not approve of allowing a family picnic with wine at the park while young people are targeted elsewhere.
We feel that since the problem is anti-social behaviour rather than drinking per se, which may not necessarily lead to criminal behaviour, more flexible or tougher bye-laws could be put in place to tackle that behaviour. We also do not consider that public disorder caused by drink is a big problem in East Linton and prefer to join the rest of the smaller communities in not introducing the ban.”

Mrs Priest has had requests from residents of Drylaw Terrace for a radar gun to monitor traffic speed going through the village. She mentioned a village in Norfolk where local people are trained to use radar guns and suggested this for East Linton. The police officers present felt there would be many safety issues to consider.
The speed reactive sign is due to return to Drylaw Terrace shortly. It can be switched off to monitor and record traffic speed and this will be done for one week.

Mr Wilson asked about the hut in the park as a panel has been removed and children are going in. ELC feel the hut should be demolished as it is no longer used. Ms Stephen had heard that the Junior Football team would like to repair and use the hut to store their equipment. It was decided that the Junior Football team organisers and Mr Wilson should get together and approach ELC regarding this matter.


4.1 Jessie the clock
Mr Govan explained that Jessie the clock had not been working for two weeks. This is due to the fact that the inner workings have been sent away for cleaning, adaptation and electrification. Mr Govan has been winding the clock by hand for 59 years, as did his father and grandfather before him. Before the electrified workings can be replaced, a power point has to be installed, the work being outstanding since last March. Mr Govan asked if the Community Council could remind ELC to do this ASAP. Mrs Priest then thanked Mr Govan for all the years of winding Jessie. It was suggested that a display about the history of Jessie could be put up in the library and it could be the subject of a local history project for schoolchildren.
Mr Govan informed the Council that the fountain needs a new pump and the ink which vandals put in it still needs to be cleaned out.
4.2 Paths
Mrs Ferguson and Mrs Priest met Keith Burns from the Local Access Forum who wish to designate the road to Smeaton Lake and Nursery as a Core Path. A compromise has been reached with Mr Gray and the core path will go as far as the lake at Smeaton.
There has been a formal undertaking by the Drylawhill Trust to maintain the path along the field margin from Drylawhill Cottages to Smeaton drive.
Mrs Ferguson will take over as the AELCC representative for the Local Access forum.
4.3 Roads/Pavements
There was no progress to report regarding the High Street. Deer signs have been requested for the top of Lauder Place. The signs at the railway bridge have now been cleaned. It was agreed to discuss the replacement of the mirror which used to be on the tree opposite the entrance to Smeaton with Kenneth Gray as it is a very dangerous junction.
Mr Russel asked about the pavement build-out at the Co-op to deter illegal parking. To be reviewed along with other measures discussed with ELC.
4.4 ELDA article for February
Mr Russel will write this.
4.5 Myra’s Field meeting
The main ideas were for Community allotments or woodland, or a sports facility. Cllr Hampshire pointed out that the land would be needed if the school was expanded.
4.6 BeGreen initiative- meeting 8th Feb
Ms Moulin will attend the meeting and will meet with the project manager prior to this.
4.7 Fairtrade East Linton
Ms Kilpatrick will be involved with this.
4.8 Community First Responder
To be investigated.

Mr Robson reported a balance of £771.00 in the Current Account. A letter of thanks was received from Dunbar Grammar School for the donation.
There is £3723.98 in the Grants Account.
The Local Priorities budget has been fully spent.
It was considered unnecessary to take out an insurance policy for DCC, as it is already covered by ELC for the type of projects undertaken.

Dr Pooley pointed out that the BT scheme to adopt a phone box for £1 is complicated by the fact that the boxes would cost £300 per year to maintain, payable to BT. Ms Moulin will speak to the owners of the house where the Whittingehame phone box stands.

Dr Pooley will ask to have the Whitekirk phone box listed.
The drains at Markle are being replaced at present.

Christmas lights
Ms Stephen reported that some of the little trees had corroded and had been replaced, with new brackets. More lights are to be purchased for East Linton and Whitekirk.
Hailes leaflet
Dr Pooley will apply to the Postcode Lottery for funding for the leaflet.
Information board at Preston Road
Mr Russel is dealing with the planning permission for the board, which depicts an oblique aerial view of the village.
Ms Stephen suggested that the people who pick up litter along the beaches and in the local area should have their efforts acknowledged in some way – possibly an award or a mention in Dunpender News.
The depth gauge at the white bridge needs replaced. Mrs Priest will contact Transportation about sourcing one.

Mrs Priest informed the Council that a planning application had recently been turned down for 56 houses at East Fortune.
Cllr Bell mentioned the application for a garden centre at Spott Road, Dunbar.
Ms Stephen noted that Standing Stones Farm had put in an application for 2 wind turbines.
It was decided that Ms Stephen would raise each wind turbine application as they arose.

The Scotrail service from Edinburgh to Dunbar will be starting in May.
Ms Cosgrove mentioned large amounts of litter on the sides of the A1. It was agreed that this is unsightly, creating a bad impression of the area.

Marine Conservation Society: Strandline Autumn 09
ELC: Consultation on Palliative Care Strategy
Homefront: newsletter of ELC tenants
ELC: Community Environmental Fund
Enjoy Leisure East Lothian Ltd: transfer of sport and leisure services to new charitable trust.
ELC Civic Pride Fund: rejection of application
Planning Aid for Scotland: Community Council Training 13th Feb
BeGreen Steering Group (email): meeting Mon 8th Feb 7.30pm
ELC (email): Funding information event 15th Feb
ELC (email): Draft development consultation for Blindwells
AELCC: Agenda meeting 10th Feb
ELC: Feedback session on Older Peoples’ Strategy
Fairtrade Dunbar meeting 26th Jan
L&B Police: Custody Visiting Scheme
ELC: Community Planning Task Group meeting 27th Feb. Mrs Priest will attend.

No further business to report.

The next meeting will be on Thursday, 4th March 2009 at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton.