Dunpender Community Council
Minutes 10-2009

Minutes of meeting held on 1st October 2010
at the Council Chambers, East Linton.

Present: Present: Mrs J Priest, Ms A Cosgrove, Mr E Hill, Ms L Kilpatrick, Ms K Moulin, Mr R Russel, Mrs J Ferguson, Dr J Pooley, Mr W Alder

In attendance: Cllr J Bell, Cllr N Hampshire, PC K Hughes

APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Ms P Stephen, Mr J Robson, Mr B Craighead, Cllr P MacLennan

This was agreed to be a correct record of the meeting.

On the 2nd of September a laser speed check was carried out on Drylaw Terrace. 60 vehicles were checked and one warning issued.
On the 3rd September officers on patrol on Bridge Street stopped and searched a male under the Misuse of Drugs Act. He was subsequently found in possession of unprescribed diazepam. A report is being submitted.
Also on the 3rd a report was received of the theft of a battery and solar charger from fencing at Traprain Law car park.
On the 5th September a male was issued an ASB warning for the manner of his driving at Pencraig Hill.
On the 6th September a house was searched in the Walker Terrace area under the misuse of drugs act and a small quantity of Cannabis was discovered.
On the 14th September a report was received regarding the theft of a silver sat nav from a possibly insecure vehicle in the Orchard Court area.
On the 16th September a test purchase operation was carried out in the area. The Co Op was checked and refused to sell a bottle of alcohol to the purchaser without identification.

PC Hughes elaborated on the public drinking bylaw which is in place in North Berwick, Haddington, West Barns and Dunbar, but, as yet, not in East Linton. The matter was discussed at length and will be put out for public consultation before a decision is reached.

4.1 Roads/pavements
Brian Cooper emailed Cllr Bell to confirm that the accident at the priority bridge near Tyninghame in the summer had been due to driver inattention rather than inadequate signage.
Signage at Monksmuir is obscured by vegetation, which is to be cut back.
Various ideas for the High Street were discussed in June. Drawings, etc, from Brian Cooper and a review of the parking restrictions in Brown’s Place and opposite the Hall are still being awaited.
There have been requests from residents of Braeview and Stories Park for numbered parking spaces. Mrs Cosgrove will write to the Housing Association for Stories Park and ask Peter Forsyth who owns the land round Braeview.
4.2 Paths
Mr Hill will continue to pursue the proposed North Sea Cycle Route.
Mrs Ferguson informed the Council that the Gray family are do not want the road through Smeaton becoming a core path and feel they have been badgered by East Lothian Council in this respect. The family have been hugely supportive of the local community in many ways and it was agreed that an alternative route to Binning Wood from East Linton should be sought. A possibility would be to turn right at the bottom of the Kamehill path and head through Newbyth Woods. Mrs Ferguson will ask Dr Bryce how he would feel about a core path going through his woods. Mrs Ferguson has written to Nick Morgan.
Mrs Ferguson reported that Railtrack want access to the railway from the Markle path, which would mean rerouting the path. The landowner now wants to close the path, which is well-used by many people.
4.3 Dunpender News
The next issue will go to print in November. Articles should be submitted by mid- October.
4.4 Footbridge area
Mrs Priest reported that lighting for the footbridge is unlikely to happen, as the lights on either side are considered to be adequate. However, she is working on getting the weedy area tidied up at the bottom of the steps.
4.5 ELDA article for November
Mrs Priest will write this.
4.6 Community Fair
It was agreed that this had been a great success. Over 25 groups were represented and the event was well attended.
4.7 Community Planning Meeting
This will take place on 10th October. Mr Russel will attend. Issues to be raised include the Railway Station, a suggestion for a Community First Responder Scheme, residential estates such as Monksmuir, affordable housing, planning regulations with regard to energy efficiency and help for village halls.

There was no Treasurer’s report as Mr Robson was absent.
Local Priorities
The Christmas Market organisers have asked for money. As Dunpender Community Council is already paying £600 towards a new electricity socket in the Square, it was agreed to direct them towards the small grants scheme for funding.
The Friends of John Muir’s birthplace has also been directed towards this Scheme for funding for the new John Muir Way guide.
The money for Homecoming events has finally been sorted out.
Adrian Girling of Phantassie Music Space is organising a final event, to be held at Tyninghame Hall. Proceeds will go to Phantassie Music Space and the Day Centre. It was agreed to pay £60 for the hire of the Hall.

Mr Alder will write to Christian Lindsay regarding repairs to the road to the church, after investigations suggest that it belongs to the estate.
The wall at the war memorial is to be finished this weekend.

Progress is being made on the new wall at Monksmuir.
Mrs Ferguson was pleased to report that once the drainage problem is rectified, Markle will get a new road. Work on the drains will begin soon.

1300 postcards have now been sold to retailers. A dedicated East Linton postcard is being considered for next spring.
Dr Pooley is working on a leaflet for the Hailes Walk, aimed at families with young children. She is looking for suitable illustrations and will apply for funding.
Mrs Priest will chase Mike Omond regarding the outlet in the Square.
East Linton won silver gilt – the highest award received to date - in this year’s Beautiful Scotland competition.

There was no report tonight.

Ms Cosgrove produced postcards to be sent to the Minister of Transport, depicting 4 station sites in East Lothian, only one of which is open. It was agreed that they be delivered to Dunpender residents along with Dunpender News.

ELC: Copy of Antisocial Behaviour Strategy 2009-12
ELC D Berry: Scottish Power Proposals for Cockenzie Power Station
AELCC meeting Weds 14th October
EL Community Planning: reminder meeting 10th October
ELC Cllr MacLennan: Brand Dunbar meeting 30th September
EL Tenants and Residents Panel meeting 26th October
Homes for Life AGM 16th September
MCS: Strandline Summer 2009
L&B Police: Cannabis Cultivation Conference
ASCC Conference 2009

Mr Russel had been asked by a resident who to contact as recently he had been unable to find a parking space at Drem, Longniddry or Wallyford stations. Mr Russel will advise him to write to Peter Collins, Director of the Environment.

The next meeting will be on Thursday, 5th November 2009 at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton.