Dunpender Community Council
Minutes 09-2009

Minutes of meeting held on 3rd September 2009
at the Council Chambers, East Linton.

Present: Mrs J Priest, Mr B Craighead, Mr J Robson, Ms L Kilpatrick, Ms K Moulin, Mr R Russel, Ms P Stephen

In attendance: Cllr J Bell

APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Mr E Hill, Ms A Cosgrove, Mrs J Ferguson
Mr Russel suggested one minute’s silence to mark 70 years since the outbreak of World War 2. This was agreed and duly observed.
Mrs Priest then informed the council that Mr Hill has received a RYA Community Service award for lifetime commitment. Congratulations were extended to him.

This was agreed to be a correct record of the meeting.

There was no Police Report tonight. Sgt McKay at Haddington would like to put a bylaw in place in East Linton preventing drinking in public places. It was agreed that the Council would like to discuss this further. Mrs Priest will invite Sgt McKay to come and speak.

4.1 Roads/pavements
Mrs Priest, Mr Craighead and Mr Russel met with Brian Cooper in June to discuss various options for the High Street. These included larger stretches of ‘red’ road, ‘pavior’ effect strips at strategic points and refreshing rumble strips as required.
They also asked for waiting restrictions to be removed from Brown’s Place and opposite the Hall as parked cars would be a cheap and easy way to slow traffic down. A last resort would be speed cushions along Drylaw Terrace. The speed reactive sign can be moved around. Mrs Priest will remind ELC that the Community Council are to be consulted re locations of the sockets for the sign.
It was also requested that the narrow verge at Orchardfield be tarmacked.
Speed cushions for Dunpender Road are in the 2009/10 budget and will be done late autumn.
Mr Robson emailed Brian Cooper thanking him for the dropped kerbs and pointed out that yellow lines are also needed to prevent people from parking across them. Mr Robson and Mr Craighead have photographed possible locations for dropped kerbs elsewhere in East Linton.
The issue of heavy lorries breaking up paving stones when they park up on the pavement was discussed. In the Borders, they can be charged for doing this. Conservation bollards might be an option for dealing with this.
4.2 Paths
Alan Gray from Monksmuir let the Council know that Geddes have put a path at the back of Monksmuir estate. This meets the Old Coach Road which is a right of way, but needs cleared as it is very overgrown. Mrs Ferguson has contacted Nick Morgan and it was agreed that the Community Council could contribute if necessary.
4.3 Homecoming Events Report
Mr Craighead reported that, having organised Homecoming Events as asked by ELC, he was having great difficulty in recouping the money paid out by DCC. The Law Race and the football match were a great success and Mrs Priest congratulated him on his efforts.
4.4 Dunpender News
It was agreed that the last issue was extremely good and uptake had been high. The next issue will go to print in November.
4.5 Footbridge area
There was no progress to report.
4.6 ELDA article for October
Mr Russel will write this.
4.7 Community Fair
This will take place on Sunday 6th September, with over 25 groups having a stand. The cafe will be run by the Parent Council.
4.8 Community Planning Meeting
[See 11.4]Mrs Pooley and Mr Russel attended. The next meeting is on October 10th. Mr Russel will try to attend.

5.0 TREASURER’S REPORT/ LOCAL PRIORITIES BUDGET/ Phantassie skate park report
Mr Robson reported a balance of £634.17 in the Current account. £345.95 should eventually be recovered from ELC for Homecoming costs.
The balance in the Grants Account is £3853.29.
Local Priorities
[See 11.2] The Friends of John Muir’s Birthplace have produced a new guide book of the John Muir Way, written by Mr Russel, and are approaching the 10 Community Councils along the Way for donations to help with printing costs. Scottish National Heritage will meet half these costs. It was agreed to donate £50 and Mrs Priest suggested applying for Local Grants Scheme funding.
[See 11.3] Mr and Mrs Tait have asked for money for the East Linton Juniors football team, who need £600 for smaller sized goal posts. It was agreed to contribute £150 and suggest an application to Local Grants funding.
[See 11.14] East Linton Bowling Club would like to introduce a coaching session for children on Saturdays and need two sets of junior bowls. It was agreed to contribute £100.
The Dunbar Community Bakery is looking for investors. However, these can be individuals only.
It is necessary to change the way the website is hosted. This will cost around £60 pa.
The skate park at Phantassie this summer was a huge success, giving young people a safe and fun place to skate and socialise, with many special events involving the wider community, such as an open day, a party and live music events. Adrian Girling, the organiser, would like a letter of support from the Community Council. It was agreed he had done a great job. Mrs Priest will write the letter.
Ms Moulin reported that there is no progress to report with the road to the church.
The wall at the war memorial still needs to be finished.
Two extra bins have been provided for rural recycling.

A recent collision on the bridge on the A198 at Tyninghame may have been caused by inadequate signage. A safety officer will survey the scene, as other similar incidents have occurred.
Ms Kilpatrick reported a car recently driving straight into the field on the sharp bend at Preston Mains farm.
Monksmuir residents have had a letter from Transportation to say that the A199 will not be changed at Monksmuir. The Residents’ Association are having problems as their committee is down to 2 people at present. The new wall is now being built with local stone.
Cllr Bell will chase up a response from Geddes regarding wheel washers.

The postcards have been selling very well, especially at the Post Office and Preston Mill. The possibility of producing another postcard was considered.
Plans were tabled for improvements to the Mackintosh memorial flowerbed opposite the Community Hall, drawn up by ELC Landscape & Countryside.
Work which was being done for the electricity outlet in the Square for the Christmas Fair has not been completed. Mr Robson will contact Mr Omond. It is hoped to put lights in a tree further down the village this year.
Mr Russel suggested another tub for the Phantassie lay by, strategically placed to prevent parking in front of the information board.
The results of Beautiful Scotland will come out this month.

The proposed Viridor incinerator has been refused permission.
Ms Stephen reported that the application for Phantassie Steading has been registered.

[See 11.8] The AGM will take place on 9th September at 7.30pm in West Barns.

ELC Transportation: Response to Letter re issues at Monksmuir
Friends of John Muir’s Birthplace: proposed John Muir Way guidebook
T&M Tait: Funding request for Juniors Football Team
ELC: Community Planning Forum 10th October
SEPA View Summer09
ELC: Cllr McLennan’s response to letter re Monksmuir
J Swinney MSP: Community Councils Working Group
RAGES AGM 9th September
ELC: Draft Customer Contact Strategy consultation
I Gray MSP: offer to attend meeting
Community service newsletter
Scottish Government: invitation to the National Conversation
Community Windpower Ltd: opening of Aikengall Wind Farm
Email Eco Schools Committee re proposed wind turbine
East Linton Bowling Club: request for funding for coaching bowls.

Nothing to report

The next meeting will be on Thursday, 1st October 2009 at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton.