Dunpender Community Council
Minutes 03-2009

Minutes of meeting held on 2nd April 2009
at the Council Chambers, East Linton.

Present: Mrs J Priest, Mr W Alder, Mr E Hill, Dr J Pooley, Mr J Robson, Ms L Kilpatrick

APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Ms A Cosgrove, Ms K Moulin, Cllr P MacLennan, Mrs J Ferguson, Mr B Craighead, Mr R Russel, PC D Aitchison

This was agreed to be a correct record of the meeting.

A community van and fire service vehicle attended the Square on Saturday afternoon with the purpose of meeting the public and offering crime prevention and fire safety advice. This was quite successful, with a number of locals coming along. The main complaint of those in attendance was the issue of dog fouling. PC Hughes is in the process of starting a dog fouling watch. Witnesses are needed for this to be a success.
There has been a report of someone trying car doors in the early hours of the morning around the Square/ Mill Wynd area. It is believed they were unsuccessful; however it must be reiterated that people must keep their car doors, garages/front doors locked.

4.1 Roads/pavements

Mrs Priest informed the Council that, helped by ELC’s Colin Baird, she has been successful in getting a grant of £5612 from the Safer East Lothian Fund for a speed reactive sign to be shared with West Barns. The sign currently in place on Drylaw Terrace is on loan.
(See11.10) An email has been received regarding potholes in the Square and also a phone call voicing concerns about the width of the High Street when cars are parked on both sides near the Community Hall.
All the kerbs have now been done. A parking space has been lost in Brown’s Place as a result. Mrs Priest is still trying to meet with Peter Forsyth to discuss traffic calming issues.
Mr Craighead has reported that mud collecting in gutters on the A199 is causing problems. Road sweepers have since been seen in the area and it is hoped that this will ease the situation.
4.2 Paths
Mrs Ferguson left word that the fencing on the Drylawhill Path should be finished on Tuesday.
Many complaints have been received regarding the lack of path from Drylawhill to Smeaton, due to ploughing. These have been passed on to Nick Morgan and it is likely that the path will be reinstated.
Mr Hill mentioned that the path which surrounds the piggery near Stonelaws on the John Muir Way is in very poor repair and is hard to find in places. He feels a signpost would be useful. He will contact Nick Morgan regarding this and an unsightly orange container on the path near Kamehill. Dr Pooley will contact Planning regarding issues with the fishmeal plant.
Mr Hill has no news of the North Sea Cycle Route.
Mr Alder will contact Nick Morgan as the fence on the Hailes Path needs urgent attention. The Walking Festival goes along this path and it was agreed that the Community Council could contribute to the cost of repairs to the fence.
Broken glass and overgrown bushes have been noticed on the Cycle Path from East Linton to Dunbar. Mrs Priest will contact Transportation.
Dr Pooley went to Historic Scotland’s headquarters and met with a member of staff to discuss the Hailes Path. A nature trail similar to the one at Doune Castle was discussed. This would involve 6 sculptures, marker posts and a new information board for the castle.
Dr Pooley will get more detailed costing of the project, in order for funding applications to be made. Mrs Priest thanked Dr Pooley for her efforts.
4.3 Footbridge area
There was no progress to report.
4.4 Postcards
Members of the Council looked at various local photographs to select 4 suitable views for local postcards. Views of Hailes Castle and Preston Mill were chosen and it was agreed that shots of Tyninghame and East Linton in summer were needed. It was agreed that one postcard with 4 views might be suitable and Ms Kilpatrick will get a quote for this.
4.5 Homecoming Scotland
Mr Craighead was absent from the meeting, but has sent word that everything is on track.
4.6 ELDA article for May
Mrs Priest will write this.
4.7 Dunpender News
This will be distributed around 23rd June. The deadline for articles is the end of May.

Monksmuir residents have complained that the owner is cutting down an oak tree. There is little that can be done about this. It was agreed, however, that ELC need to take a stronger line with Monksmuir as there are many concerns, including the wall, which has never had planning permission.
Mr Hill has heard back from ELC regarding the Consultation Report for Whitekirk and continues to look into this.

Ms Moulin has requested that something be done about the wall at the war memorial in Whittingehame. She is getting a costing for the work, which will come out of the Local Priorities Budget.

Mr Robson reported a balance of £695.74 in the Current Account. There is £3852.93 in the Grants Account. £550 was paid to Mr Govan for work on the clock, which will be recovered from Alan Forsyth [ELC Property].
(see11.3) The Senior Citizens’ Club has requested some money towards their annual outing. It was agreed that £250 was appropriate.
(see11.9) The After School Club has requested some money towards digital cameras. It was agreed to give up to £120 for this purpose.

There is still no sign of the two benches.
The wall at the lay-by opposite Phantassie Cottages is broken in places. Mrs Priest has had a quote of £3000 for the repair. £1000 will come from the Capital Development Fund from East Lothian Council, £1000 will come from the AELCC fund and Mrs Priest intends to apply to the Civic Pride Fund for the rest. Mrs Priest has sourced some stone for the repair and it is hoped that the cracks in the Rennie memorial can be repaired at the same time.
The website continues to provide an excellent range of interesting items and is doing very well.
Councillors were asked to think of ideas for Doors Open day (see 11.8)

Councillors had serious reservations about Major Fowler’s idea of 8-9 holiday log cabins for aged/disabled people in the Houston Mill area. These will be raised if and when the project goes to Planning.

Cllr MacLennan is convening another meeting with transport officers/ MSPs to try and progress a better rail service to Dunbar.

Minutes of Homecoming Dunbar meeting on 25th March
Scottish National Archaeology conference 16th May. Dr Pooley will look at this
EL Senior Citizens: funding request
ELC: Scottish Government Community Empowerment Action Plan launch
AELCC: Meeting 8th April. Ms Cosgrove and Mrs Priest to attend
National Museums of Scotland: opening of new exhibits at the Museum of Flight. Messrs Robson, Alder and Hill to attend.
ELC: Community Safety Forum grant awarded
ELC: Doors Open Day 13th September
EL After School Club (email) request for funds
Email A Davidson re potholes in the Square

It has been suggested that East Lothian become a Fair Trade County. The possibility of East Linton becoming a Fair Trade village could be considered.
Mr Robson attended the Lafarge Liaison Group meeting and reported that there have been no lost time incidents in the last 500 days. The plume has contained SO2 and NO2 but the air quality in the area is still excellent. The sox scrubber is working well despite a few problems. A monitoring mast will be going up for the wind turbines. These will last 17-20 years, to coincide with the last cut of limestone.

The next meeting will be on Thursday, 7th May 2009 at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton.