Present: Mrs J Priest, Ms A Cosgrove, Mr E Hill, Dr J Pooley, Mr J Robson, Ms K Moulin, Mr B Craighead, Mr R Russel, Ms L Kilpatrick
In attendance: Cllr. J Bell, PC K Hughes, Mr A Gray (resident of Monksmuir)
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Mrs J Ferguson, Mr W Alder, Cllr P MacLennan, Ms P Stephen
Mr Hill noted that in Section 8.0, after the 3rd sentence it should be added that “it was agreed that Mr Hill should write to ELC and ask to see the report.”
Otherwise, it was agreed to be a correct record of the meeting.
On 24th of February officers on routine patrol heard the alarm sounding at Linton Service Station, Haddington Road. On investigation, they discovered the front door to the locus forced open and a window smashed. It appeared to have recently happened. No persons were traced and nothing appeared to have been stolen.
During the evening of the 1st of March a call was received regarding a male apparently asleep in the driver’s seat of a vehicle on Drylaw Terrace. Officers attended and carried out a roadside breath test on the male who subsequently failed this and was arrested. He did however pass the station procedure and was released without charge.
Pc Aitchison and Jim Wilson the Community Warden have completed their mountain bike training and are now fully operational. Jim and PC Hughes were out on bike patrol in the village on Tuesday. They were made aware of an issue in relation to persons unknown dumping full dog bags on the path from Rennie Place to Markle. They visited the path and agreed that a dog-fouling bin would be beneficial. This is being arranged and Jim has put a sticker in place on the lamppost at the entrance to the path.
PC Hughes aims to set up a Dog Fouling Watch in Dunbar due to the number of complaints received. A number of people who are fed up with the problem are willing to watch for persons letting their dogs foul. PC Hughes would like to try and set up the same in East Linton. He feels that this is a problem which could be dealt with by information sharing. The Dog Wardens and Community Warden are on board with this and PC Hughes requested that word be put out for persons willing to become involved.
On the 28th of March at 14:00 hours Operation Equate will be coming to the village. This is a joint agency initiative involving Police, Fire Service and Community Wardens. The aim is to give advice in relation to personal safety, security of property and fire prevention etc. This will be situated in the Square.
It was noted that the speed reactive sign is now in place in East Linton.
4.1 Community Planning
All Councillors received a letter from Barry Turner about Community Planning. It was agreed that, while the matter had not been handled very well by ELC, the Council would do their best to make the new area forum work and take an active part in it. Members were not comfortable with the proposal that the Forum be chaired by an elected member so this will be raised in a letter to Cllr Turner. Mrs Priest to write.
4.2 Paths
Work has been done on the Drylawhill Path. Mrs Priest extended thanks to Mr Dale for this. The path to Smeaton from Drylawhill, which has been ploughed up, is being discussed by Mr Dale and Nick Morgan.
Dr Pooley will visit Historic Scotland next week re the Hailes leaflet.
Mr Hill has no further information regarding the North Sea Cycle Route as yet. The target date for the preliminary report is the end of March.
4.3 Footbridge area
There was no news from Cllr Hampshire regarding the lights on the footbridge.
4.4 Roads/Pavements
Mrs Priest has completed the application form for the Community Safety Forum for a speed reactive sign to share with West Barns.
A mobile speed reactive sign is now in place, presumably the mobile one which was asked for 2 years ago.
Peter Forsyth is talking to Brian Cooper re the High Street and ways to control traffic and Mrs Priest has asked for a meeting with them.
Mrs Priest assisted ELC in identifying kerbs which need attention. Those marked will be done this year and any others [to be identified] will be tackled with the next budget.
Rural Funding Event
Ms Stephen and Ms Cosgrove attended this. There was nothing new to report.
4.6 Homecoming Scotland
Mr Craighead has attended two meetings regarding Homecoming.
The football match will need funding for officials, etc.
He suggested Homecoming tie-ins with the Art Exhibition and the Flower Show.
Mrs Priest will speak to the Art organisers, while Mr Craighead will approach the Flower Show committee.
Mrs Priest thanked Mr Craighead for his efforts.
4.7 Community Fair 6th September
The first suitable date is Sunday 6th September and the Hall has been booked. A tie-in with Homecoming was suggested and this was agreed.
4.8 ELDA article for April
Ms Kilpatrick will write this.
Mr Alan Gray, a resident of Monksmuir, came to the meeting. He explained that the homes at Monksmuir are not houses as far as ELC is concerned. The site owner employs two men to take the rubbish bins to the road end, but there is no recycling collection.
Residents have been concerned about fire safety. The site owner has arranged for the water supply to be upgraded in line with fire service requirements.
Cllr Bell is dealing with road issues affecting Monksmuir.
Mr Gray hopes to encourage people to come down to the village and join in the many activities available.
Dr Pooley reported that the road signs at Whitekirk have been replaced and are now much safer.
Potholes on the Lawhead road have been filled in.
Mrs Ferguson met Peter Forsyth regarding the flooding at Markle. He intends to budget for drains next year.
Ms Moulin informed the Council that the road to Whittingehame Church is most likely the responsibility of the estate. Ms Cosgrove is working on this.
She reported that while the potholes are still very bad on the Whittingehame road, the gritting service has been excellent.
Mr Robson reported a balance of £867.68 in the Current Account, including income from adverts in Dunpender News. There is £3851.28 in the Grants Account.
Mr Robson will buy stamps and paper for Councillors’ use.
There is no sign as yet of the two benches.
The Walking Festival this year has many walks coming from East Linton. There is a good uptake of the leaflets.
Ms Kilpatrick has looked into the idea of postcards. Her research among local retailers shows there is a definite gap in the market for simple postcards of the East Linton area. She suggested starting with 4 views, Tyninghame, Preston Mill, Hailes Castle and East Linton from Pencraig Hill.
Lothian Printers can produce them for around 8p per card. They could sell for around 45p. Ms Kilpatrick suggested an initial print run of 4000. Anyone with suitable photos may send them to Ms Kilpatrick.
The Horticultural Society received £3000 from the Civic Pride Fund for work at the car park at the Stables.
Cllr Bell confirmed that the handrail now has Planning Permission and should appear soon.
The Drovers Inn has been granted a licence in order to get it sold. There are several structural issues.
Mrs Ferguson will write to Brian Stalker with concerns about litter regarding a planning application from Markle Fisheries to put up a building for hot and cold food.
Drawings were tabled from Major Fowler for 8-9 log cabins for aged/disabled people in the Houston Mill area. Councillors will look at these and feed back next meeting.
It was noted that several buses have been cancelled from the First Bus service, however none were considered to leave a serious gap.
Ms Cosgrove reported that RAGES is asking for a half hourly service to Dunbar alternating with the North Berwick service.
ELC: Civic Pride Fund 2009/10.
EL Community Care Forum: Older Peoples’ Planning Group. Mrs Priest will attend.
ELC (Cllr B Turner): Local Community Planning
NHS: Maternity Services Strategy.
ELC: Labour Group budget
Scottish Government: Guide to Mediation in Planning Services
Mr Craighead reported that the retaining post for the bollard at Langside remains a hazard.
Cllrs Bell and McLennan are meeting with Jo McNamara with a view to setting up a youth trust.
The Headway Group for Acquired Brain Injury are meeting at Hallhill. Details available on the Headway East Lothian website.
The next meeting will be on Thursday, 2nd April 2009 at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton.