Present: Mrs J Priest, Ms A Cosgrove Mr E Hill, Dr J Pooley, Mr W Alder, Ms K Moulin, Ms P Stephen, Mrs J Ferguson, Mr R Russel
In attendance: Cllr. J Bell, Cllr N Hampshire, PC D Aitchison
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Ms L Kilpatrick, Mr B Craighead, Cllr P MacLennan, Mr J Robson
Mrs Priest welcomed Ms Kate Moulin to the meeting and all present were in agreement that she should be co-opted onto the Community Council during Mrs Shaw-Stewart’s absence.
Mrs Ferguson pointed out that in Section 4.2, she had in fact managed to contact Cllr MacLennan, but the funding was not forthcoming.
Dr Pooley noted that in section 8, SEPA had already checked the burn and found it to be satisfactory, and will keep on doing regular checks.
Otherwise, it was agreed to be a correct record of the meeting.
PC Aitchison reported that it had been a very quiet month.
The road police have been in the area recently. One driver was charged with having no insurance and no wing mirrors.
PC Hughes had been out with the Dog Warden the previous day, with nothing of note to report.
The main issues at the last CAPP meeting, which was attended by Mr Craighead, were dog fouling, speeding traffic in East Linton, parking issues in Dunbar, and issues with speeding and difficulties at junctions in the Pencraig Hill and Monksmuir area.
Two movable speed reactive signs are to be bought for use in hotspots around the East Linton, West Barns and Dunbar areas.
PC Hughes is doing the Internet Safety Course. When briefing sessions are held shortly he hopes some Community Councillors will attend.
4.1 AELCC meeting
Ms Cosgrove reported from the meeting on the issue of Community Planning. Pilot schemes in Fa’side and Preston, Seton & Gosford wards seemed to have been successful. ELC are going to close down these schemes and open two new pilots in Dunbar and Musselburgh. The Community Councils, unaware that this was happening, were shocked that this would be implemented without any consultation. Barry Turner will now send a letter to all Community Councils to ask for their views. Ms Cosgrove will write to Dave Berry.
4.2 Paths
Mrs Ferguson had spoken to Nick Morgan, who apologised for the delay with the signposts. It was agreed that these will be paid for by the Community Council.
Mr Dale, who is carrying out soil improvement works at Drylaw Hill, has offered to put in a path from the area opposite the end of Dunpender road to Drylawhill Cottages. Mrs Ferguson will contact Colin Baird to discuss possible funding through Safer Routes to School.
The path to Smeaton from Drylawhill Steading has been ploughed up, making that route difficult. Mrs Ferguson will speak to Drylawhill residents.
Ms Cosgrove reported that visitors to East Linton at Christmas had pointed out that the John Muir Way was not well outlined on the ELC website.
Historic Scotland has contacted Dr Pooley, proposing an activity sheet about the walk to Hailes Castle, which can be downloaded from their website. This will be available shortly.
Footbridge area
Mrs Priest will ask Jon Champion to put whindust on the path from the Surgery to the footbridge. The corner area can then be sprayed and later planted with indigenous shrubs.
Cllr Bell has no progress to report regarding lights on the footbridge. Cllr Hampshire will pursue the matter.
4.4 Park
The blacksmith is due to give a price for the replacement of the bollard at the top of Langside.
Regarding speeding traffic through East Linton, Community Police officers have been looking into this and officers are being trained in the use of the radar gun. Mrs Priest intends to have a meeting with Brian Cooper/ Peter Forsyth to discuss other ways to slow traffic.
4.6 ELDA article for March
Mrs Priest will write this.
4.7 BeGreenDunbar
Mrs Priest and Ms Stephen attended the Be Green meeting. A large sum of money has been made available for a 10 year period by Community Windpower Ltd. The scheme brief is to reduce the carbon footprint of the area by making homes more energy efficient. More information is available at the BeGreen shop, West Port, Dunbar.
4.8 Homecoming Scotland
Mr Craighead had suggested organising a Homecoming football match and advertising the Law race more widely to coincide with Homecoming. He will speak to the Gala Committee.
There was no report tonight.
The Association of East Lothian Community Councils has obtained £50,000 of European funding from the Tyne Esk LEADER fund. Local groups can now apply for grants up to £1000 from this through their Community Council, using a much simpler process than the main LEADER application.
Mrs Priest and Ms Cosgrove have been putting together a leaflet to inform Community Councils how it all works and the application form will be downloadable from the DCC website. Mrs Priest thanked Ms Cosgrove for her efforts in obtaining this funding.
Mr Russel has heard from Andrew Hogarth that the two benches should be in place by the end of February.
Ms Kilpatrick is willing to take on the idea of producing interesting postcards of the area, maybe in a set.
Ms Stephen will take on Christmas lights during Mrs Shaw-Stewart’s absence.
The website is looking really good. There is now a page listing local businesses.
The handrail for the Council Chambers has appeared in Planning.
An application to the Community Environmental Fund for a new bin for the end of Stories Park was successful.
Cllr MacLennan is trying to meet with Ray Montgomery regarding the flooding at Markle.
Mr Hill noted that the Consultation Report from DTZ, the Planning Consultants for Whitekirk, is not in the public domain.
Cllr Hampshire explained that this is because business figures are involved, and on the grounds of commercial confidentiality it would not be released as a public document.
Mrs Ferguson will attend the Monksmuir Residents’ Association meeting in the Community Hall on Monday 9th February.
Mr Alder observed with thanks that the road at Kippielaw is now being repaired. Ms Cosgrove had spoken to Peter Forsyth.
Mr Alder also noted that the Post Bus service from Haddington via Whittingehame was being withdrawn
There was no report tonight.
Ms Cosgrove attended the last RAGES meeting. There were complaints regarding the National Express service from Dunbar over the Christmas period.
12.1 East Lothian Diversity Network Events Feb09
12.2 East Lothian Museums Service Spring 09 Events update.
12.3 ELC: £200 grant for extra bin.
12.4 ELC: Rural Funding Event 23rd Feb. Ms Stephen and Dr Pooley will attend.
12.5 ELC: Signpost for funding.
12.6 email PC Hughes presentation on Internet Safety.
12.7 email S Scott re Drylaw Terrace speeding traffic
12.8 email H Patterson re derelict Drovers and shabby property nearby.
12.9 Antisocial Behaviour Strategy Consultation. Ms Cosgrove will read this.
Mrs Priest suggested holding a Community Organisations Fair in the Community Hall.
Mr Hill reported from a presentation regarding the North Sea Cycle Route, by a Consultant who is surveying a route in order to develop a cycle track from Edinburgh to the Borders. This will include North Berwick, Auldhame, Scoughall, Whitekirk and Tyninghame. The final report will be submitted to ELC by the end of March.
East Linton Primary school has been awarded the Green Flag.
The next meeting will be on Thursday, 5th March 2009 at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton.