Present: Mrs J Priest, Ms A Cosgrove, Mr B Craighead, Mr E Hill, Mr J Robson, Dr J Pooley, Mr W Alder, Mrs L Shaw- Stewart, Ms P Stephen, Mrs J Ferguson, Mr R Russel, Ms K Moulin
In attendance: Cllr. J Bell, PC K Hughes, Ms H Paterson, Mr B Anderson
Ms L Kilpatrick, Cllr N Hampshire, Cllr P MacLennan
Mr Robson pointed out that Grants Account balance should have been £4647.70.
Mr Russel noted that in section 4.2, he had actually agreed to write the February article. Otherwise, it was agreed to be a correct record of the meeting.
Mrs Priest welcomed Kate Moulin, who will stand in for Mrs Shaw-Stewart, who needs to take a year off. It was agreed that Ms Moulin would be co-opted onto the Council.
PC Hughes reported the following.
On 6th December a car wing mirror was damaged in Drylaw Terrace. This was an isolated incident.
A stabbing took place in Langside in December. The victim was not seriously injured and is making no formal complaints. The police have some leads.
On 23rd December a drunken lad started causing trouble in the Square. He was chased and caught by members of the fire crew who were in the Crown Hotel at the time.
A cat was found in a garden at Orchardfield, foaming at the mouth. The SSPCA suggested it had been poisoned. PC Hughes requested the public to report any evidence of bait seen lying around.
At the last CAPP meeting, Peter Forsyth and Colin Baird proposed to stagger the parking in the village to address the problem of speeding traffic in Drylaw Terrace and Brown’s Place. [Mrs Priest will check on this]
Complaints have been received about speeding tractors. PC Hughes was informed that tractors have governors fitted to prevent them going above 30mph.
Mr Craighead reported that the coping stones have been knocked off the wall opposite the Dunpender Road end. A resident reported seeing boys doing this, but was unable to identify them. He had reported it to the Community Warden.
PC Leslie will not be returning as he is retiring. He will be replaced by David Aitchison who will be covering Dunbar and West Barns. Both he and Jim Wilson, the Community Warden, will be issued with bikes.
The Community Warden deals mainly with antisocial behaviour noise, litter, dog fouling etc and can be contacted on 07800631578.
4.1 Christmas Market
Ms Paterson, one of the organisers of the hugely successful Christmas market, was present at the meeting to ask for the Community Council’s support in applying for funding to buy market stalls. She also emphasised the need for a separate electrical supply. The Christmas Market team have liaised with the Gala Committee to discuss funding.
The Community Council agreed that the Christmas market team need to form an organised group and draw up a constitution in order to make applications for funding. It was agreed that the Community Council would order and pay for the electrical supply.
4.2 Paths
Mrs Ferguson had the new walks leaflets ready for distribution. Originally Cllr McLennan had said he could secure funding from Economic Development, but Mrs Ferguson has been unable to contact him since then. The bill has now been paid by the Community Council as the delay was causing problems for the printers. This matter was discussed.
The trees for the Markle path have now been planted. Mr Craighead reported that they are in the wrong area and could be damaged by farm vehicles. Mrs Shaw-Stewart pointed out that the existing root systems had made planting very difficult.
Mrs Ferguson has emailed Nick Morgan re signposts and is awaiting a reply.
There is no progress to report on the Newmains path.
Dr Pooley eventually heard from the Education Department at Historic Scotland and although their response was unsatisfactory, she will continue to pursue the idea of a leaflet for Hailes Castle.
4.3 Footbridge area
Cllr Bell has emailed the Council about the path. The area next to the path will be sprayed and planted in the spring.
4.4 Park
Mr Craighead reported that the new goalposts have been ordered. Andrew Hogarth has said that they will be paid for from the Education budget.
4.5 Roads/Pavements
It is hoped that Cllr McLennan will apply for funding for speed reactive signs in February.
Mr Russel will report the large dent/broken pavement outside Sunflowers in the High Street.
4.6 ELDA article for February
Mr Russel will write this.
4.7 BeGreen Dunbar
An evening of strategy development for the Carbon Neutral project on 26th January at the BeGreen shop, Dunbar, will be attended by Mrs Priest.
4.8 Homecoming Scotland
Mr Craighead will attend the Homecoming Dunbar meeting at Hallhill on 21st January.
The balance in the Current Account stands at £777.68, which includes payment of £280 for printing Dunpender News and £184 for a Christmas light socket in the High Street.
The balance in the Grants Account is £4247.99, including payment of £314.90 for the walks leaflet.
There is no Local Priorities money left.
The Christmas Market organisers asked for a socket in the Square for lights, etc, which would cost about £400. Mr Robson will contact Lillian Pryde.
There has been a query as to who owns the road the Whittingehame Church, which is very bumpy. It appears to belong to the church, but Ms Cosgrove will read documents from the land registry to confirm.
Mr Alder mentioned again that the road from Traprain Farm to Hailes Castle, at Kippielaw, is in a very bad state. The Memorial road to Haddington is also bad.
Dr Pooley reported that legislation for street lighting has changed. The Whitekirk lighting, if altered, would cost £97,000 as 28 new lights would be required. She has suggested painting the existing lights and changing the bulbs from orange to white.
Dr Pooley has also received a complaint about the state of Peffer burn and the fact that there is no longer any evidence of otter activity. SEPA will keep doing regular checks on pollution levels.
Ray Montgomery has been on holiday, so no progress to report on the flooding at Markle.
Cllr Bell reported that rubbish bins at Monksmuir were not being collected. There is also a problem with dangerous overtaking and poor signage at the entrance.
Mr Craighead has been contacted twice by residents of Monksmuir regarding the lack of fire hydrants.
Cllr Bell will look into the fire issue and Mrs Ferguson will contact the Residents’ Association.
Ms Stephen will attend the Review of Development Control workshop on 22nd January. (See 12.8)
Ms Stephen and Mrs Shaw-Stewart were congratulated on the lights in the tree opposite the butcher, which it was agreed, looked really great. It was suggested that next Christmas the tree opposite the Community Hall could be lit this way.
Mr Russel noted fly tipping was taking place in a lay-by on the A199 past Kirklandhill but not enough time to apply for SEPA funding (see12.5)
Mr Russel is to pursue the two benches ordered last year
Ms Stephen suggested commissioning a series of postcards of the area using interesting designs rather than simple photos of scenes. These could be sold at local outlets and would link in with Homecoming. All members to ask round for possible designers by next meeting.
Mrs Priest mentioned the lay by opposite Phantassie Cottages, where the wall has fallen down. DCC will support an application by the Horticultural Society to the Civic Pride Fund regarding this.
Website is proving popular, to include a homecoming page and more photos. Ideas needed for more content and members were asked to promote the site whenever possible.
Cllr Bell noted that parking charges at Dunbar Station had gone up from £2 to £4.
Cllr McLennan has been in discussions with Network Rail regarding a possible extension to the car park.
Ms Cosgrove will look at the Bus Services Bill.
EL Tenants and Residents Panel Newsletter Dec 08
ELC : Sources of Local Funding Info Evenings
C Gordon MSP: Consultation on Regulation of Bus Services. Ms Cosgrove to look at
ELC Sign post to Funding
SEPA : clean-up funding
ELC : North Sea Cycle Route Consultation. Mr Hill to respond.
Be Green Dunbar meeting 26/1/09. Mrs Priest to attend
ELC : Review of Development Control workshop 22nd Jan. Ms Stephen to attend
AELCC : Meeting 26th Jan. Ms Cosgrove to attend
Mrs M Peffers re Prestonkirk Cemetery.(copy of letter to S Pryde)
Scottish Government: Climate Change & National Forest Estate
ELC: Homecoming 2009
H Paterson: Christmas Market
AELCC: Framework for Community Planning 17th Jan. Mrs Priest to attend
Email AELCC: minutes of workshop on EL Public Transport Review
Cllr Bell was late to the meeting as she had attended a meeting at Dunbar Grammar.
The ELC Budget will be set on 10th Feb.
Mr Russel mentioned concerns from residents that the Surgery is missing two doctors at present. These are being covered by locums.
The Christmas Market organisers were congratulated on a very successful event.
The Parent Council at East Linton Primary School raised over £2000 with a Silent Auction evening and received matched funding from DCC through the Capital Development Fund. Interactive whiteboards are being bought for the school.
Ms Stephen congratulated Mrs Priest on her letter to the Courier about the Christmas Market.
The next meeting will be on Thursday, 5th February 2009 at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton.