Dunpender Community Council
Minutes 11-2008

Minutes of meeting held on 6th November 2008
at the Council Chambers, East Linton.

Present: Mrs J Priest Ms A Cosgrove, Mr B Craighead, Mr E Hill, Mr J Robson, Dr J Pooley, Mr W Alder, Mrs L Shaw- Stewart, Ms P Stephen, Mrs J Ferguson

In attendance: Cllr. J Bell, PC R Leslie, Cllr P MacLennan

1.0 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Ms L Kilpatrick, Mr R Russel

Dr Pooley pointed out that in section 13.0, the second item should read, “Nick Morgan has asked Dr Pooley for a copy of the Community Council’s consultation.” Otherwise, it was agreed to be a correct record of the meeting.

There have been a number of crimes in the past few weeks in the East Linton area.

There was a break in to Andersons Butchers where a quantity of cash was stolen.
Other crimes were a Theft of a Motor Vehicle, which was recovered approx 100yds from where it had been parked and a Theft from a Motor Vehicle.
There were 2 reports of Thefts from insecure garages.

The last CAPP meeting was held at East Linton on 22nd October. Mr Craighead attended this meeting and was thanked for his input.
2 of the priorities identified were for the East Linton area.
1. Inconsiderate & illegal parking, speeding through village.
2. Vandalism to play area at Public Park, toilets and goal posts.

Traffic wardens had attended in the village and would keep an eye on the area.
Road Policing and EL CAT Officers had also been made aware of the problem.
Special Constables, ELCAT and Community wardens had been made aware of the problems and there was a positive line of enquiry in connection with spray painting in the area.
In last month’s report there was mention of a group of people intending to organise a street Christmas fair. There is a need for formalisation of permissions for event.
PC Leslie will contact organisers regarding this.

Dog fouling continues to be a major problem and was raised at the last East Linton Primary School Parent Council meeting. The Dog and Community wardens are aware and on the lookout and already a ticket has been issued.
The next CAPP meeting will be on Wednesday 26th November at &.30pm at Spott. Mr Craighead will attend.

4.0 Paths

  • The new walks leaflets are ready to be delivered and have been paid for by the Community Council. Cllr Bell will speak to Cllr MacLennan, who said he could get funding for the leaflet from Economic Development.
  • Jon Champion has laid hard core on a short section of the Markle path. Wood for the edging on a longer section will cost about £300. It was agreed that this work was necessary and will be funded from the Grants account. Mrs Shaw-Stewart will buy suitable trees for planting, which will be done by Jon Champion. It had been agreed that four of the existing trees behind the house in Dunpender Road should be retained, but all but one have been removed by the home owner.
  • It was agreed that Mrs Shaw-Stewart would buy crab apple trees for planting in Stories Park.
  • Mr Alder reported that the bridge on the Hailes Path has been repaired with smooth planks and is very slippery when wet. He will contact Nick Morgan regarding this.
  • The Phantassie path has been cut back.
  • Dr Pooley reported that the education officer at Historic Scotland has been on holiday, so she has been unable to further her suggestion of promoting Hailes Castle as an attraction which includes the walk from East Linton. She will continue to pursue this idea.

4.2 ELDA article

  • Mrs Priest will write the article for November.

4.3 Footbridge area

  • The footbridge is being painted, but as yet, no progress has been made in tidying up the path round by the Surgery. Cllr Bell will ask Maree Johnston.

4.4 Park

  • The floodlights in the park are now working. The football team have sent their thanks to Dunpender Community Council and ELC for their help with the lights.
  • Mr Craighead noted that the toilets, which should be closed at 5pm, are open in the evening, that the area in front of the Pavilion is very muddy as a result of the connection work and that the missing goalposts need to be replaced. The lights in the park are going out too early in the morning, when it is still dark.
  • There is no progress regarding CCTV for the toilets.

4.5 Roads/Pavements

  • Mrs Priest informed the Council that as a result of the CAPP meeting, a speed reactive sign should become available for East Linton.
  • Cllr Bell informed the Council that the traffic calming measures and “Slow” signs for Dunpender Road/Rennie Place would be put in place in the next financial year.
  • Cllr Bell is waiting to hear from Liz McLean regarding the hand rail for the Council Chambers.

4.6 Dunpender News

  • The December issue is well under way and the deadline for articles is Tuesday 11th November.

4.7 Christmas Fair

  • Dunpender Community Council supports the idea of a Christmas market and contributed £150 towards admin costs, but is neither organising nor responsible for the event. PC Leslie said that he wanted to discuss various issues with the organisers and was given contact numbers.

The balance in the Current Account stands at £1124.80, which includes £229.50 for adverts placed in Dunpender News.
The balance in the Grants Account is £4667.70, including £420 refunded by ELC for money paid to Ian Govan.
Some money from the Grants Account will be used for benches. This matter will be chased up by Cllr Bell.

An invoice was received for plants for Scotland in Bloom, for £458.50.

Dr Pooley informed the Council that on 4th November the Planning Application was passed for the Whitekirk development. Cllrs Bell and Rankin gave support to the group opposing the development.
Dr Pooley went on to voice concerns that tax payers’ money was used by ELC to pay for independent consultants to prove that the development was viable and feared that the hotel will be started and not finished, as has been the case elsewhere. She would like assurance that this will not happen. Ms Cosgrove will write to Alan Blackie, Chief Executive.
Dr Pooley also mentioned the problem of speeding traffic through Whitekirk and the fact that a new, modern lamp post has appeared in the village. The possibility of getting funding for heritage lighting in Whitekirk was considered. Dr Pooley will contact Peter Forsyth for costs.
Tyninghame residents would like new Christmas lights for their tree. Ms Stephen will speak to Ian Rodger.
Mrs Ferguson had organised a meeting with Cllr MacLennan to address the problem of flooding in Markle. He did not attend the meeting and Mrs Ferguson is extremely concerned, as last week in the space of two hours major flooding occurred, with cars stalling at the railway crossing and houses close to being flooded. Cllr Bell will contact Brian Cooper and Mrs Ferguson will write to Ray Montgomery, Head of Transportation.

Cllr Bell has emailed Brian Cooper again, regarding the state of the road to Whittingehame Church and the road to Kippielaw.
Mrs Shaw-Stewart noted that the ivy clear-up of the Whittingehame War Memorial was very effective and that now the coping stones need to be finished. This was agreed to.


A confidential meeting was held on October 14th with the developers and 5 Councillors. The Councillors asked for the plans to be publicised as soon as possible. There will be a public exhibition on Monday 10th November at the Community Hall, outlining the plans for Phantassie Steading.
Ms Stephen explained that the vision is to give these historic farm buildings a life into the 21st century and to boost the local economy. The development would consist of up market retail outlets, cafe, restaurant, children’s area and agricultural heritage display boards.
Mrs Priest had written to ELC voicing concerns that the road to the station will be going through a 10mph housing estate and adding other suggestions as discussed at the last meeting.
There is a Planning Application to build a house in the gardens of the property behind Allan’s Garage.
Mill Project
Major Fowler sent a report on the New Mill Project. Due to the position of the proposed Mill, on the wrong side of the river, it cannot include residential accommodation. In meetings with ELC planners, Major Fowler has been directed along lines which would be acceptable, details of which will be notified in due course. Major Fowler stated that the riverside barn would be removed and that he hopes to increase the potential water power generation from 6kWh to 30kWh with no impact on the local scenery.


  • Cllr Bell will chase up the progress of the two benches.
  • Alistair Seagroatt is working on the Dunpender website.
  • Dave Warren is still to check the existing Christmas lights.
  • Ms Stephen has now got the phone number of the owners of the tree opposite the butcher and will contact them for permission to put up Christmas lights. There is a box for electricity nearby.

Mrs Cosgrove will respond to the Consultation by Transport Scotland.
There will be a Public Transport Review on 26th November. Ms Cosgrove will attend.


12.1 Sustaining Dunbar: Dunbar Carbon Neutral. Aim is to set up a steering committee. Ms Cosgrove and /or Dr Pooley will attend
12.2 Email Sinclair Knight Merz: Dunbar Wind Farm
12.3 Lothian & Borders Police: Have your say at North Berwick 10th November 08
12.4 EL Horticultural Society: Results of Beautiful Scotland
12.5 ELC: East Lothian Heritage Forum. Mrs Priest and Ms Cosgrove to attend.
12.6 JMCP Advisory Group Minutes October meeting
12.7 Haddington Twinning Association: AGM notice and Newsletter
12.8 SEPA View Autumn 08
12.9 ELC: Speed reactive signs
12.10 ELC: Budget Consultation
12.11 ELC: Community Environmental Fund applications.

Mr Robson attended the Lafarge VIP Open Day where he saw the plans for the wind turbines and the feasibility study.
Plans to charge for Beach Parking in East Lothian have been scrapped.
It seems likely that the premises of the Drovers Inn will lose its license.
Mr Robson noted the poor state of Prestonkirk Graveyard- Cllr Bell to investigate.

The next meeting will be on Thursday, 4th December 2008 at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton.