Minutes of meeting held on 2nd October 2008
at the Council Chambers, East Linton.
Present: Mrs J Priest, Ms A Cosgrove, Mr B Craighead, Mr E Hill, Ms L Kilpatrick, Dr J Pooley, Mr W Alder
In attendance: Cllr P MacLennan, Cllr. J Bell, Ms S Scott, Ms H Patterson, Ms A Davidson
1.0 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Mr J Robson, Mrs L Shaw- Stewart, Mrs J Ferguson, Mr R Russel
Mr Hill suggested that in section 9.0, the last sentence should read, “Dunpender Community Council retains its majority objection to the proposals” This was agreed to be more appropriate. Otherwise, it was agreed to be a correct record of the meeting.
PC Hughes explained by email that as CAPP meetings are now the place to raise concerns and hear about current problems in the area, he would not routinely be attending Community Council meetings. The next CAPP meeting is on 22nd October in the Council Chambers, East Linton at 7.30pm.
Last month there were very few incidents of note.
The flats at Browns Place have been subject to four noise complaints in the last month. Officers have attended and warned the occupiers and the music has been turned down. Any further complaints need to be reported to the Police and the Anti Social Behaviour line on 0845 601 8518. At weekends the noise monitoring team from East Lothian Council will come out and deal with the complaint and can, depending on the circumstances, issue on the spot fines of £100.
The Community Action Team (CAT) has now started in East Lothian. This is a team of Police Officers funded by East Lothian Council who will target Anti Social Behaviour and crime hot spots in the area. In order to deal with specific issues, Police need evidence that there is a problem in the first place. Contact and complaints from the Community Council and the public are vital to keeping Police informed of ongoing problems.
The new Community Wardens are now out and about. The warden for this area is Jimmy Wilson. He has already resolved a number of issues in Dunbar, including getting the derelict amusements building at East Beach demolished.
Any community related problems can be addressed to Jimmy, who liaises and works with PC Hughes when required and has his full support.
PC Hughes sent his apologies for not being in the village as much as he would have liked in recent months. This has been due to his covering of the whole Dunbar area. He can still be contacted via email or by telephone at Dunbar.
4.1 Paths
- The new walks leaflet has now been sent off to the printer with a few small amendments.
- Signposts for the Markle path have now been requested and will be installed before the end of the financial year. Jon Champion has cleared the path again and will lay hard core. Mr Craighead mentioned that several residents have asked for hard core to be laid right up to the pavement at the Rennie Place entrance to the path as it has been extremely muddy. Mrs Shaw-Stewart will buy trees for planting.
- Mr Hill met with Nick Morgan regarding the Newmains path. Nick Morgan will contact the landowners at Gleghornie and Scoughall. There was an objection from Mr Gray to a core path at Smeaton.
- Mr Alder reported that the Hailes Path is very muddy and the bridge is in need of repair.
- Dr Pooley had the idea of promoting Hailes Castle as an attraction which includes the walk from East Linton. Leaflets could be available from the village, outlining the route and interesting things to see along the way, as well as information about the castle. She suggested Historic Scotland might be interested as the Castle is one of their sites.
4.2 ELDA article
Ms Kilpatrick will write the article for October.
4.3 Footbridge area
Cllr MacLennan has heard from Maree Johnston that the area will be tidied up this month. The footbridge has been partially painted.
4.4 Park
Cllr Bell informed the council that ELC will organise the power supply to the practice lights. It was pointed out that this will need to be done very soon, as the team are already losing practice time due to shorter evenings.
4.5 Roads/Pavements
- The new lighting at the West entrance to East Linton is now in operation.
- Mrs Scott brought up the problem of speeding traffic through the village. A survey was done in July, which showed that 65% of traffic was exceeding the speed limit. Mrs Priest suggested a portable speed reactive sign which could be shared between East Linton and West Barns. Mrs Priest will email Cllrs. Bell and MacLennan regarding this and forward it to West Barns Community Council, for discussion at the Community Safety Forum. Mrs Scott would also like the possibility of staggered parking to be considered.
- A resident has reported that the verge between Knowes Ford Road and Tyninghame needs trimmed. Cllr McLennan will arrange for this to be done.
- Cllr Bell was able to confirm that a handrail for the Council Chambers is due to be put in place.
- Ms Stephen informed the Council that the brown sign near Phantassie is now clearly visible as the hedge has been trimmed.
- Mr Alder observed that the roads at Whittingehame have been like farm tracks due to large amounts of mud.
4.6 Dunpender News
The deadline for articles for the next edition of Dunpender News is mid-November.
4.7 Christmas Fair
Ms Davidson and Ms Patterson reported that they had held a meeting in the Crown which was attended by 18 people, 99% of whom responded positively to the idea of a Christmas market in the Square. They had contacted the ELC events officer, Julie Day, as suggested, but events of this sort are not in her remit. Transportation advised that an application for temporary traffic regulations would cost £120. Items considered included health and safety, electrical supply, parking, neighbour notification and clean-up. They were advised to submit a written request to the Community Council for help with funds for posters etc. The next meeting will be in the Crown on the 6th October at 8pm. Cllr MacLennan will attend.
There was no Treasurer’s report tonight as Mr Robson is on holiday.
There was no report tonight.
Ms Stephen reported that Tyninghame Mains Steading is back on the market.
Regarding the wall at Monks Muir, the plan is for a rag stone wall to be built in place of the existing one.
Ms Kilpatrick informed the Council that Newbyth residents now have recycling boxes.
Mr Alder asked who is responsible for the track from Allison Cargill House to Whittingehame Church as it is in very bad order. The Estate, the Church and ELC all say it is not their land. Cllr Bell will look into this. Mr Alder pointed out again that the roads in the area are in a bad state generally, particularly the road from Traprain Farm to Kippielaw.
A pilot project is being considered at Lafarge to install three wind turbines nearby to power the plant. The Community Council has no main objections at this stage.
The plans for Orchardfield were discussed. Councillors were of the opinion that play areas are often unsatisfactory in such developments and this would need careful consideration.
A big shrubbery was suggested at the entrance. Mrs Priest voiced concerns that provision must be made for maintenance of the landscaping and that a factor would be necessary.
Potential traffic problems were discussed. The road to the car parking for the station would go through the housing and might cause risk with drivers hurrying to catch a train. Mrs Priest will write to ELC with these comments.
Ms Stephen raised the issue of the industrial storage shed which has been built behind the surgery, by the railway. This means that the surgery now has less potential room for expansion.
Major Fowler has had a meeting regarding the planning for the proposed new water mill.
A meeting has been arranged for 14th Oct with the developer of the Phantassie Steading to show members their proposals.
- Alastair Seagroatt will meet with Ms Kilpatrick regarding the Dunpender website. The Google order needs to be sorted out. The Community Council is very grateful to Dan McLean for all his hard work on the website. Mrs Priest will write to him.
- Mrs Priest reported that Beautiful Scotland had given East Linton the silver award in the Large Village category, the Most Improved Village award and the David Welch award for Something Special. This was for the work done by the John Muir Group at Smeaton and the Beavers at the Orchard. It was agreed that this was a great achievement.
- Trees are to be planted along the river at Stories Park and at the Markle path. Mrs Shaw-Stewart will buy the trees and Jon Champion will be asked to plant them. Fruit trees were suggested.
- More strings of Christmas lights are required. Ms Stephen will find out about this. It was suggested to have lights in the rowan tree opposite the butcher. The owner of the tree will be approached.
The train service from North Berwick to Edinburgh is a bus service at the weekends at present.
Cllr McLennan indicated that a Scotrail service to Dunbar might be in place as soon as December 2009.
He informed the Council that land has been identified in Drem for overflow car parking for the station. There has been increased usage of the train service with the increase in fuel prices.
The A1 has mainly been dualled in East Lothian. A study is being carried out to work out dualling of the A1 in Northumberland and the Borders.
12.1 Lafarge : Dunbar Wind Farms
12.2 ELC : Civic Pride Fund. Up to £20,000 is available for projects which improve the appearance of towns and villages.
12.3 ELC : Licensing Forum
12.4 ASCC : Conference 22nd November at the Scottish Parliament.
12.5 ELC : Notice of adoption of Local Plan
12.6 ELC : Reducing the abuse of Blue Badge parking in East Lothian
12.7 Hew Dalrymple : Whitekirk Planning Application |
Cllr McLennan informed the Council that there is a CAPP meeting on22nd October at 7.30 pm in the Council Chambers. Mr Craighead and possibly Mr Hill will attend. It is hoped that local people will go along.
Dr Pooley has asked Nick Morgan for the Public Consultation report on Core Paths.
Mr Craighead asked if anything has been done about requests for speed signs, etc, in Rennie Place. 85 children use these streets to walk to school and there was a near miss in the area last week. Peter Forsyth is aware.
The next meeting will be on Thursday, 6th November 2008 at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton.