Minutes of meeting held on 7th February 2008
at the Council Chambers, East Linton.
Present: Mrs J Priest, Ms A Cosgrove, Mr B Craighead, Ms J Pooley, Ms L Kilpatrick, Mr R Russel, Mr J Robson
In attendance: Cllr. J Bell, Cllr. N Hampshire, Cllr P MacLennan, PC K Hughes
Apologies: Mrs L Shaw- Stewart, Mr W Alder, Mrs J Ferguson, Mrs J Boyd, Ms P Stephen
Ms Pooley noted that in the last paragraph of Section 3, the flooding is from the farmland, not the golf course. Otherwise this was agreed to be a correct record of the meeting.
PC Hughes reported that on the 19th of January a complaint was received from a local resident in relation to the Crown Public House. This was regarding ongoing noise problems with music and patrons standing outside smoking. The complaint has been passed to licensing officers who are making an enquiry.
A number of complaints have been received in relation to a brown Staffordshire Bull Terrier type dog. Its owner is believed to reside in the Walker Terrace area. This dog has been seen recently walking on its own in the playing fields areas. The ELC Dog Warden and PC Hughes are looking into the complaint. Any information regarding the dog would be appreciated.
PC Hughes and the dog warden have also been conducting patrols of various areas, including East Linton, in relation to dog fouling issues. Four tickets have been issued to people failing to pick up after their dogs in Dunbar. Further patrols will be carried out in the future. Any information regarding dog fouling can be passed to PC Hughes.
Rumours have been circulating regarding dog poisoning in the Binning Wood/ Newbyth area. There is, however, no concrete evidence of this. PC Hughes confirmed that he had heard nothing of any cases of dog poisoning in the Dunpender area. Ms Kilpatrick added that she was confident that Binning Wood has always, and remains, a safe place to walk dogs.
PC Hughes asked if DCC would help fund a police bicycle for patrolling the area. He has written to Lafarge and Viridor and asked West Barns and Dunbar CC’s. This was considered a good idea, increasing mobility and visibility of the Police officer and it was agreed that funds would be provided together with Dunbar CC, at a level to be discussed with them.
4.1 Paths
· Mrs Priest met with Eric Darling of Robert Darling & Sons Ltd regarding the work on the Stories Park Path. A quote of £6889 was given. The tree officer had marked trees needing to be felled, but Darlings say that the path can curve round the trees, reducing the need for felling. The work can be done within the next 4-5 weeks. Parts of the existing path have collapsed into the river during the wet weather.
· It was agreed that the path from New Mains to Lochhouses is to be done this year, signposted and repaired as necessary.
· The path from Preston Road to Preston Mill has been very muddy. Mrs Ferguson has arranged for Jon Champion to put whin dust on it in the near future.
· Ms Kilpatrick reported that parts of the Hailes path have fallen into the river during the heavy rain. Mr Robson will inform Nick Morgan.
· Cllr MacLennan will attend the Core Paths meeting on Tuesday night.
· Ms Pooley has had some very positive feedback regarding the Stonelaws to North Berwick path.
4.2 ELDA article
Mr Russel will write the next article.
4.3 Lighting on footbridge
A letter has been sent to Network Rail asking if they would light the footbridge. Cllr Bell had an email to say that Iain Gray will write to Network Rail. Mr Russel had also asked Iain Gray to contact NR about painting the main bridge no. 66.
4.4 Park- practice lights for the football team
Mrs Priest was able to report that money has come from the Community Environmental Fund for floodlights for the football pitch. Mr Robson has ordered them.
4.5 Roads/Pavements various
· Mr Russel had a letter from Brian Cooper regarding the broken wall at Pencraig Hill. The landowner needs to be informed and will then get a period of time in which to carry out the remedial work.
· Cllr MacLennan requested that Councillors should let him know about transport matters. Potholes on local roads were discussed, particularly at Markle, Carperstane and the back road from Whitekirk to North Berwick. Cllr MacLennan informed the Council that there would be more community liaison regarding pavements and roads once the next budget is announced.
· Ms Cosgrove has heard from Peter Forsyth that an outside contractor is doing the new entrance signs. He will email Mrs Priest regarding this.
· The flattened road signs at Markle have been reinstated.
Mr Robson reported a balance of £7595.48 in the Grants account. Half of the cost of the Stories Park path will come from this.
There is a balance of £1597.55 in the Current account with some bills still to pay.
There is no money left in the Local Priorities budget account. It has been spent on Preston Kirk car park, Christmas lights, street lighting, bulbs for the Horticultural Society and the Walks leaflet.
Ms Cosgrove informed the Council that Margaret Montgomery is retiring at the end of March, which will affect the June edition of Dunpender News.
Mrs Priest suggested a bird hide in the area, perhaps at the Tyne estuary, as a project for Local Priorities for next financial year. Cllr MacLennan will look into this.
Copies of the Pre-application Consultation Report and the Summary of Development Proposals have been recived from the developers at Whitekirk. Ms Pooley noted that the specification in the Neighbour notifications seems to have missed out the new clubhouse. Cllr MacLennan will find out about this. Any representations must be made in writing to the Planning Dept within 21 days from registration of the planning application and its appearance in the local press.
Ms Pooley has received an email from a local resident to ask who would pay for the maintenance of the gifted land.
Whitekirk Association of Residents will hold a meeting of opposition on Sunday 17th February at 4pm.
There was no report tonight.
· The East Lothian Local Plan 2005 is in its final stages. DCC has no objections to make.
· Cllr Bell had confirmation from Peter Green that the owner of Monk’s Muir intends to engage an architect and will submit plans for a new wall to replace the existing one.
· The argument between the owner of the old Ark House on Bridge Street and the neighbour is ongoing. Building Control and Enforcement have got no further forward. Cllr Hampshire hopes to hold a meeting to try to resolve this.
· Peter Forsyth is trying to get lighting for the West entrance to East Linton paid for with the A1 Mitigation Fund.
Mr Russel will ask in the ELDA article for suggestions from the public for sites for benches.
Ms Kilpatrick will liaise with Dan McLean who has suggested having one website for both visitors and Community Council business.
No further progress.
Information Board at Preston Road corner
Mrs Priest will look at the design for this and Mr Russel will organise the planning permission.
The meeting with First Bus that Ms Cosgrove was due to attend was cancelled.
Cllr MacLellan, however, met with Jim Freeland from First Bus at a later date. Apparently, nothing can be done about the buses being 20 and 40 minutes apart in East Linton, nor about the coach style of buses which are difficult for people with mobility issues, buggies, etc. A meeting will take place on a quarterly basis.
On March 25th there will be a meeting between Scotrail and Transport Scotland regarding a local rail service.
12.1 ELC: Walking Festival. This will take place on April 18-20th and will be organised by ELC, who are looking for volunteers. Mr Russel is taking part again.
12.2 ELC: email re survey of Community Councils. Dunpender has been picked [at random] as one of the three Community Councils to be surveyed for public awareness of CCouncils.
12.3 ELC: email re Community Council boundaries. These are staying more or less the same. Whitekirk remains within Dunpender. A small area around Whitelaw Hill will become part of Garvald and Morham.
12.4 MCS: Strandline Winter 07/08
12.5 Viridor: thanks for match funding for Preston Kirk car park.
12.6 ELC: Community Council elections. The polling day is 24th April. The AELCC meets 4th March to discuss the election arrangements.
12.7 ELC: Local Plan, proposals and modifications
12.8 NHS Lothian Newsletter
12.9 Whitekirk Golf and Country Club: copies of 1) Executive Summary of Development Proposal and 2) Pre-application Consultation Report
Mr Craighead mentioned that the public toilets are closed all the time. Cllr Bell to look into this.
The next meeting will be on Thursday, 6th March 2008 at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton. |