Dunpender Community Council
Minutes 11-2007
Minutes of meeting held on 1st November 2007
at the Council Chambers, East Linton.
Present: Mrs J Priest, Ms P Stephen, Mr B Craighead, Mrs J Ferguson,  Ms J Pooley, Ms L Kilpatrick, Mr R Russel, Mr W Alder, Mrs L Shaw- Stewart, Mr J Robson 
In attendance: Cllr. J Bell, Cllr Rankin, PC R Leslie, Ms A Davidson, Mr P Tsang (members of the public)     
Apologies: Cllr D Berry, Cllr. N Hampshire, Cllr S MacKinnon, Cllr P MacLennan, Ms A Cosgrove, PC K Hughes
This was agreed to be a correct record of the meeting.
3.0              POLICE REPORT
On 14th October, two males were seen on the forecourt of Linton Service Station, attempting to steal the alloy wheels from a customer’s car. They were subsequently detained, interviewed and held for court.
On 18th October, a male was issued with a conditional offer ticket for using a mobile phone whilst driving a tractor and towing a trailer full of potatoes along Preston Road. This resulted in a £60 fine and three penalty points.
There has been a recent spate of vandalism to windows over the last six weeks. Various windows in the village have been smashed or cracked. It is believed a new game of “knock and run” is being played, this time throwing stones at windows and running. A positive line of enquiry is being followed in relation to at least four young males being responsible.
It was reported in the press recently that males had been calling at doors pretending to be CID officers amongst other ruses, to gain entry into elderly residents’ homes throughout the Lothians. Positive lines of enquiry are being followed. PC Leslie reminded everyone to be on their guard when unexpected callers arrive at the door. If in doubt, it is best not to let them in and to call the Police.
The next CAPP (Community and Police Partnership) will be held on 20th November at 19.30hrs at Hallhill, Dunbar. PC Leslie invited a member of the Community Council to attend.
4.1              Paths
Mrs Ferguson informed the Council that Mr Champion has done the work on the Markle path. The price has been reduced because the farmer had used a flail along the hedge, doing a great deal of damage to the plants, but effectively reducing the amount of heavy work to be done. Piles of leaves and twigs have been placed as wildlife habitats for voles, etc., which may also benefit local barn owls. Mrs Ferguson is delighted with the new path, which she feels looks very good indeed.
The Council agreed to use Mr Champion again for other jobs such as repairs to the path at St Baldred’s Well.
Mr Philip Tsang, a resident of Rennie Place, came to the meeting to tell the Council that now that the Markle path has been cleared, there are visibility issues regarding his garden, which adjoins the path. He would like to remove the hedgerow and erect a fence. A representative from ELC has been to have look and feels the hedgerow to be in a state of neglect. It was agreed to defer this issue till next meeting to give Councillors a chance to go and have a look for themselves.
(See 13.5) A local resident has asked to have the willow trees by the River Tyne along Preston Road looked at. Mrs Priest has forwarded the letter to Landscape & Countryside.
4.2       ELDA article for November/Dunpender News
Mrs Priest thanked Mr Russel for the October article. She will write the November article. There will be no December issue of ELDA.
Mrs Pooley and Ms Kilpatrick are busy working on the winter edition of Dunpender News. There will be a “What’s On” section on the back page.
4.3        Lighting on footbridge
No progress to report. Cllr Bell will contact Network Rail to see if a contribution from the Community Council would get things moving.
4.4              Park- practice lights for the football team
At present the football team has to practice in Haddington as the practice lights do not work. Mrs Priest would like to get a rough estimate of the cost and apply to the Community Environmental Fund. It is also something Property might help with. Cllr Bell will contact Eammon John. Meanwhile, it was agreed to give the football team £250 as a starting up initiative.
4.5              Roads/Pavements – various
Cllr Bell has sent Brian Cooper a list of potholes needing attention and is awaiting his response.
The signs at the top of Janefield, at Phantassie roundabout, Luggate and Whittingehame are all broken.
There is no progress to report on the drain problem in Longstone Avenue. The burst water main in McCall Gardens has been fixed.
4.6              Streetlights/light on hall
Mr Russel has reported two lights not working in Preston Road. One has already been fixed. There is a new streetlight at the Heritage Orchard which people have complained about, saying it is too bright.
Ms Cogrove got a quote of £1600 for replacement of the old style light outside the Drovers. It is felt that the location on the island is vulnerable to being hit by lorries, etc., but it was agreed that the existing light is unattractive and should be replaced with a new black standard and light.
4.7              JMCP meeting
Mr Russel attended this meeting. There are travellers living at the John Muir Country Park.
5.0        PLANNING
·         Ms Anna Davidson explained to the Council that she and Mr Alistair Seagroatt have owned St Andrew’s Church for approx. 5 years, during which time they have endeavoured to gain approval for conversion into business units. They believe this would be a good use for a redundant church and would also bring a spin-off to local businesses. The church has planning for light industrial use. The plans have been rejected 3 times, mainly on the grounds of parking and objection by local residents and the Community Council.
Ms Davidson and Mr Seagroatt would welcome any ideas for alternative uses that the Community Council would support.
This was put off until the next meeting to give Councillors time to consider the matter.
·         See (13.6) There will be a meeting of the AELCC on 21st November to discuss the Local Plan. Mrs Shaw-Stewart or Ms Stephen will attend. Dunpender issues include the building of 50 new houses at Orchardfield, the question of housing in the field below Drylawhill and at the Torness Motors site on Dunbar Road.
The issue of the sale of farm steadings and farmhouses followed by the rebuilding of new farmhouses will be raised at the meeting. Ms Stephen will comment. Cllr Rankin will also raise this matter with the Planning Department.
·         Ms Kilpatrick has applied for planning to extend her patch of garden at Newbyth.
Mr Robson reported a balance of £7936.76 in the Grants Account and £1668.89 in the Current Account.
Mrs Priest informed the Council that ELC have agreed to refund the last two years’ maintenance of Jessie and the fountain - £1125.
Dunbar Grammar Drama Group is staging a performance of The Importance of Being Earnest on March 15th in the Community hall, East Linton. The Community Council agreed to pay for the hall hire for this event.
Mrs Ferguson will ring Network Rail to ask about getting the Railway Bridge repainted and lights installed on the footbridge.
Mrs Priest, Mrs Shaw-Stewart, Mr Russel and Ms Pooley had viewed the plans at Whitekirk regarding the proposed development. It was agreed that Ms Pooley should write to Mr Tuer on behalf of Dunpender Community Council to say that while the consultation process and the opportunity to comment was much appreciated, the Council would not be changing its position.
Mrs Boyd has spoken with the Estate regarding repainting the pump at Tyninghame.
Ms Pooley informed the Council that a recent ecological report indicates that grey squirrels have taken over in the area. There have been no recent sightings of red squirrels.
Boundary changes suggested by ELC for Dunpender Community Council would result in  Whitekirk and Newbyth being outwith the Dunpender area. The Council agreed that rural community councils serve the best interests of small villages and voted to keep the boundaries as they are with the exception of a small area around Whitelaw Hill which will go into Garvald & Morham CC. Fortoun bank will be brought into Dunpender. Mrs Priest will contact Lillian Pryde.
    Nothing to report.
     Nothing to report.
Ms Cosgrove received a disappointing response to her letter regarding the reduced number of toilets on trains.
Cllr Bell informed the Council that Cllr MacLennan is to look into the problems with the X8 bus service. He will meet with First Bus in November.
Christmas Lights
The proprietor of the Crown Hotel is keen to have a Christmas tree in the Square and ask the other traders to contribute. The Council agreed that while they really appreciate the idea of the traders getting together and doing something for Christmas, there are lots of problems regarding a tree in the Square. The lights have been repeatedly smashed in the past and also tend to fuse the lights in the oak tree. Other possible locations for a tree were discussed, but a decision is yet to be made. Ms Shaw-Stewart to contact the Crown to discuss further.
13.0          CORRESPONDENCE
13.1          ELC: L Pryde re. Community Council boundaries
13.2          AELCC: Licensing Forum
13.3          ELC: Heritage Forum 6th December. Ms Cosgrove to attend
13.4          Dunbar Grammar: Theatre performance
13.5          Mrs R Law: willow trees on Preston Mill path
13.6          AELCC: Meeting on 21st November
13.7          ELC: Strategy Performance Indicators
13.8          JMCP Advisory Group: minutes of meeting 11th October
13.9          ELC: Tenant Participation Strategy
13.10      MCS: Strandline Autumn 2007
13.11      Choose Life(email): Rural mental health needs seminar
Mr Craighead agreed to lay the wreath on Remembrance Day on behalf of the Council.
Cllr Bell mentioned the recent evening ELCouncil meeting, which was attended by Mrs Priest. The next evening meeting will be on January 29th.
Mr Craighead asked Cllr Bell if anything had been said about the Slow signs and speed bumps for Rennie Place and Dunpender Road. Colin Baird has agreed to fit the bumps in the next financial year.
There is nothing to report regarding the wall at Monksmuir.
Mr Russel mentioned that Keith Barnes asked if Dunpender Community Council is satisfied with ELC about Core Paths suggestions. The Community Council has not yet had feedback from this.
Mr Robson mentioned that there has been a planning application for an off license at the Old Manse on Langside. This is for a mail order wine business rather than an off license shop premises.
The next meeting will be on Thursday, 6th December 2007 at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton.