Minutes of meeting held on 4th October 2007
at the Council Chambers, East Linton.
Present: Mrs J Priest, Ms P Stephen, Ms A Cosgrove, Mrs J Ferguson, Ms J Pooley, Ms L Kilpatrick, Mr R Russel, Mr W Alder, Mrs L Shaw- Stewart
In attendance: Cllr. J Bell
Apologies: Mr B Craighead, Mr J Robson, Cllr D Berry, Cllr. N Hampshire, PC K Hughes, Cllr P MacLennan
Mrs Priest noted that in Section 5.0, the donation from Mr Peter Black was £250 and not £280. Otherwise it was agreed to be a correct record of the meeting.
PC Hughes sent in the following report.
On 12th September a window was smashed at the chemist on Bridge Street. This was caused by person/s unknown throwing an apple.
On 14th September a window was smashed at the Primary School. Unfortunately this was not caught on CCTV.
A line of enquiry is being followed in relation to the above incidents and also to the smashed windows at the pavilion, but any information would be gratefully received.
PC Hughes has also cautioned and charged a local youth with fire raising within Smeaton estate.
The next CAPP (Community and Police Partnership) will be held on Wednesday 24th October at 19.30hrs at Hallhill, Dunbar.
4.1 Whitekirk development a short presentation by George Tuer
Following the Planning refusal, Mr Tuer explained that he could either lodge an appeal or put in a new application that attempts to address the concerns and/or suggestions that were put forward by individual protesters and local bodies.
He and Mr Stewart presented a draft plan of this possible revised application to the Council. This consisted of moving some of the proposed housing to a different location, closer to the village. The hotel would be located in a valley near the 18th green, would be 3-storey rather than 4, and much less visible than previously planned. The green keepers’ store would be across the road by the reed beds. The holiday chalets would be beyond this. Car parking would be hidden from view by banks. A piece of land (about 3 acres) would be offered to the community of Whitekirk as a gift to use as they wished possibly a children’s play area, football pitch and park.
Mr Tuer will similarly address North Berwick Community Council and Open Days are planned for Friday 26th, Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th October at Whitekirk.
4.2 Paths
Mrs Ferguson has emailed Tom Shearer regarding path maintenance. Her comments were noted and he has informed Maree Johnston.
Regarding the clearing of the Markle path at Rennie Place, Mrs Ferguson has received 3 quotes for the work. Mrs Priest and Mrs Ferguson abstained from joining the discussion, as they know some of the contractors personally.
Mrs Shaw-Stewart, who is in the business, felt that John Champion was the best choice and should do the work.
Mrs Ferguson will inform the householders whose gardens back onto the path and get it in writing from Nick Morgan that it is OK to go ahead.
Signs at the end of Dunpender pointing out the Markle path and a sign at Tyninghame pointing to the coffee shop are required. JP to contact NMorgan.
4.3 ELDA article/Dunpender News
Mr Russel will write the article for October. Mrs Pooley and Mrs Kilpatrick are working on the next Dunpender News.
4.4 Lighting on Footbridge
As yet, there has been no word from Network Rail.
4.5 Park practice lights for the Football Team
East Linton now has a football team, whose strip has been funded by a local farmer. The team has contacted Tom Shearer and gets a discount for the use of the pavilion and the pitch. The practice lights, which were installed by the previous football club, aren’t working. With the dark evenings approaching, lights are essential for evening practice. Possibly, funding may be available for this. Cllr Bell will email Eamon John . She will also contact Paul Iannetta regarding CCTV for the toilets, which could be linked into the school CCTV.
4.6 Roads/ Pavements/ various
Mrs Priest was pleased to report that the uneven areas in the pavements in the High Street have been mended.
Items needing chased up are the proposed cats’ eyes at the West entrance to the village, the bollards at Langside, the speed bumps for Dunpender Road and Rennie Place and the ivy on Preston Road.
4.7 Plastic bag-free zone proposal
No progress to report.
4.8 Street lights/ light on hall
No progress to report.
There was no report tonight due to Mr Robson’s absence.
Ms Cosgrove informed the Council that Leader plus now impose no limit on applications. Up to 50% funding will be available.
The Church Car Park application has been successful. Dunpender Community Council will contribute £500 towards this. Mrs Shaw-Stewart will talk to Tom Middlemass about the possibility of using bound gravel instead of tarmac.
Mr Russel pointed out that the water pump in Tyninghame, which was fairly recently painted, is peeling and needs redone. Mrs Priest will speak to Mrs Boyd.
The signpost at the Luggate burn is still not fixed. Mrs Shaw-Stewart will speak to Peter Forsyth.
The Youth Club is starting up again on Mondays, run by Jo MacNamara.
Mrs Priest has received a complaint about the X6 bus service. The timetable has been altered, which means longer waits at certain times. Cllr McLennan has been contacted about this.
Mrs Shaw-Stewart will get a price for these. The design has been sent back for alteration.
Ms Kilpatrick and Ms Pooley are to have a meeting with Dan McLean re the website. They have been researching other similar sites.
Beautiful Scotland
This year East Linton scored 4 out 5 thistles. The judges were particularly impressed with the heritage orchard, the permanent planting, the new cycle path and the co-ordinated efforts of residents. Falkland was the overall winner in the large village category.
It was decided that the flowerbed at Mill Wynd needs replanted and that Dunpender Community Council would be willing to pay towards this from the £250 donation received recently.
Christmas Lights
The lights need to be dug out and checked. It was felt that 3or 4 new sets will be required, however it was agreed that other more environmentally friendly decorations such as holly wreaths could be also be used. Mrs Shaw-Stewart will ask the shops to put up the Christmas trees if they have them other ideas to be investigated.
A Planning Aid workshop will be held on 3rd November. Ms Stephen will attend. Cllr. Bell has had no response as yet to her email to Brian Stalker re the wall at Monksmuir.
13.1 A Moffat MP: contact details
13.2 Homes for Life AGM invitation
13.3 ELC: Form for grants from Community Environmental Fund
13.4 Planning Aid for Scotland: info & workshops 3rd November. Ms Stephen to attend
13.5 JMCP Advisory Group agenda for meeting 11th October. Mr Russel to attend
13.6 ELC: info on Edinburgh and East Lothian Archaeology Conference 17th November
13.7 ASCC: AGM and Conference 3rd November
13.8 ELC : Antisocial behaviour helpline
13.9 ELC: Draft statement of Licensing Policy
Mud on the road due to lorries from Markle Quarry continues to be a problem and a letter will be sent to the Police about this.
Mr Russel observed that there are holes in the stone wall on the way up Pencraig Hill. He will contact Mr Trainer.
The next meeting will be on Thursday, 1st November 2007 at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton. |