Minutes of meeting held on 7th June 2007
at the Council Chambers, East Linton.
Present: Mrs J Priest, Mrs L Shaw- Stewart, Ms A Cosgrove, Mrs J Ferguson, Ms J Pooley, Ms L Kilpatrick, Mr J Robson, Mr W Alder
In attendance: Cllr. N Hampshire, Cllr. J Bell, Mr J Menzies, Ms W Carr (members of the public)
1.0 APOLOGIES: Ms P Stephen, Mr R Russel, Cllr D Berry, Cllr P MacLennan, Cllr S Mackinnon, PC K Hughes, PC B Leslie
This was agreed to be a correct record of the meeting.
There have been a number of incidents of note.
On 12th May, two youths were seen running away from the building site at Bridgend, having taken a number of tools. The males are known and will be charged and reported in due course.
On 14th May at the Torness Motors car showroom, a break-in took place. Nothing of real value was stolen. It is thought, however, that the culprits were going to take a vehicle. They are thought to be from without the area and enquiry continues.
On 28th May a vehicle was stopped at Pencraig Hill and the driver found to be uninsured. The vehicle was seized under legislation from the Road Traffic Act.
4.1 Paths
Mrs Ferguson informed the Council that the last section of the John Muir Way through the Balgone Estate has been completed, although not officially launched yet. James Grant Suttie has taken 2000m2 of land out of production to enable this path.
Nick Morgan is talking to Transportation and the Safer Routes to School team about a possible path linking the existing pavement at the end of Dunpender Road up to the start of the John Muir Way (just past the Drylawhill Cottages entrance)
He is also in talks with Colin Hunter about creating a new path on his land that will provide a better link for the John Muir way between Kamehill and Stonelaws.
Mrs Ferguson has found out that about 7 children would use the Markle path to get to school. About 12 people from Markle would use the path on a regular basis. This will be looked at again in September with a view to improving it.
Mrs Ferguson reported that ELC has been carrying out maintenance on the paths.
However, Mr Robson has emailed Nick Morgan regarding the wooden banister on the Hailes path, which still has not been replaced.
4.2 ELDA article for June
Mrs Priest will write this.
4.3 Lighting on Footbridge
Cllr Hampshire confirmed that while ELC is responsible for the lighting on either side of the footbridge, Network Rail is responsible for any lighting on the bridge itself. He will get Transportation to speak to Network Rail regarding this.
4.4 Park various ideas to follow up
Cllr Hampshire will try to get sports organisations together to discuss what improvements people would like to see. He observed that the tennis courts are in a bad state of repair. An all-weather 5-a-side pitch beside the tennis courts would encourage more sporting involvement in the village. The key for the sports pavilion should be made more readily available, to encourage more use of this facility.
Ms Pooley has checked through all the election leaflets and noticed that Paul Maclennan had promised security cameras on the toilets in the park.
The new goal posts have been erected today.
Regarding the new path, DCC had been informed that a new contractor will do the landscaping in the autumn. The old contractor will pay for this.
A resident of Langside has noticed that a fire hydrant has been tarmacced over.
There has been a request for bollards to be installed at the end of Langside by the park, to prevent vehicles from racing up Langside into the park. Cllr Hampshire to look into this.
4.5 Roads/pavements various
Mrs Shaw-Stewart has emailed Peter Forsyth regarding a number of issues, including the pavements in the High Street. This matter is unresolved and she will email again.
The Whittingehame sign at Luggate is very misleading as it is pointing the wrong way.
The proposed fingerpost design was discussed. It was agreed that the post should be thinner and smaller than those in Haddington , with three limbs. The first limb will point to Public Toilets with disabled symbol, the second to Tourist Information and the Bowling Club and the third to the Day Centre/ Library, Community Hall and Preston Mill.
The East Linton signs are not in good repair. Peter Forsyth confirmed that a contractor would be replacing them in the autumn. Mrs Priest said that she had hoped they could be done before the judging of Beautiful Scotland in July.
Mrs Shaw-Stewart will ask Peter Forsyth if it would be possible to have rumble strips going into East Linton before the Preston Mill 30mph sign.
Ms Cosgrove noticed that a new trader’s sign had gone up in the village. It was agreed that traders need to be supported so DCC would not chase them about lack of planning permission for small signs. However Monk’s Muir should be made to submit a retrospective Planning application for the wall and sign which have been put up.
4.6 Plastic bag free zone proposal
Due to Ms Stephen’s absence, this will be discussed at the next meeting.
4.7 Street Lights
Leader + would like an informal survey of businesses done to see if they have benefited from the new lighting. This will be done in Oct 07.
A further survey of residents should also be conducted in summer 08 to measure benefits.
The Leader + funding has had publicity in Dunpender News and the East Linton and District advertiser.
Mr Robson informed the Council that there are funds of £1071.69 in the current account and £7872.31 in the grants account. The grants account money will probably be used for the Stories Park path.
It was suggested that the light on the Community Hall could be replaced to match the streetlights. Mrs Shaw to investigate costs etc.
Mrs Ferguson has written to Brian Stalker at ELC regarding the noise levels at Markle from the motor racing. She has emailed again and received no response.
Ms Pooley informed the Council that The Planning Committee Meeting regarding the new development at Whitekirk is to be held on 19th June. The residents and objectors have not yet been informed. Ms Pooley will speak on behalf of Dunpender Community Council. A site visit has been arranged for Thursday 14th June.
Ms Kilpatrick mentioned that the residents of Newbyth Steading have noticed an increasing smell from the Kamehill fish processing plant on Friday & Saturday nights and would like to know what ELC’s stance is regarding this. She had heard that the plant has agricultural planning permission, not commercial and she was advised by Cllr Hampshire to contact Peter Collins about this. He also recommended contacting the new local Councillors.
No further items were reported.
The Police can no longer offer the necessary support for Youth Club discos in the Community Hall. There will be no more YC discos for the foreseeable future.
An article in the East Lothian Courier indicated a connection between the proposed rail link and increased house prices in the area. Mrs Priest stated that this had been her personal view and not that of DCC, and in any case was not a reason to oppose the re-opening of the station.
Cllr Hampshire explained that there is a study underway to ascertain what time slots are available for East Lothian and once a local Scotrail service to Dunbar is established, then a case can be made for a station at East Linton.
Fountain/ Jessie
Cllr McLennan has taken this on board
Leaflet Distribution
Ms Kilpatrick has arranged for EAE to distribute 8000 East Linton leaflets in Edinburgh and the Lothians and Crescent will distribute a further 2-3000. She will contact Keith Bremner at Visit Scotland.
No further progress to report.
Beautiful Scotland
(See 13.6) In a press release, Beautiful Scotland (the new name for Scotland in Bloom) has stated that as well as horticultural displays, the judges will be looking for sustainable development and biodiversity initiatives, environmental quality and public participation. Communities throughout Scotland will be encouraged to reduce, reuse and recycle and keep their area clean and tidy. The Horticultural Soc will once again be entering East Linton to the competition.
There was nothing further to report tonight.
13.1 AELCC AGM notice 13/6/07 at 7.30pm. Mrs Priest and Ms Cosgrove to attend.
13.2 Mud in Your Eye
13.3 Scottish Health Council News Spring 2007
13.4 ELC Tenant Participation Strategy Spring 2007
13.5 Invitation to Countryside Forum
13.6 Press release re Beautiful Scotland
Mr Robson informed the Council that there had been a volunteers’ meeting at Preston Mill on 25th May. The Mill will open in June for the summer season from 1pm 5pm Thursday-Monday. Repairs are being carried out to the wheel and sluices. Macarthur’s have the contract for redoing the paddles. The National Trust is doing its best to keep the Mill in good working order.
Bill Alder will attend the AGM of the Haddington Twinning Association.
Ms Cosgrove informed the Council that Bill Kelly of street lighting is retiring. She will send a letter of appreciation on behalf of the Community Council.
The next meeting will be on Thursday, 6th September 2007 at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton. |