Dunpender Community Council
Minutes 03-2007
Minutes of meeting held on 1st March 2007
at the Council Chambers, East Linton.
Present: Mrs J Priest, Ms A Cosgrove, Ms J Pooley, Mr W Alder , Mr B Craighead, Ms P Stephen, Mr R Russel, Ms L Kilpatrick
In attendance: Cllr L Broun-Lindsay, Cllr. N Hampshire, 4 members of the public
1.0       APOLOGIES: Cllr D Berry, Mrs L Shaw-Stewart, Mrs J Ferguson, Ms J Boyd, PC K Hughes, PC R Leslie
Mrs Priest opened the meeting by informing the Council that this was Cllr Broun-Lindsay’s last Dunpender Community Council meeting after ten years of attendance. After the forthcoming elections, his ward will no longer include East Linton. Mrs Priest thanked him for all he has done.
Mr Craighead noted that in section 11, it was Mr Alder and not Mr Craighead who mentioned the Tyninghame sign.
3.0              POLICE REPORT
There are a number of incidents of note.
On the 5th of February a Makita Radial Stihl saw was stolen from Lawhead Steading from a building site there. Value of the saw is about £800. Enquiry continues.
On the 11th of February a 999 call was received from the girlfriend of a surfer who had gone out into the surf of Ravensheugh Beach, Tyninghame. She had lost sight of him and became concerned. Numerous officers along with the Dunbar lifeboat attended. However all was well and the surfer returned to the shore by himself a short time after the alarm was raised.
On the 17th of February a Peugeot motor vehicle was stopped in the Orchardfield area. It was then established that the vehicle was not insured and it was subsequently seized. The vehicle will not be returned until valid insurance is produced.
A driver was warned under Anti Social Behaviour legislation regarding the manner of his driving on the 24th. He had passed a group of horse riders on the roadway and sounded his horn, causing one of the horses to rear up.
PC Hughes would like to make everyone aware the penalty has now changed for driving whilst using a mobile phone. Anyone caught committing this offence is liable to a £60 fine and three penalty points on their licence. Police also have power to seize the phone. As it was launched on Tuesday, officers will be doing high profile patrols to enforce the change in  legislation.
4.1              Paths
The farmer has been asked about the Markle path. He owns the land after the end of the first house (Rennie Place end) and so is not responsible for the first part of the path, which is extremely overgrown. He has been asked not to plough too close to the path and DCC will consider paying to cut back the bushes and laying some aggregate to make the beginning of the path more accessible.
Regarding the path next to Markle Fisheries, Mrs Trainer has said they are managing the route as a Land Management contract path and will be putting up a sign soon.
Regarding the black bridge, Nick Morgan has found out that the sleepers cannot be replaced individually and will ask a contractor to look at the bridge.
Mrs Priest hopes that this summer a body of volunteers will help with the upkeep of the paths.
There will be a Consultation on Core Paths Planning on 13th March in the Community Hall, East Linton from 5-8pm.
4.2              Mud on the A199
Mr Craighead reported he has contacted the police about mud on the A199 from lorries from the quarry. The wheel washer is in place, but the lorries still drip onto the road.
Mr Robson reported funds of £6879.61 in the grants account and £1059.32 in the current account.
The first instalment of £1181 has gone out for the new streetlights.
Mrs Priest has discussed the new sink unit with Playgroup, who have researched the problem thoroughly and are certain the free-standing unit is their best option.  It was agreed to go ahead and pay for the unit.
Mr Andrew Dickson, who was present at the meeting, offered to give the Playgroup some professional advice on this matter and was advised to contact them direct.
Ms Kilpatrick will get a quote from Crescent and EAE regarding distribution of the tourist leaflet in June/July.
(See 13.4) SEPA has granted authorisation to operate the fishmeal plant at Kamehill.
There will be a meeting regarding the proposed new developments at Whitekirk on March 27th. Ms Pooley informed the Council that all people who objected would be notified of the meeting.
There was no report tonight.
Mrs Priest has written to the Pupil Council.
There was no report tonight.
Although Mrs Priest has written to Property, the fountain still needs a lot of work, including installation of a new tank, rewiring and fixing the lights. Cllr Broun-Lindsay agreed to chase up the work and Ms Stephen agreed to take over matters regarding the fountain.
Road Signs
Peter Forsyth has arranged a Safety Audit to be carried out at the east entrance to East Linton at Allan’s garage with reference to lighting or cat’s eyes.
He has arranged to fix the East Linton sign at Tyninghame and have the brushwood cut back which is obliterating the tourism sign at the Phantassie roundabout.
Ms Pooley and Ms Kilpatrick agreed to look at the East Linton website. Mrs Priest has compiled a list of things to be included to use as a starting point.
Mr Russel informed the Council that the Walking festival brochure is now out and available from 2nd March.
The information boards all have Planning Permission and it is now up to the History Society to have them put in place.
Ms Stephen has spoken to Mr Gray regarding the signs on the roadside for Smeaton.
13.1          ELC: Core Paths Consultation
13.2          ELC: Meeting the needs of Women and Men in East Lothian. A questionnaire was circulated.
13.3          ELC: Mud in Your Eye
13.4          SEPA: Authorisation of Fishmeal Plant (See 7.0)
13.5          RAGES Rag
13.6          Scottish Executive: Community Councils Review. A small working group will be formed to help Community Councils fulfil their role. There will be Good Practice guidance, a model Community Council scheme will be produced and a Code of Conduct developed.
13.7          East Lothian Energy Advisor: proposed talk on energy efficiency. 
Mr Russel agreed to do the article for the ELDA this month.
He has received some positive feedback regarding the new streetlights, but negative feedback about the yellow sodium light on the island opposite the Chemist.
Mr Russel will also attend the Traprain Law Advisory Group meeting next week.
Mr Robson attended the Lafarge Community Liaison meeting. He reported that the new SO2 Scrubber will be commissioned in August and will mean lower emissions. £45 million as been invested in Lafarge, the NE quarry will be opening up and a packing plant for biodegradable bags is planned. Unfortunately there was a major accident at the plant in January.
Mr J Menzies [in attendance] asked if there could be lighting on the path from Haddington Road to Bank Road over the footbridge. It could possibly be installed under the Safer Routes to School programme. Cllr Hampshire will find out.
Also, a finger post at the end of Dunpender Road to indicate the Markle path was suggested. This was agreed to be a good idea.
Regarding the large puddle in the pavement at the junction of Langside and Brown’s Place, Mr Robson will speak to Peter Forsyth.
Mr Menzies suggested that the double yellow lines need extending at Hardie Terrace/Drylaw Terrace and at Walker Terrace/School Road. Cllr Hampshire will look into this.
The question of the football hut in the park was raised by Mr Dickson. Cllr Hampshire arranged a site meeting with him to discuss the matter.
The next meeting will be on Thursday, 5th April 2007 at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton.