Minutes of meeting held on 2nd November 2006
in the Council Chambers, East Linton.
Present : Mrs J Priest, Mr J Robson, Ms J Pooley, Ms J Boyd, Ms P Stephen, Mrs L Shaw-Stewart, Mr B Craighead, Mrs J Ferguson, Mr B Alder, Mrs L Kilpatrick
In Attendance : Cllr. L Broun-Lindsay, Sgt. R Erskine, Cllr. N Hampshire
1.0 APOLOGIES : Ms A Cosgrove, Mr R Russel, Cllr. D Berry
2.0 MINUTES It was agreed that the minute of 5th October was a correct record of the meeting.
Sgt. Erskine informed the Council that it had been a relatively quiet period since the last meeting, with only a few incidents of note.
On the 24th a Mountain Bike valued at £2200 was stolen from an insecure garage. It has still not been recovered. Sgt Erskine reiterated the need to properly secure garages and out buildings at all times. Another theft of a bike was reported by Mr Craighead and Sgt. Erskine asked for details, he also reminded those present to ask residents to report such matters to the Police.
Also on the 24th damage was caused to various farm machinery and buildings within the Smeaton estate. Any information in relation to this would be appreciated.
On the 28th two vandalisms occurred, one in School Road and one in Bank Road. Both houses were subject to stones being thrown through the windows. A male wearing a white “hoody” may be linked.
On the 29th a concerning call was received in relation to a cat found dead in a nearby street when the owner was looking for it. The cat had had its tail pulled off. The Police would like to hear if similar incidents occur.
On the 1st of November the Primary school was broken into but nothing was stolen. Two males in their teens dressed in black were caught on CCTV ten minutes prior to the alarm activating. They do not appear to be local. Any information would be gratefully received and treated confidentially.
On Tuesday the launch of Operation Emption took place at Haddington. Local councilors’ and press were in attendance as well as Chief Inspector Gordon from Haddington Police Station. An article will be in this week’s Courier.
The Police “AD Trailer” should now begin to appear around the county. It will visit towns, villages, supermarkets, schools and High Streets highlighting the growing problem [of alcohol abuse]. Cllr. Hampshire advised that the Council could produce a bye law to ban drinking in public, should it be necessary.
Mrs. Kilpatrick asked for a discussion on the carol service at the Fountain which had been very well attended last year and could begin to give rise to safety problems. Sgt Erskine said that people must not be allowed to stand in the highway. It was agreed that the Fountain was the preferred location and to give it one more year at least before, if necessary, suggesting an alternative venue.
4.1 Vacancy
Mr Robson reported that no one else had responded to the advertised vacancy for Mrs Alder’s position. Mr Bill Alder was welcomed to the meeting and duly voted in as the new member for the Hailes area.
4.2 Paths
Drawings had been received from East Lothian Council showing the proposed tarmac path through the park from the top of Langside to the Bank Road gate. The drawing showed 6 x 15 foot galvanized steel lighting columns, which would line the route. There was some feeling that a low-level, less urban type of lighting might be better, to be discussed with ELC.
4.3 Dunpender News
Ms Pooley advised that the forthcoming issue would be printed in black & white which is much cheaper to produce. Copies would be ready by 23 November.
Mr Robson informed members that excluding the cheque just written, the balance in the Current Account was £1,328.40, and £4,829.03 in the Grants Account. A BACS remittance advice covering £3,000.00 from the Community Environment Fund (funding for the Riverside Path upgrade), had been received, but funds had not yet reached Dunpender’s account.
Mrs Shaw-Stewart explained that she had been in correspondence with Mrs L Pryde at ELC and had revised the 2006/07 budget accordingly :
Including Dunpender News (£500); Paths leaflet (£1,410); Street lights (£1,628); Christmas lights (was £1,000 but reduced to £350); and Pavement at Square (£500), would bring spend very near to budget.
The Fingerposts for the village would be installed next year.
Ms Pooley advised that Whitekirk residents’ resistance to the proposed hotel/golf course development was strong and growing. She explained that one such resident, Mr H Dalrymple, an economist, had submitted a report to ELC arguing that the hotel and golfing development envisaged, `could never be viable` in such an area. Cllr. Hampshire advised that payment for the East Saltoun affordable housing had been made in May, so no transfer was being made and Whitekirk would not get the “credit”.
Mrs Ferguson explained that flooding had again occurred at the level crossing and that Peter Forsyth from ELC would be investigating. No further occurrences of paint-balling at Traprain had been reported.
No new representative has yet been found but it was noted that the Youth Club has restarted.
10.0 RAGES
RAGES newsletter (13.1) states that they are pressing the Scottish Executive for a response to the first stage of the “Scottish Transport Appraisal Guidance” report (STAG 1), produced a year ago, and awaiting its recommendations.
. The Local History notice boards were in the planning application stage.
. Mrs Shaw-Stewart confirmed that she had requested drawings for various designs of fingerposts .
. A new liaison officer, Morag Gavins, had replied to our letter and had confirmed that the Fountain tank and cabling for the fountain would be completed soon, with the painting done in the spring.
. Planning permission for conversion of the steadings at Papple a total of 20 units including the cottages had been made.
. The Skateraw art gallery had applied for permanent status with the inclusion of a café.
13.1 RAGES Rag October 06
13.2 Scotways Annual Report 2006
13.3 AELCC notice of meeting 15 November [JPriest to attend]
13.4 ELC Archaeology Conference 18 November
13.5 Countryside Alliance: support for Post Offices [Bill Alder to reply]
13.6 ELC quote for Christmas lights erection [27% higher than 2005]
13.7 ELC invitation to reception for Moderator of Gen Assembly
13.8 ELC Consultation on Older People’s Services
13.9 ELC Transportation: 5 new black/gold streetlights to be fitted
. A licence would be required to hold an Xmas sherry occasion at the Library. DCC to obtain.
. The Dunpender Community Council wreath would be laid by Mr Craighead.
. Mr Robson advised members that all invoices for payment from the Local Priorities Budget must have East Lothian Council as debtor, in order to elicit prompt payment from their Accounts Branch.
Next meeting will be held on Thursday 7th December at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton. |