Minutes of meeting held on 7th October 2006
at the Council Chambers, East Linton.
Present: Mrs J Priest, Ms L Kilpatrick, Mr R Russel, Mrs J Ferguson, Ms P Stephen, Mr J Robson, Ms J Pooley, Mrs L Shaw-Stewart
In attendance: Cllr. L Broun-Lindsay, Cllr N Hampshire, Cllr D Berry, PC K Hughes, Mr W Alder
1.0 APOLOGIES: Ms A Cosgrove, Ms J Boyd, Mrs J Ferguson, Mr B Craighead
Mrs Ferguson noted that in section 4.2, paragraph 4 should read “plans for the link from the Stonelaws path to North Berwick are almost finalised. Work on the path is due to be completed by next summer.”
Paragraph 5 should read “planning applications etc. for the path in the park are due to be started in the autumn.”
“Wind dust” should read “whin dust”.
Ms Stephen noted that section 6.0 should read, “uncommitted Local Priorities money cannot be carried over”.
The date given for the next meeting was incorrect. It should have been “5th October 2006”.
Otherwise this was agreed to be a correct record of the meeting.
PC Hughes stated that there were very few incidents of note, but reported the following.
There are ongoing problems with the redeveloped property at 2 Bridge Street. This was the old Ark housing building. Youths are causing damage by throwing stones through windows and damaging walling. Passing attention is being given when possible.
Youths have also smashed one of the stained glass windows of The Linton Hotel by throwing apples though same.
On the 29th September a call was received regarding a pale white light in a circular plate or bowl shape with patches of light around the outside spaced at regular intervals, which was rotating. It appeared from about 20:00hrs until after 21:00hours. The light seemed to be over the East Fortune area and was above cloud cover. The person reporting it observed the light from the Trapain Law area and rang a friend in Haddington who went to the Garleton Hills and saw it from there. Military personnel were contacted and did not have any exercises ongoing at that time. Air traffic control was also unaware of any activity. Enquiry revealed it to be lights from the shows at Haddington.
Mr Alder reported paintballing having taken place in Traprain Quarry. PC Hughes will investigate this.
PC Hughes will be writing an article for the next edition of Dunpender News.
Mrs Priest informed the Council that Mrs Alder wishes to resign. There will therefore be a vacancy for a representative from the Traprain/Markle ward. The post will be advertised for 21 days. Mr Bill Alder wishes to apply and was in attendance at the meeting tonight.
Ms Pooley was thanked for chairing the meeting last month in the absence of Mrs Priest and Ms Stephen.
4.1 Paths
Regarding carrying out maintenance work on paths, Community Councillors but not volunteers would be covered by the Community Council’s insurance. Mrs Ferguson will investigate the possibility of volunteers using their own equipment and signing a disclaimer form.
Mr Hampshire stated that in Dunbar, when putting up the Christmas lights, volunteers were covered by insurance because they were acting on behalf of the Community Council. This option to be investigated also.
Mr Hampshire also confirmed that ELC provides hogweed control on the Biel burn. To be confirmed if ELC provides the same for the River Tyne.
Mr Alder pointed out that a section of the Hailes path is extremely muddy. He will contact Nick Morgan regarding this.
4.2 Dunpender News
Ms Pooley stated that Margaret Montgomery, graphics officer, would be working on the December issue. Deadline for articles is the end of October. There will be a double feature in the middle on the library service, a piece on farming and a piece on ministers in the area.
Mrs Ferguson will submit an article on path clearing, looking for volunteers.
There will possibly be pieces on the Art Show, the Cabaret and the new pub ownerships.
Ms Pooley intends to have more pictures and less writing and a photo of the Dunpender Trophy plus its winner at this year’s Flower Show was suggested.
There were no entries for last issue’s competition. The next competition will take the form of a photography competition for children up to & including 16 years.
Mrs Priest will write this month’s article for the East Linton Advertiser.
4.3 Leaflets
Mr Robson was thanked for his sterling efforts collecting money for advertising in the new leaflets. 100% of the advertising revenue has been received from the new East Linton tourist leaflet.
Mr Robson reported funds of £4818.21 in the grants account and £1403.40 in the current account.
The Local Priorities budget has been allocated to:
Dunpender News £700
Library £105
Scotland in Bloom £650
East Linton Leaflet £2029
Walks leaflet £1410
Leaflet distribution £351
A £1600 contribution is required towards the cost of the new streetlights. The Council agreed to commit this money.
A contribution was discussed towards the works involved at the Square to install the Car Touring Information board, dropped kerb for disabled access and new pavement. Mrs Shaw-Stewart will take up the matter with ELC. It was felt that the pavement does need renewed.
(See 13.2) Mrs Priest received a letter from Whitekirk Developments Ltd. They object to Ms Pooley’s statement in the 2nd last paragraph of point 7 in the September 2006 minutes, stating that this is untrue.
“25% of the allocation must be affordable housing. Ms Pooley informed the Council that some of East Saltoun’s affordable housing allocation has already been transferred to Whitekirk, giving the impression that the project is already home and dry.”
At the time of the last meeting, Ms Pooley was acting in good faith, reporting from written information from East Lothian Council and confirmed by East Lothian Housing Association prior to the September meeting. The 25% housing allocation at the Whitekirk development was confirmed to Ms Pooley by Peter Collins at a meeting held on 24th July at John Muir House. It seems from this letter that circumstances have now changed. The Community Council welcomes the new information and regrets any misinformation given. The Community Council reserves the right to confirm this independently.
Cllr Berry reported that Tyninghame residents are concerned that hall users are parking on both sides of the road, causing difficulty to tractors and the 120 bus.
It was suggested that anyone booking the hall should be made aware that there is a problem and should ask clients/visitors to park in a sensible fashion.
Mrs Priest will pass this on to Jan Cameron who books the hall for yoga on Wednesdays and Tess who takes hall bookings.
Mrs Priest suggested applying to the Community Environmental Fund for money for a new bench/seat for the bus shelter, a new bin and perhaps a new noticeboard for Tyninghame. The deadline is the end of October.
The application to the Community Environmental Fund will include a request for a better noticeboard for Whittingehame.
Regarding recycling, an approach has been made to Alison Cargill House by the landowner to put bins there for local residents to recycle bottles and cans.
The Council will try to recruit another youth member.
It was noted that the Youth Club has not restarted in September.
Cllr Berry informed the Council that the railway to North Berwick would be closed at the weekend until November. He mentioned the Bus Plus ticket, which, for an extra £2, allows rail passengers to use the Edinburgh buses.
Mrs Priest stated that there is a spare bench available from the Park, which might be suitable for Phantassie doocot. Ms Stephen to see to this.
The Council is still awaiting a revised plan/cost for the pillar.
Information Boards
The Historical Society information boards are at Planning. There will be one in Prestonkirk Church grounds and one in the lay-by opposite Phantassie Square.
Scotland in Bloom
East Linton got to the final this year. Residents’ efforts were much appreciated.
David Affleck will talk to Tyninghame residents regarding Tyninghame in Bloom.
The fountain in the Square needs repainting and repairing. This is ELC’s responsibility. Mrs Priest will chase this up again.
Walking Festival
Mr Russel will attend the next meeting. The festival is being organised by a voluntary committee, which is backed by ELC.
There was no report tonight.
13.1 ELC: details of Community Environmental Fund
13.2 Whitekirk Developments Ltd: re minutes of September meeting.
13.3 Homes for Life: invitation to AGM
13.4 A Smith MEP: re ship to ship oil transfers in the Forth
13.5 Bass Notes
13.6 Waterwatch Scotland: extended powers
13.7 Scottish Community Development Centre: S Community Action Research Fund
13.8 East Lothian Housing Association Annual Report
13.9 SEPA View S/O 2006
13.10 Ageing Well handbook
Mrs Ferguson has asked to mention the large numbers of flies at Markle. Environmental Health was informed. Newbyth and Whittingehame were also affected.
Mr Alder on behalf of the Traprain Law Advisory Group, mentioned that paintballing had taken place in the quarry and that new walls are needed on the SW side. Mrs Priest will supply Mr Alder with the number of a reputable stonemason.
Dunpender Woodland Trust is to pass a resolution to wind up.
The next meeting will be on Thursday, 2nd November 2006 at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton. |